My Husband's Father -BWWM-

Bởi MotherMelanin02

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Author's Note
What's To Come
Cast & Summary
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Author's Note
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
**Chapter Twenty-One**
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Six

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Bởi MotherMelanin02

Song Six: Secrets by One Republic 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Sunday was always Mia and Alyson's favorite day of the week. When Mia managed to get out of her marriage, the most important thing to her was rekindling her relationship with her sister. Being in such a bad relationship made it so she and the kids didn't see Alyson often. To take a step toward becoming close, they decided that they would have a movie night every Sunday with the girls.

Tonight's movie was Princess and the Frog picked by Angel who absolutely loved the movie and never got tired of watching it.

After the movie, it was time for the girls to go to bed since they have school tomorrow; which left Mia and Alyson to have sister time.

Sister time consisted of drinking a whole bottle of their favorite wine - Merlot 

Tonight's chat: Evan's refusal to go to his grandfather's memorial service.

"So, that's it?" Mia asked, pouring herself a second glass of wine. "He's just not going to go?"

"I tried," Alyson ran her finger through her hair. "He just refused. He got so pissed at me for even bringing Joseph up."

"Well, obviously, Aly," Mia grabbed a pillow and clutched it to her chest with her free arm. "The guy had you thinking his own father was dead - that means some serious crap happened between the two."

"Yeah, I guess," Alyson gave a shrug and took a sip of her wine.

Mia's eyebrows raised, "you guess?" 

"I'm just saying Mia, when you meet the guy and you talk to him, he doesn't seem like he would hurt a fly, let alone his own son."

"Those are the ones you gotta watch," Mia rolled her eyes. "They look nice but what's really behind the mask is ready to pop out on you any minute."

"Yeah," Alyson gulped down the last of her wine, letting out a content sigh, "maybe you're right."

"Are you gonna go to the service?" Mia asked curiously.

Alyon reached over to the coffee table to put her empty wine glass down, "I want to but, I told Joseph I would get Evan to come. I'll just look stupid if I show up without him."

"Take me," Mia frowned.

"You want to go?" Alyson was surprised to hear.

"Yeah, it's on Tuesday, and I'm off that day. While I wasn't preparing to spend my day off at a memorial service, I'm curious to see the man who created your as -"

Mia trailed off as Alyson tilted her head at her. 

"Evan . . . see the man who created Evan."

The sister's had a rule - you could not insult each other's significant others in front of each other's faces. It was the same when Mia was married. It made it so their marriages didn't affect their relationship with each other.

"Anyway," Alyson changed the subject, "did you talk to Nikki about her skipping school?"

"Oh yeah," the mother sighed. "She had an anxiety attack after seeing some couple at her school start getting into it. It took her back and she didn't make it to class."

Alyson patted Mia's leg, "I knew it was a good reason. I told you."

"I know, I know." Mia placed her wine glass on the coffee table. "She's afraid her dad will find us."

"And what'd you tell her?"

"That if he was gonna find us, he would have by now. I didn't know what else to say? I don't want her to be afraid of living life."

"That's hard Mia when that's all she's known."

"I know that. I know."

Mia left mentally, going back to that dark place where she wished that she was a better mother who made better decisions for her kids.

"Hey," Alyson reached over and rubbed her arm. "You can't go back. You're here now. All you can do is keep pushing. Things will get better."

"Yeah," Mia nodded.

Tired, she rubbed her eyes, moving on, "on the other hand, your niece seems to be fond of Rick."

"Of course she is," Alyson wasn't surprised. "Rick loved her like she was his own when you guys dated."

"I know," Mia rolled her eyes. "He's so sweet . . . he's always been."

"Then why do you keep pushing him away? You guys weren't just a couple, you were friends first."

"I know, and I would love for us to be cordial - especially because we couldn't when I was with you know who but he's married and for some reason, Kelly doesn't like me. She never has."

Rubbing the back of her neck, Alyson looked away.

"Come on, you can't fight me on that. I know I can be a bitch but I don't ever not like someone unless they disrespect me first. Kelly has always had it out for me, always."

"I'm not fighting you on it," Alyson assured her. "It's just, honestly and don't tell her I told you but she's just always viewed you as a threat."

