Aldilà Amore (ON HOLD)


7.4K 198 147

Translation - beyond love This book is included in the amore series, however you do not have to read it to un... Еще

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter One

2.9K 49 45

Dante's POV

"Mom... spare me please. I really have somewhere else to be."

I plead to my mom, begging like a child would do and just frown up at her. If I had to, I would fùcking get on my knees and start pleading. I really needed to see the boys, we were having a fùcking bachelor party that I was in the mood for, otherwise I would be busy as fùck trying to please my father.

Mom frowned at me as she walked away from the mirror. As usual, she looked breathtakingly beautiful. My mother was always beautiful and will remain beautiful.

"Dante, your father really needs you there. If you do not attend this party, then it will not be the same. Your father's business partner gave us a personal invite and it would be embarrassing if we all do not attend." She explains as she cupped one of my cheek, "For my sake, per favore vieni."

Constantino had a business partner that he wanted to hold on for as long as he could so in order to do that, he wanted to please him. Today, we were invited to his business partner's daughter's birthday but personally, I really couldn't give a shít.

This is all just for Constantino to fùck up and then throw it at my face for me to deal with in the future.

But of course, I was not going to protest because I was the mafia. Mafia's fùck up all the time but have a solution at the end.

However, the outside world does not need to know that. If this business partner turns out to be a motherfùcker, I'll always know what to do. I sigh heavily before I finally give in and nod at mom.

"Okay mom, I'll come, but if he písses me off then I'm leaving." I say, she frowns as a result of that she hated this relationship I have with my own father.

Not my fùcking fault that the man decided to make me a fùcking mafia don at a very young age.

We reached the destination of the birthday party and immediately, we were faced with a problem. Constantino's rivals were attending the party and he was unaware of that fact. Had he known, then we wouldn't have attended this stupid birthday party and I would've been occupied with something more fun.

"Ignore them. Remember, you're here to impress Destefano."

There came that name again!

Fùck! The name has been going around in the estate for weeks now and it really píssed me off. Who was this man? That my parents wanted to impress so badly?

Constantino nodded at mom before he glared at me.

"Figlio, don't do anything stupid. I'm warning you, this man isn't Fredrick. He has balls and will do more than what Fredrick is capable of doing. Per favore figlio, our mafia will be on the line." He plead with me and I returned with a firm nod.

When it came to business, I complied to Constantino's instructions because he knew what he was doing. The man has been doing this just over two decades so I really couldn't underestimate him. My father knew what he was doing and I can say that he was excellent at it. He was manipulative as always, yet kind and caring which is what mom loved about him. Due to this attitude, our family always received what we needed the most.

We walked in and as soon as we did, I was quite bemused because I thought I was attending some little raggaza's birthday party, turns out it was Destefano's eldest daughter's birthday, her eighteenth.

The corner of my lips tugged up as I reminisced about my eighteenth; it was nothing like this in fact, it was eventful. By eventful, I mean I spent my first paycheque from my job at the time to a pimp and she wasn't even great.

On the bright side, one thing good about this party was that there was champagne, the expensive type and I had gulped one down already and it hasn't even been a minute since we got here.

"Ah Destefano! How are you?" Constantino chirped when a man approached us with a smile.

I scrutinised the man as we approached him and I couldn't figure out why I felt like this man was not what he seems to be. He was wearing a suit that really made me decide what kind of a man he would be. I was a dįck to judge him by his appearance but I couldn't seem to ignore that fact that this man was wearing a white suit.

Who the fùck wears a white suit?

I shake my head to abandon the thoughts and continue to scrutinise him and notice the white hairs that began to cover his head; he was definitely older than Constantino. When he smiled at Constantino, his face crinkled and I gulp my drink as I continue to look at him. He was no better mafia than us, we kept our mafia running for years, ever since my grandfather Rafael died so I made sure we were better, but this man... I had no idea.

"Destefano, meet my son Dante. He is the next one in line, I have so much faith in this one." Constantino chuckled as he introduced me to Destefano. Destefano shifted his gaze on me and began to scrutinise me, head to toe and it really pissed me off because it seemed like he thought shít of me.

The tension between us soon began to fade when he smacked his hand on my arm and chuckled.

"Ah son, make your father proud like always. Nice to meet you Dante, make yourself comfortable here and meet my guests and family." He said as he offered me a hand shake that I took,

"Likewise, sir."

"No no son," he laughed, "Call me Destefano. No need with the formalities, I don't do that bullshít."

"Destefano, where is the birthday girl?" Constantino questions as he roams his eyes around the hall, "Where is your daughter?"

I clench my jaws as I was reminded of why I was here and just look at mom who gave me a apologetic smile. I shook my head as anger fuelled in my system and just walk away from them, I really did not want to deal with this bullshít.

I reach a quiet balcony and pull my phone out to call Fabio, the fùcker who will have no choice but to come and take me out of this lame ass fùcking birthday party.

"What?" He barked through the phone, "Seriously dude, I've got no fùcking time for your bullshít."

"Where are you?" I growled to the phone,

"At your fūcking party! Where the fūck are you?" He roared, "Hey dude, do you see dïckhead Dante anywhere here?" I heard Fabio asking someone at the party, however it seemed like he was talking to a herd of animals because as soon as he asked, roars of laughter erupted from the other side that I had to pull the phone away from my ears a little because it was that loud.

I swear when I see him, I'm going to punch the living fück out of his face.

"Come and get me you fücking fava, I'm at some fûcking rich kid's birthday party. I'll send you the address."

"What the fûck are you doing over there?"

