Defective - Jacob Black {1}

By TaliaMai

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Being bitten by a vampire would usually mean it's the end of your previous life. You're no longer a human. Bu... More

Chapter 1: Overreactions
Chapter 2: Family Reunions
Chapter 3: Infatuations
Chapter 4: Close Calls
Chapter 5: Migraines
Chapter 6: Jealousy
Chapter 7: Family Fallouts
Chapter 8: Male Rivalry
Chapter 9: Transformations
Chapter 10: Realisation
Chapter 11: Half Dead
Chapter 12: Deception
Chapter 13: Goodbyes
Chapter 14: Spiteful Endings
Chapter 15: Thrill Rides
Chapter 16: Hopelessness
Chapter 17: New Threats
Chapter 18: Determination
Chapter 19: Scars
Chapter 20: Confessions
Chapter 21: Misunderstandings
Chapter 22: Decisions
Chapter 23: Confrontations
Chapter 24: Honesty
Chapter 25: Disconnection
Chapter 26: Precautions
Chapter 27: Boundaries
Chapter 28: Second Chances
Chapter 29: Intruder
Chapter 30: Blurred Lines
Chapter 31: Legends
Chapter 32: Betrayal
Chapter 33: Armistice
Chapter 34: Preparartion
Chapter 35: Readjustments
Chapter 36: Possession
Chapter 37: Icy Exchanges
Chapter 38: The Battle
Chapter 39: Secrets
Chapter 40: Familiar Faces
Chapter 41: Remorseful Minds
Chapter 42: The Wedding
Chapter 43: Perfection
Chapter 44: Alarm Bells
Chapter 45: Rightful Place
Chapter 46: Waiting
Chapter 47: Bloodthirsty
Chapter 48: Countdown
Chapter 49: Hunt
Chapter 50: Renesmee
Chapter 51: Revival
Chapter 52: Experimenting
Chapter 53: Reconnections
Chapter 54: Need to Know
Chapter 55: Accusations
Chapter 56: Loyalties
Chapter 57: Close Relations
Chapter 58: Careful Introductions
Chapter 59: Seattle
Chapter 61: Judgement Day
Chapter 62: Manipulation
Chapter 63: Evidence
Chapter 64: Our Forever
Thank you

Chapter 60: Not-So-Happy Holidays

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By TaliaMai

Last Christmas was spent in awkwardness, Jesse wasn't talking to me, I was a fresh newborn, and all walls were up around my mother to keep her clueless.

This Christmas was our last goodbye, our last happy moments with our human family members, for them to remember us. Bella and I's mothers wouldn't be joining us, they were together in Florida away from the drama, I didn't think I'd be able to handle saying goodbye to both parents.

My dad hosted Christmas. Edward, Bella and Renesmee, along with Charlie and Sue, Seth and Leah came to celebrate with us. Jake brought his father and Rachel and Paul as well, my siblings also included their respective imprints. With Uncle Charlie's presence it was hard not to mention the upcoming events but it was a day of forgetting about what was coming, we just had to live in the now.

Together, Dad and Sue cooked a massive feast, enough to feed triple the amount of guests Dad hosted in our average sized house, but of course all plates were cleared thanks to the pack members. You could always count on Jake and his brothers to fill any room with bellowing laughter and excitement, though that was partially due to the coming fight, that got their blood flowing.

Presents were shared, a few board games were played, and Paul being Paul lost his temper and flipped the table during a game of Monopoly. It was a Christmas to remember... too bad we wouldn't be around to.

That night Jake and I spent the evening with just his family, nothing about the confrontation was mentioned, but Billy and Rachel acted like this wasn't the last time we would all be together but they were thinking it.

Returning to the Cullen house lifted a huge weight off of everyone's shoulders. Putting up the 'everything is going to be okay' facade was exhausting, it felt like we had been holding our breaths struggling to break through the surface, ready to explode with emotion.

Bella and Edward, Seth and Renesmee,and Jacob and I all made it back to house within seconds of each other, but the taste in the air was different to when we had left. Hostile.

