Jeff the killer x Eyeless jack

By EGGdestroy120

9.2K 291 240

Discontinued from here,old and cringeyyyy ahhh Possible rewrite on ao3 Warnings: -Violence -gore -swearing -m... More

chapter 2 (edited)
chapter 3(edited)
chapter 4(edited)
chapter 5(edited)
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

chapter 1(edited)

1.7K 34 34
By EGGdestroy120

Isn't death beautiful?

Ha!Not as my beautiful smile!

People don't understand,well i am human but still they don't understand....

Gazing the pitch black sky,pulling my hood on, and my name is Jeff

You probably already heard me,the boy who curved a smile into his cheeks, get burned by bleach and alcohol somehow survived but it left me some appearance i loved!When i gazed into the mirror I cant help but laugh at my burned paper white skin, the jet black hair,the blink less eyes and of course my beautiful smile

They fear me,I got famous after the news was spreading about a horrifying boy killing his family. Damn i don't even know how to feel about the fame,everyday somewhere someone gets killed,what I got famous from?What is it my appearance they feared?

Of course they did and i love seeing trembling faces in front of me gazing my beautiful face

I didn't tell you my full name though

Jeffrey Woods

Enough of this cliché narrator thing,what is this?A drama about my shitty life?


Time passed and i wandered around on the empty street

Nobody is usually passing by here especially at night time.Gotta say the atmosphere looks melancholic with the abandoned houses and lack of source of light.Suddenly i heard some footsteps on the grass a few meters away from me

My heart froze and turned around,i thought I would witness a guy or chick following me or something but nothing was there...strange huh?

"Tch.You are imagining things you idiot!"

Muttered to myself with a quite yet angry tone

I don't have time for this crap,i will strike a house quickly,take things i need and get the hell out of this neighborhood

Gazing upon the house in front of me,i prepared my knife ready to climb inside the window

Hm the window was already open

Well,i don't really care easier for me now.Climbed inside carefully and i landed silently as i could.I was in the kitchen and looked around

I noticed a broken glass on the floor

Someone has already break in

I heard a male scream then running steps which made me pretty curious

I got out of the kitchen and ran into the hallway to see a dead,about 19 or something boy laying on the floor lifeless with his eyes open

The place were his kidney was covered in blood

I came even more closer and

His kidney was missing

Hell, i am not gonna stay with this bullshit,screw it i will find other house--

The door opened making a chilling crack voice,i turned my head and saw a figure with black hoodie and a blue mask on it, sure hell they were tall!They were probably even taller then me....

They were staring at me.I backed a little away and took out my knife just in case this person wants to test their luck on me

"Ugh...nice kill!But i have to go-"

The person ran to me and pinned me down what the fuck?!They are fast!

That asshole was pinning me down!

"GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE SHIT-"I used my knife and stabbed them on the shoulder, damn i wanted to hit their neck but they were moving a lot!


The masked person release a loud groan and let go me for a minute,it was enough for me to get up and kick him the stomach,fucking hell i want to kill him but i don't want to waste my time

I dashed back into the kitchen to evacuate this house,i saw him behind me but I didn't care he lost me

After some minutes passed quickly the police came to intervene but i manage to leave there right on time

Ugh, i am so tired....i guess I will be hungry for the night,who the hell was that guy?!Seriously that was my kill over there!


After all this amazing episode i returned to my hide out or as i suppose to call...

"Home shit home" i murmured gazing my "home"

It was a small abandoned house that nobody really didn't gave damn to fix it or look it at.It was near a following forest,so it was pretty quiet.It looked very old and dusty like it is about to collapse but its way better than those fucking disgusting streets

I opened the door,the crack noise always gives me chills when i opened the door this old house

Flopped on the destroyed bed i sighed staring at the ceiling,i haven't eat for 2 days.

"God damn i am so hungry"

The silence and emptiness is nice...that's how i like it Jesus i don't want to sound depressed!

Almost forgot....

I grabbed a sleeping mask that was hanging on the bed's metallic pole

Oh and i don't even remember falling asleep...



"What the fuck?!"

I heard this similar voice,i realize i was in a bed and the room was familiar too...

Everything was dark and i could see my self lying on the bed

I couldn't move,only my head could and my eyes

Shit don't tell me...

My heart stopped when i saw a familiar face,it was my brother Liu,his clothes were bloody and his face was very pale the dark green shirt he had on was mostly covered in blood

My brother face was also messed up with a very deep cut at his cheeks like my beautiful smile but his more uglier and messed up,Liu had the same down deep cut down to his eyes and nose

Then it hit me

This was the exact same picture when i-

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" He screamed with a face full of rage

Oh my god not again...i wanted to move or attack but i couldn't move or speak just watch him being pathetic because he is dead...although i hate those dreams with him or generally any memories with him

Liu ran to me with a knife and stabbed me multiple times,it hurted a lot and i felt weak to protect myself,i was laying there and i fall into the black


My heart stopped and i woke up,i took my sleeping mask off tossing it off my face with anger

God i hate when this happens!Another nightmare?!Jeez...

My guilty is hitting me even on my sleep,god damn it but it doesn't matter my brother is dead,he is not coming back


The sunlight hit my eyes and groan getting up.I hate morning and i already feel like a pain in my stomach and it honestly makes me feel like i am going throw up

But no seriously i don't feel so good....when i got up i felt i was gonna fell back to my bed or the cold ground.I felt dizzy like the world was spinning around me

"Today isnt my day huh?"i murmured to myself,just a little patience and i will get food and medical supplies...

"Gotta have face my demons,life of a sin life of a lie..." I hummed a song that was playing on the radio

"The devil's gonna come when the sun goes down..." I tapped my foot and thinking the nothing on my mind....

"Attention to everyone,there has been a murder who steals people's organs,mostly their kidneys the police inquired a few victim's this month.Last night a neighbor heard screams of a unlucky boy the age of 18 .The woman swore she saw someone running away outside when the crime happened.The police couldn't spot anything for now,please lock your windows and secure your houses.If you have any info about that murder contact on the police and stay safe everyone!"

"Oh crap,not only this fucker steals organs someone saw me...great just great!This was missing now what?If this woman saw me i have to kill her before she will say anything else..."

So the masked freak is stealing organs?Well that's new...


Finally night time, let's have fun

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