It Started With A Letter

By AmazeGreenie

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This is a fanfiction crossover between Disney, dreamworks and Harry Potter! Elsa and Anna didn't receive thei... More

Characters Plot Details
The Letters That Never Made It : Chap 1
The Letter's Arrival: Chap 2
The Letter's Arrival: part 2 Chap 2
The First Day at Hogwarts: Chap 3
A Broomstick Ride Disaster: Chap 4
The Cloak of Invisibility: Chap 5
Another Broken Heart Added to the Pile: Chap 6
The Qudditch Match: Chap 7
Detention: Chap 8 part 1
The Room of Senselessness: Chap 8 part 2
The Meaning of Connection: Chap 9
Darkness: Chap 10
A Hearts Courage: Chap 11
A Blue Fires Choice: Chap 12
I Need A Break: Chap 13
A Buring Discovery: Chap 14
Rave: Chap 15
Golden Egg: Chap 16
Dark Party: Chap 17
Two Left Feet: Chap 18
Author's Note
The Depths of the Lake: Chap 19
Change of Plans: Chap 20
Halloween Disaster: Chap 21
Finding a Stolen Heart: Chap 22
Till Death Do We Part: Chap 23
Fight Ice with Ice: Chap 24
Author's Note... Again
Christmas Ball: Chap 26 Part One
Frozen Heart: Chap 26 Part two
Revealing An Identity: Chap 27
One Demon at a Time: Chap 28
Another Train Ride: Epiloge
Together Again
Somethings Just Disappear
Beach Day
Another Video

Finding Light: Chap 25

415 10 3
By AmazeGreenie

Elsa's POV

Punzie began flipping pages after pages. My heart began to pound as she neared the end. "Right here!" She shouted. Hiccup looked over her shoulder intently and he gasped before looking at Jack's pale frame. His eyes were wide as he looked towards me.

"What does it say?" Asked Eugene. Hiccup took the book from Punzie's shaking hands. "It's happened before... like 90 years ago." he started. "Its rare what happened to him, but it does happen." he cleared his throat and began reading. "A man named Remees was one of the most pure hearted wizards you could of met, but because of his powers, that he couldn't control, he killed 3, changing him forever."

Punzie's jaw dropped. "Remember first year. He killed... 3...." Hiccup nodded before he continued. "He was never the same Man until he met his other half. The one with the connection. He sacrificed himself for the one he loved. He turned towards the darkness making his eyes yellow." I took a step forward and I left a single tear escape the corner of my eye.

"You said he changed when he met me." I said. I pulled up my sleeve to show the black markings. "He's connected to me, by this spell since we were little kids." I pulled my sleeve back down and took in a shaky breath. "And he sacrificed himself for Rapunzel and I." Hiccup's eyebrows furrowed together.

"It says here that he has a choice. Destined for greatness or destined for darkness. That's all it says." I took the book from his hands carefully, to make sure I didn't touch him. I flipped the paper and realized it was thicker then the rest. "Get me a knife!" I yelled. One of the nurses handed me a knife and I cut open the page, making another two pages.

"It says here that Remees was himself when he turned but he was then tortured by Richard Black, he became a slave and did his biding. Do you guys know what a nightmare curse is?" I asked still ogling the pages. "I've read about it but it was banished like a century ago. It's like artificial life created by dark magic." It seemed like a light bulb went off in his head. "It was used to torture and take possession."

"Do you think he's possessed by one of them?" Asked Punzie kneeling beside Jack. "We need to find a way to get it out of him." I continued to read the pages to have my heart stopped.

Destined for greatness or destined for darkness.

When the time comes the moon will give yellow a choice.

To become a guardian of all or to become destroyer of all.

I slammed the book shut and looked towards Jack. He was shivering from the cold and his lips were almost completely blue. He was going to die soon if I didn't help him. But how could Jack love me? He wasn't Jack anymore. I handed Sandy the book. "Hide it somewhere safe." I whispered to him. He nodded and took Bunny with him before they left the room.