Mia scoffed, "you're kidding."

"She said it herself earlier on in her and Rick's relationship. Despite you breaking Rick's heart, he cares about you and he would do anything for you and she knows that. She feels like maybe one day, Rick will just leave and go back to you."

Mia laughed, "you know me, I speak my mind all the time. If I had intentions of getting back with Rick, I'd tell her right to her face."

"Oh god," Alyson held the bridge of her nose, holding in a laugh.

"I'm serious, I'm not about to sneak around. If I want him, I want him, case closed. I might not like Kelly but I respect myself and I respect Rick enough to not come in between their marriage. Which is why I stay away from him because I don't want him getting into it with her because of me."

"Is that the only reason?" Alyson asked curiously.

Mia went quiet, looking down.

She cleared her throat, "that's the only reason I'm willing to talk about right now."

Alyson nodded, choosing not to pry.

"But thank you for telling me the tea on Kelly. Now I can tell her that I have no intention of coming in between her and Rick."

Alyson's eyebrows raised, "seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Look, like I said, I have bitch tendencies but I hate having you in the middle of me and her. Even though I know you'd pick me if push comes to shove, I'd rather keep the peace. I don't want any issues with her. We might not be the best of friends but if she's gonna be in your life, we need to be cordial."

"Aww," Alyson grinned. "I love you and how mature of you."

"Yeah," Mia sighed. "Then there's the fact that I'm running out of plastic surgery insults."

"Mia!" Alyson shoved her sister, trying to hold in a laugh. "Kelly has not had any work done!"

"Then why you laughing, sis?"

"I can't with you," Alyson stood up to go use the bathroom. "You're a mess."

Mia only smirked, picking up her glass and drinking her wine.

* * * * * * * * * * 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Tuesday came rather quickly. It was a holiday so that meant Angel and Nicole were out of school. Both girls were supposed to have plans with their friends for the day but Nicole's ended up falling through, leaving her to come to the funeral.

She had a choice to stay at home but after her mother explained the situation at hand, she too was curious about what her Uncle Evan's father was like. Plus, it was better than being at home alone.

The sixteen-year-old sat in the backseat of Alyson's Rolls-Royce Sweptail with her earbuds in her ear; all while Mia was riding shotgun with her sister, putting lipstick on.

"Stonehaven," Mia glanced at the welcome sign they drove past as she closed her lipstick.

Stonehaven was a rural town that was located smack dab in the middle of LA and Glendale. If you lived in LA or Glendale and needed a small break from the city, Stonehaven was the place to go.

It was practically a little western town. There were a lot of land, mountains, home-based eateries, great hospitality and nice people that you normally wouldn't find in the city. 

"Did he tell you what type of company his family owned?" Mia asked curiously.

Alyson shook her head, "no, and I didn't think to ask. I was still trying to process that Evan's father was alive."

"I've been thinking about that," Mia pushed the mirror above her closed. "Are you sure this Joseph guy is nice?"

"Of course, why would I lie?"

"I'm not saying you would, I just don't understand why Evan would tell everyone his father is dead if the guy is actually a nice person. That's messed up."

"I know, but I'm telling you when you meet him, you're gonna be confused. Then again, maybe he was the devil at one point. But from what I've seen, he's changed."

"Oh my god," Mia grinned, staring at the window.

"What?" Alyson laughed lightly. "What's so funny?"

"I'm just anxious to meet this guy. I've gotta see for myself."

Alyson rolled her eyes, shaking her head at her sister.

Mia didn't like drama but she loved witnessing it and after hearing about Joseph she needed to assess the tea herself.

* * * * * * * * * * 

* * * * * * * * * * 

"Whoa," Nikki's jaw dropped as she stood next to her mother, looking up at the gorgeous mansion.

"Whoa is right," Mia was just as amazed. "Joseph didn't mention what kind of company his father owned?"

"I'm guessing, wine," Aly's answer caused the two to turn around. 

Standing on the opposite side of the car, Alyson was staring at the huge vineyard in the distance. There were rows and rows of crops that seemed to go for miles. You could even see the patch of land for the horses that were peacefully grazing.