Inside the house an argument was brewing, building tension. It seemed everyone was inside, whispering between their own covens, it was intense. Carlisle and Amun's voices were the loudest.

Jacob took my hand, holding it tightly as he led the way into the house, now in protective alpha mode with his face serious and careful, his shoulders straight. Seth followed right behind us, and the smaller part of our family behind him. Something had happened and Jacob was determined to get the information he needed.

"Alistair is gone," I murmured as we darted up the steps, I had to practically jump the stairs to keep up with Jake.

The lounge was where the action was happening, all around the glass walls were our guests, speculating, all except for Alistair and the three involved in the heated argument. Esme, Kebi, and Tia were the closest to the three vampires in the centre; in the middle of the room, Amun was hissing at Carlisle and Benjamin.

Edward's jaw tightened and he moved quickly to Esme's side, towing Bella by the hand as she clutched Renesmee tightly to her chest. Jacob and I followed as well, flanked by Seth, standing on the other side of Carlisle and Benjamin.

Amun wanted to take his coven and run but Benjamin was refusing.

"Amun, if you want to go, no one is forcing you to stay," Carlisle said calmly.

"You're stealing half my coven, Carlisle!" Amun shrieked, stabbing one finger at Benjamin. "Is that why you called me here? To steal from me?"

Carlisle sighed, and Benjamin rolled his eyes, I refrained from letting the growl rumble through my chest.

"Yes, Carlisle picked a fight with the Volturi, endangered his whole family, just to lure me here to my death," Benjamin said sarcastically. "Be reasonable, Amun. I'm committed to do the right thing here - I'm not joining any other coven. You can do whatever you want, of course, as Carlisle has pointed out."

"This won't end well," Amun growled. "Alistair was the only sane one here. We should all be running."

"Think of who you're calling sane," Tia murmured in a quiet aside.

"We're all going to be slaughtered!"

"It's not going to come to a fight," Carlisle said in a firm voice.

"You say!"

"If it does, you can always switch sides, Amun. I'm sure the Volturi will appreciate your help."

Amun sneered at him. "Perhaps that is the answer."

I couldn't hold back the growl then and Amun's eyes flashed to me in fear. Jacob held onto my hand a little tighter.

Carlisle's answer was soft and sincere. "I wouldn't hold that against you, Amun. We have been friends for a long time, but I would never ask you to die for me."

Amun's voice was more controlled, too. "But you're taking my Benjamin down with you."

Carlisle put his hand on Amun's shoulder; Amun shook it off.

"I'll stay, Carlisle, but it might be to your detriment. I will join them if that's the road to survival. You're all fools to think that you can defy the Volturi." He scowled, then sighed, glanced at Renesmee and Bella, and added in an exasperated tone, "I will witness that the child has grown. That's nothing but the truth. Anyone would see that."

"That's all we've ever asked."

Amun grimaced, "But not all that you are getting, it seems." He turned on Benjamin. "I gave you life. You're wasting it."

Benjamin's face looked colder than I'd ever seen it; the expression contrasted oddly with his boyish features, his red eyes glowing. "It's a pity you couldn't replace my will with your own in the process; perhaps then you would have been satisfied with me."

Amun's eyes narrowed. He gestured abruptly to Kebi, and they stalked past us out the front door.

"He's not leaving," Edward said quietly to us, "but he'll be keeping his distance even more from now on. He wasn't bluffing when he spoke of joining the Volturi."

"Why did Alistair go?" Bella whispered.

"No one can be positive; he didn't leave a note. From his mutters, it's been clear that he thinks a fight is inevitable. Despite his demeanour, he actually does care too much for Carlisle to stand with the Volturi. I suppose he decided the danger was too much." Edward shrugged.

Though the conversation was clearly just between the couple, Jake and I and the small group around us could clearly hear it, and so could the guests lining the room.

"From the sound of his mumbling, it was a bit more than that." Eleazar cut in, joining in the conversation. "We haven't spoken much of the Volturi agenda, but Alistair worried that no matter how decisively we can prove your innocence, the Volturi will not listen. He thinks they will find an excuse to achieve their goals here."

