Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

21.1K 606 94

(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive
Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 15: Bye Lynda
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: We're Connected
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town

Chapter 13: A Year

603 16 1
By Taffy-Lover634


Y/n's life had changed, sorta. 

It's been about a year since Letha died and Peter skipped town.

Dylan still hasn't woken up, the doctors said everything was normal and he was breathing on his own, he just wouldn't wake up for some reason. Roman continued to demand that Spivak help the doctors.

Y/n has been putting most of her savings towards keeping him in the hospital. 

Roman moved into a new house and insisted Y/n stay there too. She does, a lot. 

Technically she already lives there but she still stays in her house sometimes, just to give her some happy memories.

Y/n and Roman helped each other heal, though their mental health still isn't all that great. They'd occasionally sleep in the same bed just to make sure the other wouldn't suddenly disappear one day.

Shelley's still gone. Everyone thinks she's dead but Y/n knows she's still alive. All the locator spells she tried lead her somewhere, if Shelley was dead that wouldn't happen.

Y/n does also know about the whole thing with Letha's baby and how she's also Roman's daughter. His mother, Olivia, compelled him to make a baby with Letha then to forget the whole thing, which is pretty fucked up, but apparently everything is fucked up in Hemlock Grove. 

She holds the baby sometimes, even gave her a name. Nadia. She is blonde with the most vibrant blue eyes Y/n has ever seen. She's Upir Y/n can tell. 

Y/n couldn't explain why but she was around her so much that they got attached. She felt an unexplainable pull to the baby.

The baby shouldn't be completely shut out from the world. 

Roman had the infant in a soundproof room with a tiny window and Y/n was the baby's only form of socialization. 

There was a nanny for the child but she just sat and watched.

Roman's Upir side is getting stronger. Y/n sees him resisting it; sometimes the resisting doesn't work. He came at her once but she knocked him back. 

He, of course, apologized a million times and she forgave him, he's all she had left. Though still having Destiny around, she felt an indescribable stronger connection towards Roman.

After the attempted attack Y/n started giving him a couple blood bags of her blood at the beginning of every month. Her blood type was Rhnull, which is basically gold amongst the Upir species. 

She knew Roman wanted more blood but he refused to ask for it, from her anyway. He'd still end up having more blood bags in the back of the fridge. Y/n would always notice but never asked.

Y/n dropped out of public school to do online school. She really wanted to drop out of school completely but she still needed a degree or at least something that'd help her get a job to have a comfortable life.

Roman talked about how he could get her a job at Godfrey Industries, become CEO or something. She told him she'd think about it after she got back on her feet, mentally anyway.

On top of everything Y/n had been having dreams of someone in a white mask and flashes of different locations. There have been times where she would see Dylan, he'd be in pain and she can't do anything about it. 

That's what kills her the most.

As said before she kept in contact with Destiny and they've just grown closer. Destiny became Y/n's designated drinking/partying friend. 

They've recently been looking at spells for 'reviving' Dylan but all the ones they tried didn't work. 

Nothing will work unless they find the source of why he's that deep into the coma.

Diving deeper into the supernatural part of Y/n's life, she's been turning a lot. Roman had a soundproof cellar built in the basement for whenever Y/n wanted to turn or use her 'witchy woo', as he puts it. 

It didn't feel right for her to turn out in the open after all that had happened. 

In a way she was trapped, not even feeling safe enough to run through the woods on the full moon or any other night.

Semi living with Roman was great but he's always at the White Tower so when she is there he's almost never home. She knows all the passcodes, she has full access. 

Her favorite place is with Nadia. Roman didn't know about her frequent visits and attachment to the baby. 

She doesn't hide it from him but she won't bring it up unless he does.


Y/n's room

Now she's in her room, at Roman's house, writing an essay for her online college class. This will be the last assignment she had to do before the semester was over. 

Thank god.

Y/n glanced at her window, a car was pulling into the driveway. She quickly changed, wanting to go see who it was.

She made it to her door but stopped when she saw Roman at the top of the stairs looking down at someone.

"Nice digs- Look, I know things were bad when I split." The voice was familiar to her. It was Peter. Y/n raised a brow

Wow. Okay. Straight to the point.  

"Fuck you." Roman put his hands in his pockets.

"Just hear me out." Peter pleaded.

"Not interested. We're done." Roman clear wanted to end the conversation.

"Please. Lynda's in jail. I need your help." Peter said.

What happened?

"No." Roman simply said.

"Fuck. Be mad at me. But this is Lynda we're talking about." Peter continues to plead.

"Sounds like she fucked up. Not my problem." Roman said in a bored tone. 

Y/n was actually kind of mad at that comment. 

"She was always good to you. She's not gonna make it in there." Peter was getting desperate.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Roman crossed his arms.

"I need money to hire a lawyer." Peter explained.

"So you came here to beg." Roman scoffed.

"Can you please loan me $20,000? I'll pay you back." Peter asked.

So you skip town for a year and come back for money? I get it's for Lynda but not even an 'I'm sorry' first?

