A Storm from the East (A Vigg...

By Siama2105

20.5K 706 142

Just outside of the Barbaric Archipelago, in the east, lays the Island of the Protecters. Their chief is know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 6

767 27 21
By Siama2105

A few days had past since Viggo first started training with the riders, however, after the incedent before dinner a few days prior, Hiccup had continued training Viggo. Whenever Viggo ran into Eos, she was her usual kind self and it seemed like she treated him as she treated all the other Riders. But when asked to train with him or go get provisions with him or spend any longer amount of time with him, she always declined, finding some excuse so she didn't have to. Viggo hated to admit it but the girls odd behaviour bothered him. At least he could kind of guess how the other Riders would react when he did or said something but he could never predict how Eos would.

As Viggo had started another training session with Hiccup, Astrid and Eos came back from patrol. Euros and Eos approched the two men while Stormfly and Astrid headed straight to the clubhouse.

„Everything alright?", Hiccup asked.

„There was a... situation with some Dragon Hunters. I think we should talk, Hiccup. It's time that we do something about these Singtails.", Eos replied.

Arriving at the clubhouse, with the others already being there, the trio walked in, leaving their dragons outside.

„So, uh, Hiccup, did you notice that these Flyers just get more and more Singtails, no matter how many we free?"; Sontloud immediatly got to the point.

„Yeah, Hiccup it's insane. They have so many! Their patrols are so big, it looks like they're heading into battle.", Astrid agreed.

„We just saw one of their patrols, that's why we're concearned. They have started patrolling all the areas we don't patrol in, always exactly a the boarders, just to make sure we don't get to close to them. We were lucky they didn't see us, they would have overpowered us in mere seconds.", Eos explained.

„If I may, I believe I know where Krogan get's his Singtails.", Viggo said, joining the conversation. „When I was still working with Krogan he'd never answer my questions about the Singtails, probably beacuse he was afraid I'd use his tactics for my own benefit. So, I had to do my own research. I found plans of capturing a Death Song so they could use it's abilitys to get more Singtails in a shorter amound of time. However, I couldn't find anything as to where this is supposed to be happening."

„Then we have to find out where he's hiding it.", Hiccup said and took out his map and the Dragon Eye, to try and figure out where this trap may have been set up. Eos soon joined him, as well as Fishlegs, as they accounted all the factors of where a good set-up for a Singtail-Trap was.

„Woah..", Snotloud started, turning to Viggo. „I didn't think you'd actually help us."

„Well, I'm glad that I could be of use.", the former hunter replied, his usual sumg smile on his lips.

„Hiccup.. do you think Garf's okay?", Astrid asked.

„They wouldn't have taken him, Astrid.", Eos said, before Hiccup could answer.

„How do you know?", the girl asked, nervousness lacing her words.

„Garf's still pretty young. Younger Death Song Dragons tend to be a lot more aggressive then the older ones. That would make to much trouble for Krogan and it wouldn't even be worth it, since younger Death Songs voices aren't as developed as old ones. He wouldn't even be able to get enough dragons for Krogan. No, I'm sure that Krogan captured the adult Death Song.", Eos explained.

Viggo looked at the girl, impressed by her knowledge of this rare kind of dragon. She seemed to know a lot about dragons in general, but especially the ones who are more on the rare side. She herself had a dragon that Viggo never thought he'd see in real life. Silver Phantoms were not only rare but incredably shy and private Dragons who hated human contact. At that point in time, Viggo really believed that this girl and her dragon would always stay a mystery to him.

„I must say, my dear, I'm very impressed. How do you know so much on this dragon?", Viggo inquiered.

Eos stood with her back turned towards him and made no effort in turning around to answer him face to face. Instead she simply said:"I did my research."

„Yes, clearly, but..", Viggo stopped in his tracks as Astrid shot him a glare and Hiccup shook his head.

Without another word Eos left the room, her hood pulled up. Viggo looked at her as she walked past him, a monotone look on both of their face. When she was out of earshot he looked back at Hiccup.

„Something I said?", he asked.

„Eos doesn't always like to talk about her past.", Hiccup explained and Astrid added:"That only applies to certain people though."

„I see...", Viggo mumbled in response.

„No, no you do not. You don't even see the half of it.", Astrid snapped, her tone dripping with venom.

Later that night, after dinner, Hiccup explained the plan to attack Krogans Singtail-Trap, telling everyone exactly what to do.

„...before we go in though, we're going to need a distraction. Eos, with Eurus' ability to hide in the clouds you should have no problem getting close enough to fire at them and cause some initial commotion. After that you'll keep the remaining hunters busy. The twins and Viggo will help you with that."

„Woah there, slow down. Viggo? Do you really think that's a good idea?", Eos complained.

„Oh, my dear Eos, I must say, it does hurt that you don't trust me to assist you.", it almost seemed like sarcasm laced Viggos words. Eos didn't know the always so serious buisness man was capable of that.

„You haven't even been training for a full month, Viggo. You and your dragon are nowhere even near ready for something like this.", Eos argued, temper rising in her voice.

„Eos, he has a Skrill. You realize that that's a really big advantage for us, right? We've got to use that.", Hiccup explained.

„I still believe this isn't a good idea. But whatever you decide, I will accept.", Eos said, with a sigh.

„Thanks, Eos.", Hiccup replied with a smile. „Let's head to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

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