I looked around at all the students that were gathered in the room. A lot of them looked scared, even the people from the other schools. "I'll go to the library and see if they have anything on how we can get that thing, out of him." I heard Hiccup saying before him and Kristoff left. I felt nervous for anyone that was left, like a constant feeling like something was going to Happen to them.

Jack's eyes burst open making Punzie jump back. His skin started to turn blue, ice-like. "Elsa, please. What's happening to me?" He looked towards me with fear in his eyes. "Jack!" Punzie yelled. "Get back, it might be a trick." I said. "He's going to die, ELSA! Save Him!" She sobbed. "Elsa, what's happening to me?" Jack asked looking down at his hands. "Elsa!" Anna yelled. "Do Something!"

I ran towards Jack and crushed my lips to his. He didn't even hesitate to kiss me back. I put my hands on his chest as he pulled me closer. He pulled back roughly. "Elsa? Get back! Please!" He pushed me away. "Elsa! I told you to stay away!" He yelled standing up. He looked terrified. "Jack we can help you!" I said taking a step forward.

He backed away falling back onto the couch. He quickly stood up and backed towards to door still looking at me. "I'm only trying to protect you." He opened the door and ran out. People stared at me like I was crazy before I ran out after him.

"Jack! Wait!" I followed him all the way down into the Slytherin dorms hearing our footsteps against the stone floors. "Jack!" I yelled. He was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, sobbing. "I can't hurt her. I don't care what you say!" He mumbled to himself. I knelt in front of him and took his hands away from his face. He jumped back, trying to get away from me. "shhh" I placed my hands on his cheeks.

"Elsa I-" I crawled into his lap, making his eyes widen. "I love you Jack. I know that we can help you. You just have to let us." I whispered. He placed his hands on my waist and pressed his closed forehead to mine. "You can't help me, I'm too far gone. The things he did to me-" "What did he do to you?" I asked.

"H-he tortured me. Played with all my fears..." He began.

-flashback- Jack's POV

"Now all you need to do is say these words." Said the man. I did, I repeated after him. He promised he would keep Elsa and my friends safe. But somehow I knew that after this transformation, he would no longer keep his promise.

After the oath was finished I sliced my palm open with the knife he handed me. I let the drops of blood fall to the floor. A new serge of energy passed through me. I fell to my knees and gasped. I felt powerful, I felt invincible.

I stood up and looked back towards the dark lord. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at me. I turned to face the window and I saw my reflection... yellow eyes. I was confused for a few moments thinking back to Elsa. Her eyes were red, not yellow.

I also didn't feel any different. I still loved my friends, I still wanted to protect them. The dark lord made a mistake by turning me. I smirked. "Wow, I have never felt this powerful!" I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air. He took a step back. "No." was all he said before he pulled out his wand.

I was held against my will as he flicked his wrist. "How-" I started but he cut me off. "This is going to be harder then I thought." He said before he hit me to the ground. I tried to get out of his spell hold but it was no use. The man grunted as he flipped me over. "I'm sorry." Before I blacked out.

I woke up inside a circle of candles with a gag in my mouth. My head pounded as I pushed myself into a sitting position. It was difficult, considering my hands were tied together. I squinted around the room until my eyes landed on a dark figure. "Finally, you're awake." We were in some kind of old crumbling building, and I began looking around to find someway out.

"There's no getting out of here Jack. Your yellow eyes are... a complication. Therefore my bigger plan will be pushed back because I have to find a way to deal with you." He stepped into the circle showing me that he was wearing a robe with a hood that covered his face. This guy really wants to hide his identity.

He grabbed my chin lifting me off the ground. He smirked before he threw me against the back wall. I fell to the cold stone floor with a yelp against the gag. I shook my head before I stood up. Suddenly the man's shadow began circling around me. His laugh echoed against the stone walls before he emerged from the darkness. "Give it up Jack!"

