Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, our queen, does.



"Memerous Revealio," Neville said, pointing his wand at Ginny's head. She fell into my arms as she drifted off to sleep. I pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked.

"No," Neville said. My heart sunk. "But there's a chance."

"A chance? A chance Neville? There was a chance that Umbridge wouldn't find out about the D.A., but she did," I whispered, careful not to wake Ginny. "I don't know what I will do if she still doesn't remember me."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes," I said. "Always."

Ginny stirred. That was quick, I thought.

"Hello, Love," I said, helping her sit up straight. "Do remember anything?"

"Nothing that will help me, no. I don't want to talk about it," she said, and she looked upset.

"Okay, so Luna, what's your announcement?" I asked, changing the subject for Ginny's sake.

"Rolf proposed!" She sqeauled.

"Took him long enough," I said.

"You knew?"

"He came to me and asked if he should," I told her.

"Ginny, I know you don't remember me, but I want you to be the Maid of Honor. We're having a muggle wedding," she said to Ginny.


"Harry, get Hermione and Ron here as quick as possible, we're celebrating." She summoned a bottle of firwhiskey and I tensed.

"Actually, I don't think Harry wants to drink tonight," Ginny said. I looked at her.

"Oh, that means more for us," Neville said.

"I'm going to get Ron and Hermione, I'll back in a second. Ginny, do you want to stay or come?" I asked.

"I'll stay," she said.

I apparated to the burrow, grabbed Ron and Hermione's hands, and apparated back to Neville's house. It was then that I noticed Hermione's unbuttoned blouse and Ron's slightly disheveled hair and realized what I had interrupted.

"Harry," groaned Ron as Hermione's face turned pink. "We were kind of busy." He turned and helped Hermione button up her shirt.

"Sorry, Luna has something she wanted to tell you," I mumbled, my face pink as well.

"Why are we at Neville's?"

"Because that's where I was told to bring you, now lets go," I said, pushing them inside.

As we walked in Luna jumped up and I looked at Ginny. She looked relieved. I sat next to her and had to resist the urge to pull her close. She smelled so good.

"So, Luna, Harry said you had an announcement," said Hermione.

"I do," the blond witch replied.


"Rolf proposed," Luna said. Hermione squealed.

"Oh, Luna, that's amazing."

"We decided on a muggle themed wedding. I want you, Ginny, Hannah, and Cho as brides maids, and Rolf wants Neville, Harry, Ron, and Seamus as groomsmen. It's going to be wonderful."

"Well, lets celebrate," Neville said. As he and Ron poured firewhiskey into cups, I turned to Ginny.

"Ginny, can I talk to you?" I asked, pulling her into another room.

"Yeah, sure," she said.

"What did you remember?"

"Harry, it's nothing," she said.

"It's obviously something, Ginny. You can trust me, just tell me."

"Alright. While I was sleeping I dreamt about a party in a big room, and I was being hugged by a bunch of people. A door opened and you came in. I ran into your arms, and you kissed me. Then the scene changed. We were at a funeral, I could tell by the way everybody was dressed. You said that if some guy named Vol-"

"Don't say his name, last time it resulted in Lucius stealing you from me two years ago. I just got you back, I'm not losing you again," I said.

"Anyway, you said that if he finds out that you care about me, he'll come after me to get to you. You were breaking up with me for my safety, and you said you loved me. It made me realize that I love you. But it doesn't matter because you love Romilda," she said. I started chuckling.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked, glaring at me. "I knew I shouldn't have told you." She started to stomp off, but I grabbed her arm.

"Ginny wait. I'm laughing because you actually think love Romilda," I said.

"If you don't love her, then why are you dating her?"

"I'm dating her because I was trying to get over the person I do love. Because the one I do love is dating someone else," I said. "But I realized it wasn't fair of me to do that to Romilda, so I'm going to break up with her."

"Who do you love, Harry?" Ginny asked.



Short filler chapter here. Yeah.

So I decided I'm going to alternate updating days; updating this one every other day, and updating Harry Potter, Ginny's side of the story everyday in between. So yeah, expect that.




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