Weight of the Crown

By vivaldings

3.6K 298 56

complete // 19 May 1308, Prince Aciel ascends the throne of Valleria. Over a year ago, he was on the run afte... More

Before the Prince Ascends the Throne
Journey 01
Journey 02
Journey 03
Journey 04
Journey 05
Journey 06
Journey 08
Journey 09
Journey 10
Journey 11
Journey 12
Journey 13
Journey 14
Journey 15
Journey 16
Journey 17
Journey 18
Journey 19
Journey 20
Journey 21
Journey 22
Journey 23
Journey 24
Journey 25
Journey 26
Journey 27
Journey 28
Journey 29

Journey 07

177 18 0
By vivaldings

0 7

The Greatest Contender

Blurry memories of Sun resurfaced as Aciel walked behind his familiar silhouette. Back during his time at the palace, Sun had his hair in the same neat topknot with it being black instead of blonde. Aside from a few greetings, Aciel didn't remember any interactions with Sun as the older man was always busy or by his mother's side.

"Hello Miss Rine, could I trouble you for a few minutes?" The group had arrived at the lodgings Sun had previously suggested.

"Hello, oh my." A young lady in a simple ruqun, a blouse and wrap skirt, greeted the three before seeing the bandits that followed Eden.

"I have sent for the guards to collect these five here."

"I see. Would you three like some tea?"

"Actually, these two are guests of mine. Would you happen to have a free room for them?"

"For three or for two?"

"Two, I must return to the shrine." Aciel was surprised at this comment. Sun noticed and turned to him and said, "You two should rest. I will come by in the morning."

After the guards collected the bandits with the promise to properly punish them, Eden and Aciel could finally relax in their room. As Sun's guests and the people who aided in dealing with the bandits, the room Rine had prepared came with a private bath.

"Eden," Aciel asked as they finished their dinner. "What do you know about Sun? I do not think I ever talked to him."

"He was your mother's top official, an advisor and a strategist. Before that, he and his brother, Cao, trained in the Irie Family, learning their sword styles. His late brother was adopted into the Irie Family to succeed as the head when Sun left the swordsman life to be a tactician."

"Do you know how he came to be mother's official?"

Eden rubbed her chin as she started to recount what she learned about him. Eight years after he disappeared, Sun was still a popular topic in the military. Those who served under him spoke fondly of his tactics and there was a small group dedicated to immortalising his strategies so others could learn.

"I believe the late queen picked him herself. He served in the army here in Au Inden, where his tactics became well known. She came and offered him a position in Vatou as her aide. He left to fight in the front lines of the war as a strategist. When your mother passed, Sun left his position and disappeared."

"Did she just offer him a position? Was there anything else? Did father offer him anything to stay?"

"I'm not sure. My knowledge about Sun is just what I heard from my teachers and soldiers. I was never the one around him." Eden tried her best to not mention Zula by name. "Why?"

"He left for a reason. I need to find what mother did to make him join and what father did to make him leave."

Surprised that Aciel thought that far ahead, Eden simply said, "I supposed we just have to ask him."

"One more question. How long did you know Tzu-Wu was actually Sun?"

"It was only confirmed when I saw him wield that sword. The Irie Family's style is very distinctive and cannot be copied just by looking." She said from experience. "Even those trained in the style will take years to master it."

"It looked like he was dancing."

"Delicate, distinguished, and deadly. The three words best used to describe that style."

"Why did you assume it was him beforehand?" Even if it was just a hunch, Eden wasn't the type to leave Aciel with a total stranger.

"I might not trust Khoa as a person but I do trust his information. When the priests said that Sun was not at the shrine, I assumed he used an alias. Then when I saw Tzu-Wu, he seemed familiar. There was something about him that made me feel like I've seen him before. I apologise for leaving you alone with him based on a hunch but I did follow you closely."

"No, I trust you Eden."

"Is there anything else?" Eden could see an internal debate that Aciel has had for the past few days.

Aciel pursed his lips and asked the question that was on his mind since their escape, "Eden, can you teach me to fight?"


"I no longer have Zula beside me and I cannot expect you to always be able to protect me." Aciel quoted Zula's words, no, her warning. "How do I expect to gain the throne back with my only weapons being my feelings and wishes?"


The following day, Sun had arrived just as he stated. His hair returned to its messy state and was only fixed upon entering the room.

"Greetings Prince Aciel, Captain no, General Eden."

"You may lift your head. Let us drop the formalities."

"The late queen did talk about her son when she had a chance. While I did not expect us to meet this way, I apologise for my late greetings."

"Do you know what has happened recently?" Eden cut to the chase.

"I have kept up with the coronation but may I ask for your side of the story?" Sun asked.

Eden gave a full recount with as little bias as possible but it was hard when the usuper was her former friend. Aciel bit his tongue and kept his head down. If he had any more strength, his hand would have started to bleed.

"Now I must ask for your assistance, I want justice for my father and for Zula to face justice." Aciel spoke just as how he and Eden had spent the night preparing.

