Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

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(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive
Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 13: A Year
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: We're Connected
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town

Chapter 15: Bye Lynda

460 12 0
By Taffy-Lover634


Y/n, instead of going home, ended up staying at Roman's so she could be there for the conversation about the baby.

She walked downstairs to see Roman eating at the counter. She hears Miranda walking a little behind her. Y/n headed towards the cupboard to get a cup and handed one to Miranda when she saw her. Miranda mumbles a 'thanks' before pouring herself something to drink.

"Sausage?" Roman was stuffing his face with sausage.

"No," Y/n was pouring herself some f/d.

"Vegan. Since I was 15, I haven't eaten anything with a face." Miranda went around the counter. It goes silent as Y/n hops on the counter right next to the fridge.

This should be fun.

"So?" Roman continued chewing his food.

"Uh, the baby, the one upstairs-" Miranda pointed her thumb towards upstairs.

"Right." Roman stared at her.

"-has been bothering me. Not the baby per se, more like the entire situation. I mean, it is pretty fucking weird when you get right down to it. I make a wrong turn through a wormhole into some fucked-up Victorian novel where a top-secret baby is being cared for by a demonic she-servant and her brain-dead sidekick Lurch? I mean, where did you even find those two, open-mic night at the mortuary? Seriously, Roman, what's the deal with the kid? Roman? Are you going to talk to me about any of this or should I just go fuck myself?" She continued and ranted on until she realized that Roman was frozen and not responding.

Y/n eyes wided, she knew what was happening, he did the same thing when he lunged at her a few months back. She hopped off the counter and intervened. Y/n saw that he was staring at Miranda's neck.

Stop fantasizing about ripping into her artery and focus.

"Roman," Y/n put her hand up and snapped in front of his face because she knew he was imagining himself ripping Miranda's throat out.

Roman finally came to his senses and Miranda immediately spoke again.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked, sounding offended.

"Yeah. You're a vegan." He answered.


Y/n mentally face palmed as he goes upstairs to make a phone call. She walks back so her "seat" on the counter and continues drinking her f/d.

"So whose baby is that? Yours?" Miranda leaned back against the counter beside Y/n.

"No. God no." Y/n took another sip of her drink.

"So what's the story behind it?" She asked.

"Look- I don't think that it's my business to tell," Y/n got off again and looked upstairs.

More like it's too crazy and complicated to tell.

"He better explain or I guess I'll have to pull it out of you." Miranda joked lightly, shoving her shoulder.

"Good luck trying blondie." Y/n joked back.

Then Roman came back downstairs. He comes and puts his hands on the back of a chair, pushed into the table they never eat at.

"The baby," Roman states, encouraging Miranda's questions.

"Whose is it? I mean, well, are you the father? Not that it's any of my business, but with all the secrecy and the weird baby bunker I mean, what's up with that?" She blabs out.

"It's a very- It's a very complicated situation." He said stuttering.

"How complicated can it be? Everyone comes from somewhere. You did. I did. Where did the baby come from? I mean, if you don't want to tell me, fine, but since I seem to be the kid's major source of nourishment these days, I thought I'd ask." She ranted still trying to pry information out of him and Y/n just looked down once again remembering whose death brought Nadia into this world.

"The father's not in the picture, and the mother's dead." Y/n cut in walking over to stand beside Roman. She didn't want him to blow up on the blonde because he was looking at everything in the room but her.

"And you're taking care of this child because?" She asked looking at them.

"Look, Miranda, it's really not something you need to worry about, OK? Now, I really need to get going." He said walking away wanting to leave the conversation at that.

"Well, I am fucking lactating. Who fucking lactates?" She exclaimed as she followed him and he stopped fixing his tie.

"Mammals, mostly." Roman was clearly being a smartass.

"Who have been pregnant and have had offspring. I have not been pregnant. I have not had offspring. I do not even like children. Children are sticky. They smell funny. This town is giving me the creeps. I have got to get out of here." She ranted again while Y/n decided to stay in the kitchen to quietly make herself breakfast and Miranda something vegan. Still watching and listening to the conversation though.

Maybe she should have my anti-anxiety meds.

"I am sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what you're going through," Roman said, trying to calm her down. 

Not gonna work. 

Y/n bit into a piece of toast from a nearby plate, still watching.

"There is something wrong here. Very wrong! My Aunt Margo died at a young age." She started in a very worried tone until Roman interrupted her.

Rest in Peace, Aunt Margo. 

Okay, let's make breakfast. Que the Matilda moment.

"This isn't fatal! I promise." He said looking her in the eyes then turning to walk to the door.

Some of this, some of that.

"And uncomfortable, and-" She started up again following him.

"You're not gonna die!" He turned again trying to convince her.

Roman finally noticed what Y/n was doing in the kitchen and his eyes widened a little, seeing all the floating objects. She just gave him a smile and wave, motioning for him to distract her longer. 

Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave.

He just turned and headed towards the door.

"Aunt Margo did, because she carried the death gene, and I bet it means that I do, too." Miranda stopped at the door as he did.

Aunt Margo, come get your niece.

OH! Maybe some strawberries as a side. Wait am I allergic to those. Eh- whatever let natural selection happen.

"If you're that worried, we'll get you to a doctor, OK?" Roman said in a softer tone.

"One who specializes in spontaneous freak lactation?" She said sarcastically.

Whipped cream?- Yeah, whipped cream. Is that vegan?- No.

"Arnold Spivak. He's good. The family doctor. Dr. Arnold's been in Hemlock Grove as long as anyone can remember. Y/n's went to him a few times before and he's helping with her family member in the hospital. She or Conway can drive you. Have the bill sent to me, OK?" He said quickly, trying to satisfy her. Y/n's head perked up at the mention of her name.

All that man did was diagnose me with extreme overthinking and extreme sadness- Yes, I refuse to use the correct terminology for them.

"But what if-" She started AGAIN. 

Aunt Margo. PLEASE.

Meanwhile Y/n finished making the food, she threw her hands up in success.

Ta-dah! - Yummy.

If you can't already tell, how Y/n copes with things going on in her life by her humor or any inner commentary.

"Everything's gonna be OK, Miranda." He interrupted while grabbing her shoulders and staring her down. She nodded and went to turn back towards the kitchen. 

Y/n quickly and quietly let everything that was levitating drop so she wouldn't see. Roman sighed in relief continuing out the door after giving Y/n a smile and wave.

"Woah. You made this within like two minutes." She gestured to the two plates.

"What can I say I'm quick with my hands," Y/n opened the drawer behind her to get the utensils. She handed Miranda the vegan plate and started eating.

"Thanks." Miranda grabbed her utensil and started eating as well.

After eating they went upstairs to Miranda's room. She sat on the bed while Y/n stood in the doorway.

"So you going to that doctor?" Y/n crossed her arms and leaned her head against the doorframe. 

She knew the doctor. One time Roman got worried about her being sick. Another time she had an 'episode', making almost all the glass in the kitchen shatter. So Roman took her again where she was deamed not okay in the brain. 

Spivak was funny and sure did know how to do his job but something about him seemed eerie, in a way.

"Uh, yea. Just wanna make sure I'm not dying." Miranda picked at her fingernails.

"I can drive you then take you on that little tour of the town," Y/n was trying to ease her worry.

"Yeah, that'd be great." She said smiling. Y/n smiled back then went to her room to shower and get dressed.

"We'll leave in a little bit." Y/n semi-yelled. She heard a faint 'okay' as she shut the door.

She played her "Shower Playlist" as she undressed in the bathroom. She turned the water on and waited for the right temperature before getting in.

Her shower lasted for about thirty minutes. She goes back into her room and puts on some new clothes.

Y/n walked out of her room and went to Miranda's. She knocked, waiting for Miranda to open the door.

"You ready to go?" Y/n put her hands in her pockets.

"Yea." She said, stepping out.

They left the house and got in Dylan's car.

"Nice car." She complimented.

"Thanks, it's my brothers." Y/n gave a small smile turning the radio up as she backed out the driveway.

Spivak's clinic

The girls walked in and headed towards the front desk. Miranda asked the front desk lady if the appointment had been made yet and it was by Roman. She said Spivak was already ready for her.

"Miranda." Spivak stood in the doorway of his examining room. Miranda looked at Y/n.

"It's okay. I'll be out here the whole time. He's a funny guy." Y/n whispered trying to calm her anxiety. She nodded and went in. Y/n sighed going to sit in one of the waiting room chairs

It was like an hour before Miranda finally came out. She was carrying a brown paper bag.

"Alright, we are good to go." She held up the bag and shook it a little to show Y/n.

"Alright," Y/n stood up, putting her phone in her pocket.

They left the clinic and got in the car.

"I'll just drive you around town and we'll go get some vegan ice cream or something," Y/n pulled out of the parking lot.

"Sounds good." Miranda turned up the radio a little bit and leaned back into her seat.

After driving around town for like twenty minutes the girls finally arrived at an ice cream place.

"Hopefully they have something vegan for you here," Y/n turned into a parking space.

The pair got out of the car and walked inside. She and Y/n ordered what they wanted and sat at a table to wait.

A conversation struck up until their number was called. 

Miranda got some kind of dairy-free ice cream thing while Y/n got f/f ice cream.

Y/n was almost done eating when she got a text. It was from Destiny.

Hey we are getting Lynda out of jail she needs to get out of the country for a while. We'll be at the airport in a couple of hours if you want to say bye. - Favorite Witch

I'll meet you at the airport. - Y/n

"Everything okay?" Miranda asked in a worried tone when she saw her face.

"Yea, yea, just my friend worried about Dyl." She lied. Miranda seemed to believed it so she left it alone.

