Guardian: The Wish

By Akai_Seirei

3K 240 360

Shen Wei and his twin brother had a privilege life after the death of their parents when they were kids, but... More

You Are The One
Where You Belong
The Eternal Lovers

The Wish

1K 67 92
By Akai_Seirei

-Shen Wei-

It was early in the morning when Ye Zun, second son of the wealthy Shen family walked inside his twin brother's room to see him already in action, stubbornly decided to go to the country side, in which there was a temple that could grant people's wishes, in a special night of a year. 

The idea had been suggested by a monk his brother encounter while exercising in a nearby park yesterday and apparently, after thinking it over the night, Shen Wei told him, just a few minutes ago, that he will be going to the local festival and that he was in charge of their parents company for a few weeks, while he was on vacation.

"This is maddening Gege... how could you took the word of a passing monk seriously?" Ye Zun asked as he watched in frustration as his brother packed his things, to go on a trip to the country side.

"It's not really because the monk told me to make a wish in that temple, it's more because I need something to fill that void that keeps me from fully enjoying life." Shen Wei said, as he keep on with his task.

"But you are still the CEO of the company and there is still a lot to do here." Ye Zun protested.

"I had done more than enough for our parents company. No one can blame me for taking vacations. Mother even suggested it a few months back, you know that."

"Ah, but that was because you where overworking yourself... look, Gege, I know you need the rest, but you can have a wonderful time here in Dragon City... just stay in the city and relax in one of the hotels. I guarantee, you will be as good as new in no time."

"Didi... this is more than a time to rest the body, it's also a time to give peace to my soul." Shen said, taking the time to look at his brother. 

"You have a few lovers in your life, so I don't think you will understand how is like to yearn for someone it may only exist in dreams. Someone you know it means the world to you, but you don't know who. You miss it, you need it, you want it, but you don't even clearly see the face, nor the name. This void had been eating me alive for long enough... I don't know if this countryside festival is real or not, if it grant me peace, it will be more than worthy."

"And what difference will it make if it was pure nonsense? It can be fake, you know? I mean, the monk you encounter in the park and the unknown festival. You are so smart Gege, but sometimes you can be naïve too." Shen sighed.

"Call me a fool then, still I'm going Ye Zun. You are more than capable to lead the company until my return... we all know you are even better than me..."

"Don't said that, Shen Wei, it's not true." His brother insisted.

"Yes it is... we both know that my true interest lies somewhere else than to lead a company." Shen said as he closed his suitcase.

"Please Gege, reconsider..."

"I'm sorry Didi... somehow this feels right. It's like I had been waiting thirty-two years for this night. Please understand, I had never asked something for me, ever since we were adopted, because we were lucky enough to be chosen by a rich couple that love us... but I have this urge, this feeling that tells me I need to go to that small town before nightfall and that whatever may happen there, will change my life forever. I did hesitate for most of the night because of you and mother, but I need this, Didi." Shen looked at his other half, so seriously and Ye Zun didn't have any other choice but to resign himself to be apart from his Gege for a few weeks.

"Alright, but you have to promise to call at least once every day and if something goes wrong, you will come back home immediately. You know mother worries for you a lot too." Shen Wei smiled and came to hug his brother before giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I will stay in touch. Take care of mother for me... and don't get into troubles in my absence." Wei said, taking his suitcase and going out of his room, in route to a rural town and to the Wishing Temple.


"Hey, tonight is the wishing festival... who will you go with?" Zhu Hong asked her boss, Zhao Yunlan, Chief of a small unit of detectives that investigate rare cases... well, more like weird happenings around the town.

"None of your business. Just don't ruin my date tonight, as you did last year and the year before that. Damn, just stay away from me tonight." Zhao said seriously, as his right hand man called Da Qing, laughed like crazy.

"That's right, she ruins it for you pretty much every year..." Da Qing said, adding salt to his wounds.

"Shut up, you idiot, or you too will be having a bad night." Zhao warned him.

"Ah, Chief... she is just in love." Wang said as she enter the small office of the SID team.

"In love my ass, she just love to ruin my romantic life. I know she is dating one who cames to often lately." Yunlan said smiling devilry, making Zhu blush, while Da Qing and Wang looked at each other in surprise.

"Seriously... are you two really detectives? They had been dating for half a year already..." Zhao said in disbelief.

"Chief Zhao!" Zhu protested.

"What? Am I saying something untruth? You know better than that... he even comes more often now with the stupidest cases ever." Zhao pressed as the woman blushed even harder.

