The adventures of Team RWBY

By OhorgokonatKaiRha

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(What happens if the story of RWBY is slightly modified?) 15 year old Ruby has been accorded a scholarship to... More

Chapter 1: Ruby Rose
Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 4: Players and Pieces
Chapter 5: Confessions
Chapter 6: Bully Problems
Chapter 7: Forever Fall
Chapter 8: Return of the White Fang and Blake's Trauma
Chapter 9: Showdown at the Vale Docks
Chapter 10: Hunting the Villains!
Chapter 11: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 12: Life at Beacon
Chapter 13: Summer Holidays, start!
Chapter 15: White Rose holidays
Chapter 16: Team JNPR's Discovery

Chapter 14: Menagerie

118 4 7
By OhorgokonatKaiRha

Blake's ears twitched. "We're here!"

The duo hopped off. "Dang, this place is beautiful!" Yang shouted excitedly.

Blake: this place is the origin of all Faunus. A land of peace, most of everyone here has either had enough of the WF or retired. My parents live in the capital city of Cocoana.

Yang: Oh yeah, you once said your dad was in WF as well right? Was he the first or the second?

Blake blinked then realised where her girlfriend was going. "The first. He has, what the higher ups in the WF these days call, a heart that's too soft."

Raven: understandable.

Yang and Blake squeaked and turned around. "MOM?! What're you doing here?!" Yang cried.

Raven: spying on my daughter during her date.

Blake: then shouldn't you stay hidden?!

Raven shrugged. "I got bored. And Ruby and Weiss are too cute together to be around so I had to escape before I die of cuteness."

Blake sighed. "Just stay out of trouble."

Yang: Even with a warning, she'll cause trouble.

Raven held up two fingers. "Peace."

Yang sighed. "Come on Blake! Hope onto bumblebee!"

As they drove off we could see a small pirate ship in the distance. Luckily it didn't seem to have any interest in the island.

They reached the Capital City...

Their bike screeched to a halt.

Yang: woah! You live here?! Where's your house? Is it that one? How about that one down there?

Blake blushed. "um... it's..." she moves Yang's hand towards the biggest house, in the middle of the region. "...that one."

Yang was speechless. "Your... a rich girl?" Blake winced. "Yes and no... my parents are the chieftains of the Country."

Yang gaped. She let out a small squeak from her open mouth.

Raven, who was in her bird form, watched them from the trees. She was gaping also. 'My second future daughter in law, is the daughter of Chief Ghira?!'

They walked up to the front door.

Blake was about to knock on the door. She stopped.

Yang: What's wrong?

Blake:'s just been a long time since I've seen my parents.

Yang grinned. "That shouldn't keep you! Go on! Knock away!"

Blake swallowed and knocked on the door. A loud bang resounded.

Yang and Blake flinched. "Ok, be honest? That was a little intimidating!" Blake gulped. "I'm even more scared now..."

A cat Faunus woman opened the door. "Uh, is something the matter?" She asked, seeing the two Faunus girls on the doorstep.

Yang nudged Blake forwards. "Um..." the woman squinted, then gasped. "Blake??" "...h-hi! Mom!"

The woman, Kali, rushed forwards and hugged the life out of the girl. "Oh my baby girl!" Blake went rigid before hugging her back. "You're hugs not as harsh as Yang's!"

Yang grinned. "Aw I'm hurt!" Kali then looked at the Dragon Girl. "Are you a friend of Blake's?"

Blake swallowed nervously. "G-Girlfriend, actually."

Kali's shocked face was priceless. "My god..." Yang wilted slightly. 'Does she not accept us being together?' She was answered when Kali suddenly hugged Yang the same way she did to Blake. "MY BABY GIRL GREW UP! Congratulations! And she's quite the catch too! Double congratulations!~"

Yang blinked, seeing Kali checking her out. Blake was blushing. "Mom! Your gonna draw attention!" Hearing that, Yang got a devious idea.

Yang struck a pose, smirking. "Why? I thought you loved showing me off!"

Kali has a nosebleed at the idea of Blake 'showing Yang off' and Blake was blushing up a storm. Raven sniggered.