"Why am I different?" I asked finally spitting out the gag. "It happens rarely but once in a while, someone like you can be chosen." He answered me before he bowed. "You're going to be stronger then me. I mean that's not a problem, but you are still you. I need to change that." He twirled his hand around and black dust began to make its way towards me.

"Meet the nightmare curse. Took me years to develop it, since it had been band and all that." he sighed. "But I did it, aren't they pretty?" The nightmares gathered behind him, it was the same creatures that attacked Elsa.

"Now won't you be a lad and give in. I mean the odds are stacked against you." He chuckled. "Who are you?" I asked. "You'll know, but in all good time, my friend." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them roughly. "You know, you're just like your mother. Have I told you that? You not only look like her but you act like her too." "I don't need your opinion on my mother." I said through clenched teeth.

"Then you won't want this?" He pulled out a golden tube that had a picture of me on it. "What is that?" "Something your mother left for you." He held it out to me but I didn't dare grab it. "Come on Jack, Aren't you curious?" I took it from his hands and turned it over a few times. "What does it do?" I asked. But when I looked up he was gone.

I shoved the golden cylinder into my pocket before I was grabbed from behind. With all my strength I broke the rope holding my wrists together. I whipped around and shoved back who was touching me. Ice began to form at my feet as I became more afraid. "Sorry Jack." He said before he swung a giant weapon towards me. I quickly ducked making his anchor slam into the back wall. I took this time to run.

I ran to the closest stairs and began to pound down them, taking two steps at a time. But before I could reach the bottom he appeared in front of me. "Ah ah ah." He said holding his finger in front of me. I shot my hands towards him, shooting ice darts at him, but it was like he vanished into thin air.

His laughter echoed through the building again. I continued down the steps to find a cage that held people from the school. Even Kristoff's adoptive parents. "Mrs. Pebble?" I asked shocked. She looked up and her eyes filled with tears. She started screaming against the gag before I was thrown against the cage bars. I could feel blood pour from the wound on my head as I slowly got of my knees.

I turned around to face him. I was weak and so were my powers. I tried to fight back but I was disoriented and missed him completely. He started to gather the black sand in his hands. Come on Jack! Move! I yelled at myself. But before I knew in the black dust attacked me. I could feel it enter my body, pain shot through all my nerves and I screamed in agony.

I dropped to my knees and I breathed heavily. "Know your place Jack."

-End of flashback- Back To Elsa's POV

"For the next few days, I was in and out of consciousness. I kept seeing all the things I feared happening right before my eyes." He wiped his eyes and sniffled. "It took a few days before I caved and let this thing possess me." I kissed his forehead. "Jack it's not your fault." I whispered to him.

He shook his head. "It is my fault, I remember doing all of those things... and the worst part is, is that I liked it. It made me feel powerful." He averted his eyes from my gaze. "I tried to fight my way back into control, but I could-" he started coughing and shaking. He pushed me off his lap making me fall to the floor. "GET BACK!" He shouted. I shuffled back until I was leaning against the fire place.

He pressed his fingers to his temples and he screamed. Fear settled itself in the bottom of my stomach as I realized what was happening. The nightmare curse was returning. I pushed myself up and ran towards the boys sleeping area. I ran straight to his bed and dug around in his truck to find the staff he made made.

I held it tightly and ran back into the main room. His scream made me flinch and I wanted nothing more then to run, far away from him, from dark Jack. But I went against my instincts and I walked towards him with caution. He was on his knees in front of the fireplace, his breathing, heavy and uneven.

I knelt in front front of him and placed a hand under his chin. His eyes were filled with pain and pleading for it to be over. I held the staff out to him. He was confused for a second but he took it in his hands carefully, like it was made of glass. He gripped it so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "You need to be in control. You are more powerful then that curse." He didn't seem fazed by my words until I choked out; "Come back to me." My voice sounded so weak and vulnerable.