Pulling her attention away from the beautiful scene, she walked around the car to her sister and niece, giving friendly smiles to guests who were making their way to the door. 

"This place is absolutely breathtaking," even Alyson was at a loss of words.

They start walking to the door.

"Exactly, which is why I'm not understanding how this guy doesn't want anything to do with this," Mia gestured to the house. "You know how many people would be sad but ecstatic to be left with this. This is the epitome of leaving a legacy for your children."

"And I completely agree with you," Alyson shrugged. "For a minute there, I kind of understood the guy. If you're not materialistic, you're not materialistic. But this," she turned around, to take another look at the land.

"This isn't just some 'my father left me a property and some money'. No, this is a business. This is money to be made, money that can go be used for good things. You don't just drop something like this, or give it away, you make something of it."

Nikki's cocked an eyebrow at her aunt who looked like a light bulb had lit in her head. More like a million light bulbs.

Mia crossed her arms over her chest, "see that Nikki, that is the businesswoman in your aunt. The business degree that she went to school for but wasted so she could play housewife for her Evan."

"Don't start," Alyson rolled her eyes, turning back around. 

She walked past the two, going right into the mansion.

Alyson came to halt in the foyer, the grieving atmosphere hitting her very hard. People were just standing around, softly talking, sipping on alcoholic beverages, eating finger foods; some looked like they had been crying, some were visibly upset and others didn't look like they were there for a memorial service at all.

A few people actually noticed Alyson right off the bat and same vice versa.

There were people, business partners that she had met through Evan. These were people she had hosted at her home, had fancy dinners and went on trips with. While the men talked 'business' she would be with there wives.

She could tell that they were surprised that she was there without Evan. Though they gave her friendly smiles, she knew they would ask what her connection was to the deceased. 

If she knew her husband, which she did, she knew not to make any connection with him and Joseph.

She wasn't the only one who thought Joseph was dead and for her peace of mind, she knew it was best to keep it that way.

Evan would never let her live it down.

"Mom, I'm going to go look for the bathroom," Nikki told Mia.

"I'll go with you."

"No, I'll find it," Nikki was visibly excited. "I want to take a tour."

"Please don't get lost."

Nikki pulled out her phone, "I'll call you if I need too."

While the teen was happy to wander off, Alyson had turned to the left, going into the living room.

"Hey!" Mia whispered, catching up with her. "We're not done."

"Yes, we are," Alyson gave friendly smiles to those they passed as she walked toward the fireplace where a beautiful wooden vase was on a glass table and an obituary poster was on an easel.

"No, we aren't."

"Yeah we are," she kept her focus on the poster as she got closer.

"Aly, you are a businesswoman. You should have a ton of businesses open. Your mind is incredible and you've wasted your intelligence on -"

"Oh my god," Alyson's jaw dropped.

Now that she was face to face with the poster she was in shock of the late millionaire that she happened to know about. 

"What?" Mia frowned.

"Mia, we are standing on the Alouette Vineyard. Where one of the best wines in the country is made." She pointed to the poster, "this man, is Louie Thomas. Creator of Toujours Enchanté."

"To. . . jo -"

"Forever Enchanted in French."

"Ah," Mia nodded. "Continue."

"He is known for importing the most unique fruits from other countries and studying the environment that they grow the best in, to make wines you wouldn't even think are possible. Not only that, he has over ten restaurants and hotel locations all over the world. He's known for hosting food drives, investing in the building of better homes and better schools, giving to orphanages, the elderly, ex-convicts - you name it. Every dime that he earns, gets put back in the community. This guy was amazing."

"He was wasn't he?" A familiar voice caused Alyson to whip around.

Standing before her was Joseph. The first time she met him, he was all smiles but today, it was obvious he had done some crying of his own.

"Yeah," she fought the urge to hug him. "Yeah, he was. I didn't know he was Evan's grandfather. I'm really shocked. Evan never even mentioned -"

"Evan never really got to meet my parents," flustered, Joseph rubbed the back of his neck. "It's a story for another time."

"Of course," Alyson ignored the intrigue that was now tugging at her.

