The Only Solution

By mmacdonald22

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The Blackbourne Team has been undercover for the past six months with a dangerous gang. Everything is fine un... More

Chapter 1 - Owen
Chapter 2 - Sang
Chapter 3 - Sang
Chapter 4 - Sean
Chapter 5 - Nathan
Chapter 7 - Gabriel
Chapter 8 - Sang
Chapter 9 - Victor
Chapter 10 - Sang
Chapter 11 - Luke
Chapter 12 - North
Chapter 13 - Dr. Roberts
Chapter 14 - Sang
Chapter 15 - Sang
Chapter 16 - Silas
Chapter 17 -Sang
Chapter 18 - Kota
Chapter 19 - Sang
Chapter 20 - North
Chapter 21 - Luke
Chapter 22 - Sang

Chapter 6 - Sang

6.3K 268 51
By mmacdonald22

If you see any mistakes, feel free to correct them. My other computer had auto-correct, but this one doesn't. I appreaciate all feedback!



I wrote this entire chapter and decided I hated it. So I deleted it and started over about four times. Hope you enjoy! Now, it's super long!


Academy fanfiction recommendation today is "The Academy Genius" by tc5322. They just updated today, it's an Academy and Sherlock fanfic. It isn't completed, but the writer has returned from an absense to keep writing.


Another note to help you visualize what Sang is wearing. Above is what I imagined her assassin outfit would look like. This would be what she was wearing for chapters 2-3 (what she killed Hendricks in). Step-Bitch forced her to take off the top part, but before leaving she put it back on to leave with Kota.

Another precision is that with the Albanian Mob she is always wearing her mask. She doesn't want them to know her face. The only people who know her without the mask is Step-Bitch (but that woman is crazy anyway), Don, others do too but you haven't met them yet. However, she is not wearing the hood or the mask with the boys.


It had been . . .  interesting to meet some of Owen's brothers.

I understand their reaction to me was less than ideal given the fact that Owen and I have been dating a while. I don't think they even know how long. I am actually glad that they have reacted that way, it shows they care. I know that one of the reasons that Owen prefers the title Mr. B is to keep them from getting too close. He is always ready for them to leave him. My Angel Eyes pretends it's a matter of respect, but it's not. It's a way to make sure no one gets too close too hurt him.

Well, news flash, Owen, they are your brothers and won't leave you!

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice the creeping presence behind until it was almost too late. I don't even know what happened. All I remember is that a boy popped up behind and yelled, "BOO!" and my instincts took over.

The next second I found myself face to face with a blond boy with my knife to his throat. I don't release him, I can't. My limbs aren't answering to me anymore, but rather what I was taught. This is how I have trained my body ever since I was young to avoid more punishements, abuse or worse rape. With how Don honed in these skills, it's second nature.

Silence dominates the entire room and I don't take my eyes off the boy to look at everyone else' reactions. No one knew who I was except Owen which makes my reaction rather extreme if you didn't have the circumstances. I tense up, getting ready to run.

Suddenly, someone else enters the room and bellows, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO LUCIAN?"

This could only be North which meant that the boy I was holding is Luke. I know Owen will stop them from coming at me like this, but I really need to stop doing this. Luke surprisingly doesn't look scared, but rather in awe.

I slowly release his throat and pocket my knife when Luke says, "Are you a ninja?"

I let out a strained chuckle, "No, Luke, I am not a ninja. I'm an assassin, there is a difference."

Immediately, I slap my hand over my mouth. What did I just say? For someone supposedly very smart, I feel so fucking stupid. I can't believe I just blurted out who I was to someone. Shit, shit, I am such an idiot.

On the other hand, Luke just seems more happy with a huge grin on his face, "Like Assassin's Creed?"

I shake my head, "What?"

He looked completely offended, "You haven't seen Assassin's Creed? You know: 'We work in the dark to serve the light. Nothing is true but everything is permitted. We are Assassins'?" (A/N: that's an actual quote from the movie I believe.)

I frown, "Still nothing."

