I was alone until I found you...

By XxEmoSnakeWolfxX

33.8K 1K 364

You are the bad boy of your highschool girls surround you knowing that they all love a bad boy but, your hear... More

My life all summed up
Why Did this happen
Who did this to you!
He's so cute!
Don't touch him!
Was it worth it?
New Day but, Mixed Emotions
Why Why Why?!!
What Have You Done?!
W-Where is He?
Author's Note
What is This Place? Who Are You?
You're Alive!
Authors Note and Update
This is Wholesome (Not)
Lets see how this goes
What are we?
Im Sorry Please
Your Time is Soon Over

Why the nice gesture

3.9K 109 51
By XxEmoSnakeWolfxX

(Xander's POV)
(also this is the pov before he and your character met) 

I had just woken up from my slumber. I went into the bathroom got dressed and styled my hair...i made it down stairs to see my mum collapsed on the couch 'she must've gotten drunk again' I thought to myself. I didn't want to wake her cause I know how she gets when she gets drunk. She would hit me and punch me...at least she wasn't like Luke and his gang...Luke and his gang would beat me up all the time when I was on my way to school...i hated getting beat up. I know I'm weak and skinny but, w-what did I ever do to them. I made some toast with jam and went outside and walked to school eating the toast. The sun's warm rays warmed up my cold pale skin. I put my hands in my jean pockets for some warmth...it was an autumn morning it turned from warm to cold really quickly.

I finished eating my piece of toast and saw Luke and his gang "oh no" I whispered to myself. Luke look over at me and saw me standing still shaking slightly. I tend to shake when I'm nervous...i-its a habit. I started to run away from Luke but, I tripped and fell on the concrete and I tried to get up but, Luke's gang member Mike held me down...i struggled to get out of his grip...he was a lot stronger than I am. "you really think you can escape me...fat chance idiot!" Mike yelled at me. I started to cry cause his grip got tighter and tighter.

Luke looked down at me like I was a dead bird. "Aww what's wrong crybaby" Luke have a evil laugh and came closer to my face. I started sobbing louder hoping someone would hear me and help me but, no one came. "Shut up you fucking brat" Luke yelled and started punching he in the face. Thick amounts of blood ran down from my nose down to my lip, I could taste the blood it was warm and terrible. Luke and the others kept hitting me and punching me. I thought i was long gone, I thought i wouldn't make it but, I saw a boy with white hair and red eyes. He was beating up Luke. Luke was beat up and bruised. The others ran away and Mike grabbed Luke and ran off with him. 

I was still lying on the ground trying to get up but, I couldn't...i was badly bruised and beaten and barely stand on my own two feet. The boy lent out his hand to help me up...i grabbed his hand and the boy pulled me up gently. "are you alright" the said calmly looking into my eye "y-yeah i-im fine" I said still sounding like I was crying. "I'm (Y/N)" '(Y/N) that's a really nice name' I thought "i-im Xander" I said softly still feeling blood running down my lip.

"here let me help you" (Y/N) grabbed out a cloth and wet it using his water bottle. (Y/N) wiped the blood and dirt off my face. "don't you go to Crystal High" (Y/N) said softly.

"Y-Yeah I do" I stuttered looking into (Y/N) eyes. "I'm go there to...do you want to walk there together" (Y/N) said softly. My eyes widen but, I nodded and blushed me and (Y/N) walked to school together.

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