Our red-eyed guests shared nervous glances. Many of them didn't believe in our theory concerning the Volturi; the only reason for their less obvious advances over the years was to gain vampires with gifts to strengthen their guard. Only the Romanians stood unaffected by Eleazar's explanation, they longed for a fight either way.

Amongst the covens many individual whispering conversations began, but the smirks on the Romanian's pale lips caught my attention. Especially with the glances that Vladimir was firing at Bella and I.

"I do so hope Alistair was right about this," Stefan murmured to Vladimir. "No matter the outcome, word will spread. It's time our world saw the Volturi for what they've become. They'll never fall if everyone believes this nonsense about them protecting our way of life."

"At least when we ruled, we were honest about what we were," Vladimir replied.

Stefan nodded. "We never put on white hats and called ourselves saints."

"I'm thinking the time has come to fight," Vladimir said just as I noticed Bella was listening to them too. "How can you imagine we'll ever find a better force to stand with? Another chance this good?"

"Nothing is impossible. Maybe someday—"

"We've been waiting for fifteen hundred years, Stefan. And they've only gotten stronger with the years." Vladimir paused and looked at us again. He showed no surprise when he saw that we were watching him, too, even Jake had been pulled into listening. "If the Volturi win this conflict, they will leave with more power than they came with. With every conquest they add to their strengths. Think of what the newborns alone could give them" - he jerked his chin toward me and Bella- "and they are barely discovering their gifts. And the earth-mover." Vladimir nodded toward Benjamin, who stiffened. Almost everyone was eavesdropping on the Romanians now, like me. "With their witch twins they have no need of the illusionist or the fire touch." His eyes moved to Zafrina, then Kate.

Stefan looked at Edward. "Nor is the mind reader exactly necessary. But I see your point. Indeed, they will gain much if they win."

"More than we can afford to have them gain, wouldn't you agree?"

Stefan sighed. "I think I must agree. And that means..."

"That we must stand against them while there is still hope."

"If we can just cripple them, even, expose them..."

"Then, someday, others will finish the job."

"And our long vendetta will be repaid. At last."

They locked eyes for a moment and then murmured in unison. "It seems the only way."

"So we fight," Stefan said.

They weren't entirely sure in their decision, wanting to stay alive was affecting their need for revenge, though the excited smile they shared showed their determination.

"We fight," Vladimir agreed.

It seemed like a battle between us and the Volturi was impossible to avoid, the possibilities just increased the more we learnt about them. But, even though it was the Romanians, two more vampires on our side fighting could only help us that little bit more.

"We will fight, too," Tia said, her usually grave voice darker than ever. "We believe the Volturi will overstep their authority. We have no wish to belong to them." Her eyes lingered on her mate, scared for him.

Benjamin grinned and sent an unsure look toward the Romanians. "Apparently, I'm a hot commodity. It appears I have to win the right to be free."

"This won't be the first time I've fought to keep myself from a king's rule," Garrett said in a teasing tone. He walked over and clapped Benjamin on the back. "Here's to freedom from oppression."

"We stand with Carlisle," Tanya said. "And we fight with him."

The Romanians' pronouncement seemed to have made the others feel the need to declare themselves as well.

"We have not decided." Peter said. He looked down at his tiny companion; Charlotte's lips were set in dissatisfaction, she wanted to stand for us, for Renesmee, but her fear of the Volturi was clouding her judgement.

"The same goes for me," Randall said.

"And me," Mary added.

"The packs will fight with the Cullens," Jacob said suddenly. "We're not afraid of vampires," he added with a smirk.

"Children," Peter muttered.

"Infants," Randall corrected.

Jacob grinned tauntingly.

"Well, I'm in, too," Maggie said, shrugging out from under Siobhan's restraining hand. "I know truth is on Carlisle's side. I can't ignore that."

Siobhan stared at the junior member of her coven with worried eyes. "Carlisle," she said as if they were alone, ignoring the suddenly formal feel of the gathering, the unexpected outburst of declarations, "I don't want this to come to a fight."