He looked up before he flung towards me. He laid on top of me with the staff pressed up against my neck. He looked into my eyes before he pressed his soft lips to mine. Tingles seemed to shoot through my body as I kissed him back. He pulled back and pressed his forehead to mine. "You made the pain go away."

I gave him a sad smile. "How did you gain control?" I asked him. "I thought about things I loved. The man who I wanted to be." He kissed me again. "I want that man to be the one who gets you." he smiled at me before he pressed his lips to mine and I was happy to kiss him back.

He pulled back and stared down at me. Anger formed across his face. "What is it?" "He's here." My eyes widened. "I'll protect you. But you have to get away. He put this spell on me, therefore he can control it. I don't want to hurt you." I nodded as he helped me to my feet. "Go to the library and help Hiccup. I'll distract him." he kissed me again. "Please help me." He pleaded. I nodded before I ran out of the Slytherin house.

My heart pounded in my ears as I ran to the library. Fear prickled in my nerves and I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around to see a wave of darkness. It turned out every light and candle it passed, causing the whole hallway to turn dark. The dark Lord emerged from the darkness with the weapon Jack had described. I tried to run faster but I was out of breath.

I needed my adrenaline to kick in. I turned around to look at him again. He smirked as I lost my footing. I backed away from him as fast as I could on my hands ignoring the pain I felt in my back. He started swinging his weapon towards me, the darkness following him wherever he went. He was wearing a robe that shielded his face from my view.

Jack then jumped in front of me holding his staff. "She's my kill!" He shouted. My heart dropped, Dark Jack was back. He looked over his shoulder and gave me a look that told me to run. That look lifted my spirits as I got up to run. "Oh Jack, I know the spell isn't in control." I heard before I got to far away to hear anything else.

I tried to open the library door but it was blocked from inside. "Hiccup! Open up!" I shouted. I could see him through the glass as he ran towards me. He and Kristoff started to remove the barricade. "Hurry!" I shouted.

Once the door was open I ran through and helped them moved everything back in front of the door. "Did you find anything?" I asked out of breath. Hiccup nodded before he lead me to the back of the humongous library. He had books all over the place, each one of them talking about dark magic.

"These 3 here say the same thing. That the curse was band. There's no book in the entire library that speaks about reversing it, because the nightmare curse technically doesn't exist. It's been kept hidden for a long time." he said. He licked his finger and started flipping more pages. "What about the book we took from the ministry?" I asked. He looked up, his eyes widening. "Why didn't I think of that?" He said hitting his forehead with his fist.

"But doesn't it just hold records? I don't think there would be anything on explaining how to get rid of the spell." said Kristoff. "What about the headmistress's office?" I blurted out. Hiccup shook his head." Are you insane?! She tried to kill you! What do you think is gonna stop her from doing it now?" I started to walk back to the door as he grabbed my arm. "We're going with you." said Hiccup.

I nodded. I actually wanted someone to come with me. The idea of fighting the headmistress alone scared the sh!t out of me. We all removed the desks from the door and opened it cautiously. I looked down both hallways before we jogged down the corridor. Everything was dark. Which means that he was ahead of us somewhere. We started to climb the stairs as they shifted underneath us. Sometimes I hate these stairs.

We made it all the way to the bird statue before we heard Jack's scream. I flinched as I heard it again. I hope he's alright. Elsa hurry, I'm getting weaker. Jack said to my mind. It was the first time we had spoken like that in weeks. We had to go the headmistress's office. There was nothing in the library. I said back to him, hoping he heard me.

We climbed up the steps in a fast pace. I was relieved to see that she wasn't sitting in her desk. "Hurry she could come back any moment!" Kristoff shouted.

After hours of shuffling through books Hiccup exclaimed and rushed towards me. I read the page and sighed in relief. We found it! I told Jack. Okay, I'm coming to you. He said back. "He's on his way." "Okay, I'll set it up." said Hiccup as he began collecting candles.

