Where You Belong

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-Shen Wei-

Zhao Yunlan was in his private heaven, feeling like a love sick teen with his first love, driving him home. That he was in a bliss, there was no doubts about it, not even to Shen Wei, who chanced a few glances to the smiling man at his side. They had talk a bit, about unimportant things, as Zhao told him about the town, the strange occurrences that happened, which gave birth to their small unit.

"We had something similar to what happen here, strange cases that can't be explained by normal investigations. We call them Guardians in Dragon City, but they don't work as much as you in here." Shen said and Zhao smiled.

"Guardians, huh? It kind of ring a bell in the back of my mind... the same way as our sudden, yet fated meeting. Shen Wei... do you believe in past lives?" Zhao asked, while he turned in a corner, now close to his home.

"How could I not? How else could I explain me knowing your name before you told me and have this feeling I had been waiting for you for a very long time." He blushed as he admitted it and Zhao smiled.

"What was your wish?" Zhao asked curiously, parking in front of a house. It was of an average size, with a small dark red fence and a stone path that leads to the wide mahogany door, illuminated with a light. It was a simple country house, but to Shen it felt more like home, than the luxury house he had living in back in Dragon City, even if he had never been there before.

"To find that which I lost, to fill the void I had live with all my life. To find you... Zhao Yunlan." Shen said while blushing. There was no point in denying the obvious, because both of them had felt the attraction instantly, most like they have live in a pause until they meet and now they could finally move forward.

"That's lovely, Shen Wei... well, we are home now. I will take you to pick up your car in the morning, it's already late. You don't need to worry about someone trying to steal it, because in small rural town, we all know each other, so those kinds of crimes are low in here." Shen smiled.

"I see... this looks like a nice place to live, quiet and peaceful, without the noise and high crime rate of the big City." Zhao smiled.

"You are welcome to stay here... I'm sure you will love it." There was that mischievous look that make his heart race. Shen blushed a bit, but hold on to that gaze, then Zhao move closer and closer still, until their lips were almost touching. Wei heart jumped inside his chest, because there was a hint of lust in Yunlan's eyes, a kind of desire that had been dormant for too long.

Then, Zhao's moved pass him, making Shen breathless for a second, as Yunlan's hair brushed his chin, giving him a tingly sensation that make him shiver, before he realize the mischievous man, had simply tease him while sensually reaching out to unhook his sit bell. Zhao deliberately took his time, making sure to touch as much as possible in the not so innocent act. When he finish freeing him from his sit belt, Zhao once again look at him and smiled.

"Breath Shen Wei, I need you alive... so I can save your soul, remember?" Zhao whisper, making Shen Wei blush more. 

They were so close to kiss and it would be a big lie if he said he didn't want it, because in fact he was itching for it, to touch those sinful lips, to press his against his own, to know his taste and to explore it in full. The temptation was such, that Shen actually move by impulse to kiss Zhao Yunlan, but when he was about to do so, his mobile ringed, making him move away from Yunlan. Zhao sighed, as Shen smiled in apology, taking the call without looking the name and answer it.

"Gege! You finally pick up. What took you so long? Didn't you promise to call back? Are okay? Did you reach that forsaken town? When will you come back? I miss you already..." Zhao arched his eyebrow hearing the voice of the demanding man as clear as Shen Wei.

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