"Nor do I, Siobhan. You know that's the last thing I want." He half-smiled. "Perhaps you should concentrate on keeping it peaceful."

"You know that won't help," she said.

I remembered Rose and Carlisle's discussion of the Irish leader; Carlisle believed that Siobhan had some subtle but powerful gift to make things go her way - and yet Siobhan didn't believe it herself.

"It couldn't hurt," Carlisle said.

Siobhan rolled her eyes. "Shall I visualise the outcome I desire?" she asked sarcastically.

Carlisle was openly grinning now. "If you don't mind."

"Then there is no need for my coven to declare itself, is there?" she retorted. "Since there is no possibility of a fight." She put her hand back on Maggie's shoulder, pulling the girl closer to her. Siobhan's mate, Liam, stood silent and expressionless as always.

Almost everyone else in the room looked mystified by Carlisle and Siobhan's clearly joking exchange, but they didn't explain themselves.

That was the end of the dramatic speeches for the night. The group slowly dispersed, some off to hunt, some to while away the time with Carlisle's books or televisions or computers.

Edward, Renesmee, and Bella went to hunt. Seth tagged along. Jake and I went up to my bedroom, it had been a long day and I could see in his eyes he needed sleep.

"Stupid leeches," he muttered to himself when we were in the confinements of my room. "Think they're so superior." He snorted.

"They'll be shocked when the infants save their superior lives, won't they?" I said with a smirk, not caring if the remaining guests could hear us. I needed to keep Jake's morale up, I couldn't let anything slip.

Jake smiled and lunged for me, picking me up into his arms, the both of us airborne for a split second until my back hit the soft mattress. "Hell yeah, they will." He jeered, then pecked my lips once, then twice, and then a third time.

We would only have this alone time for two more nights, we were planning to stay in the big field where the family play baseball for a few nights. That was the place Alice had seen the Volturi come through so we wanted to meet them halfway, keep them as far away from the humans as possible. We only knew that they would arrive the day the snow stuck to the ground so that was what we would be waiting for as we huddled together in our tents.

"So Edward has this theory about about Renesmee and I's gift." I began, actually quite amused, it would probably make Jake smile too.

"Go on." He grinned, looking deeply into my eyes.

"He thinks Renesmee can only do what she can because of her parents. The thought projection is the opposite of Edward's gift, and she can penetrate shields, the opposite of Bella and I. But here's the bit you'll like, he thinks it might just be a coincidence Renesmee and I are the same... he thinks the wolf in me is a reason for this gift. As a wolf you can all share thoughts, so that means I can too. And Renesmee can only transfer them through her palms whereas, no matter where someone's touching me, I can show them my thoughts." I finished with a half smile on my face but Jake was beaming with pride.

"You're more wolf than you think." He grinned, leaning down to rub his nose against mine.

"I guess I am." I breathed, mirroring his grin.

I thought for a moment about how the Volturi would react when they would see the wolves. First of all they'd know I lied about what I was, Caius would be scared and would want them all destroyed. We needed all hope on our side that he could be stopped, but with the threats and the packs' tempers they'd want to get even.

"Jake?" I looked up into his excited eyes and held back from letting the tears prick my eyes.

"Yeah, baby?" He stroked his hand down my cheek and folded a lock of hair behind my ear.

"You have to promise me something." I whispered, swallowing down the lump in my throat.

"Anything." He swore, his smile turning a little unsure when he saw my faltering expression.

"If it comes to a fight—" I began but he cut me off quickly.

"Then we'll take them down." He said confidently, and then went on to peck my lips again.

"No, Jake," I sat up, pushing him off me lightly and turned to face him, sitting with my legs crossed. "It'll be a lot harder than you think."

"But we have you, and Bella, and Benjamin and Zafrina—"

"Jacob, please listen to me." I took his hands in my own. "There's so many of them, with so many gifts and weapons... a fight is the last thing we want but I have a feeling it's going to come to that... anyway, you need to keep this promise."

"What is it?" He dropped my hands and moved his own to hold both sides of my face, his thumbs caressing my cheeks.