At this point, Mr. Dark and fucking Annoying decides to but in, "WHAT THE FUCK IS AN ASSASSIN DOING HERE? YOU ARE THREATENING MY BROTHER, LITTLE BITC-"

Owen cut him off with a chilling tone, "I do not think you want to finish that statement, Mr. Taylor. You won't like the consequences."

North grumbles on in Greek, "Fuck αυτό, δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι ο κύριος Β την προστατεύει. Είναι ένας τρομακτικός γαμπρός. Αν δεν ήταν εδώ, θα έβαζα το μικρό δολοφόνο στη θέση της πίσω από τα μπαρ. Σίγουρα ότι ξεκινάει να σκοτώνει ανθρώπους, ότι το απολαμβάνει σαν το άρρωστο κόκαλο που είναι -" 

(Fuck this, I can't believe Mr. B is protecting her. He's a scary fucker. If he wasn't here, I would put the little murderer in her place behind bars. I bet she gets off of killing people, that she enjoys it like the sick bastard she is-)

With every word, I get even more angry as I understand his words and he finally pushed me too far, "Γιατί, λίγο γαμημένο! Θέλετε να ξέρετε γιατί σκοτώνω. Θέλετε να μάθετε τη γαμήλια ζωή μου! Σκοτώνω για να αποφύγω να είμαι σεξουαλικός δούλος. Εγώ σκοτώνω για να σώσω κορίτσια από τη ζωή. Εγώ σκοτώνω για να μείνω ζωντανός. Το μισώ με κάθε ίνα της ύπαρξής μου, αλλά δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω. Θέλετε να μάθετε γιατί; Γιατί αν το έκανα, ο άρρωστος μου προϊστάμενος θα πήγαινε έξω και θα σκότωνε όποιον αγαπούσα ή ήξερα. Θα πήγαινε και θα σκότωσε κάθε κορίτσι που έσωσα από το ανθρώπινο εμπόριο του. Δεν ξέρετε τι θα κάνει εγώ για μένα αν αποτύχω. ¶ ¶Έτσι, εσείς λίγο γκρινιάρης, δεν πρέπει να είστε αυτός που κρίνετε τόσο γρήγορα."

 (Why, you little fucker! You want to know why I kill. You want to know my fucking life story! I kill to avoid being a sex slave. I kill to save girls from that life. I kill to stay alive. I hate it with every fiber of my being, but I can't stop. Do you want to know why? Because if I did, my sick boss would go out and kill anyone I loved or even knew. He would go and kill every girl that I ever saved from his human traficking. You don't know what HE will to do to me if I fail. So, you little bastard, you shouldn't be the one to judge so quickly.)

I take my shirt off my back to show my badly beaten newy formed scars, "Αυτό παίρνω για να σταματήσω μια γυναίκα να σκοτώσει τον αδελφό σου. Δεν περιμένω να καταλάβετε, αλλά μην κρίνετε εμένα και τις επιλογές μου. Θα κάνω όλα τα πράγματα που έκανα διότι δεν έχω άλλη επιλογή, ούτε έλεγχο. Έτσι, βόρεια, για μια φορά στη ζωή του θανάτου του θεού, δοκιμάστε απλώς να μην προσπαθήσετε να μην είστε ο θυμωμένος μικρός κρίκος που βλέπω."

(This is what I get for stopping a woman from killing your brother. I don't expect you to understand, but do not judge me or my choices. I will do every damn thing I have done because I have no choice, no control. So, North, for once in your god damn life, try just try not to be the angry little judgemental bastard that I am seeing.)

I am out of breath after I finish my little rant in Greek. I learned it when I learned albanian, they are similar. At least, in my eyes, they are. I hadn't noticed the tall other greek boy enter the room. Now, I feel so fucking short, he's at least two and a half heads taller than I am. His face which should be in a grin is set in a deep frown as he looks at his brother.

