Monster Girl Resort

By AlyssaVanDerKlift

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In a city-nation that borders both a mountain range and a great coastal line, an unsual event occurs. One day... More

Prologue 1. Arrival.
Prologue 2. Government offers.
Chapter 1, Bunny arrives.
Chapter 2, Focrain Government Office.
Chapter 3, Shopping with Claire A.K.A. Disaster...
Chapter 4, A bunny and a panther, what could go wrong?
Chapter 5, A bunny visits a shrink.
Chapter 6, Camila gets dropped in.
Chapter 7, Grandma's resort and an inheritance.
Chapter 8, James Matthias Johnson. The final respects.
Chapter 9, A fox has her tricks.
Chapter 10, Shorthanded.
Chapter 11, A friendly face from days long past.
Chapter 12, Finding a home.
Chapter 13, A fight to emigrate back.
Chapter 15, Boar Arrives.
Chapter 16, Yoriko.
Chapter 17, Shopping with Yoriko.
Chapter 18, Inspection.
Chapter 19, 'Shopping'.
Chapter 20, A fifth lover?
Chapter 21, Preparation for love.
Chapter 22, Yoriko's past.
Chapter 23, Yoriko under the night's sky.
Chapter 24, "Transfer!?"
Chapter 25, Preparation and planning.
Chapter 26, Clothing and stress.
Chapter 27, A first awkward date.
VOL.2 Prologue, New Staff.
Announcement, Call to Action.
Update on ways to support my writing.
VOL.2 Chapter 1, Permission granted.
A quick Update
Changes to my Wattpad and Patreon
I'm back... ? Kinda...

Chapter 14, Dating, permitted.

68 7 1
By AlyssaVanDerKlift

[Author's note]

A quick reminder for the first upcoming bonus batch of chapters, if you join my Patreon, you help both me as a writer and everyone else get closer to that next bonus batch of chapters. There are still nine new patrons to go before I will release it.

So if you like my work, please consider joining my Patreon for early releases for Wattpad and the fully edited books, Ebooks are already available and I need the funding to get Physical copies out, there are tiers for every series I have and an all-in-one bundle for my ebooks.

If you join my Patreon, you would help me out greatly in sustaining my writing up to a professional degree, I have the goal of selling my books and sharing the unedited versions here in Wattpad has helped me a great deal in getting my works known and out there, but as every author, I wish to make a living with doing what I love, creating stories for the world to enjoy while keeping myself fed with an income from it.

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"Hello, The Exotic Sunside, you are speaking with the manager, Matthew Johnson. How can I help you?" Matthew spoke as he answered the phone.

He already found it weird that Claire didn't dare to answer the phone all of a sudden, but didn't read into it, enough that is.

"Ah, good, I got through. Sir Johnson, this is Jane Mac'Sidle from the Focrain Government O.S.H. management branch. I have called you with news on the status of your two homestays." A woman spoke with familiar voice.

It was the very same government worker he had spoken to every time something regarding Claire or Camila came up.

"A-ah. Yes. What is the matter?" Matthew asked, not really knowing how to deal with the situation at hand.

"I have received word from both their psychiatrists. Both Camila and Claire are cleared for interspecies relationships. That means, as long as there is no sexual interaction, a Focrain resident can date them." The woman spoke and behind Matthew, Claire burst out in celebration.

"I'm sorry, I could not really hear you, it grew quite loud behind you." The lady on the phone said and Matthew had to repeat his reply before the government worker had a slight laugh at his expense.

"I'm sorry, the government will not retract this clearance on the two ladies. They have their rights as well." She said and hung the phone.

"You are... mine!" Claire exclaimed and lunged herself around Matthew's neck, only to be caught flat in the face by his timely extended hand which kept her at a distance.

"Please. Don't." He said and paced past her.

I'm screwed now, seems she heard she can start dating... Matthew thought to himself, only half registering the fact that Claire had bolted past him and into the hot springs.

"Aw hell yeah!" Camila's voice echoed from the room and Matthew sighed.

"And now they both know... great." He sounded as defeated as he felt while he paced through the halls of the modern area of the resort aimlessly.