"I always liked your mother. She baked cookies. My mother never baked cookies. I can shoot you the dough. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not giving you shit." Roman started getting annoyed.

"Maybe you forgot I saved your life." Peter wanted to guilt trip him into giving him the loan.

"Shelley and Dylan saved yours." Roman shot back.

"I think about them all the time. Shelley might still be out there and Dylan will wake up eventually." Peter said, trying to make it better. 

I guess Destiny told him about Dylan. 

Y/n crossed her arms.

"She died alone, Dylan is balls deep in a coma. And when Letha died, and I needed you, you tucked your dick between your legs and ran away like the little fucking bitch you are. Y/n needed you. She had me but without you she broke, I wasn't there all the time to pick up the pieces you dick. Get out of my house." Roman started walking down the stairs to be level with him.

"Roman, please." Peter pleads one last time.

"Get out of my house." Roman mumbled, clenching his jaw.

Then Peter headed towards the door. He turned back one more time, seeing Y/n at the top of the staircase. He stared for a second before walking out. 

When the door shut Roman turned back to go up the stairs and meet her at the top.

"He's just a dimwitted twat who wants his mom back." Roman gave her a kiss on the forehead and continued to the window, watching Peter leave. 

Y/n just went back to her room. She laid back on her bed relaxing her eyes until she got a text from an unknown number.

I know it's been a year since we talked. Since I abandoned you both. But I'm back and I don't deserve forgiveness from you but I will ask for help. Lynda is in trouble and I need some money. It's okay if you don't respond I'll understand but Y/n I'm begging at point here. ~ ???

It's Peter. 

Y/n sat up debating on what to do. She finally texted back.

Peter. Forgiving you. Not on the table. But I am willing to help you, for Lynda. How much do you need? ~ Y/n

We need 20,000 dollars for a lawyer. ~ Peter

I can only give you 8,000... I'm still paying Dylan's medical bills. ~ Y/n

That's okay I completely understand. Thank you so much I'll see you later. ~ Peter

See you . ~ Y/n

After sending the text she took a shower.

Next day

Y/n woke up feeling refreshed, sorta. She texted Peter to ask where they were meeting and when. 

He replied with her favorite café in about an hour. She quickly got out of bed to get dressed.

After she dressed and had breakfast, Y/n says a quick bye to Nadia before leaving. 

She gets in Dylan's Camaro and drives off. 

At the café

Y/n sat there at a table in the corner, swiping on her phone to pass the time.

Some minutes later, aimlessly scrolling, she felt someone sit down in front of her. She turns her attention forward to see Peter looking back at her. 

Y/n gets up to hug him. He immediately hugs back.

You're supposed to be mad at him.

"I'm so sorry." He held onto her tighter.

"It's okay. I mean it's not but- " Y/n did miss him, a lot. 

They pulled away to sit back down.

"So how are you holding up?" He grabbed her hand from across the table.

"Not gonna lie, I haven't been doing all that well. I see him in my dreams sometimes and I know he's trying to reach out but it's like he's stuck. Sometimes I think about just giving up but I know he wouldn't want me to do that, he fought for me at my lowest so I'm doing the same." She rambled while Peter listened closely, this was the first time she'd actually had someone to vent to. Roman was always at work and Y/n was pretty sure Destiny would just offer her alcohol, way more than she needed.

"Hey, everything will work out." Peter sure had his optimistic moments.

"Easy for you to say. As soon as you get your mom you'll skip town again." Y/n went to pull her hand away.

"I know and I'm sorry it was just-" Peter was cut off.

"I thought the three of us would get through it together, y'know. We could have helped you." Y/n pulled her hand away and crossed her arms on the table. He sighed and changed seats to sit next to Y/n.

"Look, after Letha I needed to get away, I just couldn't be around anything that reminded me of her. I figured that I'd just leave for a while but I always planned on coming back, at some point. Especially when Destiny told me about what happened to Dylan. I knew you took it the worst. So, Y/n, I am so fucking sorry for leaving." He stared her in the eyes.

"Besides I couldn't stay away from my sarcastic witch for too long." Peter's comment lightens the mood. Y/n laid her head on his shoulder. 

It got silent for a minute until she spoke up again.

"Have you been having any weird dreams lately?" Y/n picked her head up turning to face him. Peter gave her a weird look.

"What have you been dreaming about?" He asked.

"The most recent one was- Um a dog sign, uh plane, little boy and someone in a white face mask." Y/n tried to go through her dream memories.

"That's the same thing I've been dreaming about. Has Roman been having them?" Peter was worried, last time this happened people died.

"I'm not sure. Should we call Destiny?" Y/n then heard his phone ping.

"Speak of the psychic, she shall appear." He mumbled after glancing down at his phone.

"I already told her about it a few days ago and she's been trying to help me figure it out. She said she may have found a spell that could help. Ironically though she wants me to ignore the dreams this time." Peter stood up to leave but stopped and turned back to Y/n.

"You coming?" He raised a brow.

"Yea, I'll drive us there." Y/n got up and led him to Dylan's Camaro, assuming he walked to the café.

