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[OH HOLD BECAUSE I SUCK AT LIFE] "This is going to sound crazy but I was in love with you before I even met y... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

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dudemagnet tarafından

Whoops I thought wiping the small drops of coffee off my jogging pants. I sat my cup down, picking up some napkins to wipe at the now stained spot. I finally decided it wasn't coming off until they were washed. I shrugged and continued to drink my coffee.

I flipped through the red folder in front of me, reading about my new patient that would be coming in on Wednesday.

After awhile I learned all I could from it and closed it. I looked out the shop window, watching the people walk by dressed in large coats and scarves.

Ive always been hot natured, but being in Manchester all that time has made me really appreciate our 'winters' here.

I looked around at the busy coffee shop and listened as the orders were being called out. Watching as people spilled their cups left and right. This coffee shop has been here since I was little, my dad and I use to come in here all the time in the good days.

Today is my lazy day, I woke up just about an hour ago at 1:30.

I haven't slept that long since one time when I was 17, me and my best friend at the time snuck out to go to this concert/rave thing at midnight.

I've never been the slyest when it comes to things like that. So when I came in at about five am and slept till seven pm, my father suggested for me to cover the 'under 21' stamp on my hand next time.

I was grounded for a while after that.

I looked like I felt today, gray joggers and a navy long sleeve Atlanta Braves shirt. My hair was in some short of rats nest bun and I didn't have any make up on. Not that I actually wore a lot when I did anyways, I mean don't get me wrong I love makeup but I hate makeup.

My knock off tan uggs, or as I liked to call them thugs, kept my feet warm on this blustery day. I felt my pocket vibrate, but I didn't feel like talking to anybody so I just let it continue. I grabbed my cup and folder, I threw the cup away and continued outside to my 4 runner.

Traffic was heavier than usual, but then again it is Saturday and I think I heard that some country singer was supposed to be in town tonight. I've always been a anythingbutcontrymusic kinda person, it just never reached me I suppose.

I opened the door to my building with the Wendy's I got on the way here, held tightly in my hand. As soon as the door opened Bob Marley filled my ears.

I looked immediately to the source, finding the small framed black girl behind the counter, bobbing her head along to the smooth beat. I laughed at her in-tune swaying head.

When she noticed me she turned it off, looking at me wide eyed and a little embarrassed "No, no I love that song turn it back on." I encouraged, waving my hand at her.

"I can't." She squeaked "Were not allowed to play music in here unless it's that monotone bullcrap." She added. I laughed at her description of the funeral music they played in here.

"Bren." I said holding my hand out for her to shake.

"Logan." She greeted shaking my hand, her eyes crinkled when she smiled.

"Well I'll talk to ya later, I better get up stairs before this gets too cold." I Said pointing towards my food.

"Well I've got to get back to work anyways." She said nodding her head in the direction of the front desk.

I said good bye and made my way up the stairs. I've got to get some exercise before I eat, burn the calories off and then put them back in.

When I finally made it to my floor I dug for my keys and pushed the door open with my foot.

"Surprise!" they all yelled, almost making me drop my drink. My eyes were wide scanning the full room until I caught my mother's blue eyes "Mom, what the heck?" I asked in a panic.

"Its a house warming party for you, Sweetie." She smiled so big I thought she'd never be able to stop smiling.

I stood there with my mouth agape still not grasping why all these people were in my house.

"And you couldn't let me know in advance so I could clean and I don't know look presentable?" I whispered a little angry, she was just now close enough to hear, she smiled in response.

"But then it wouldn't have been a surprise." She hummed cupping my cheek with her hand. I rubbed my hand over my face with a sigh "Who's all here?"

"Oh just close friends and family even your-"

"Brenlee Fae give your favorite Aunt a hug." Mom was interrupted by my Aunt Vernie walking towards us.

Aunt Vernie was about five foot seven, had curly red hair and carried a fart machine where ever she went. I leaned into her embrace.

"How are you my little British crumpet?" she asked, I shook my head.

"Im fine Vernie. How are you?"

"Oh fine, fine. Just giving your uncle hell." She smiled back at my uncle Albert, who was already drinking. He raised his glass towards us "brought me own."

We all laughed until my mother asked how long they would be staying.

"Oh, after Christmas I suppose." Uncle Al answered, taking another sip of his drink.

"Bren." I heard a squeak of a sound come from behind my Uncle. I looked around him, immediately catching a gray pair of eyes.

"Lous?" I asked forgetting the conversation I was in.

She gave a shy smile "It's so good to see you." She said finally breaking me from my daydream. I crossed my arms still in shock and confusion.

"When did you get back?" I questioned ignoring her comment.

"Not too long ago." She responded "James got an honorable discharge, so we were able to move back." She explained.

James was her fiancé, he was a marine and he got recruited to Kāneʻohe Bay in Hawaii right after senior year. Lucy was my best friend until that day in June, when she decided to go with him instead of continue our plan we had for college.

I had to start over, everything. But it did end up working out for the better, I went on a completely different path than we had planned and it looks like she did too. I never blamed her for what happened, but I did at the same time.

I don't know what I'd do in that situation I've never loved someone like she has. I stood looking at her blankly trying to find the words to say. I opened my mouth to say something "That's cool."

Wow Bren, great job genius I mentally slapped myself in the face.

She opened her mouth to say something, I braced for her to go off on me. "Mama! Mama!" a little girl yelled wrapping around her leg followed by an older boy who looks rather annoyed.

"I didn't do anything mom." The dark headed boy sighed, crossing his arms.

"Yes he did mommy he tried to-"

Lucy cut her daughter off by raising a finger to her mouth.

"Leigh, Mace I want you two, to meet mommy's oldest and dearest friend, Brenlee." She said looking up at me. I looked back at her and that was all I needed those simple words she'd forgiven me. I smiled in her kindness.

They looked at me "Hi Ms. Brenlee." They said in unison.

"Hi." I smiled back. They then went back to fighting about whatever they were before.

Lucy looked at me and shrugged "James will fix it."

I laughed "I'm glad you're back, Lous." I looked at her never changing blonde hair, she nodded.

"Me too."

This isn't awkward.




on the side is Aunt Vernie:)

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