Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

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(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive
Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 13: A Year
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 15: Bye Lynda
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town

Chapter 17: We're Connected

426 11 2
By Taffy-Lover634



Y/n sees snow. She's surrounded by it. 

Okay this is a dream.

Everything is black and white. 

Kind of feels like one of those old silent movies. 

Peter and Roman were frozen. Peter was running while yelling and Roman is ahead of him looking to the side. 

There is a house with a boy on a swing set in front of it. 

Miranda is there, which surprises Y/n, back facing the house and the boy looking off into the distance. 

Everyone starts appearing in different places. Beside the house, inside the house, and beside the boy. 

The boy fades away. 

The family goes inside. 

Peter and Roman aren't frozen anymore, they are running towards the house. Miranda and Y/n watch through the window as the boy plays with his toys. 

Then the man in the white mask appears in the corner watching him.

"We are hot, hot, hot, you are not, not, not We are hot, hot, hot, you are not, not, not." Echoes through the air around them as the boy continues to play with his toys. 

Miranda looks towards Roman and Peter and starts to scream, yet everything is still. 

The only splash of color Y/n saw was the red devil on the little boy's shirt.

*End of dream*

Y/n opens her eyes and calmly sits up, so many questions running through her head.

Where am I? What was that dream about? Why was Miranda in it? Will-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing followed by a sink turning on. 

She turned to her right to see an empty hospital bed. There was a window to her left. In the direction of the bathroom door she heard the sink turning off. 

The door opens and out walks Dylan in his normal clothes, not just a flimsy hospital gown he's been dressed in for a year.

Then memories of last night came rushing through her head. He was sitting on the bed awake and there was a reunion filled with tears along with  a lot of hugs.

"Doctor said I could leave in a few hours we just need to fill out some paperwork." Dylan shut the bathroom door. Y/n smiled and pulled her legs up into the chair, so she was sitting criss cross on the chair facing him.

"That's good. Now we can go back to normal." She rested hands on her knees.

"This town is far from normal. And from what I've heard there's still shit happening." He sat down on the bed. He definitely wasn't going to miss this place.

"Yeah but I've got it covered. I'll handle it. You still need to recover." Y/n let out a sigh.

"Uh- No no no. I don't know what parallel universe you think you walked into. I'm helping." Dylan swung his legs over the bed so they were in front of Y/n.

"Dylan I've got this. I'm perfectly fine. Besides you're fresh out of a coma." She slightly threw her hands in the air. Dylan proceeds to quickly lean back as if he dodged a hit. Y/n gave him a look of confusion.

"Sorry, it's just that you almost hit me with your bullshit there. Y/n, I talked to Destiny last night after you fell asleep, she said you did a binding spell and felt like you were getting stabbed in the back." He crossed his arms while Y/n just gave him an unimpressed look at his "joke" ignoring the rest of his statement. 

That was a stupid joke.

"That's true but I'll break the spell, don't worry," Y/n tried to reassure him.

"How?" Dylan uncrossed his arms and leaned back on his hands.

"I know it takes a little more energy to break the bond than make it but I do know how to do it," It was Y/n's turn to cross her arms.

"Oh yeah. Walk me through it Einstein." He moved to drop his elbows on his knees, letting his hands dangle between his legs. Y/n rolled her eyes, she knew what he was doing, he wanted her to go through it step by step to make sure she actually knew it.

Dylan has done the spell before so he knows exactly how to do it. She stared at him for a second and sighed, looking away.

"Okay I don't know every single step but I do know the chant and once I break the bond then I can't shift or do any big spells for a while," Y/n put her hands in her back pockets.

As I said before, compulsive liar.

He exhaled loudly from his nose and started looking out the window.

"Y/n if the spell is done wrong you could accidentally pass your magic to the person you're bound to. Your friend will become too overwhelmed to handle it and they could possibly trigger something." He gripped the edge of the bed.

"Dammit. I really fucked up didn't I?" Y/n finally took in the weight of the situation and ran her hand across her head. She already knew the answer. 

Being blinded by wanting to find Shelley, she didn't think to do more research on the spell. She just found it and remembered it. Still though, she didn't regret it.

I did it to find my friend, a person I care about. And I know she's near here. I can feel her.

"Yes. You did, big time." Dylan interrupted her thoughts.

"When did you do the spell?" He asked.

"Like the night before last," Y/n replied.

"Okay, then you need to wait a couple of days before you can attempt to do it again. And no magic until then." He said pointing at her.

"Yeah yeah, I get it," Y/n turned to look out the window.

"I'll be there to walk you through the spell when you do it." He reassured her. She nodded and continued to look out the window. She started messing with her necklace with one hand.

Then the girl felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She grabbed and turned it to see a text from an unknown number.