Sun pursed his lips before he spoke, "Your father was not someone I could see myself following. Your mother on the other side was someone I admired and promised new challenges that I could only experience if I followed her."

The underlying message of Sun's message to Aciel was simple, what do you offer? Realistically Aciel knew that he did not live up to his father's legacy, let alone his mother's. He was nothing but luckily Eden came up with an offer.

"A challenge." Aciel said after a pause. Sun made a confused face that also asked for Aciel to continue. "I can offer a challenge, a chance to compete against one of the most capable people I know. Would that not be interesting?"

"I assume you are talking about Lady Zula?"

"She is the genius of our generation," Eden complimented Zula. "What could be more interesting for a genius tactician than to compete against another genius?"

"As her former partner and I assume his current champion, do you believe in the outcome you are hoping for?" Sun asked.

"Until this ends I will bet everything, even my heart and soul."

When he left the castle, Sun truly had no intention of returning. He had gone through a lot of effort in changing his appearance, notably with his hair colour and also his name.

"All I request is your assistance with Zula. Once that is finished, I will make sure you properly disappear if you wish so this time around. Please, I beg you."

Sun held back a smile at Eden's confidence and at the determined look on Aciel's face. The scene was so similar to the one he had when he first met Queen Atian and Deputy Advisor Asari twelve years ago.

"A prince should not bow his head, especially to someone like me."

"Ah." Aciel straightened his posture.

"A competition against a genius and my freedom afterwards. I supposed this is interesting enough." Aciel and Eden's faces slowly changed from hopeful to joy after Sun said, "My name is Sun and it is my pleasure to serve you Prince Aciel."

With a newfound motivation, Aciel slowly improved his sword fighting skills. Unlike his time at the palace, Aciel was able to hold his ground longer before he was knocked onto the ground. As Aciel continued to train, Sun continued to work at the shrine before they could continue with their following step, finding allies.

"Much better this time, but strengthen your wrists. After a rest, let's go for a run to improve your stamina."

The prince no longer looked as refined as he did back at the palace. Aciel returned to leaving his hair down to hide his identity as he could not keep a hood on during his training. His clothes were no longer made of fine materials. It was just the one casual outfit he had on the night of his escape and a second pair that was purchased recently. It was a miracle that they had consistent access to bathing.

Running was Aciel's least favourite training session. His mind would always bring back memories of Zula's betrayal. He was still processing that even if the nightmares had stopped. Aside from the mental struggle, running on the sloped terrain was physically challenging too. He would be five seconds into the run before his legs felt weighed down.

"For the last lap, take a sword. You've improved a lot, keep up the hard work."

Eden's compliments fueled Aciel. The prince managed to just catch the sword Eden tossed and headed down the hill.

"Last one, you can do it," he chanted to himself.

Upon nearing the bottom of the hill, Aciel noticed two hooded figures sitting on a large rock. He figured them to be another set of merchants. When he changed his path to stray away from the two, one of them moved closer. Aciel tightened the grip on his sword and quickly sped down to the foot of the hill.

"I was told you were kidnapped but it seems like you are safe. Perhaps, instead of being kidnapped, you escaped instead?"

At first Aciel planned on ignoring the hooded figures, maybe even fight them if they continued to follow him. When the closer one moved a hand to their hood, Aciel's hand was ready to draw his sword. But when the man revealed his face, Aciel almost tripped over his feet.


"So, why is the supposedly kidnapped prince running up and down my lands?" He offered a hand to help Aciel up.

The sound of an object cutting the air distracted the group before Aciel could answer. Arthur was unfazed by the sound but looked up anyway. His dark haired female companion jumped in front to deflect the thrown rocks with her sword.

"Step away from him Arthur." Eden was behind the Lord of Au Inden with her sword by his neck. "Put the sword away Lyn."

Arthur's right hand, Lyn, sheathed her sword but continued to hold the grip.

"Slightly difficult with a sword against my neck Eden."

"How did you find us?"

"My second in command notified me. Three men involved in a fight with local ruffians and a sword dance. It was a wild guess, but I felt lucky."

Figuring out that the captivating sword style was from the Irie Family which meant it was Sun. Then leaping to the possibility of the supposedly kidnapped prince was the one who sought out Sun. The possibility that the correct conclusion was arrived at only made sense because it was Arthur who connected the dots.

"Now that it seems like you believe me," Arthur casually broke out of Eden's hold, "I believe we have a lot of catching up to do."


Aciel first met Arthur ten years ago at the age of fifteen. Back when his mother was queen and Zula was his friend, the first time Aciel heard about Arthur was when Eden first applied for the military.

"Zula do you see her?" Aciel was on his tip toes, trying to find Eden.

"The exam just finished Prince Aciel. There are a lot of examinees leaving."

"I see her. That tiny one over there." Aciel frantically pointed in her direction.