Silas says, "Είμαι απογοητευμένος, βόρεια. Ξέρεις καλύτερα από ό, τι είναι ο κόσμος. Δεν περίμενα να κάνεις κάτι για να ξεκινήσεις έναν τέτοιο άγγελο. Είστε καλύτεροι από αυτόν τον αδελφό." 

(I am disappointed, North. You know better than most what the world is like. I didn't expect you to do something to set off such an angel. You are better than that brother.)

Gabriel stage-whispered to Nathan, "What the fuck did they just go on about?"

Silas now turns to me looking at me with his piercing brown almost black eyes, "I am sorry for my brother. It is not our place to judge you."

I give him a soft smile, tilting my head to see him, "It's fine. His words hit a litt too close for comfort."

Understanding fills his eyes before a grin comes over his face, "What's red and bad for your teeth?"

I give him an amused look, "I don't know. Candy? What?"

His face looks perfectly serious, "A brick."

I let out a little giggle. It isn't even funny, but the way he delivered the horrible anti-joke had me cracking up. I could feel Angel Eyes breathing a sigh of relief. He knew that I had triggers, escpecially with what Step-Bitch did to me. And when I had a panic attack or night terrors, I reacted badly. Sometimes I would curl up in a ball and cry or mostly during the night terrors, I would relive what she did to me or the killings I had to do.

Owen stepped up behind me as support when North approached me, "Λυπάμαι για τη βιαστική κρίση που είχα για εσάς. Δεν σκέφτηκα, μόλις είδα τον αδερφό μου και -" (I am sorry about my hasty judgement about you, Baby. I didn't think, I just saw my brother and-)

I give him an understanding smile, "Don't worry, I get it. Either way, we should introduce each other. Owen has talked about you guys to me, but you don't know know anything about me. To those who I haven't officialy met, I'm Sang."

Luke bounced over to me, "I'm Lucian but call me Luke. Are you like a real-life ninja?"

I shake my head, "We went over this already."

He shrugged, "An assassin has ninja skills. It's close enough."

I give up, "Sure."

Luke called out, "She's ninja, now she's mine."

Owen spoke up, "No, Lucian, she's mine."

Luke oggled Owen, "You just called me by my name."

I grin like an idiot, "Yes, he did. And Owen, he goes by Luke and you will call him that."

He sighs and kisses my temple, "If you want, darling."

Luke continued to stare and everyone was looking on too. I hoped to help close the gap that Owen made between himself in his brothers to protect, but it was only hurting them. I couldn't let that happen. I always had to help people, but I never could help myself. Ah, the irony.

I lead Owen to the couch where we sit together with me on his lap as I say, "I assume that you all have questions on my . . . proffession. I told some of it to North in a different language."

Silas asks, "How long have you spoken greek?"

I shrug, "I picked it up when I had to learn albanian when I was like 16 or 17. I picked up spanish at the time and russian."

I lean back on Owen, "As I was saying, I know that this must be sudden for you. Owen never told any of you about me and all of the sudden I'm here. And I'm on the wrong side of the law too. So, to clear things up, I want for you to answer any questions you have. Go ahead!"


I sigh, "Owen, stop glaring at them. They won't ever trust me if they can't ask. And Victor, it's useless to try to search me up. I don't exist, I'm a ghost to the world."

He stared at me shocked, "Really?"

I nod, "Never got registered. My birth certificate was a copy of sister's and my father bribed a bunch of people when I was in school."

I assume Owen stopped glaring because Sean asked next, "How did a cute little pookie like you got abused like your scars say?"

I got comfortable, "Well, from when I was 4 years old to when I was 16, a woman who I thought was my mother would hit me and give me punishements for the most random things. The punishement could be kneeling for long periods of time on glass or rice, but could be getting whipped with a belt or forced to drink bleach. Turns out, she wasn't my mother. My father raped his sixteen years old cousin who got pregnant with me. She died in child birth and my father took me into his house."

Kota questioned, "What happened when you were 16?"

