Red Death« (A Superboy/Conner...

By ForeverLaidy

107K 1.2K 230

He had yet to meet the monstrosity he's invested millions into... That he helped create. She vowed to herse... More

Red death« (A Superboy love story)
X's character description [Edited]
Ch.1 ... It must be early Moon... [Edited]
Ch.2 Weapons do not weep... [Edited]
Ch.4 Free... For now
Ch.5 Clash
Ch.6 Under Moonlight
Ch. 7 Uncharacteristic

Ch.3 The games have just begun

7.5K 175 53
By ForeverLaidy

(3rd P.O.V)             (2593 Words)   

[Trigger warning: Dark, mentions of suicide, suicide, graphic. You have been warned...]

'Kill them...'

'...Make them suffer'

'...Destroy them...'

'...Watch them burn...'

'...Wring their necks...'

'..Make. Them. Suffer...'

The voices were restless as X walked calmly through the maze of pristine white floors and halls. Not a single speck of blood, grime, or dirt. No indication of the horrors that took place behind the polished steel doors that lined the Halls. X didn't need her super hearing to be able to hear the wails and pleas of the other unfortunate souls that were trapped here. Their screams and cries only excited the voices.

'Blood thirsty pigs', she thought to herself with and eye roll continuing her steady pace and up a few flights of stairs. She had to be in position soon before she missed her one shot at escape. 

 Twenty one years... Twenty one long years she had been caged, tortured, trained; and in as little as fifteen minutes she would be free and the place left in ruins. X didn't try to stop the beautiful sadistic smirk that played at the corner of her lips her lips at the thought of all the chaos she'd be leaving behind. But just as quickly as it came it went. 

In all of X's years of life she had never once smiled... Then again, if anyone had endured what she had they wouldn't be smiling either.

As she continued to glide down the halls X came across a room with a large window. At first she passed by with ease but with every silent step that she took her curiosity increased, and in no time she found herself in front of the thick glass peering in. A pitiful sigh made its way past her lips as she looked at all of the glowing pods that held multiple forms whos faces looked almost peaceful as they 'slept'.

 '...What they know wont hurt them...', X thought with a shrug as she looked at all of the different faces that littered the room. She new she couldn't stay for much longer; she was on a tight schedule and couldn't afford any distractions. With one final glance at the room she was off again without a sound. 

X was unmoving, head hung low, as the ice cold water rolled down her torn and bloodied back. Her back felt raw and sore from the few lashed she received only an hour or two. X found herself hypnotized as she watched the water become tainted by her blood. 

It wasn't odd to see X coated in a thick layer of blood, especially when the assassin came back from her 'adventures'. 

The Few people that had met her knew her by X, but the world knew her as Red Death. A name she was given to her after the countless assassinations she'd committed in the span of her lifetime. 

She would never forget her first kill, a business man turned drug dealer, living in the slums of Gotham. He owed people money... Lots of money, and his payments were well over due. 

She could only remember so much; the smell of wet sewage and death as she followed his anxious form from the shadows. The cold raindrops as they pelted her bruised skin, the adrenaline that pumped through her body as she hunted him like a predator. 

She followed him for hours, never straying to far, never loosing his form. He had been the one to make the foolish mistake to call her out, and provoke the child ready to take on whatever came his way. 

She remembered only his hoarse laugh upon seeing her, his screams, and the blood... The ally had been left coated in a thick layer of blood. She made quick work of dismembering the man until he was almost unrecognizable, and from that day on the world knew her as Red Death.

X didn't know what it was; maybe it was the sound of his pitiful pleas for mercy, or maybe it was the warm tingling she felt as she was coated in the mans 'innocent blood', but something deep within her was awoken and it was only after then that her sadistic side began to surface.

The blinking red dot on her ankle pulled her out of her muddled thoughts, and brought her back to reality. Looking behind her at the old glass clock she realized she had only minutes to get to the Training room a floor below her. 