Blake: YANG!!

They then heard a voice from inside. "Kali? Who is it?" They turned to see what had to be, Blake's father, Ghira Belladonna.

He noticed Blake and a look of relief and joy came to his face.


They were all gathered at the table in the living room.

Ghira: I'm so glad you finally found the time to visit us Blake.

Blake: Well, when your team leader leads us into all kinds of crazy adventures, things get kinda out of schedule!

Yang: Yeah, like in Mountain Glenn! That was awesome!

Kali: I didn't now the WF had missions in desolate places.

The laughter stopped. Kali and Ghira looked at the now silent duo in confusion. "Is everything alright?" Kali asked.

Yang: We don't work for the WF. We're students of BA (Beacon Academy).

Ghira and Kali gasped. "Wait, you two left the WF?" 

Blake flinched. Yang sighed. "Uh no. She did." She gestured at Blake. "Me and my sister never really found the WF interesting."

Kali: So, what did Adam think of this?

Blake suddenly gasped, and started hyperventilating. Everyone gathered around her.

Ghira: What's happening??

Yang: She's traumatised by the WF leader. Didn't you know? She ran away when the WF became hostile.

Kali bit her fingernail. "I... no. We were never informed." Blake's breathing slowed and she fell asleep.

Yang: Well, we should get her to bed, it'll where off in the morning.

The doorbell rang. "Darn it." Said Ghira. "I completely forgot about the meeting." He went to answer the door.

Yang picked up Blake and put her on the sofa.

Kali: I didn't realise that the WF changed that much...

Yang: I don't blame you.

She jumped onto the sofa and laid Blake's head on her lap. "This usually helps, when she gets a panic attack."


Raven watched Ghira, who was talking to two white fang members on his doorstep, from on top of a tree.

Corsac and Fennec were their names, but Raven didn't care.

Ghira: Usually, I would've said yes to your statement. But after recently hearing someone's view point, I am declining.

Raven noticed the fox brothers' expressions darken. 'Intervene? Or not intervene?'

Corsac: I see... that is a shame. High Leader Taurus was hoping for the opposite answer.

Fennec: On the subject, perhaps you could let us in? We might come to a different conclusion.

Raven sighed. 'Intervene.' She jumped off of the tree and slammed the two brothers into the ground.

Ghira gaped at the sudden appearance of the samurai. "My name is Raven. I'm Yang's mother. And I have information to give you."


Blake and Yang were walking down the streets of Cocoana. "A lot of the fruit sales here are really good! They make good juice too, which is perfect for a hot day." Blake told Yang, who was already sipping a cocktail. "Ah!~ You don't say!" She said, her long reptilian tail wagging.

They came across the beach. "Now that I think about it, Menagerie is basically a massive beach resort isn't it?" Yang asked.

Yang smirked. "By the way, when are we gonna do something about our little stalker?" She asked pointing at the rock a few yards behind them. Blake chuckled. "I was wandering when you'd ask. Shadow Slash!"

She sent a flying slash at the rock, with her Katana, and smashed it to dust. Behind it, obviously shocked at being found out so soon, stood a young brunette girl in black spy wear. The WF mask on her face cracked and fell to pieces on the ground.

Blake recognised her immediately. "Ilia?"

Ilia gulped. "H-hey Blake!"

Yang: You know her?

Blake nodded. "Back in the WF, she was my partner. She was also kinda my little sister."

Ilia walked forwards. "I've been looking for you! When I heard you two came to Menagerie I had to find you! We need to get back to HQ!"

Blake: What? Didn't they tell you, I left?

Ilia: What do you mean you left? Stop with the jokes Blake!

Yang sighed. "Slow down guys, I'm trying to wrap my head around something." She looked at Ilia. "Are you really a Faunus?"

"Excuse me?!" Ilia shouted, her skin turning red. Yang put up her hands in surrender. "Nope, I take that back. Definitely a Faunus."

Ilia humphed. "I don't recall the leaders recruiting Dragon Faunus. You guys are so rare in South Mistral that we thought you were extinct!"

