Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

بواسطة Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... المزيد

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 20: River Cruising

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بواسطة Wingerz17

Song for the chapter is BOOM by X-Ambassador's 


Noah's POV

We landed in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. I'd managed to sleep well to which was a bonus. After going through customs, security and grabbing our bags. We had a coach waiting outside the Airport for us. I texted a quick landed all safe, miss you and love you to my Boo. I'd call them all later.

   "As if we're in Amsterdam," Harlun grinned as we settled ourselves in the backseats of the coach. It would take around 25 minutes to get to the place we were staying. A hotel called: Room Mate Aitana. We were all rowdy on the coach until we saw the hotel,

"They do know we're college students right," someone piped up.

It was an all glass hotel sat on the river front. It was awesome. I could not wait to run around crazily. Maybe not too crazily. Wouldn't want to be deported now would I. There was a buzz of noise as we were all sat waiting for our room keys and who we would be sharing with. Our luggage has already been taken to our respected rooms. After 10 minutes Jeff and Brody got everyone's attention.

   "We are all situated on the 3rd floor, myself, Brody, Lana and Joss, will be at opposite ends of the corridor, but you are all old enough and responsible enough to behave and represent America and UCLA, do not let us down. There is an hour and a half canal tour booked for 11.30pm and an Anne Frank house tour at 3pm for those of you who would like to join us, be in the main reception at 11.15am. For those of you who do not want to join. You have free time to do as you wish in the vicinity of the hotel," Jeff said.

I was definitely doing everything they had booked!

Rooms were allocated, and I thanked my lucky stars I was with Harlun and Zuri was next door with a woman called Bryleigh who was a total sweetheart, so we were all happy. It was 8.30am. I flopped on the bed,

"This is going to be an awesome few days," Harlun grinned,

   "I agree. You going on the canal tour and to Anne Frank's house?" I said,

"Hell yes, means we don't have to pay," I laughed, "I'm going to have a shower, feel so sweaty after the flight, I'll let you know how it is,"

   "I don't doubt it," I winked. I thought about skyping home, but Lolo knew I had arrived and he's tell everyone else, so I would Skype later this afternoon. We had the best view out onto the river. I just couldn't believe I was in Amsterdam! I stick some music on and danced around the room.

"Someone's happy," Harlun said and I spun around and grinned at him, he was stood in his towel. "The shower is amazing by the way,"


I'd showered, we'd both changed, had a dance off, sung loudly to Todrick and were now sat chilling in the lobby with Zuri, Bryleigh and the others who'd decided to join the tour. Brody took me to one side before we left the hotel,

"Even though I do like Todrick Hall. I don't want to hear him blasting the loud again," I grinned,

    "Noted, sorry," he smiled, he ruffled my hair,

"Let's go have some fun,"

It was a short walk to the part of the canal where we were beginning the tour. Luckily it wasn't raining, it was chilly, but not too cold. We climbed into the canal boat and Harlun, Zuri, Bryleigh and I dashed to a table,

   "This is so cool," I said,

"It's like we're underwater," Bryleigh said and the three of us burst out laughing, "okay not totally underwater but..."

    "It's not a submarine" I laughed.

"You know what I mean,"

In total there was 18 of us, 5 stayed at the hotel. The boat was pretty much full though.

   "Is this a talky your or more a seey one?" I asked,

"Talky or seey," Harlun chuckled rolling his eyes,

   "Good job we understand your weirdness," I grinned,

"It's both Noah. The tour guide will be talking about things and some parts you will just be admiring the amazing view," Brody said with a chuckle,

    "Talky seey, perfect,"

We began the journey on the canals of Amsterdam!

"There will be 7 stops on this tour, where you will see some of the beautiful views of this wonderful city," our tour guide in great English said.

     "Do you ever get bored of seeing the same views day in day out?" I asked the tour guide and he laughed,

"Never. Such beauty in the place I was born. And every tour is different, different people, from different countries, of different ethnicities and races. It's the best job in the world," I smiled,

    "That was a great answer," Jeff and Brody rolled their eyes at me. I know everyone loved me. The first stop, and I mean stop by like sail by slowly was Anne Frank's house. All you could really see was a whole ton of people outside of it. However, it did look cute and I looked forward to visiting later. We learnt about it at school. I don't know if Americans did, but I definitely knew the story.

We sailed passed some cool looking houses, expensive looking cars and millions and millions of bikes. This place had more bikes than people and cars and I was sure of it. They must be super fit too, if everyone rides bikes everywhere. Anyway, of topic, the net main attraction we saw was a ship called the Amsterdam believe it or not, not at all original. It was cool though. I'd love to sail on a pirate ship and sword fight with baddies with a parrot on my shoulder, maybe lose a leg and get a wooden one and...