X kept her gaze on the clock, reading 4:54, as she walked to the simple steel benches where a dark grey sports bra, underwear, and a matching pair of leggings lay folded perfectly. She pulled them on swiftly not bothering to dry herself off leaving her mid length red hair to air dry. 


She was off zooming through the halls at a pace that wouldn't be questioned; her slightly damp bare feet squeaking silently and leaving puddles behind her. 




'...Noise bad'




X payed no mind to the displeased voices and moved swiftly down the halls dodging guards, scientists, and other Geno-morphs gracefully in the process. She reached the stairs in record time and in as little as a minute was successfully on her floor. 


Her fast pace slowed to her usual brisk walk turning right and left a few times before making her way into the empty training room. She breathed a whispered sigh of relief when she glanced at the clock, and walked to one of the many tread mills before turning it to the highest setting and beginning her 'work out'.

'3...2..1..', She thought to herself heart beating wildly with excitement in her chest. She looked at the clock only to find that it was 5:00. X double checked that the cameras were no longer beeping before coming to a stop by jumping backwards off of the treadmill. She landed softly knowing that although the cameras were not working the audio surely kept working. 

X wasted no time in running over to the wall of weapons that hung in the spacious room. After finding the thinnest blade she made quick work of finding a gap big enough to pop it open. 

Upon opening the small panel she was meet with a bundle of mixed wires. 'Really..?', X thought in annoyance before searching for the main cords red, blue, and green. In seconds X had all three wires pulled up and away from the others. 

She studied each wire carefully knowing that one would set off an alarm, another could disable the anklet, or give her the shock of her life. Although her mind knew that one of these wires should disable it X didn't believe any of these wires were right.

Looking past the three on top she continued to look at all of the different sizes and colors that the wires came in but as her eyes fell upon a thin red wire a tingling sensation began in her chest.This was the one; and with great confidence she cut the wire. She watched as the red beeping light dimed before she felt a wave of energy and power rush through her body.

She felt like she could move mountains or fly around the world. A warm feeling began to spread across her scarred back and X couldn't hold in the genuine warm smile that made its way onto her lips knowing that her wings were still there. If there was one thing that had made her feel truly caged like a bird was when they would clip her beautiful fiery red and gold wings and have her suppress them for long periods of time. But now she had them and no one could stop her. 


X rose silently before making her way to the wall of weapons and grabbing a set of twin katanas, a set of five throwing knives, several bags of small round balls that served as discreet but powerful bombs, and black gloves that had black blades that looked similar to talons. She made quick work of strapping them onto her body and looked back at the clock.


Without waiting another second X opened two of five vents that were in the room. One leading to the bottom floors and one that could lead her around this floor and the one above. She left the vent leading down open knowing that they would follow her 'tracks'.

As X tightened the last screw she breathed a sigh of relief as the cameras turned on. She crawled quickly and silently through the pitch black vents already knowing the path to her cell. 

X stopped right above her cell and made quick work to kick out the grate covering the vent and silently landed on her feet in a squat. She eyed the camera suspiciously as she made her way to her bed waiting for the camera to move in her direction. 

X reached into her pillowcase and pulled out fifty grand all in wads of hundreds that she accumulated over the years from every kill, a first aid kit, a gun she swapped with a painted carved soap bar two years back, and Dr.Vallen's untraceable phone from years ago.  

 After making sure nothing was out of place X shoved everything back in before running up the wall and pulling herself back into the maze of vents. As X neared Dr. Vallen's office red lights began flashing brightly, and a siren blared across the facility. Although the flashing lights and loud sirens were obnoxious she smirked knowing the games have just begun.


Dr. Vallen said nothing as he sat in complete darkness, the lights nor the sirens bothered him as he sat deep in thought. He had known this day was coming. He knew what would happen to the other scientists, guards, and other Geno-morphs.

