You and I{Sequel to The Retur...

By TheHarryPotter

152K 4.8K 2.3K

After Lucius Malfoy kidnaps Ginny, Harry goes looking for her. His friends, who happen to be Ginny's family... More

You and I {Sequel to The Return to Hogwarts}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not a Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note: Cover Change
Chapter 25(I think) Part One
Chapter 25(Part Two)
A/N: Future Updates
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

3.3K 131 84
By TheHarryPotter

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, just the story. Oh, or the song.

Song: You and I; One  Direction. (Right as I typed this, You and I came on Pandora.))

Hey, are you guys ready for this? I don't think you are.



My eyes shot open, and I realized I was trapped in a box. I felt around for my wand, but couldn't find it. I pushed and pushed on the top of the box, but it was useless. Finally, as I was on the edge of suffocation, I put all of my strength into one last push, and the top came off. I climbed out of the box, realizing it was a casket. The air around me smelled of rotten bodies. I got out of the area as fast as possible, and saw a small box. I picked it up and opened it, finding my wand and two others inside. I left the other wands behind and apparated to Privet Drive. As I walked into the Dursley's house, I was tackled to the ground.

"Who are you?" Ron asked.

"Harry Potter," I said.

"No you're not, Harry Potter is dead."

"Yes, but I sent you guys on the hunt for the Hidden Stone."

"Really? What was the first thing Harry Potter did after he kissed my little sister, Ginny Weasley, for the first time in the Gryffindor common room?"

"I made eye contact with you, making sure you were okay with it. You gave me a slight nod. Dean Thomas crushed a glass in his hand."

"Harry!" echoed around the room.

Ron's face softened, and he helped me up before pulling me into a bone-crushing Weasley hug. "Harry, you're alive. You're back. We didn't think the Stone worked. Ginny was so upset. She was very angry at first, and the she cried herself to sleep."

I pulled away, and was pulled into another hug by Hermione. "Hey, 'Mione."

"Harry," she said, and I realized she was crying into my shoulder. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." I was pulled into multiple more hugs, and everybody was crying, saying that they'd missed me. By the end, my shirt was covered in tears. But then, as I waited for the flash of coppery red hair that came before the tackle of a hug, I frowned, realizing that she wasn't there.

"Where is Ginny?" I asked.

"Probably still sleeping. We were up late last night."

"Okay. Be quiet, I have a plan. You guys stay here." I quietly made my way upstairs to my old bedroom, and slipped inside. I sat in the chair by the bed, and stroked lightning as he flew down to rest on my knee. It was a while before she woke up, and when she did, she did tackle me, but not in the way I'd hoped. I was on the ground, her straddling my waist, but she was throwing punches.

"Ron, Hermione, help!" she called. I tried to get some words in, but I couldn't. I heard the rush of footsteps coming towards us, and then the door swung open.

"Ginny, what are you doing?" Ron asked.

"Trying to get rid of this intruder," she said, looking up at him.

"You're trying to get rid of Harry?" Ron asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Harry? This isn't..." She slowly looked back down at me, her eyes widening.

"Surprise," I said.

"Harry," she whispered before leaning down and kissing me. She pulled back a few seconds later, and punched my arm.


"You idiot. Don't ever do that again," she said, hugging me. "I missed you too much."

"I've been missing you for the last two years," I said. She started sobbing into my neck.

"Merlin, I'm so sorry Harry," she said.

"It wasn't your fault. It was Lucius Malfoy's. 'Mione, can you fix my glasses."

"I'm sorry about that too," Ginny said, letting out a relieved laugh as Hermione fixed my glasses.

"Come on, there's someone who wants to talk to you, Harry." I stood and pulled Ginny up with me, walking out of the room. Ginny clung to my arm.

"I'm not going anywhere, Gin." I laughed. She loosened her grip.

As we walked into the sitting room, I saw Petunia and Dudley Dursley, and for once, smiled at the sight of them. Petunia walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"Harry," she sobbed, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Aunt Petunia. Thank you for letting them stay here."

"It was a pleasure. I'm just so terribly sorry for how I treated you."

"It's fine, really." I talked to the group for hours, and it was evening when Ginny whispered into my ear.

"Mum's going to want to see you. We should go."

"Aunt Petunia, would it be okay if they stayed here one more night? I think we should give them some more time to get over the hysteria. I'll be back in the morning."

She nodded. "Of course." We said goodnight, and then Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I Apparated to the burrow. Ron and Hermione went in first, and then Ginny, so that they could distract her, and then I would surprise her.

I waited a few minutes after Ginny went in, and then marched up to the front door.

"Dinner will be ready in-" Molly was saying when she saw me.

"I'm home, Mum." I threw in the 'Mum' for her sake. She dropped the pot she was holding, and rushed over to hug me, but as she wrapped her arms around me, she fell to her knees, bringing me down with her.

"Harry." She was sobbing too.

"It's okay, Molly." We stayed in that postition for a few minutes before she stood and calmed herself down.

"You called me Mum earlier."

"Yeah." I looked at the ground.

"No, Harry, it's okay. I'd like you to call me Mum."

"Alright then, Mum."

"Are you staying for dinner?"

I looked to Ginny, and she nodded. "Yes."

"Are you and Ginny back together, then?"

"Yes, Mum, we are. Finally," Ginny said.

"We can talk more over dinner. Go on, I'll call you down when it's ready." Molly pushed up the stairs.

Ron and Hermione went to his room, and Ginny pulled me into hers, pushing me onto her bed after closing the door. She straddled my waist again, but this time she was kissing me.

"I missed you so much," she whispered as she pulled away. I sat up pulled her into my arms.

"I know, but I'm here now. But, you know, nothing can come between You and I; not even the gods above can seperate the two of us."

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