There was a backstory to this whole situation and she was curious to figure out what it was.

"So, uh, I'm guessing you weren't able to get Evan here."

"No," she shook her head sadly. "No, I wasn't. But I did bring my twin sister, Mia."

Alyson looked at Mia who was in shock of how handsome Joseph was. She honestly was prepared to meet some old creep who was still trying to be young. 

But no, for his age, Joseph looked good. From his soft brown eyes to his breathtaking smile, not to mention his sexy salt and pepper hair and beard. The guy was a DILF and Mia was lowkey upset that Alyson didn't give her a heads up.

"Mia," Alyson had to nudge her sister out of her trance. "This is Joseph."

Joseph held his hand out to her, giving a friendly smile, "nice to meet you, Mia."

Mia cleared her throat, shaking her head, "yeah, yeah uh the pleasure is all mine."

Alyson sucked in a breath, trying not to roll her eyes at her sister.

"It's really nice to meet you! I have been looking forward to it."

"Is that right?" Joseph slid his hands into his jeans pockets.

Though everyone else was dressed for the occasion, he wore a simple black t-shirt, a black jacket to match, a pair of jeans and some boots.

"Yeah," Mia nodded, letting out a chuckle of disbelief. "I was trying to picture what Evan's father would be like and you are definitely not what I was expecting."

Joseph laughed shyly.

"I mean, in a good way of course. You're uh, very, uh, nice looking. Not that you aren't supposed to be, I just imagined, I thought . . ."

Mia was never one to be at lost for words. Not even when she was conversing with an attractive guy. Alyson found it hilarious how flustered her sister suddenly was. She couldn't complete a sentence no matter how hard she tried.

"Mia go find Nikki," Alyson patted her sister on the back.

"Yeah," Mia nodded. "I should go do that."

Giving Joseph a small smile, she awkwardly walks away.

Alyson shook her head at her sister, "I'm sorry about her. She doesn't usually act like that."

"It's fine," Joseph shrugged, smirking. "Thanks for coming. You didn't have too."

"I wanted too. Like I said, I know what's it like to lose a parent. No one should have to go through it alone. No one." She crossed her arms over her chest, "how you holding up?"

"I'm okay, I guess. It's kind of hard to mourn when I've got all these people that I don't know asking me questions that I can't really answer. I had no idea my dad had so many friends."

While he was talking, Alyson noticed the businessman in the room, staring her down like a hawk.

"So many people have offered me help - especially with the business. I -"

"They don't want to help you," Alyson scoffed. "They're not here to mourn your father, they're here to see if they can take your fortune."

Joseph frowned, "how do you know that?"

"Because I know ninety-five percent of the businessmen in here. I've been on vacations with them, I've been in their houses, to their parties, their dinners, I know their wives, I know their secrets, their scandals, their income, their biggest achievements, their money deals that nearly bankrupted them."

"How do you -"

"Character, lifestyles, scandals, secrets tell you a lot about a person and the way they handle money. You have to know your opponent. If it wasn't for me getting a lot of wives to spill the tea, God knows Evan would have found himself in some trouble. The boy's money smart but he doesn't exactly keep up with what's going on in the shadows."

She shook her head, "the devil is always in the details."

Joseph stared at her, speechless.

Here he was thinking he was at memorial surrounded by friends and family of his father. Turns out it was the complete opposite.

"Sorry to break it to you, Joseph, but you're standing in the middle of an auction - and you're the big prize."

* * * * * * * * * *

Hey guys! I was going to wait until I had at least three more chapters to publish but some of you were asking for an update so here you go. I think I mentioned before to expect very slow updates. 

I've realizing, writing, for me, is almost like when you eat the same thing over and over again until you're just disgusted by it. So, if I publish or write too much, it like drains me and I literally cannot write for weeks or more.

So if I give you guys a lot of updates, I'll be MIA wayyy longer. So I'm trying to pace myself because it's harder to write when it starts feeling like a job more than a passion. It happens with my other stories too. 

So, I hope you guys work with me, I'm going to try to update some time this week. 

Turns out, this book will pretty much be nothing like the original. I've written a whole new outline, so everything is pretty fresh lol! 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! 


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