Dr. Vallen could help but feel bad for the other Geno-morphs, most of them children from the ages of eight through sixteen. Innocent lives that would never get a chance to feel the warm rays of light on their skin. Many wouldn't even know what was happening until it was too late. 


 An empty sigh escaped the scientists lips knowing full well what the intentions were. "What a cruel way to go...", He slurred out knowing that in a few minutes everyone in the building would be locked in their rooms and be burned alive until there is nothing but ashes. His glass of bourbon held loosely between his fingers. 

Dr. Vallen remembered, as though it was only months ago, when he began his first day of work and was informed of what would happen if a Geno-morph got loose... Total Decontamination. In the beginning this didn't sway him in the slightest. He was young and naïve then, 23, 'the young hot shot with a dream.'

In only months he realized just how quickly the projects seemed to suck the life out of him. Dr. Vallen found himself facing the barrel of a gun after ten long years of dedicated work. He remembers being at his wits end; sinking deeper and deeper into depression and bad habits.

It was the day after Dr. Vallen had almost taken his own life that he was met with his newest project 'Weapon X'. Weather X knew it or not, she had this way of hypnotizing people and manipulating anyone into doing what she wanted with just a simple gaze. 

From the moment she was born she had shown just how powerful she truly was; lighting herself ablaze and stumbling around the room. It was almost as though his prayers of being given a purpose were answered in the form of a fiery headed wild child.   

He continued to live for X and the more she grew the more he began to experience heartache as he watched this little girl that he saw as his own be electrocuted, lashed, burned, and beaten into the sadistic bloodthirsty devil that X has become. 

But Dr. Vallen knew that beneath the scars, walls, and ice cold heart, there was just a broken little girl that longed to be like everyone else. Or maybe Dr. Vallen was wrong and the Woman in the walls was truly the devil itself. 

'...I wont let them take me... Goodbye X, I love you...', Dr. Vallen slurred to himself as happy tears slid down his face before closing his eyes, putting the barrel to his temple and pulling the trigger.

X came to a stop mid crawl as the familiar sound of a round being shot echoed vibrating beneath her hands and bare feet. She held her breath and waited, the single shot causing a sinking feeling to spread through her chest affecting her posture and breathing for only a moment. 

She wasted no time moving through the vents quickly knowing the shot sounded from Dr. Vallen's office. 

'He's fine. He's Fine.', X chanted in her head almost trying to convince her panicked brain that there wasn't a 90% chance that Dr. Vallen was hurt or worse killed. X made quick work of the grate covering the vent by blasting it open, not caring that she had just given away her location, and jumping down into the scientists office. 

The room was silent; X could smell hints of aged alcohol and charred oak throughout the spacious room. "Dr. Vallen", X called upon seeing his right arm hanging lazily off of the arm chair that was turned away from her. X waited a moment for an answer before walking closer to his chair; the smell of the amber colored drink becoming stronger and a new metallic smell making its way into her nose.

"...Michael..?", X called in a quiet and far more worried tone. X placed a shaky hand on the top of his deep brown leather recliner that faced his work bench, and slowly turned his chair. 

For a moment X could have sworn that her heart stopped beating and she found herself at a loss for breath. There sitting with a peaceful smile upon his face was Dr. Vallen, her biggest supporter and role model, dead with a bullet hole gushing blood on the left side of his temple. 

X could feel her legs go numb and did nothing to stop herself from falling to her knees as silent tears streamed down her face as she gazed at his stiff unmoving form. Then, almost as if something in her had finally clicked correctly in her mind, she found herself sobbing uncontrollably, as a heaviness began to weigh down her whole body.

X couldn't look away as she shook her head hysterically trying to sake away the image of the closest thing she had to a father figure so pale and lifeless. No one would hear her beautiful cries, or the frustration in her strained voice as she cursed the people who created her; head in the lap of her fallen hero... 


{Hello everyone! Here is the next chapter of Red Death. Be sure to vote and let me know what you thought of the chapter in the comments and feel free to ask me any questions that you have, I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.}

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