The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC...

By artalicous

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A fellowship is formed to destroy the One Ring to save middle-Earth. They withstand lost, battles, war. What... More

A shadow of the past
Tower of Isengard
The Council of Elrond
The departure from Rivendell
Approaching the Nine
A yak in the Dark
The pass of Caradhras
Gate of Moria
The Tomb Of Balin
Bridge of Khazad-dûm!
Lady of Lórien
Sense of Hollow Grief
The Mirror of Galadriel
The unknown blade
Renege upon
Farewell to Lorien
Elven Brooch
Fangorn Forest
The awaken of Théoden King
Mellon im nall- cin!
A sharp pang of Awkwardness!
Mereth en draugr -im
A cherished memory!
Helm's Deep
The Walls of Helm's Deep
Dawn of the East
The Voice of Saruman
Cernin & Aldar
Overwhelming sweetness
The shapeless shadow of the East
Lle fiose amin!
Thranduil & Raeves
The Dead answered!
Battle of the Pelennor Fields
Houses Of Healing
The Last Debate
The ring is no more
Do you promise?
The Return of the King
Forest of Great Fear
The Elvenking's Hush-Hush
An obsolete rival... or possibly not!
Our family's bonds
Heavenly bliss
Haldir's Outburst
All things gone right!
The wedlock of Elessar & Undómie
Opposing Thranduil
The Elven-Queen's Appurtenance
Smitten intoxication of that one night!
The King of Stone and Wood
The Enchanted River of Mirkwood
The Fall
Dub thee Unforgiven
Distinguishing a friend from a foe!
A chaotic Mess of us!
Just Married!
Alaesa's return
Markedly Unusual
Keeping them safe
Alaesa demands
Confronting Legolas
Narv- ráw
Unveiled & Awaken
The end of all Evil


1.2K 23 2
By artalicous

Author's Note:

Warning: My dear friends, we reached the end. This should be the final chapter of this FF. I don't want to stretch the story too much and make it too boring. 

She awoke to the steady patter of rain upon the wood, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brought a calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural lullaby. Her eyes rested on Ellon who was sleeping next to her. His long blonde hair was covered in a messy state on his back, with no braids or crown. She lifted her arm and let it touch against his, and her fingers slowly brushed away his hair to reveal his fair face. 'Dazzling as ever.' she thought and cracked an earnest smile. Because now she knew. His dazzling looks were nothing in comparison with his bright personality and his stubborn heart. Proud and strong like his father, but different in so many ways. Kind in ways she could never be. Fair and open to anything new and unknown. Yet, what she loved most about him was the way he loved. Legolas loved unconditionally. He was her strength and family, her everything. She smiled and leaned closer kissing him lightly.

Next to them lay Aaron and Reeves. She pulled the blankets and covered them. They fell asleep next to them last night. As they were playing and talking all evening. With the was finally gone and their children on their side, neither Legolas nor Ethir wanted that night to end. They talk and talk about everything and anything. Both parents could not have enough time with their children. They all fell asleep when it was dawn. Now Ethir was the first one waking up. She remained there in the middle of the bed gazing at her family. She was so close to losing them all. Thankfully, Valar was by their side one more time. And there they were all alive and well.

It was almost an hour later when Ethir climbed off the bed and wore her long rope. She walked into the dressing room and wore a green gown. She lifted her long hair in a messy bun and walked outside of the room. She walked around the halls of Mirkwood until she ended up in the lower parts where the training grounds used to be. Only this time she noted there was one more corridor that led beyond the training grounds. She tilted her head as if she had never seen that part of Mirkwood. Curious she found herself standing in front of two wooden gates. The gates were open and Ethir slid inside.

Her curious mind thought maybe it was the Elvenking's treasure room or secret chambers. Indeed few steps away she found him, but in a way, Ethir never have seen the proud King of Mirkwood. The room was dark and made of wood and stone. In the middle of the room, there was a stone tomb. On the tomb was craved a statue of an Elleth, no other than the Elven Queen. And on top leaned the ElvenKing in a grieving state, Ethir had never seen him before. He was almost cuddling the statue and singing a lullaby filled with sorrow and grief. Ethir never had heard Thranduil express his pain in such a way. However, she understood him. Soon her own eyes were filled with tears.

Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her and it was Legolas. She lifted her head and spotted the same grief on Legolas's face. He slowly pulled her close to him and stepped back leaving his father to grief after a long time on his mother's grave. They walked through the halls and back to the opening. When Ethir paused and wrapped her arms around Legolas gifting him the tightest hug she ever had. The Ellon smiled and returned the hug, softly pulling away only to kiss her forehead and resting his arms against her shoulders.

"He found the opening yesterday and the grave. She was buried here under us all those centuries. We have now a grave at least!" Legolas told her as he held her close to him. Because Legolas shared the same thoughts and worries as Ethir. And all her morning thoughts had reached him through their bond. He knew how much and deeply his wife loved him and their kids. And for once clearly Ethir could feel the same. Some would call it bewitched, but it was love. Honest and pure love, what they were feeling. Love is in kind deeds, thoughtful actions, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and self-sacrifice. And so much more, and they both already were through all those feelings and actions.

Now the word 'Love' had deeper and different meanings on their hearts.

After the last war was won things were back to normal. The friends and family spend a few days in Mirkwood. To spend some time together, to talk and breathe the free air. Thranduil held a fest to thank everyone in his way and offer a glass of wine to the ones who died during this war. Since his mother was the cause of the war in the northern parts of Mirkwood. He felt responsible for the war and all the souls that were lost. That was the last time a few of the old friends saw each other. Some would meet again and some would meet more often in Middle Earth or beyond.

Gandalf and a few Elves departed for the undying lands. Few of the elves remained back in Middle Earth. Thranduil decided he would remain in Middle Earth for a bit longer. His urge to travel and meet with his wife was getting stronger day by day. But he tried his best to spend some time with his son, Ethir, and his grandchildren.

Middle Earth lost a strong ally today, as the white Wizard would never roam Middle Earth again. The new era was now starting, with most of the known evil gone. Ethir gave her goodbyes, but sadness overtook her. Gandalf was more than a friend to her. He had helped her find her path and herself. She owed the White Wizard a lot. And now she would no longer see him. They would meet again in Grey Havens.

Aragorn's reign was marked by great harmony and prosperity within Gondor and Arnor, and by a great renewal of cooperation and communication among Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Now that peace slowly ruled over Middle Earth, every soul was slowly finding its way. By Arwen and Aragorn's marriage, the long-sundered lines of the Half-elven were joined. Their union also served to unite and preserve the bloodlines of the Three Kings of the High Elves.

As for Gimli, after the War, Gimli led a large number of Durin's Folk south to establish a new Dwarf kingdom in the Glittering Caves, which were located behind Helm's Deep. He became the first Lord of the Glittering Caves. The Dwarves of the Glittering Caves, led by their Lord Gimli, would repair much of the physical damage that was incurred during the War of the Ring. Most notably, they rebuilt the Great Gate of Minas Tirith with a new one made of Mithril and steel, as well as improving upon the existing layout of the entire city.

There were also major changes in Legolas and Ethir's life. Eventually, they came to Ithilien with the remaining Mirkwood elves helping to restore the woodlands that had been war-torn. After Ethir and Legolas moved to Ithilien, Thranduil sailed for the grey havens. Aaron would be crowned King after he reached his adult years, and rule Ithilien.

Reeves spends most of her days in the white city. She spent her time with Eldarion and slowly their friendship blossomed into love. They wedded after reaching adulthood. Their union brought happiness and joy to both their families. Years after they were blessed with one son, and later on with a few daughters.

Eventually, Ethir and Legolas with Gimli also departed across the sea to the Undying Lands and were never seen again in Middle-earth. They met with family, and friends in the Grey Havens. Yet, that happens few long after Aragorn's death and when Middle Earth had nothing more to offer to them. And the Sea was calling now for both of them.

In their remaining centuries in Middle Earth, it said that Ethir had no other Children. Aaron and Reeves were the only bloodlines they left behind. Reeves died as the curse said as a human, but left behind children. Aaron was married to Elleth and had a son.

Our tale has finally reached its end. There surely have been more memories and events to share with you all. But it's time to bring our story to an END. I hope you enjoyed the ride.

((The End !))

More than anything, thank you for taking the time to read this!

Quick Note: For those who PMed me asking me to write a new LOTR FF. I have to admit, I am seriously thinking about it. And it will be posted soon! Again thanks for all the support, the reviews, and the PMs.

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