"What the hell am I doing anyway? I have customers in the resort, I can't suddenly go acting all defeated." Matthew told himself and paced into his office to sit down for a moment.

"Ehm, Matty?" Marie's voice wearily came from the door.

"Yes, what's up Marie?" Matthew asked and she sighed as she entered the room.

Looking around, she found the room was an odd mixture between the classical Focrain style of the main resort.

With tatami mats for the flooring. A bamboo sliding door and yet, there stood a normal desk chair and a large solid mahogany desk with two normal chairs opposite to Matthew.

A little nervously Marie stood in the door opening and was ushered farther into the room and she nervously stepped two steps farther in.

Turning in shaking motion, she closed the door.

Her body trembled from the pure nervousness she experienced now.

"What is it Marie? Is something the matter?" He asked and she simply stood trembling like a leaf in the room. Not speaking, simply mumbling incoherently.

"I-I-I... u-uh-hm... I w-w-wou-oul-d l-l-..." She stood stammering immensely as she spoke, but Marie's body language spoke more than she let on to Matthew.

"What is it Marie, we've been friends since we were kids. Just say it." Matthew said frankly and Marie blurted out, shouting at the top of her lungs.

"I would like to work here and become your wife!" She had shouted that and stood panting afterwards.

Resting her hands on her bare knees under the hem of the skirt she wore.

"W-wait... what?" Matthew asked confused.

"Wh-wh-what have I done?!" Marie exclaimed and Matthew burst into laughter.

But no sooner had he made up his mind and did Claire and Camila come storming into the room.

"Then we'll be your wives as well!" They both shouted, Claire's breath heaving as a thin layer of sweat lined her forehead.

Camila however, stood strongly, making clear she had a far better constitution in comparison to the bunny girl.

"Eh?" Marie said in confusion at the outburst from the other two.

"Camila, I thought you hated my guts, at least you make a rather poorly convincing show of it 'supposedly' being like that." Matthew said and turned to the fox as she stood, her long bushy red tail swishing left and right.

"I-i-it's not like I like you specifically... B-b-but I w-w-wouldn't m-mind if it w-we-re... ... ... ..." And she trailed off talking, her voice rapidly losing volume until it became inaudible quickly.

"Well that just happened... I always held myself to be monogamous like my parents. I guess fate had other plans for me." Matthew muttered later that day.

Camila and Claire had claimed they would be his girlfriends as of now. Right after Marie had exclaimed her love for him.

And she had exclaimed it for sure, she had shouted her declaration of love so loudly that it had left her panting, and the other two storming that way to intervene.

But in his attempt to soothe the three women, Matthew had, not entirely unwillingly, accepted their proposal of dating all three of them.

"I just hope I don't end up getting even more homestays dumped on me." Matthew said and Claire's voice called for him from the lobby, just outside his office.

"Sweetie! There's a phone call for you." She called, instantly having taken to pet names for him. Camila had not done so and kept calling him by the same name Marie did, 'Matty'.

"Coming." Matthew replied with a sigh and slid back his chair to rise to his feet.

"The Exotic Sunside, you're speaking with the manager, Matthew Johnson. How may I help you?" Matthew said, taking the phone from Claire.

"Oh, I finally got through, hey, Hotty... how do you feel about meeting up with this little kitty? I got permission to start dating." Maine's voice washed through the line and Matthew heard Claire gasp behind him.

"You're not going to cheat on us!" She exclaimed and Marie, who was running a few errands in the resort now as the latest new-hire, looked up in shock.

She held a platter of food as she left the kitchen, just barely keeping herself together and not dropping it.

"Maine, what are you talking about?" Matthew asked and heard Gracie calling out on the other end.

"Maine, you bothering him again?!" Her voice thundered and Matthew could hear the proud panther woman whimpering.

"I heard he was hiring for his resort Gracie; I'm trying to get a job as well... I'm not only running after my loins!" Maine shouted and Matthew sighed.

Great, another one with the hots for me! He exclaimed in thought but kept that to himself.

"So, when should I come by to see if you'll hire me?" Maine asked enthusiastically, leaving Matthew to sigh in defeat.

