Blood and Claws

By megansue10

540 23 14

His lips twisted up into a small smirk. He reached his hand to my face. He had no nails just, black glistenin... More

If I only knew that day would be my last normal day ~~chapter one~~
Chains and Darkness ~~ Chapter two~~
break out ~~chapter three~~
garden ~~chapter four~~
Taylor ~~Chapter Five~~
Stef's attitude ~~chapter seven~~
Beast in the woods, Fiery Chimera ~~Chapter 8~~
firery anger ~~chapter nine~~
A walk through the woods ~~Chapter ten~~
fell asleep smiling ~~chapter eleven~~
broken bone~~ Chapter twelve~~
You look a bit bloody~~ Chapter 13
not hungry ~~ Chapter 14~~
I will fight with fire ~~ Chapter fifteen~~

sapphire wings ~~chapter six~~

31 2 2
By megansue10

Our food eventually comes and I unwrapped the cloth from my fork. “Are you okay Alex?” Chris asks slowly.

I nodded. “I am fine.” He smiles and I gave a half smile in return. We than ate in silence. When then went back to my house. Violet pulled into the driveway. She turns around and looks at me.

“I hate to tell you this or say this at all… You are going to have to now stay at the school for its too dangerous for you at the mortal world anymore. Anything you will need from Miss Melanie’s house you will have to get now.” I sighed but, didn’t ask any questions that flowed through my mind. I just nodded.

I get out and the three of them follow. I walk in the back door. Miss. Melanie was in the kitchen heating up left overs. She looks up at me and her eyes widen. She runs over to the side and wrapped me in a hug. I stiffen and sharp pain renters my shoulder. “Ow…ow. My shoulder.”

She pulls back. “I’m sorry dear. I thought they got you! They didn’t hurt you, did they!?” She asks, I never seen her act like this. Heck, I don’t think she has ever touched me before. Clarisse starts filling her in. Violet getting bored, drags me to my room to help me pack.

I pull a suitcase from my closet and along with my empty school bag. I pull my clothes off my hangers and from my chest into the suitcase. I start putting personal items like, the few pieces of jewelry I had, journals, sketchbooks, iPod, etc. into the book bag. All the items I couldn’t replace easily.

I took a deep breath zipping up the bag. My whole life I lived off this bag and that suitcase. If it didn’t fit it didn’t come. I walk down an abandoned road before during mid burring summer dragging this suitcase behind me. I had no idea where I was going to go just, that I had to get away from there. How I hate memories…

“Is that everything?”


She grabs my bag swinging it over her shoulder and I pull the suit case off the bed. I looked around the room, letting a sigh escape. A new start when I thought I was just settling. We walk back out to meet Chris and Clarisse sitting in the living room talking to Miss. Melanie.

Chris looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back. His smile fades then his expression harden, confusion then coats my expression. He jumps up and pulls the curtain back glaring into my back yard. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

“They are here…”


“People from the Earth school.” I set the suitcase next to the couch and walk next to him. I saw to dark figures standing next the shed. A flash of light then appears and the shed explodes in hungry flames. My eyes widen and my stomach sinks.

 “We have to go… now!” Violet says. Chris quickly turns, he ushers me out the front door. I watch as Violet and Clarisse go out the back door, grabbing my bag and suitcase. Miss. Melanie locks the door behind them. Two men were running from the abandoned lot across from us. We both start running down the side walk into town.

Chris grabs my arm pulling me back as a side of flames shoots dangerously beside us. I suck in a breath and my eyes widen. We run down a muddy, litter filled ditch. The mud starts to wrap around my left leg restricting my movement. I look up again and a boy in a black uniform shot fire from his palm again at me. I screech.

I pull my arms defensively in front of my face fearing of the flames devouring me, they don’t. They pass by me as if my arms acted as a shield warmth spreading through them. Chris pulls me from the mud. “Open your wings.” Chris demands as we rung through the woods hand in hand.

“What?!” He yanks forward as the ground he was currently on rumbles and, grows spikes.

“Summon your wings. We have to get off the ground.” He says running again looking behind him.

“I don’t know how!” I screech. My body legs started to ache from running so, long my shoulder started to throb again. I must have pulled the stitches.

“There is no explaining it! You just have to!”  He says quickly and his wings unfold behind him. In front of us the earth curved down.

“Chris!” I screech as flames chase us off the cliff. I went into a free fall. My heart races, I am going to die.