"Wait, the fake monk? You kidding, right? She said she hate him the most pretty much every times he comes." Da Qing said.

"Well, it's said that from hate to love, there is only one step. Dear Zhu, you sure are wicked..." Zhu grab a pencil from her desk and throw it to Wang's, which did nothing but to harmlessly fall on the floor.

"You are already marry, so don't even go making a wish for kids or something. Only one wish is granted one night of the year, so stay away from the temple." Zhu demanded.

"And what will be yours? To marry Lin Jing before the end of the year? Then you have two weeks to plan it." Wang refuted.

"Forget about that, the wish will be mine this year, so you both stay away from the temple tonight." Da Qing said and so they keep up the fight, while Yunlan watch them with amusement. 

To be honest, he didn't have a date that night, he only wanted to go and make his wish. He had been having some disturbing dreams in the past year, with a beautiful guy that was killed right in front of him as he yelled his name. He never remember how he was called when waking up, but he felt like crying every time he was killed, because he had the feeling he loved the stranger with all his might.

All those nights he got up drenched in sweet as he yell something he forgot right after it goes out of his mouth, he wished he could save that man, over and over, he thought of nothing else for hours. So this year, he will go to the temple, make his prayers and wish for his torment to end, to either dream of him been saved or the nightmare to stop plaguing him completely.

"And talking about the devil... here he comes." Wang said, making Zhao go out of his inner thoughts and look at the so called fake monk enter the office. Zhao smirked as Zhu went impossibly red and avoid looking at Lin Jing, who's smile die away in confusion when his lover pretty much ignore him in embarrassment. Then he laugh.

"Good timing Lin, we were just talking about you." Zhao said and the monk sighed.

"I guess the secret is out... Oh well... Zhao Yunlan, I have a job for you." Lin Jing, a tall slender man, with handsome features said. He was currently dressed as a monk, which only make his head hurt. His team was request to accept cases from citizens and temples, so whenever that full of himself fake month came, they were bond to take the case even if it was a poor excuse to hang out in working hours with his girlfriend... and his team called him shameless.

And so, they go out to 'investigate' a weird happening in the other side of the town, right in the middle of a forest that had nothing more than blood sucking little insects. A long time ago, the world they lived in was shared with another, so occasionally, they experience rare cases in which things from the other side 'escaped', braking havoc here and there, scaring off the citizens. This weird occurrences happen the most in small town, surrounded by nature, thus his SID department was born. 

However, most of the time, just like that one, that mysterious happenings were nothing but nonsense, with make Zhao's mood darken as the hours, taking such cases grew old. By the end of the day, he was exhausted for all the walking they did in the forest, just to find out that the black monster some people claim they saw was nothing more than an oversized forest pig.

He went home to have a warm shower. Outside, the air was cold and the festival was around the corner, so he dress in warm clothes, eat something and went out. The whishing festival was well known among the country folks, so that night, the temple was full of people, wanting for their deepest wish to be granted.

The red and gold lanterns gave the old temple an enchanted atmosphere. He had go there year after year, but to be honest with himself, this one time, his wish was going to be a pure one. He only wanted peace, only wanted to save a dream man that sacrifice himself for him, to make him live and have a happy life, even if it was in a dream world.

He visit a few food stands and avoided all members of his team as if they had a contagious disease, then walked to the incense stand and took a stick and make it burn. As he surf between the crowds of people, he inhale the calming sent and make his wish, plain and simple. It will probably not be granted, because it wasn't something of life and death, but still, just letting it out was more than enough.

He extended his hand to place his incense stick in one of the dozens of urns, but at that exact same time another hand came from his right side and they almost knock each other sticks, trying to put them down at the same time. Zhao turned his head to give the other person an apology, but he was stunned when he saw that lovely face that he wanted so badly to bring happiness to and actually in real life. Or was he a ghost?

"Shen Wei..." The name escape his lips on their own accord. It was the first time he remember it from countless nights of forgetting it as soon as he awoke. Still, if he was surprise to see a living version of his dream man, the handsome copy at his side was even more so, to a point, that he had to grab him, before he fell to the floor.

"I'll be damn!" Zhao Yunlan cursed as he took the stranger in his arms, bridal style and try to make his way into the crowd to a nearby clinic. Yet, as he carry his precious cargo, he smiled in disbelief. Somehow, oh, somehow his wish had been granted even before he placed his stick into the urn.

AN: Yep, new story, new Weilan romance. This one will be closer to Lost Memory, focus in their sweet relationship rather than a big plot. Thanks for reading, hope you like it. Slow updates. 😄😉😁💖

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