Y/n? Is this you? ~ Unknown

Who is this? ~ Y/n

It's Shelley. ~ Shelley

Shelley! What happened? Where are you? ~ Y/n

It's a long story but I'm at the White Tower in the medical part. I had to take someone's phone to contact you. ~ Shelley

Shell I'm glad you're okay. Can I come see you? ~ Y/n

Yes, but you'll have to sneak in. ~ Shelley

That's no problem. ~ Y/n

Okay. Be careful! ~ Shelley

I'll see you in a little bit. ~ Y/n

"Dyl I need to use magic." She stuffed her phone back in her pocket.

Great timing.

"We just talked about this. No magic." Dylan threw his hands up in frustration.

"I know but Shelley, the one I'm bonded to, is back and I need to sneak into Godfrey Industries and see her." She stood up grabbing her bag.

"No I'll do it for you." He got a hold of her arm.

"No Dyl you need rest and I'm pretty sure doing magic is not-" Y/n was interrupted by Dylan mumbling something.

The White Tower

She's in a hallway at Godfrey Industries.

"-resting." Y/n mumbled noticing her new surroundings. She quickly walked until she came to a four way and looked at the signs. She was in the medical bay.

Then she closed her eyes and let the pull lead her the right way. Y/n felt herself take a left and kept going until the feeling got so strong she had to stop.

"Y/n?" A soft yet strained voice says. She opened her eyes immediately and turned to her right.

"Shelley?!" Y/n was in shock of seeing her and hearing her voice. Y/n stood beside Shelley's bed. Shelley sat up and pulled Y/n into a hug. Y/n flinched slightly because of her touching the bruise. Hoping she wouldn't notice Y/n softly hugged her back.

Once they pulled away they smiled at each other but then Shelley frowned.

"You're hurt?" She asked. She did notice.

"Yea." Y/n pulled up a chair to sit beside her.

While they sat in silence Y/n took in her friend's appearance. She no longer had her wig. There was brown hair growing out of half of her head; she still had bandages on her hand.

"How?" She asked.

"I just had a fall, on some big rocks." Y/n couldn't tell her the truth, maybe one day she'd show Shelley her 'witchy woo' but now wasn't the time. Shelley did see her panther and Peter's wolf form but that never came up in the conversation.

"What happened to you?" Y/n move to sit beside her on the bed. Shelley let out a little sigh and started to explain. After she ran she sorta made a little living for herself. Then the white wolf, Christina, came back and tried to kill her but Shelley ended up killing her for real.

Shelley went on to live in an abandoned basement also meeting a little boy who became her friend and helped her basically survive. His name was Jason Blevins. He was abused by his father and that's what made Shelley snap. She killed his parents. His father was the one who stabbed Shelley.

Y/n asked if the boy was okay and she said that her uncle Johann told her he would be taken care of.

"Well Shelley I gotta say. You are a total badass." Y/n nudged her shoulder a little bit. She let out a little giggle and laid her head on Y/n's shoulder.

"I'm sorry- for leaving." She whispered. Y/n wrapped her arm around Shelley's shoulder and gave her a side hug.

"Wanna see a trick?" Y/n gave her a little smile.

Suddenly she remembered Dylan's words. 'No magic.' But a little magic trick couldn't hurt. She glances at Y/n and nods with a small smile.

Y/n mumbled a spell and stuck her hand up her sleeve. She pulled out small sunflowers handing them to Shelley. She took them and laughed.

"How?" She continued to observe them.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." Y/n closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Another?" Shelley wanted to know if her friend could do any other tricks.

Then Y/n get a call. It was from Destiny. She quickly flashes her screen to Shelley, getting up and walked to stand by the door not wanting to go out in fear of getting caught.

"Hey D what's up?" Y/n asked.

"Hey have you been around that Miranda girl since yesterday?" Destiny questioned.

"I was around her last night but I hauled ass outta there because, well you know." Y/n was referring to Dylan.

"Yeah, he called. Glad to hear the bastards still kicking." Destiny replied, Y/n could practically hear her smile through the phone.

"Wait why'd you ask about Miranda?" Y/n was curious, did something happen.

"I read her palm and she's in danger. I just don't want you near her if her stubborn ass decides to stay in town. Something is after her." Destiny sighed.

"Dammit. What the hell is with this fucking town." Y/n mumbled to no one in particular. "Okay I'll be careful." Y/n reassured.

"I didn't say be careful Y/n, I said stay away from her." Her tone was serious.

"Yeah yeah. I'll talk to you later." Y/n hung up. 

Immediately her thoughts went to Nadia. Miranda is basically attached to her and if she's in danger then Nadias in danger.

Before her thoughts could continue she got another phone call.

"What is with the phone calls." She said to myself. It was Peter.

"Hey what's up?" Y/n ask.

"The dream last night the house, the boy, and the guy in the mask. The house I thought it happened in was already raided." He explained really fast.

"Okay okay. Calm down. Yes I had the dream- what are you trying to say?" Y/n over at Shelley.

"He's trying to say that we are going to the actual house and need you there in case we need a witch." Roman grabbed the phone from Peter. Y/n sighed, once again, remembering Dylan's words once again 'No magic.' Rubbing her forehead, she decided what she was going to do.

The Order of the Dragon back at it again, huh.