Yang: We're not from the White Fang.

Ilia blinked, her annoyance fading, hearing Yang's answer. "Your not?" When Yang shook her head, Ilia fell to her knees. "So... it's true? You left?" She asked, looking up at Blake.

Blake nodded, putting a hand on Ilia's shoulder. "Yes, Ilia. But not for nothing. I was enrolled into Beacon Academy in Vale. I made a team, got a girlfriend, things couldn't be better for me!" She said proudly causing Yang to smile.

Ilia pointed at the duo. "Y-you two are a couple?" She asked, shocked.

Yang grinned. "Yep! BTW, you wanna come with us to Beacon?" This surprised the chameleon girl.

Ilia was about to answer, when suddenly the WF troops surrounded them. "We're tired of waiting!!" Yelled the leader. "We are here to capture the heir to the Belladonna Household!"

Blake readied her swords and Yang cracked her knuckles. "This'll be good..." they said in unison. Ilia was slightly intimidated at the amused looks on their faces.

Raven POV

Ghira gaped at me. "Adam is going to attack the Schools?!"

"Yep, and he's not gonna stop there. He may have lost several pawns, mainly Torchwick and Junior, and Cinder is now part of Beacon after being cured of her darkness. However, he's planning on to taking over the kingdoms." I replied.

Ghira grimaced. "Even though the only place, recently, with Faunus Criticism is in the highest part of Mantel, in the mountains of Atlas."

Kali: But, there are certain parts of Vale were things don't work out either.

I shrugged. "True. But even then, it is nothing to serious to be attacked for." I stretched. "I can only say that Adam Taurus is suffering from the same phenomenon Cinder once did."

"Do you know what it is?" Kali asked. "Not yet." I replied.


Blake dashed forwards and slashed at the WF Grunts while spinning. "Crescent Moon Slice!" She cut down several WF members in the process.

Yang jumped into the air. Her fist caught fire and she propelled herself back to the ground. "Meteor Crash!" She slammed into the ground causing a flaming shockwave, sending most of the WF members flying.

The WF Grunts pointed their guns at them, but Blake swung her weapon in gun-sickle mode. "Night Slash!

Yang smirked, then started running towards the rest of the Grunts, pummelling them as she went. "Burning Embers!"

In a span of no time at all, the WF Grunts were K.O. "W-where is Hazel??" One asked, before fainting.

Ilia gaped. "H-how strong are you two?!" Yang grinned. "Beacon knows how to train 'em!" She wrapped her arm around Blake's shoulder. "Right darling?"

Blake blushed. "Yang, be sexy later. Ilia's barely over 14." Yang blinked. "Oh whoops."

Ilia was seeming very depressed. "Why did you leave?"

Blake sighed. "I had too. A... Ad... A-A..." she took a deep breath. "He, changed." Blake said calming down. "In the 4 years that I knew him, he became bloodthirstier and more viscous with every mission... and before I new it, he became delusional."

Yang shook her head. "Come on Blake, I told you! This Adrian guy, or whatever his name is, is no match for me!" Blake laughed. "I don't doubt."

Ilia then gasped. "Oh god... I just remembered my mission..." Blake and Yang looked at her.

"I was supposed to capture Blake..." she then pointed to her. "He is after you! No doubt!" She then took a deep breath. "I also heard them say that if you don't come back they'll attack the chief!"

Yang blinked. "Oh crud." She grabbed Blake, then Ilia and then flew off, ignoring the screams of terror coming from Ilia.

That Night...

Ghira paced back and forth. "Is that so?"

Ilia nodded. "The High Leader doesn't joke around."

"Got that right." Blake muttered, remembering her past.

Raven nodded. "That explains why their at our doorstep right now." "Wait, what?"

At that moment, the doors were punched open and Hazel walked in. "I see we meet again." He grunted.

Next to him was Tyrian, cackling like mad. "These are the ones that put a stop to the HQ in mountain Glenn? They don't look like much."

Then from behind them, a certain tiger Faunus appeared. She smirked. "Hello Blake." Blake gasped. "Sienna?!"