"Alright if it comes to a fight, you have to promise me that, even if you see the opportunity, you will not go for Aro, Caius or Marcus." I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to make this promise to me.

I knew Jake saw the three of them as the biggest threat and I knew in his head he'd dreamt of taking them down. He'd do it alone as well, he'd try and be the hero to save everyone else... to save me.

"I can't do that." He frowned, already looking defeated.

"Please!" The tears burned my eyes as I tried to blink them away. "Please, Jake!" I begged. "They'll be so many of them surrounding their leaders. You wouldn't have a chance on your own."

The tears had begun to roll their way down my cheeks, Jake's thumbs catching them. "If I see the chance to end it—"

"No!" I pulled his hands from my face. "You do that I throw myself between you and your target. You don't have to be the hero and do it alone."

Guilt and despair washed over his face and then suddenly he pulled me forward so I was in his lap. "Alright." He breathed but I could see inside his head he didn't like saying it. "If it's what you want, I won't attack them whilst by myself. I don't want to upset you any more."

"Thank you." I sniffled. "I love you."

I had some piece of mind now that Jake wasn't intentionally going in for a suicide mission... though that's what we were all doing anyway.

"I love you too." He whispered to me, but the breathy, raspiness to his voice hinted that he wanted a little something more.

He looked at me with hooded eyes as he began to run his hands down my back to the bottom of my dress that I had worn for our Christmas celebrations. He put his hands up the back of my dress to let his fingertips run over my back, the contact sending shivers over my body.

"You have never been more beautiful." He told me and I could feel myself getting upset again, but I couldn't do that now.

Instead of answering him I pressed my lips against his own warm, plump ones and kissed him deeply. His hands found my ass and gave both cheeks a tight squeeze before he found the hem of my dress and broke our kiss to lift it up and over my head.

Just wanting to feel this moment and let my mind go blank, forgetting about everything and only thinking about Jake. As we resumed our kiss I rocked myself against him, feeling him grow harder underneath me as I moaned into his mouth.

With his fingertips he traced over the outline of my bra and then put his fingers under the cups to find my nipples. He pinched them as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, my breath hitched and I whimpered.

Jacob's lips travelled south, kissing over my jaw, and then my neck and shoulders until he reached my cleavage and rubbed the sides of my breasts and pushed them up together. I reached down between us and rubbed him over his jeans, satisfied when he moaned against my neck.

I left him wanting more as I stood up on the bed and unclipped my bra and shimmied my underwear down my legs. I blushed when Jake looked at me with his mouth wide open, practically drooling, so I gave him a pointed look and raised my eyebrow, silently asking him to join me in the nakedness. He grinned at me when all of his clothes were removed, and then he reached over to his bedside table and pulled out the little box that held the condoms.

My mind block faltered as I thought about how there wasn't any point in them. We'd all be dead in a week anyway. I shook my head slightly, I couldn't let him see that anything was wrong.

When I moved to sit back on his lap he stopped me, placing his hands on my calves. "No, wait, I like the view from down here." He said with the hottest of smirks on his face.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against my leg and continued to smooth his hands over my calves and up to my thighs. Jake slid down so that he was laying flat on the bed again and pulled me down onto his face so fast that the idea in his was only present for a split second I didn't have time to process it.

I gasped as he gripped my hips, my breath coming out in short, quick pants as he licked me. To steady myself I reached forward and grasped the headboard and then started to grind against him. His hands tightened on my thighs and it wasn't much longer until my legs started to tremble and I could feel myself beginning to fall apart.

From beneath me came his muffled murmurs of encouragement as my orgasm hit me. Before I even had a chance to catch my breath, Jake had me flipped onto my back and had my legs pushed back. Just as I settled my legs on his shoulders he pushed into me deeply, and I let out a long and satisfied moan.

"Yes, baby." Jake groaned in a breathy whisper.

"More." I grunted, wanting to be somehow closer to him as I held on tightly to his shoulders.

He did as I asked and picked up the pace, his head dipped in between my neck and shoulder, kissing the skin there. I threaded my fingers through his hair, my mouth hanging open as I came again. Jake's body stiffened as he groaned and came himself. I gasped for breath as he collapsed beside me and pulled me so I was lying on top of him.