Destiny's apartment

The pair made their way inside to be greeted with hugs from Destiny. She had already prepared for the spell and led them to the bathroom.

"You need help?" Y/n offered.

"Yeah just hold my hand so I can siphon some of your energy." Peter just gave Destiny a weird look, which she caught. "You want to know what your dream means, right? So we're going to the source of all things." She said in response to his look.

"The human race is deeply fucked if 'the source of all things' is in your bathroom." Peter said sarcastically as he sat down on a stool.

"One of the images from your dream, the snake in a rushing torrent of water gives us a place to start." Destiny explained trying to get him to understand.

"In a bathtub?" Peter scrunched up his face.

"All water is connected, like how all witches are connected." Y/n informed hoping he understood.

"Spit, please." Destiny held a mason jar up to his face. Y/n cringed because she knew what was coming next.

"Seriously?" Peter raised a brow.

"This is your consciousness we're exploring here, spit." She inched it closer to his face until he finally spits in it.

"You are not going to like the next part." Y/n's comment made Peter's eyebrows furrow.

"Thank you." She started shaking it then drank it. Y/n mentally gagged.

"Ah! No! No!" Peter whined, turning away.

"Relax. We're cousins." Destiny was clearly not weirded out by it.

D, we are not in Alabama.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"A psychoactive smoothie I whipped up. To stimulate my root chakra." Destiny explained but it sounded weird to Y/n.

"Stepping away." Peter stepped away sitting back down.

Destiny got in the tub and grabbed Y/n's hand, she was sat beside the tub. The girls closed their eyes to focus. 

Y/n opened her eyes to see her swaying with a black snake slithering up her leg. The psychic stops and gasps, she was looking around. Y/n watches as the snack keeps going up and Destiny starts moaning continuing to look around the room.

"What's happening?- Oversharing there, cuz." Peter says as he watches. Y/n sees the snake slither up her arms and she throws up black stuff.

"Destiny? Shit!" Peter yells as he sees what's happening. She drops and they pull her out of the tub.

"Destiny!" Y/n shook her.

"Come on. Come on. Come on! No!" Peter says as he tries to wake her up. 


Then Y/n starts giving her CPR and Destiny wakes up panting.

"Hey Hey. You okay?" Peter asks as they pull Destiny into a hug.


They are still Destiny's bathroom going through what just happened. Y/n is sitting with her jacket around her waist and Peter is beside her sitting on his jacket while Destiny is standing in her tub in a tank top with shorts.

"I'm serious, Peter. You two need to forget about these dreams." Destiny said to the pair.

"How are we supposed to forget about 'em?" Peter clamped his hands together.

"Somehow. Drop it. Just stay as far away from this as you guys can." She said looking over to Y/n.

"You still haven't told me what the hell happened in there," Peter said getting a little worried. 

Y/n started twiddling with her fingers.

"I'm not sure. But I felt some big bad shit that you do not want to be a part of." She said in a serious tone.

"How do you know? You always say you can't see into the future." Peter contradicted her statement.

"I experienced it. Whatever it is, it's out there and it's really fucking bad." She admitted. 

It was true, Y/n felt something really evil but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Y/n goes back to the couch to lay on it. She sees Peter drawing the visions they saw in their dreams. Destiny came in and knocked it out of his hands.

"Stop it!" He said trying to get the notepad from her.

"No, Peter! I want you to promise me to let this go! You too Y/n." She said glancing between them. Y/n nodded before Peter spoke again.

"We can't help our dreams, Destiny," Peter said in a huff.

"Ignore it! Banish it from your mind!" Destiny yelled trying to convince him.

"Just give me," Peter demanded holding out his hand for the notepad. 

Then Destiny grabs his face.

"I almost died in there." She said in a stern tone. 

Someone walked in. It was that Andreas guy Destiny told Y/n about. They hooked up at the funeral celebration where Lynda was arrested.

"What's up, guys?" Andreas took a seat next to Peter.

"Long story. I'm gonna go take a shower, get this snake smell off of me. I'm not done with you." Destiny threw the notebook back at Peter. He just went back to sketching.

"I had to run an errand in Kirkwood. They've got this bakery best blintzes you've ever put your mouth around." Andreas started telling then he looked at what Peter was drawing.

"Gone Sis? You Gypsy dog." He said with a slight chuckle.

"You know what that is?" Y/n asked then he finally acknowledged her, giving her a confused look. "Y/n, Peter's friend." She pointed to herself. He nodded then told them what he knew, now having Peter's full attention.

"The Wagoneer Oasis. It's a trailer park for horny truckers. Letters on the sign burned out, so all it says is, 'Gone Sis'. The concrete blondes there were known as the 'Gone Sisters'." He explained the story. 

Peter and Y/n look at each other.

"Thanks, man," Peter says as they get up to head out the door.

"Any time," Andreas says with a slight smile.

"And tell Destiny Never mind," Peter says, opening the door for Y/n.

"'Never mind.' I'll give her the message." He says heading into the kitchen.

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