A deep breath escaped me and I extended my arms as my eyes fluttered close. I was waiting for impact but a tingling in my back awoke me. Sapphire wings extended from my back. They moved as an extended limb but, had no idea how to fly.

“Flap em!” I forcefully pulled them down and let them fly back up, each movement took effort. Eventually the ground stopped coming towards me and the night sky was pulling me up. I was flying. Chris glided with ease to my side, he was smiling brightly. I couldn’t help, but smile back.

Cold mist clung to my skin. Silver light illuminated the trees and neon lights illuminated the town. We headed towards the town landing behind the library. “You were letting me fall!” He tucks his wings in leaning against the plastic siding of the library.

“I would have caught you before you hit the ground. Any ways, the dragon inside you wouldn’t have let you die if it could prevent it. It’s one of the basic rules.”

I scoff shaking my head. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. “Don’t be mad I’m not going to let anything hurt you.” He whispers and a faint pink covers my cheeks. “I only did it because flying is the easiest  way to escape the earth students, something good to know.” He pushes stray strands of my hair away from my face. My face turns a deeper pink.

“Hey love birds!” Violet calls giggling behind us. She was sitting on the granite bench my bag at her feet. I jump and instinctively step away from Chris. Clarisse dives down landing next to her. She folds in midnight black wings.

“Wh-how long have you been there?” I ask slowly.

“Long enough.” I sighed, not wanting to play her games. Clarisse shook her head not bothering to ask.  She gripped the handle of my suitcase and walks through a portal thing behind Chris. Violet grabs my arm and my bag yanking me though the portal. Before the black liquid dissolved me, I saw Chris roll his eyes.

Ending back at the hill we walk down the hill back at the school. I walk into a simple cabin lounge like you see on TV. A fire place was lit with a picture on the mantal of a black dragon with its wings outstretched. A soft brown felt couch, chair, and a dark wooden table filled the room. Two identical book shelves stood beside the fire place. Pictures, books, scrolls, and framed documents filled the shelves.

My brother, Taylor walked past with a noes in his book didn’t bother to look at me, just nodded when he saw Chris and kept on walking. “Let’s just go up to our room.” Clarisse mutters and we all follow her up to the bedroom. They set my stuff down on the edge of the bed. I sit down on the window seat. I yawned and gently rubbed my shoulder. Violet sits next to me.

“Let me see your shoulder.” I sigh and pulled off my shirt revealing the black lace tank underneath. Violet takes off the bandage and looks at the stitches. “They are healed enough to be taken out now…”  She says.

“Wait…what… now? But didn’t I just get them?”

“No…when you past out you were out for two days…” Clarisse says slowly. I sighed.

“Come on I’ll take you to the infirmary to get the stitches removed.” Clarisse says and she walks me out with Chris following silently. Violet stays in the room.

We walk down to a door with a golden plate on it labeled. “Infirmary” We walk inside. “Dr. Sherry?” Clarisse calls and a women walks out. She grins the wrinkles in her face showing. She was probably only it her late sixties and white hair was pulled back in a bun.

“Oh… Alexandria dear, you’re awake.” I nod.

“We wondering if her stitches are ready to come out.”

 She nods pulling out a chair and I sit. She pushes my hair away looking at the stitches going across my shoulder. “I say about so.” The doctor says pulling a cart with medical supplies up. She sprays some cold liquid that made my whole shoulder go numb and I couldn’t feel anything. She then starts removing the stitches.

She announces when she was done and I nod, yawning again. “You should get some rest dear the medication at the school makes you tired.” She says patting my other shoulder.

“Okay… and thank you.” She nods and leaves. They takes me back to the room.

The lights were off and Violet was already curled up in bed asleep. Chris sighs and gave me a half hug kissing my head again. “Goodnight… I will see you tomorrow.” He says walking off. Both of us get ready and go to bed.

I slept in the window seat which was surprisingly comfortable. Dark blinds were drawn because as Clarisse explains they are nocturnal. It’s easier to travel in both worlds covered by darkness. A deep breath escaped me. I had no idea what tomorrow to bring with my knowledge of this new world. I just hope it gets better.

(( Sorry for posting this late have not had much time to write this week with school and all. I like this chapter though Do you guys like it? feel free to comment. Any suggestions to improve my writing? any spelling mistakes. I am a human I am not afraid to admit I am not a robot and I make mistakes. Comment, tell your friends, click that little star there lol well i have no idea when the next chapter comes out but, have a good weekend people

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