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I know you guys have been waiting over a month for the Epilogue, so here it is. I hope you like it.

Also, I'm posting a random song with this. I dunno Why.

Important Author's note at the end, Read it.



I tugged at the collar of my suit nervously. Sweat rolled down my face. I looked to Ron.

"I can't do this. Ron, what if she's changed her mind?"

"Harry, Mate," Ron said, putting his hand on my shoulder. "It's your wedding day. She'd tell you if she's changed her mind. Now, calm down, it's almost time."

I nodded and opened the door to the small room, running my hand through my hair as I walked towards the altar. The guests stared at me as I moved. It felt like forever before Hermione and Ron, who had gotten married just a month before, walked down the aisle, seperating when they reached me. Then Luna and Rolf. Neville and Hannah, George and Angelina. Victoire Weasley, Bill and Fleur's daughter, threw flower petals on to the ground as she walked towards me. She smiled up at me when she reached me, then walked over to stand in front of Hermione.

Everyone in the audience rose and looked towards the back, where Ginny was coming round the corner, in a beautiful white dress that reached her knees. My jaw dropped as I stared at her. She was breath-taking.

When she reached me, she looked worried. "Is something wrong? Have you changed your mind? Do I look bad?"

"N-No, you look amazing. Breath-taking, really."

She smiled, and I grabbed her hand, turning towards the minister. I didn't hear a word the minister said; I was too distracted by her beauty.

"Harry?" Ginny said in a worried tone.


"You're supposed to say 'I Do.'"

"Oh, right. I do."

The minister turned to Ginny. "Do you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, take Harry James Potter to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse?"

"I do," she said, smiling.

The minister pulled out his wand and pointed it at our joined hands. "Then I declare you bonded for life. You may kiss the bride." And so I did. I kissed her with such passion and fire that nobody would think I didn't love her. When we pulled away, she whispered the second best three words I've ever heard.

"Harry, I'm pregnant."


Nine months later, Ginny and I were watching a movie in our house in Godric's Hollow, her in my lap. Her stomach was very swollen, due to the baby boy she was carrying inside of her. Suddenly, I felt something wet in my lap, and she turned to look at me, her eyes wide. "I think my water just broke."

Half an hour later, Ginny was in a hospital room at St. Mungo's, groaning and yelling profanities.

"I hate you, Potter. You did this to me," she said, squeezing my hand.

"Ginny, calm down. This isn't easy on me either. You're cutting the circulation to my hand off."

"Good. You can suffer too."

She groaned and yelled for hours. Eventually, the healers told her she could start pushing. Molly brushed Ginny's hair off of her sweaty forehead, holding her other hand tightly. "It's all right, Ginny."

"There's the head, " the healer said. "The body. The legs. He's out." The healer cut the chord and brought the baby over to Ginny. "Do you have a name for him?"

Ginny looked up at me, smiling, then down at the baby. "James Sirius Potter."

The End.


There you go. That's the end.

Just to make things clear, Their wedding takes place a few years the last chapter does, when they got engaged.

I want to thank you guys for taking the time to read these stories. It means a lot to me. I finished these stories with over 20K reads and almost 1k votes on each. MUch better than expected.

Also, I want to thank two very Important people in my life. One of which I wouldn't have even finished The Return To Hogwarts without.

So Emily( Emilykatherine816) And Petra, (TheHPDetective), Thank you two, so much. I love you guys.

Just as the first chapter of The Return To Hogwarts is dedicated to her, the last chapter of this story is dedicated to Emily, the one mentioned above.

I don't know how long until I can start writing again, but hopefully it will be soon.

See you later,


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