"You're my everything." He said gently, his hand stroking over my hair as my my head rested against his rising and falling chest.

"You're my everything too." I confirmed, keeping my voice even as I blinked away my tears.

We'd be together one way or another, either on earth or in the afterlife.

* * *

"Headed out?" Edward asked nonchalantly, he tried to remain unbothered and cool but his mind was racing as he tried to dig into mine to find out what we were doing. He knew we were up to something, he just didn't know what. I was sure our big overcoats proved we were hiding something, we didn't want him to see our extravagant outfits.

"Yes. A few last-minute things..." Bella didn't mean to linger on the last word as she tried to act casual.

Edward smiled warmly at his wife. "Hurry back to me."

"Always." Bella promised and I rolled my eyes.

"So it's clear no one cares about me here." I said gesturing between the three of us. "Alright, cool, I'll just go wait it the car." I turned and walked away but I smiled as they chuckled amongst themselves, the awkward tension needed removing.

After Bella had said her goodbyes we were on the road again, this time in Edward's Volvo with Bella driving. A week has passed and we were on our way to meet with J Jenks again concerning our requested documents.

"Its so dark out already." I said worriedly, leaning forward in my chair to take a look and the big, dark grey, billowing clouds.

"Snow clouds?" Bella questioned, her voice wavering like mine had.

"They're moving fast, my guess is that they're heading towards the mountains. We're clear for a day or two." I concluded, remembering the weather forecast we had all been watching religiously.

As Bella drove, I thought about Alice's plan. It was clear now that she had given us the downtown address because Max gave us a clue as to what we would have to ask for from J. If we had gone to the address we had found online, we would have been lost in to what our purpose there was.

When we reached the restaurant that J had agreed to meet us at, the sky had turned inky black, no moon nor stars were visible, the clouds were still rolling in. We left the valet waiting impatiently as Bella popped her contacts in, hiding the dim orangey-red glow that still resided there, and then we made our way into the lavish restaurant.

At the podium, Bella gave the name Jenks, and the maître d' led the way, taking us up some stairs in a dimly lit corridor to a private room with a fire crackling in a stone hearth. Graciously, he took both of our coats and gasped quietly at our dresses. I had channelled my inner Alice and raided the part of my closet that I had never touched before.

I had given Bella a satin, oyster slip dress that fell to her ankles, and I had decided to wear a strapless pink to black ombré dress that had a thigh split though it was still classy and elegant. I was happy I got to wear at least one of these designer dresses before I died. The maître d' backed out of the room with our coats, stumbling over his words as he tried to compliment us.

"Poor guy." I joked as Bella turned to the fireplace, holding her hands out to the fire.

"If I had the time available, I think it would take me decades to get used to people reacting to me like that." Bella muttered, staring into the fire. Was she trying to feel warm again.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, coming up beside her. 

"Trying to make my hands a little warmer... I don't want him to flinch again." She whispered, hearing footsteps and the racing heart that could belong to no one other than J, travel down the corridor.

When J entered the room the maître d' took his coat as well, revealing a tux, I was glad we had met the dress code accordingly.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," J said as soon as we were all alone.

"No, you're exactly on time." Bella began with a friendly smile.

J held his hand out and Bella took his hand first, he realised her hand was warmer than before but it wasn't exactly normal temperature. I took his hand next and just like before, he relaxed. "You both look stunning, if I may be so bold, Ms. Cullens."

"Thank you, J. Please, call us Aria and Bella." I offered taking my hand back to clasp with my other one and held them in front of me.

"I must say, it's a different experience working with you two than it is with Mr. Jasper. Much less... unsettling." He smiled hesitantly.

"Really? I've always found Jasper to have a very soothing presence." I would've thought that Jasper would have used his gift to ease J's tensions.

His eyebrows pulled together. "Is that so?" he murmured politely while clearly still in disagreement, Jasper still scared him. Searching through J's memories it was clear Jasper didn't use his gifts, he wanted the job done quickly so he installed fear in J.