I reply, "Well, my father skipped out on us. He gave us a set amount of money for my sister, Step-Bitch and I. When the money ran out, my sister ran off with her boyfriend and best friend. I stayed with Step-Bitch because I had a misplaced sense of empathy. She was dying of cancer, and I felt bad."

Owen hugged me a little tighter to his chest, "That monster didn't deserve you."

I let out a grim laugh, "Where was I? Oh yes, so Step-Bitch contacted some distant relatives. And who were they? You guessed it, the Albanian Mob. The deal was she needed to prove her loyalty. So she gave me up to be sold as a sex slave."

North exploded, "The little bitch, Πάω να την σκοτώσω, με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να ζηλεύει με θάνατο όταν τελειώσω μαζί της" (I'm going to kill her, in such way that she will be begging to die when I am done with her)

I chuckle, "I appreaciate the sentiment. I was put with a bunch of other girls and stripped of all belonging. I made a friend called Karen. She was rebellious, resisting. To prove a point, the guards were planning to gang rape her."

I felt sick to my stomach and Kota said, "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to."

I gave him a weak smile, "Owen wants you to help me get out. To do that, you need to know everything. So, they were on the stage in front of all of us prisoners, male and female. I couldn't let that happen, so I fought. In the end, they brought me on stage to join her."

Owen growled and accidentally held me too tight, "I want to kill them."

I continue, "When the first man approached me, I panicked. I managed to steal his gun because no one was expecting it. There were twelve guards in that room. I shot them all right between the eyes. It shocked everyone mostly me. Remember this was the first time I had ever held a gun."

"Holy shit!" cursed Gabe, "That's kinda impressive."

I nod, "Don which is what I call the Big Boss, the leader of the Albanian Mob in the US, came in with a lot more fucking guards and saw potential in me. He gave me a choice either I became his assassin or Karen and I would be sold as sex slaves. I took his deal and trained for a year to become an assassin. If I failed, the things they would do to was worse than Step-Bitch. About six months later, I met Owen."

Sean held up his hand, "Hold up! You met Owen 2 and a half years ago and he has been keeping such a beautiful pookie to himself. Unfair!"

That gets a giggle from me, "We weren't friends at first. Because well, I had just completed an assignment to kill someone. This one was to prove a point and I had to do some things to the body. Owen found me and I ran from him. If I had stayed, I would be forced to kill him. So, I ran and he chased. He cornered me and we fought both not using lethal force. Then, a third party arrived with twenty people. Owen and I came to the mutual decision that we had to get the fuck out of here."

Luke laughed, "I can just imagine that. With the way you two are now, I would never had imagined that first meeting."

I laugh with him, "It gets better. Three months go by and I am completing another assignement. I was peacefully walking away from the scene of the crime when your brother here caught me and pushed me up against an alley wall. Trying to distract him, I kissed him."

Well, that wasn't the exact truth, but it was close enough.

I said, "I didn't expect for him to kiss me back. We made out for a while and I escaped again. Our third meeting was when I was 18 years old. I was at the bar, feeling sorry for myself and drunk, when I ran into Owen here. He saved me by a guy who was copping a feel and we promptly slept together."

There were several strangled cries from around the room and Sean reacted first, "I'm sorry, what?!"

I looked up to see Owen grinning, "It was supposed to be a one night stand."

I shove him playfully, "I think your exact words the next morning were 'Oh shit, this was a mistake'."

Luke commented, "Obviously that didn't work out."

I continued to laugh, "I just had to kiss him and we fucked again. Over the next year, we woud meet up and sleep together."

Gabe interrupted, "You were fuck buddies?"

I shrug, "Basically. Over time, we both developped feelings for each other. When I turned 19, Owen asked me out officialy and we started dating. So, back with Don, I was doing assignements directly from for the first two and a half years. Six months ago, he lended me to Boss, his youngest son, who is trying to make another branch here in Columbia. Turns out, Step-Bitch had ended up with him, so I am back to my old hell."

There was silence, then Gabe cleared his throat, "After all this serious shit, this calls for a SLEEPOVER!"


Word Count: 3056

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