"You could come by tomorrow around three p.m. I'll have time for a job interview then." He replied with a sigh and Maine gave him a cheerful 'okay' and hung up after audibly blowing him a kiss through the phone.

"So you are cheating on us?!" Claire exclaimed when Matthew hung up the phone again and he flicked her in the forehead.

"Do you even understand the concept of a harem like you three ladies forced on me?" He asked her and she sighed.

"I know, it's when you have a few people you like really... really, reallyreallyreally much that you want to always be with them and make lots of love to them." She replied, suddenly back to her bubbly self.

"Yeah, it means... more than one partner, so if Maine were to join you ladies in my harem, it would be up to you girls to accept her as one of you." Matthew said, not specifically intending on letting Maine become one of his lovers just yet.

He had accepted his current position as a guy with a harem which Claire and Camila forced upon him if he were to accept Marie's love, and in turn their accepting her in the house.

Or more, the resort on equal footing as they themselves.

It was a pain more than anything else for Matthew, actually.

He had his crush on Marie for a long time. In fact, he had stayed true to his feelings for his childhood friend all those years. Even if he would not have known whether or not she would ever return into his life.

And he only accepted Claire's and Camila's demands that he date them too if he were to accept Marie's love.

But she had fallen onto her knees in shame after she came back to her senses a little.

Why did I have to shout of wanting to become his wife?! She had spent an hour or so asking herself, only to be calmed by Matthew himself after he had sent his 'other two girlfriends' out of the room.

And now Marie not only worked at the resort, she was one of his three lovers.

The one he had hoped to gain, actually.

He hoped he could get a relationship with her since she showed up again, so his luck would not get any better.

It was the next day that Matthew sat in his office when Marie, who had offered to be his secretary for the time being, let in the panther woman whom he had a job interview with.

She had brought her labour-permission papers from the Government and laid them down neatly for Matthew to read.

She wore a slimly fitting pencil skirt. A white blouse with a black blazer overtop. She looked every bit the businesswoman.

Add to that the extra pair of ears on top of her head and her feline tail that swished excitedly behind her, and she took on the dream of many workplaces.

She defied the common way in which a businesswoman was attractive, instead Maine added a whole host of exotic nature on top of that, making her sexiness blast off the charts.

"I am glad you came today." Matthew said, officially beginning the job interview.

"What made you want to work here, at the Exotic Sunside?" Matthew asked her and Maine, who did not fully grasp the official setting, while she was dressed for it nonetheless, replied casually.

"Well, duh... You, dummy. Why'd I not want to work for such a handsome guy?" She asked and Matthew sighed and let his tense face relax.

"I should have seen that reply coming. What would be the field where you'd like to work here?" Matthew asked her and she cocked her head a little.

"Where? The resort, duh." She replied and Matthew shook his head in reply.

"Where in the resort. I meant." He said, placing the emphasis to clarify his question.

"Oh... Well, Gracie let's me take care of the cooking often. And I do prefer to work with my hands. I'm not good at gardening though. At home I've been banned form even watering the plants." Maine replied and Matthew nodded.

"Follow me please." He said and guided Maine a bit farther and led her to the kitchen.

"Drew!" Matthew called loudly and heard a calm reply as his chef cook stepped from the walk-in freezer in the back of the kitchen.

"What's up Boss?" The man asked and Matthew gave a brief introduction of Maine to the chef and had him test her skills as a chef to potentially work under Drew.

And to Matthew's surprise, Maine's cooking was truly great. She had made a more modern dish, a classical Focrainian dish and several other small side dishes.

And all of them tasted amazingly.

The pasta she had made was perfectly seasoned as far as the sauce went. There was a perfectly cut collection of vegetables in it and the pasta itself was perfectly cooked.

The classical Focrainian dishes, were made with sauces of which Matthew knew from Drew they did not have them in stock. They were bamboo shoots fried with a slight hint of soy sauce in them.

Pork, sliced in incredibly thin strips and stir-fried with a bit of batter around them and placed on top of, seemingly, homemade noodles cooked to perfection and briefly fried with hoisin sauce and a bit of finely cut daikon.