The fox brothers then appeared next with the Grunts. "Where's that samurai?!" Fennec Yelled.

Ghira sighed. "I'd rather not have a fight in our house."

"K then." Yang replied, she then dashed forwards and gabbed Hazel by the collar. "Your coming with me!" They flew out of the house through the front door and into the distance.

Blake sighed. "I know who I'm fighting. Catch me if you can, Kitty Kitty Kitty!" She taunted. Jumping out the window. Sienna growled at the insult and jumped after her.

Tyrian cackled. "Then who shall be my oppo-" Raven kicked him in the face, causing him to fly out the door. "Me." Raven replied. She dashed out after him.

Ghira watched them go. "Well now." He turned to the fox brothers and the Grunts. "Shall we?" He cracked his knuckles.

The fox brothers were easily intimidated.


Two shadows danced in the moonlight, with the sounds of swords clashing together. The two cat Faunus were moving so swiftly it was hard to track them.

Blake and Sienna landed and glared at each other. Sienna grinned. "I remember that Adam used to love watching us brawl. Kitty fights he used to call them!"

Blake noticeably flinched. 'Don't falter...' she changed her weapon into its gun form, and shot at Sienna who quickly parried them away. "Ha! Is that all you've got?"

Blake growled. "You tigers may have more bulk, but us panthers are much lighter on their feet!" She jumped off of the rooftop and swung her Gun-Sickle in a wide arc. "Panther Claw!"

Sienna evaded the strike and sent her two Chain Blades at Blake who evaporated into the shadows. "Sneak!" Blake then reappeared out of the shadows on the street.

Sienna jumped down. "Why did you stay with him?!" Blake yelled to the approaching Cat Faunus. "Because it works!" Sienna yelled back. They clashed once more.


Yang and Hazel were on the beach, dealing each-other blow after blow. Hazel's blows we're blocked and parried by Yang's, who was not only parrying with her arms, but also hitting he large man with her legs. They skidded away from each other after one more connecting blow.

Yang was grinning madly. "My Semblance is turning damage and pain into strength. Yours is just nullifying the damage and Pain I'm dealing to you. This fight is gonna last forever, if I don't spice things up!"

She jumped back and pumped her fists together. "Burning Blood!" She Yelled. Her hair ignited and her eyes went red. Also her horns, wings and tail seemed to get bigger in size.

Hazel grunted and swung a right hook, that Yang blocked with her left Wing and allowing her to land a flaming jab into Hazel's stomach. "You're wide open! Flaming Iron Fist!" The blow sent Hazel skidding backwards. "Flaming Claw!" She landed a kick in his abdomen.

Hazel gagged, which left him open for another Yang Punch. "Yang Bazooka!" She slammed both fists into the man, sending him through the rock wall.

Hazel staggered slightly as he got up. 'Damn it... I'm nearing my limit!' Yang grinned. "Getting old, big guy?"


The Grunts that were with the fox brothers were long since taken care of.

Ghira punched Corsac in the face and clawed at Fennec, who jumped out of the way. But Ghira slammed his fist into the fox man's stomach sending him into the wall. "1 down, 1 to go." Ghira muttered.


Raven was parrying Tyrian's blows with ease. "Damn it... why aren't you siding with the saviour?!" The mad Scorpion Man yelled.

Raven humphed. "It's true what they said. You're insane." She blocked again. "Just like your boss." She swung her katana, and Tyrian backflipped out of the way. 

Tyrian then started shouting. "YOU DARE?! NO ONE INSULTS THE GREAT ADAM TAU-"

Raven disappeared and reappeared behind him, slashing him in the process. "Purgatory Demon Slash." Tyrian spasmed, before falling down. "Gah..."

Raven looked at him. "Those who lose to the greed of their own will become servants to their own lust." She walked away. "Don't worry, I didn't kill you. You are sure to be a formidable opponent later on."

Back to Blake

Blake and Sienna slashed and slashed, neither of them getting the upper hand. Sienna growled and jumped back. "Enough of this!" Her stripes glowed brightly. "Acceleration!" She dashed and zigzagged around Blake, who now had less luck in parrying.