After eating they decided to head back to Roman's.

Roman's house

"Alright, this is your stop," Y/n said, putting the car in park.

"You're not coming?" Miranda was kinda disappointed, she wanted to spend more time with Y/n. She thought Y/n was nice and funny.

"Neh, I have to go visit my brother," Y/n started tapping her fingers on the wheel.

"Oh. Then I'll see you tonight." Miranda grabbed the door handle.

"Actually I'm staying at my house tonight, but I'll back tomorrow," Y/n saw her face sink a little but ignored it.

"Hey kiss Nadia goodnight for me okay," She called out before Miranda could shut the door. Y/n knew she was bound to go see the baby again.

"I will." She said with a small smile and shut the door. 

Seeing that she got inside Y/n quickly turned around and drove to her house.

Y/n's house

Once Y/n got home she ran inside and into the little library.

Y/n swung her hand causing a stack of books to fly off the shelf, onto the round table in the middle of the room, behind them was a small wooden door. She pulled open the small door to reveal a box. She put it on the table and opened it.

Inside was a bunch of jewelry waiting to become enchanted or filled with magic. Rummaging through it, she found a necklace with a small crescent moon charm on it and a ring similar to the ones Peter wears. 

She set the jewelry on the table and put everything back in the box. Y/n got up and put the box back before headed towards the kitchen

Y/n came back with a bowl of water quickly grabbing the necklace and ring, dropping them in the water. She also pulled out one of her earrings and plopped it in there as well. 

She pulled back the bookcase and walked into the room then the correct ingredients.

The ingredients were placed in the water with a little spell. Y/n put a charm on the jewelry.

Then she grabbed the jewelry and left to meet everyone at the airport.

The airport

Y/n arrived at the airport after speeding most of the way and made it right before Destiny, Peter, Lynda and Andreas did. She stood by the front doors as they pulled up in a taxi. 

Immediately she hugged Lynda when the older woman stepped out of the car.

"Hey, sweetie." Lynda squeezed her.

"Hey," Y/n pulled away and gave her a smile. 

The group made their way into the airport.

"Here I'm giving you this. It just lets us know you're okay." Y/n pulled the necklace out of her pocket and handed it to her.

"Thank you, honey. But trust me I'll be fine." Lynda quickly clipped it on.

"Yeah well, I think it will give Peter clarity, plus if you just miss us all you have to do is tap it and we'll feel it." Y/n glanced at Peter as they got in line for the flight. Y/n zones out when Destiny starts talking to Lynda.

They had just watched Lynda get on the plane and said their goodbyes. 

The group agreed that Y/n would drive them home. Destiny and Andreas had already gotten in the Camero while Y/n stayed out to talk to Peter.

"You doing okay?" Y/n gave his arm a pat. Peter didn't respond; he just pulled her into a hug. She held onto him tighter.

They pulled away and he quickly wiped his tears. Y/n pulled the ring out of her pocket.

"Here. This is connected to her necklace." Y/n opened his hand to place the ring in his palm. He almost instantly replaced one of his rings with the new one.

"Why have you stuck around? After I basically abandoned you at one of your lowest points. Why?" Peter asked, out of the blue, twisting the ring he just put on his finger. 

"I've been surviving my whole life. I mean my parents didn't give two shits about me or Dylan, hell they always wanted us dead- What I'm trying to say is I know how hard it is to be apart from the one person you feel safe with, who you look up to, who's taken care of you. Granted Dylan is here but he's still in a coma. Peter, I stuck around because from the moment you told me your mom was in jail I knew you would need someone to be there for you. I know I've barely seen you since you got back but I'll always care about you and be there for you." Y/n took one of his hands and held it in hers. She'd already forgiven him but she didn't consciously know that yet.

"Thank you. I'll always care for you too." Peter said with a small smile not knowing what else to say.

"Alright come on let's get you guys home," Y/n was about to open the driver's side door.

"Hey, you still have your house right?" He asked as he stood outside of the passenger side door.

"Yea. Why?" She looked over the car at him.

"You mind if I stay there tonight. I don't want to hear Destiny and Andreas fucking." He said.

"Yea, I'm actually going to be staying there for a while," Y/n grabbed the door handle.

"Got tired of being Roman's roommate?" The brunette joked, brows raised.

"Nah, I just thought it'd be nice to be back home. Haven't really been there a lot since shit hit the fan." She shook her head and laughed. Y/n and Peter opened their doors to got in the car.

When they did they saw Destiny and Andreas making out in the backseat.

"Hey! No fucking in the Camero!" Y/n swung her arm around the backseat hoping to hit one of them. The couple immediately pulled away.

"You guys were taking too long," Destiny leaned her head on the backseat. 

Doesn't mean you can have car sex D. 

Peter rolled his eyes looking over to Y/n, she gave him the same gesture driving off.

Fucking horn-dogs.

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