"You must compose yourself in public Prince Aciel." Zula stressed his title. "Even if they can't recognise you, you should not think about jumping out the window to greet her."

Aciel froze in place before slowly turning to Zula. "How did you know?"

"Stay here, I will grab her." Zula grabbed a cloak and jumped out the third storey window.

"Liar, you are just as excited as me to see her. Man. That looks so cool."

Safely making her descent down, Zula ran through the crowd of examinees and their family and friends and to her partner.

"Zula!" Eden happily greeted. "I."

"Wait," Zula interrupted. "Aciel will get upset if I find out before he does. He almost jumped out the window."

Eden held back a laugh as she imagined Aciel's not so graceful fall. Zula, picturing the same thing, laughed out loud which caused Eden to let out her laugh. The two managed to calm themselves before returning to Aciel.

"Well?" Aciel asked as soon as the two returned.

"I passed!" Eden held out her scores in front of her wide smile.

"The youngest person to graduate and join the military, Eden Grace you are a genius." Zula ruffled the thirteen year old's hair.

"It wasn't the highest mark." Eden's competitive side appeared. "Someone named Arthur got the highest score three years ago."

"Is he from Au Inden?" Zula asked.

"Yes, do you know him Zula?"

"He holds the record for the highest score in philosophy and mathematics."

"Is he not from a noble family?" Aciel asked. It was the first time he heard the name Arthur from Au Inden.


"He is just a very hard worker."

Aciel couldn't hide his disbelief. Those of nobility had the ability to teach and train their children from a young age but the fact that Arthur was not, made his feats against the two geniuses even more extraordinary.

"That is amazing." Aciel's quiet admiration was drowned out by the sound of the arriving food. The first time Aciel heard about Arthur, he was in awe.

"Eden, let's spar." Zula declared as they snuck back into the castle.

"Found you brats." On the other side of the hole leading to the gardens stood Deputy Advisor Asari.

"Why did you stop Zula?" Aciel asked as he slowly stood up. "Oh."

"What's going on?" Eden, who was the last to enter, said as Aciel's figure blocked her way.

"Getting caught sneaking out is what is happening my niece."


Deputy Advisor Asari's lecture was cut short by Consort Sen who called out, "Eden dear, how was your exam?"

"Hello Father."

"Hello Lord Sen," Eden, Zula, and Asari said at the same time.

"I passed." Eden took out the slip of paper from her pockets.

"Amazing job Eden." He ruffled her hair. "And Zula, I heard you placed first overall in your classes. Congratulations."

"Thank you my lord." Zula's nose crinkled as she smiled during his affectionate hair ruffled.

"Aciel, I saw your training session this morning, your form has improved so much."

"Thank you Father."

"Deputy Advisor Asari today is a joyous occasion. Why not save the lecture for another time?"

"Lord Sen, they cannot keep sneaking out of the castle like this. Not only is it dangerous for their lives but it also weakens the castle's defences."

The three's eyes darted around trying to avoid Asari's glare. They had enlarged a few already broken parts of the wall to create an escape route instead of informing someone about the damage. If a few teenagers could do it, it wouldn't be hard for an adult.

"Come now, let us see these holes." Consort Sen guided Deputy Advisor Asari towards the hole while he signaled for the three to escape.

"Lord Sen is the best," Zula said as they safely arrived inside.

"Aunt Asari is still going to yell at me." Eden grimaced at the thought of her future lecture.

"Shall I get Mother to inform Deputy Advisor Asari that you will be staying with me tonight?" Zula asked.

"Yes please."

"Aciel, do you want to join us?"

"No, I have my rematch with mother tonight."

"Good luck." The two shouted before heading down a different hall.

Aciel made his way to his mother's study to set up the chess game. Once he was done, he took a peek into her audience room to see what had taken her so long. There, he managed to catch snippets of Queen Atian's conversation with Lady Cixi, the head of Au Inden.

"He is just 17, are you sure about this?" Queen Atian asked.

"I have never been more sure. Of course, I do not plan on stepping down any time soon. However, I believe Arthur is ready for the appointment if need be."

"Preparing him at such a young age." She paused. "What if he changes his mind?"

"Then it is my loss. I could not ask for a better candidate to be my successor. He is not a genius but he works hard to make up for his lack of natural talent. He already gained the trust of Mur and successfully led his own division. Even brought back a few bandits as his loyal followers."

"Yes, I did hear he placed higher than Lady Zula in a few courses. The charismatic fellow who has the approval of Au Inden's shield and his enemies," she paused mid-thought. "And he was the one who gave you that scar."

"If you would like, I request an audience with you on Arthur's behalf."

"No, I have met him enough times to determine his character. I do like him, he needs a bit more improvement but he has great potential. In all the years we have known each other I have never seen you like this."

"I refuse to let this gem go unpolished, my queen."

"Alright, I approve. Lady Cixi, you may start training Arthur with the understanding that he will be declared your successor of Au Inden."

The second time Aciel heard about Arthur, he had never been so envious. 

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