"I guess I have to fight dirty..." She huffed. "Ninja technique: Shadow Clones." She multiplied. And started dashing around everywhere.

Sienna laughed and cut down each Blake clone. "Think that'll stop me?!"

When the last Blake was cut down, Sienna noticed that she was alone in the ally way.

Sienna: Did I get her? No. Did she run away?

As she looked around, Blake reappeared from Sienna's shadow. "Ninja Arts: Soul Wavelength!" She shouted, surprising Sienna. "WHAT?!"  "Aura Blast!!!" Blake slammed both fists into Sienna's back, sending out a shockwave.

Sienna shouted out in shock and pain. "GAAAH!" Blake smirked. "Who's the best kitty cat now?"

The Tiger cat-girl was launched away from Blake and hit the wall, and fell to the ground, K.O.

Blake huffed and puffed. "I really gotta be careful when I use that one..."

Back to Yang

Yang landed another blow which he blocked. "1, 2, 3, 4!" Yang counted her flaming punches each time.

Hazel winced. "Her blows are getting stronger with each hit." Yang grinned. "You guessed it!" She then started punching rapid fire. "...7,8,9... ya ya ya yayayayayayayayayaya!!"

"Secret Technique: Flaming Combo Star!" She yelled. Hazel couldn't block everything for long and he was overwhelmed. Yang readied one last punch. "Finishing Blow, Flaming Uppercut!" Her Punch sent Hazel flying into the sky.

When Hazel landed back down, he looked like crap.

Yang's power up ceased. "Gotcha good." She muttered, falling to her knees. "Why are power ups so exhausting?"

Back to Ghira

Raven watched as Ghira drop kicked Corsac into the floor. 'As expected of a chief. He's strong.'

Fennec, slowly got up. "Darn you... Ghira..." He was hit on the head with Kali's silver tray. "Honestly." She muttered. "Have some more respect for my husband."

Raven returned with an unconscious Tyrian over her shoulder. Yang and Blake returned soon after, carrying their opponents the same way.

Yang grinned. "Well, that was a thing!" Everyone, but Raven, groaned. "I'm happy the party was crashed." The samurai said. Everyone groaned again, but Yang's laughter was contagious.

A few days later...

Yang and Blake were waving at Ghira and Kali, as they left the island on boat. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" Blake called out. "Goodbye Blake!" Kali called. "Good-luck with Beacon!"

Raven smiled, from her spot on the boat. Once the island was in the distance, Raven kicked down the barrel that she was sitting on.

Ilia tumbled out. "Your not so good at hiding." Raven told her. Ilia just grumbled. "Shut up..."

Beacon Academy

Ozpin looked at the report. "Vampire woman on the loose in Beacon?" He asked. "How odd."

Glynda: I say that too. But Team CRDL is so spooked that they won't come out of their dorm.

Ozpin: Good riddance. I've had enough of those bullies.

He looked at Ironwood. "James, seeing that we decided that Beacon shall be the official main school for Heroes, I am promoting you to head of Beacon security." Ironwood bowed. "Yes Sir."

"And Qrow and Winter, you two shall now be official Vale Heroes." Ozpin added. "Patrol the school at night, and see if you can find something out of the ordinary."

Winter: Certainly sir.

Qrow: Sure thing, Oz. *Winter glares at him* now come on Win, let's go on that date of ours!

Winter: WHAT?! You told me you wouldn't say that. Damnit Qrow!! 

Ozpin smirked at the duo as they left the office. Once Ironwood took his leave, the headmaster turned to his secretary, and Wife. "How quickly can we put together a uniform for this rogue vampire?" He asked, causing Glynda to smirk. "In no time at all." "Good!"

(A/N: Phew, 15 chapters. Just to make sure you guys know, I'm gonna be making a story of my second most favorite anime, One Piece. Mostly because I need a break from writing this story for a while, but I don't wanna stop writing stories in general. The first chapter of One Piece: East Blue Saga will be done soon. But don't worry The Adventures Of Team RWBY won't stop yet, so see you soon.)

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