"Have you known Jasper long?" Bella asked, noticing the analysing look on my face, I pulled the same face as Edward when I dug through someone's mind for answers, so that's why she took the attention off of me.

He sighed, looking slightly uncomfortable about answering that question. "I've been working with Mr. Jasper for more than twenty years, and my old partner knew him for fifteen years before that.... He never changes." J cringed delicately and I refrained from showing my shock. I thought the whole point of moving around was to keep our lack of ageing a secret... maybe that's why Jasper threatened him.

"Yeah, Jasper's kind of funny that way." Bella waved him off, most likely in shock herself.

J shook his head as if he could shake away the disturbing thoughts of Jasper's fierce face. "Won't you have a seat, ladies?"

"Actually, we're in a bit of a hurry. We've got a long drive home." As Bella spoke, she took the thick white envelope with his bonus from her bag and handed it to him.

"Oh," he said, a slight pang of disappointment in his tone. He tucked the envelope into an inside pocket of his jacket without bothering to check the amount. "I was hoping we could speak for just a moment."

"About?" Bella asked curiously.

"Well, let me get you your items first. I want to make sure you're satisfied."

He turned, placed his briefcase on the table, and popped the latches. He took out a legal-sized manilla envelope.

We had no idea what we were looking for, or what we weren't looking for. I couldn't see the difference between these passports and my own one back at home. J had manipulated Seth's picture so it didn't look like the same one was used on both his passport and driver's license. I glanced at Nessie's photo, it was minuscule but I could already compare the changes in her face now compared to the photo. How long could she get away with this picture for?

Bella's breathing faltered as she stared at the photo of Nessie so I took it upon myself to thank J for us. "Thank you," I told him. "This means a lot to us."

His eyes narrowed slightly as he surveyed us. He believed we should have looked at the documents in more detail. "I can assure you every piece is perfect. All will pass the most rigorous scrutiny by experts."

"I'm sure they are. I truly appreciate what you've done for us, J."

"It's been my pleasure, Aria. In the future, feel free to come to me for anything the Cullen family needs, both of you." He didn't even hint at it really, he didn't have to I could see it inside his head, but this sounded like an invitation for us to take over Jasper's place as liaison.

"There was something you wanted to discuss?" Bella spoke up, her voice eerily calm compared to the emotions her eyes held.

"Er, yes. It's a bit delicate..." He gestured to the stone hearth with a questioning expression. Bella and I took a seat on the edge and he sat beside us. Sweat was dewing up on his forehead again, and he pulled a blue silk handkerchief from his pocket and began mopping.

"Bella, are you the sister of Mr. Jasper's wife? Or married to his brother?" he asked.

"Married to his brother," Bella clarified, wondering where this was leading, but I could see straight through him.

"You would be Mr. Edward's bride, then?"


He smiled apologetically. "I've seen all the names many times, you see. My belated congratulations. It's nice that Mr. Edward has found such a lovely partner after all this time."

"Thank you very much."

"Aria, what about you?" He asked, eyeing me warily. He knew I was different from Bella and Jasper, he didn't know how I fit in.

"I'm a little more complicated. I'm Bella's biological cousin, but I was adopted into the Cullen family." I explained, watching him absorb the information.

He paused, dabbing at the sweat. "Over the years, you might imagine that I've developed a very healthy level of respect for Mr. Jasper and the entire family."

Bella and I nodded cautiously.

He took a deep breath and then exhaled without speaking.

"J, please just say whatever you need to." Bella prodded, becoming impatient.

He took another breath and then mumbled quickly, slurring the words together. "If you could just assure me that you are not planning to kidnap the little girl from her father, I would sleep better tonight."

"Oh," Bella said, stunned. It took me a minute to understand the horrifying conclusion he'd drawn. He thought Bella was stealing the child from Edward. "Oh no. It's nothing like that at all." I smiled weakly, trying to reassure him. "I'm simply preparing a safe place for her in case something were to happen to my husband and me."

His eyes narrowed. "Are you expecting something to happen?" He blushed, then apologised. "Not that it's any of my business."

"You never know." Bella sighed.