"Okay just pull over and send me your location so I can just pop up in the backseat." Y/n heard the car slow down.

"Okay." They said before Y/n hung up. She put her phone in her back pocket and went back over to Shelley. The younger girl had now turned the flowers into a sloppy, but very pretty, flower crown. Y/n smiled because Shelley was just so pure, well for the most part.

"Hey Shell I gotta go." Y/n wrapped her bag around her shoulder, pulling out a pen and piece of paper.

"Why? Something happen?" She gave a look of concern watching as Y/n scribbled something on the paper.

"I have to go help your idiot brother with something but when you get outta here come visit." Y/n gave Shelley the piece of paper with her address and one last hug.

Y/n stepped back into the hall as she got at text. The red checkpoint popped up and she focused on it while mumbling the correct spell.

Peter's car

When the spell was done she opened her eyes to see Peter and Roman with their heads turned looking at her.

"Well, rich bitch, flea bag, let's get this show on the road." Y/n places a hand on each of their shoulders. They chuckled and turned back to face forward.

Peter pulled back onto the road and started driving. She looked out the window noticing the grey sky. A storm was coming.

"So can either of you explain why Miranda was in the dream?" She was still looking out the window but could feel how they both seemed to tense up.

"We don't exactly know but maybe it's because we are connected in some way." Peter cleared his throat.

"What the hell does that mean we've only known her for like- a week?" Y/n started to pay attention to them. Her friends both looked at each other and immediately looked away.

Y/n started putting two and two together; more like those two and Miranda together.

"Oh my god- You three fucked didn't you, a fucking threeway?" Y/n ran her hand across her face, she already knew the answer.

"Look it was a heat of the moment type of thing." Roman tried to ease her slight anger.

Great, so I go have a reunion with my brother and all they can think about is sex.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it was very heated you jackasses." Y/n crossed her arms and turned back to look out the window.

"If it makes you feel better- Miranda said that she wanted you there too." Roman bluntly let out causing Peter to slap him in the back of the head and give him a look.

No, Godfrey, that did not make me feel better.

"Okay. One, I did not- I repeat did not need to know that, at all. Two, I wouldn't have done it anyway. And three, I don't care if she wanted me there we have more important things to worry about. So can we please just get back to the issue at hand." Y/n moved to lay her legs across the seat and leaned her back against the door.

It was silent the rest of the trip.

Church from the dream

"There's the church. There." Peter parked in front of it.

"Holy shit. Just like the dream." Roman said as they got out of the car and started walking towards it.

"That's kind of the whole point." Y/n let out as they reached the steps.

"What do we say?" Roman ignored Y/n's comment and opened the glass door while Peter rang the doorbell. A woman answered the door.

She's the mom.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked, then they heard a kid scream. The trio push past her to run inside and upstairs.

As they ran past a window Y/n caught a glimpse of a man in a mask lurking behind a tree, Roman and Peter saw him too.

"Hey! What are you doing?- Emilio!- Hey! Emilio! Hey!- Oh, my God! He's allergic!" The woman yells following them as they arrive in his room. 

Bees were swarming boy in his room.

"Help me! There are too many bees in my room!" 'Emilio' yells.

"Get him out!" Roman runs in and grabs the kid wrapping him in a blanket. He hands the kid over to the dad pushing them out the room.

Peter ran out of the house to chase the man in the mask, who started running, with Y/n not too far behind him.

"Peter! Y/n!" Roman yelled following them while the family rushes to the car to get the boy to the hospital. Y/n and Roman see Peter running shirtless with a bloody back.

He's turning.

Y/n took off her clothes except for her undergarments and started running. She turned mid run. It didn't normally hurt because she was used to the pain but this time she forced herself to take the pain Shelley would've felt.

She turns back to see Roman grab a shovel near the door and begins to run after Peter. She started running faster and caught up to Peter following him through the woods.

"Peter! Peter! Don't try to do this alone!" Roman yelled, it echoed through the wood. The two continued to run through the forest trying to find the guy they were chasing.

Then they finally found the masked man and cornered him. Roman watches as his friends stalk towards the man. Another masked man walks up behind Roman and slashes his arm before the pair could warn him. 

The trio fights them until Roman lands the final blow on one while Y/n pins the other guy down and Peter rips his throat out. Peter walks away from him and falls down.

He turned back, curling up in the fetal position while Y/n did the same. She looks over at Peter, he's in pain and shaking.

Roman takes off his jacket as quickly as he can and lays it on top of Y/n. She put it on zip it up. She stumbled over to the guy that Roman killed and took his jacket off.

Once she managed to get it off she went back and laid it over Peter. The girl cradled his head and started setting her intention for a weak healing spell so they could at least get him up.

I guess breaking the binding spell is going to have to wait.

Y/n leaned her head on Roman's shoulder, siphoning a little bit of his energy.

What the trio didn't know was a curtain blonde saw what went down in the woods. She'd been compelled to follow what her dream had told her and found something that was, to her, mortifying.

Miranda was planning to run away and take something that they all cared about with her.

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