You Are The One

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-Shen Wei-

His head hurt, that was the first thing Shen Wei notice, when becoming conscious, because there was a hint of pain when he woke up, that prevented him from opening his eyes right away. Then, as he let the pain subside, he notice that there was someone holding his hand. It was a warm one, giving him a gentle touch that make his heart flutter without even knowing to who it belong. After a moment of enjoying the caring sensation, Wei open his eyes slowly, giving it time for the blurry vision to go back to normal, before focusing back in the room where he was resting.

The first thing he saw, was a white ceiling, then he look to his right side, from where the warm touch came and was surprised to find a man, half lying in a uncomfortable chair and half lying over the bed he was in. He couldn’t see the man face, because he was resting his head over his forearm, at the same time he was holding his hand. However, he could see black long hair, parted in two sides that he resist the impulse to run his fingers through it.

The room was illuminated by a dim light from above, but the soft light was enough to see around and Shen found himself hopelessly admiring the stranger, his fingers were long and his skin soft and white. The stranger was breathing evenly and Shen smiled despite himself, as he wonder why his heart was hastening his peace inside his chest just by looking at the one that probably had took care of him for the night. Wait, the night? Where was he? And why, for that matter.

He looked around a bit confused, trying to look for answers. With a sight, Shen Wei realize he was in a hospital room, a private one that only had him and the stranger. He try to pull his right hand away at the same time he try to recall what happen, then his sudden action, make the man sleeping by his bed stir and move a bit by his side, finally revealing his handsome face and it was then, when reality sink in.

“Yunlan…” The name escape his lips and his head hurt some more, with a voice echoing inside of it, telling him that there must be a day, they will meet again in another lifetime, something about a bet make a very long time ago. Then he remember what happen last night in full. Shen had gone to the Wishing Temple, as the strange monk had suggested and walked through the crowd of people wanting for their wish to be granted, took an incense stick and headed for the urns. The locals had tell him that was the way you ask for a whish and if it was pure enough, it may be granted.

He had only thought of fill that void, to find what was lost, so he could go on and be complete again. Thus he was so immerse in putting all his heart into the incense that he accidently knocked out someone else stick. He was about to apologize, when he saw the face of the man beside him and he was utterly shocked. Somehow, when he saw that man, he knew, he was sure, he had absolutely no doubt that he was the one he had been looking for, the one who could finally fill that cursed void and his presence impact him to the core just with one single glance.

He most had fainted in the spot, because he could not remember anything else after that, thus he assumed the man he just called Yunlan, probably took him and bring him to the nearest hospital, then stayed to look after him, since no one else would, knowing nothing about him or did he? He had called him Shen Wei before he fainted… but he himself had also called the other man Yunlan, not knowing if it was his real name. He wonder if his wish had been granted and this was only an illusion.

However, regardless of the reason, the man gave a soft moan, probably as he felt the soreness of falling asleep in such an uncomfortable position for who knows how many ours, then he move, cursing a bit before finally sit on the chair with his back straight. Shen smiled as he saw him massage his neck, and move his shoulders, still with his eyes closed and so… he open them, to find Wei staring at those sensual lips of his.

Yunlan was probably not expecting to find him awake and deeply staring his way, which surprise him, sudenly making him move back. What happen next was something a romance fan would love to read or to watch in a book or a movie, because as Yunlan was about to fall back along with the chair, Shen Wei had move faster than he thought possible to grab him and steady the chair before he could fall to the floor.

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