He frowned. "May I wish you the best of luck, then. And please don't be put out with me, my dear, but... if Mr. Jasper should come to me and ask what names I put on these documents..."

"Of course you should tell him immediately. I'd like nothing better than to have Mr. Jasper fully aware of our entire transaction." Bella said sincerely, that way Jasper and Alice would know who to look for.

"Very good," he said. "And I can't prevail upon you two to stay for dinner?"

"We're sorry, J. We're short on time at present." I said, though that was a tremendous understatement.

"Then, again, my best wishes for your health and happiness. Anything at all the Cullen family needs, please don't hesitate to call on me, ladies."

"Thank you, J." Bella and I said in unison.

We left quickly after that exchange, by the time we left the sky was pitch black and as soon as we left the city, Bella switched the headlights off and put her foot down. We got home in a much quicker time compared to how long it took to get there.

When we got back to the house, most of the cars, including Bella's new Ferrari, Alice's Porsche and my Audi, were missing. The human feeding guests were going as far away as possible to quench their thirst... though I tried to not think about that.

Only Garrett and Kate were in the lounge of the big house, arguing playfully about the satisfaction, well lack of, that animal blood brings compared to human. Garrett had tried to hunt animals, he didn't like it very much.

Edward was gone, we assumed he must have taken Renesmee back to the cottage to sleep, I imagined Seth had gone with them to keep guard. The rest of the family seemed to be out hunting as well, most likely with the other Denalis. Upstairs in my bedroom I could hear Jake snoring softly, he must've had a long and busy day training.

Bella took my hand and pulled me into Alice and Jasper's room. The stale air made my nose wrinkle as it was first time anyone had been in here since they had left, it was too upsetting. I waited by the bed silently as Bella rummaged through Alice's bag closet until found the type of bag she deemed fit for Renesmee to carry. Next, Bella instructed for me to raid their petty cash that was stuffed inside one their draws. I took about twice of the yearly income of the average American household... thanking my younger self for taking business studies at school.

I waited for Bella on the edge of Alice and Jasper's bed, staring at the money in my lap. Eventually Bella came back into sight with a small, black backpack suitable for a child, she took a seat beside me and put the money in first, and then the envelope with the new identities and documents.

We sat silently for a while, feeling helpless, wishing there was more to life than just saying goodbye, but then suddenly an idea came to mind. It was clear that Alice knew that Seth and Renesmee would escape so that would mean that Demetri had been removed from the equation. So why couldn't Alice and Jasper help Seth and Renesmee?

"I have an idea." I said quickly, grasping Bella's hand.

"What?" She asked, her voice a little high with interest.

"For them to escape that would mean Demetri would be dead. If we could reunite Renesmee and Seth and Alice and Jasper it would give Renesmee the best protection imaginable." I explained, watching Bella's own plan form in her head as her eyes became blank.

Then, she sprung from the bed, grabbed my hand, and darted us out the room and up the stairs to Carlisle and Esme's suite. As usual, Esme's desk was stacked with plans and blueprints, everything neatly laid out in tall piles, it made me think of my mom for a moment, they'd have so much fun working on a project together. The desk had a slew of pigeonholes above the work surface; in one was a box of stationery. Bella took a fresh sheet of paper and a pen.

"I need to send her our own clue." Bella murmured and then stared down at the blank page for a full five minutes, focusing on her decision and hoping Alice would see. Then, slowly, deliberately, Bella wrote the words RIO DE JANEIRO in all caps across the page. "Alice is already in South America, its far away from here and they have to start somewhere... continue the mission in seeking out legends about Renesmee's kind." Bella finished, her voice breaking.

Bella bowed her head, and gritted her teeth, trying not to cry. "They'll find her." I confirmed, crouching beside Bella to wrap my arms around her.

"But I already miss her so much, I can barely stand it." She sobbed, turning her head into my neck.

"Everything will be okay." I promised, hoping that I could keep it.

We stayed that way for a long while, until eventually Bella put herself back together and put the note in the bottom of the bag for Seth to find.

There was nothing left to do now but wait.

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