Jack burst through the door covered in blood that appeared to be his own. "Hiccup hurry!" He said before he fell to his knees. He gripped his staff tightly and exhaled roughly before looking towards me. I knelt in front of him and cupped his face in my hands. "We are going to fix this." I whispered pressing my forehead against his. He nodded as Hiccup placed the candles around him, chanting things that I didn't understand.

"Elsa get away from him." I stepped outside the circle and came to Hiccup's side. Kristoff joined on the other side and looked like he was freaking out. "Get your wands and point then at him and repeat this line four times. Sie weg sein Dämon." We all repeated the line four times and neon green light seemed to swarm around Jack. He coughed and gaged as the black sand exited through his mouth. It formed the creature that attacked me in the woods.

It looked directly at me before it approached but a blue light blasted its side, making it frozen on the floor. I turned to see that Jack had done it. He got up, his knees wobbling with every step. "Lets take him back." Said Kristoff. He let Jack lean on his shoulder and began walking him down the stairs. "Lets clean this up." I said to Hiccup. He nodded and we cleaned up all the candles and placed them in their original places.

We walked together to the room of requirement in silence. I was feeling sick to my stomach at the idea of seeing Punzie and Anna again made me want to puke. I was happy they were safe, but at the same time I knew they were in danger because the Dark Lord was still out there. And his identity was still hidden.

We walked into the room and everyone stayed quiet. I walked over to where Jack was laying and he gave me a sad smile. I knelt down and embraced him, letting my tears fall. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I didn't come this year, none of this would of happened." I sobbed. "But what if you weren't and it still happened? We need you Elsa... I need you." I looked up and he wiped away my tears.

His eyes were still yellow but they were softer and kinder then the cold and cruel yellow I was used to seeing. I rested my head on his chest and I ended up hitting something. I pushed myself off him and pulled out the golden tube he talked about. "You still have it?" He nodded. "I haven't tried to open it yet." He sat himself up. "Why don't we go somewhere private." he said. I nodded and helped him to his feet.

He leaned against me as we walked to the Slytherin house, him almost toppling over every few minutes. We finally made it and I sat him on his bed. He leaned against the headboard and I stayed in place watching him. He marveled the cylinder in his hands before he noticed that I hadn't sat beside him. "You don't have to keep your distance from me. Please come sit with me." I hesitated before I made my way to the bed. I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What do you think it is?" I asked. "Not sure." He pressed his fingers to it and it opened. Before we both closed our eyes.

When we opened them, we were standing in front of a woman that looked just like Jack. "Hello son," she said with a soft voice. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it to show I was still with him. "If you have received this then I must of left you. For that I am truly sorry. Your father and I loved you so much. I don't want to put this burden on you, but listen closely." Jack was stiff next to me and I could see tears falling from his eyes. "The dark lord is going to come after anyone with powers. That includes you and Elsa. You must protect her with your life." I glanced at Jack to see his reaction but his face was like stone. "You guys are the next generation of the order. Put an end to his reign." She looked down.

"Jack, my baby, be strong. I love you." the memory faded away and we were back to sitting on his bed. He was crying quietly to himself. He sniffled and looked towards me. "I'll protect you Elsa. No matter what." I leaned in and kissed him softly. "I know." I said softly before we both drifted off to sleep.

Merida's POV

"North?!" I yelled, hearing my own voice echo. "Merida?" "North! It's me!" I exclaimed. "But you died." I nodded. "He brought me back to life." I spit out. "Is Hiccup alright?" I asked. "Yes, he can feel again. But he's awfully depressed." I looked down. At least he's alive.

"How did you get here?" I asked. "I was kidnapped. Did he do anything to you?" I nodded. "You're not going to like what he does here."

Author's Note:

Here's another chapter guys! Thanks for all the reads!! It makes me so happy!! Love you guys so much.

Hopefully, I'll update soon!

Peace Out!!! XoXoXo

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