The smaller dishes were, likewise, a lot of things, Matthew knew they had stocked the raw ingredients. But not the sauces that were made of them. Or the kind of things that consisted of a lot of their ingredients.

"D-did you really make all this yourself?" Matthew asked in amazement.

"I did. I made the noodles freshly, the sauces I fried those, those and... those... in I made freshly as well. I learned a lot of cooking in the time I had on my hands while Gracie was out for her job. So I dove head-first into the cooking and Gracie was delighted to see me both enjoying it so much and being so good at it." Maine explained proudly and Matthew sighed.

"Drew, what do you say? Can you use her in the kitchen?" He asked his chef who stood behind Maine with a proud grin on his face.

"I would like nothing more." The man replied calmly and Matthew nodded.

"Very well Maine. Welcome aboard. I will draw up your employment contract and have it sent to you via mail. Sign all three of them. Deliver one to the Focrain Government Office and bring one back to me and you've landed yourself a job." He told her and Maine jumped into the air happily.

While her knees remained close together, her feet, clad in attractive heeled shoes fit for the occasion, flung outward while she pumped both hands proudly into the air.

"Now all that's left is to seduce the Boss!" She exclaimed proudly and Matthew sighed.

"I'd almost have you take that one up with the girls... seeing they'll need to accept you as well then." Matthew groaned and Maine cocked her head as she looked at him.

"Say what?" She spoke rather loudly and Matthew sighed.

"I was coerced by Camila and Claire into accepting a harem. If you want in, you've got to take that to the other three lovers I have right now." He simply said and she slumped her shoulders.

"Guess you leave me no choice." She spoke seductively and stalked over to him.

While her blazer already hung open, she unbuttoned a few of the buttons of her blouse, revealing a clear view on her large bust.

Her tail swished seductively from left to right as she leaned on his desk while Matthew sat half-dazed by what was currently happening.

She slid one knee skilfully onto the desk.

Then the other and placed both hands on his shoulders as she pulled him close and pressed her lips against his.

"You're mine now." She spoke, seductively licking her lips and letting her finger slide over his lips, before she licked that too.

"You'd better involve them. You've been claimed, Honey." She spoke with her seductive voice and walked out the office with a sway in her hips and her tail exaggerating that sway.

"Well, Boss... I think you have some explaining to do to the ladies." Drew said with a grin on his face as Matthew let his head thud violently onto the table.

"You did what?!" Claire exclaimed when she heard from Matthew what had happened between him and Maine.

"B-but what does that mean?" Marie asked and Camila sneered at her.

"That Matty here couldn't defend his chastity against a panther. Where we all came from, if a woman did that, she owns him, as a lover-dash-partner, that is. But still... Matty!?" Even the tsundere Camila was visibly enraged by the fact that Matthew had been claimed according to the beastgirls' customs.

"Oh, now we have no other choice but to accept her... shrewd woman she is... why didn't I think of that before I went through all the nonsense I had to before I got my Darling." Claire remarked almost visibly seeming to realize she had left the chance of 'claiming' him for herself simply slip all that time.

"Oh shut it you two. I told her if she wanted to be one of you, she had to go by you three, instead she just planted her lips on me. I can imagine there having been rules with you girls before you came here on when someone who is 'taken' gets claimed like that, weren't there?" Matthew replied and Camila sighed.

"Yes, you had to kill whoever laid claim to your partner, can you see our problem now?" She hissed at him, sitting on her own pillow on the ground in the living room, her feet planted firmly against each other as they all sat gathered around the low table.

Claire had taken to sitting in seiza and Marie simply sat on her butt with her legs next to her.

"I don't see the problem. If he doesn't get any more women after Maine, I can live with it." She replied and both Claire and Camila shot her a venomous glance.

"You're just saying that 'cause you're desperate!" They exclaimed together, exchanged a quick glance and yelled at the other, "That's my line! Hmph...!"

And with that, Matthew had somehow gotten four girlfriends in a mere two days, and three agreed to each other and the fourth had simply weaselled her way into his suddenly appeared harem.

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