"Fabio, just come and get me. I'll explain then." I huff before I pull the phone away from my ears and throw a string of curses at my phone. If only Fabio was here right in front of me, I'm sure I would've broken his jaws.

"Cara, your father's guests have arrived. Let's go."

I turn my gaze to the left and glance over my shoulders to see two figures through the silk curtains.

"Mom, can you give me a minute? I need a little fresh air." A small feminine voice appeared, her voice was sweet, serene, accented and angelic. "I'll join you. Please."

I continue to keep my gaze on the curtain as one of the silhouettes began to walk towards the balcony, towards me while the other walked away towards the opposite direction.

I was so focused on the silhouettes that I didn't realise that one of them had already entered the balcony, and to be honest I have never seen someone or something like this.

She stepped into the balcony and I was immediately awestruck at how this ragazza looked; she was breathtakingly beautiful just like an angel.

The white dress she wore ended just above her knees as it hung loosely on her body. Her long brown locks fell loosely on her shoulders when she caught me and bit her lips before she continued to chew it. Her round doe eyes pinned me as they widened with a little perplex. The tiny button nose that sat at the centre of her face twitched a little when her lips crack with a little frown, she then began to retract back.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." She said and my eyes widened a little, "to interrupt you.." she furrowed her brows and turned around to walk away in embarrassment.

"Wait..!" I called out which made her stop and turn her gaze back to me, "I heard you, you needed fresh air. Don't let me stop you, in fact come and join me."

She nodded her head and then walked towards me before she stood a few distance away from me. Her hands rest on the balcony as she exhaled out a breath. I watched her hair just fly everywhere as the wind blew it; she was truly beautiful.

Things like this never really distracted me, in fact women didn't affect me at all. To be honest, I don't give a shît about them but this ragazza really captivated my attention and I was not used to this.

She glanced over her shoulders and caught me staring at her. I quickly look away and noticed that her brow lifted before she released a whole-hearted laugh. However, I didn't miss the one feature that she possessed that immediately had me drawn; she had hazel-grey eyes.

"What are you doing up here? Aren't you enjoying the party?" She asked,

"No," I scoffed, "I'm waiting for my brother to pick me up from this party."

"No?" She began to question with a different tone of voice, one that was filled with disappointment. I turned my gaze to her as I furrowed my brows at the confusing between us, a small frown sat on her full lips. "I knew this idea would be... futile. My father does this every year."

"What do you mean?"

She moved herself closer to me and watched me as she shook her head with a frown.

"I'm Adriana... the birthday girl." She rolled her eyes and twisted her face into some sort of disappointment before she moved back again, "I thought you were aware of who's party you attended today."

My face dropped when I watched her in disbelief. She is the birthday girl, she is Destefano's daughter.


"Oh... yo-you're Destefano's daughter?"

"Y-yes." She mocked and she giggled, "Oh come on, is my party this bad?"

I nodded my head slowly as I try to get my head around the fact that this beautiful ragazza was Destefano's daughter. How have I come to find this out only just now?

"Well... I better get going. After all, this is my party." She chuckled and then began to walk away however, she stopped half-way. "Hey, I didn't get your name?" Her smile beamed at me and for some reason, my heart skipped a beat.

I watch her again and suddenly, a small smile ran past my lips. What the fûck?

"Dante... Dante Lombardi." I introduced myself as I clear my throat,

She walked back to me but this time, she was very close. She was close enough for me to inhale her sweet scent that sent me suddenly craving for her. Her sweet scent also made me feel as though I felt these weird palpitations my entire life, but I just met her.

"Well Dante, I hope to see you later and... maybe, if there is a next time, my parties will not bore you." She smiled and her eyes twinkled, "Thank you for attending my party anyway."

With that, she turned around and walked away leaving me at complete shock. I watched her as her small frame left me towards and past the curtains until I could no longer see her anymore. I lean off the balcony to go after her but my phone chimed with a notification. I checked it and saw that Fabio alerted me that he has arrived so I growl under my breath before I set off.

I left the balcony and lost her immediately, she was gone so when I roamed my eyes further, all I saw was crowds of people. I let out an exasperated sigh as I run my fingers through my hair before I head for the exit to leave, I was never going to find her.

I reached the foyer where everyone was and stood there for a second, I roamed my eyes around the whole hall again to see if I could find her but I didn't. My phone rang in my pocket so I decided to leave it and just go to Fabio.

As I was leaving, I never felt so disappointed in my life however, soon all that dissipated when I finally saw her again. She walked right past me with her white dress and smiled sincerely, revealing her white pearls at me. She reached me and when she did, her smile grew wider. When I saw her beaming smile, my heart palpitated at the mere fact that I have not seen anything this fûcking beautiful ever in my life before. Something about her eyes called my name and I knew I needed to be curious about someone. Everything just felt like it was in slow motion but unfortunately for me, it wasn't. She was out of my site within seconds and by the time I realised, I had already stepped out of the mansion.

I exhaled out a breath when I heard the familiar car horn that repeatedly called for me. I approached the car and slid in to find Fabio and the rest of the boys just chant at me.

"Dude, what the fûck did you see that made you this whipped?" Fabio roared, "You're pale as shít now."

"Shut the fûck up and drive before I crack your jaws." I growled as I continue to stare out the window at the mansion, particularly the first balcony when I met her.

"On it!" Fabio chirped, why the fûck was he driving if he's drunk as fûck?

Honestly, Fabio was correct; I felt like I have seen a fûcking angel.



Oh my God! I can already feel this; this is going to be one heck of a story!
What do you think?
let me know!

Both protagonists are going to have a POV because I'm trying to be creative. If you don't like it, suggest me more ideas.

Feel free to message me for any questions.
Happy reading,
L x

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