"Noah," I snapped back to reality and grinned,

   "That is my name" I retorted, and they rolled their eyes in response. We saw this really funky looking white slim line building called the EYE Film Institute and right next to it was another cool looking building called the A'Dam Lookout. It looked a giant gin bottle to me. We continued the rest of the tour, taking pictures, chatting and just generally having a laugh. The hour and a half flew by and before we knew it, we'd thanked our tour guide and exited the boat. It was 1.05pm

"Meet outside of Anne Frank's house at 2.50pm, you are free to go for lunch and explore, stay in at least pairs, if you have any problems at all, you have our numbers and Noah...behave,"

    "Of course I'll behave" I winked. The four of us headed off to find some cute place to eat. Shame none of us knew any Dutch. I wonder if Keane or Arlo knew any? I am embarrassed to say however, that we ended up in McDonalds. Totally shameful I know. I feel terrible, but full, a full terrible, those chicken nuggets were amazing. We ended up walking along the canal taking in the views,

"I think I could live here, Noah do you have a house here?" Harlun asked and I rolled my eyes,

    "Why would I have a house here?" I scoffed,

"Well" he said, elongating the L, "You have one in England, America and New Zealand, so I just thought maybe here too"

    "No Harlun, we do not own a property here," I snapped walking off,

"Noah...Noah wait..." Harlun called,

   "Noah don't run off, please" Zuri shouted, but I disappeared off into a sea of people. Immediately regretting getting angry and storming off.

I wished Keane was here.

I wished Angelo was holding my hand beside.

I just wished.

Keane's POV

I sat up with a shock. I was in bed, with Tayte in our room. How the hell did we get here? Tayte sat up beside me, he put his hand on my shoulder,

"You okay?" He said sleepily,

   "Do you remember how we got here?" I asked, he kissed my shoulder,

"No idea, all I remember is our argument, making up and then falling to sleep in one another's arms," I turned and kissed him,

    "Let's not fight ever again,"

"I like the sound of that baby" he answered kissing me again. I then got out of bed, slipping my boot on carefully.

   "I'm going to find Arlo, I'll be back in a bit," he nodded with a smile and rolled over, just then my phone began ringing, he sat up and grabbed my phone,

"Noah," he said chucking it to me,

    "Thanks babe," I winked heading out,

"Keane," he sounded worried,

   "What's wrong? What's happened bud? Are you okay?

Did I wake you?

    Noah, what's wrong? Do I need to fly out to Amsterdam because I can book a flight right now?

Oh hell do I love you. No, no you don't have to fly anywhere. I just...Harlun annoyed me and I stormed off, so now I'm lost and just wished you all were here with me" my heart sank, how dare anyone upset him. I'd just entered the kitchen,

   "Kiddo you're okay though right?

Yes I'm fine. I'll be fine, we're going to Anne Frank's house soon so that'll be good, and I know I shouldn't have ran away but...

    Hey it's okay. As long as you are fine, that's all that matters, and you know Harlun will be kissing ass when they find you. Angelo's here, I'll pass him over,

Okay, thank you. I love you so much," his voice had lit up considerably,

   "I love you too," I handed my phone to Angelo, "It' Noah, he's a bit upset," Angelo nodded as he took it and left the room.

"Morning, what's up with Noah?" Arlo asked,

     "Harlun pissed him off, so he ran off by himself and is now regretting it"

"I thought Harlun was meant to be a mate"

    "He is," I said as I sat down, a sudden weird feeling taking over me. "Um, what happened last night? How did we get back into our bed? I assume you and Angelo had something to do with that"

"We got worried when you didn't return after a while so came out to look for you and found you both asleep on the beach,"

    "Thank you"

"You made up I take it?"

    "Yes, thankfully..." I trailed off, standing up,

"You okay? You seem kind of out of it all of a sudden" Arlo asked,

    "I don't know. Yeah, just a little drained I guess, maybe from last night..." I went to walk to the fridge when I stumbled, Arlo rushed and steadied me, "Sorry...I'm..."

"Burning up, sit down" He said as Angelo came back in,

    "All sorted, he said he loves you and..." he trailed off, "What's happened, you look pale Keane,"

"He almost collapsed and has a temperature," Angelo frowned at me,

   "Just feel a bit weird all of a sudden, inside out I guess," Arlo handed me a glass of water which I took a few sips of. I felt shaky, with a chill, I shivered. Angelo led me to the sitting room,

"Are you cold Keane?" Angelo asked, I nodded shivering, despite the heat radiating off me,

    "I'm going to get Tayte, don't move," Arlo told me,

"I'm fine, it's probably a bug, that will be cured by a few hours' sleep. We have work at 1pm,"

    "We'll decide whether you work or not," Arlo said before he disappeared upstairs,

"How are our broth..." Tayte trailed off when he saw it was Arlo and not me standing there, "Oh morning Arlo,"

   "Morning" he smiled, "Can you come downstairs please, Keane is suddenly a bit peaky, light headed with chills even though he's burning up, Angelo is with him,"

"Shit, he seemed okay to me when he got up," Tayte said hurrying out of bed and pulling some clothes on.

   "He says he's fine of course and that you have work at Corrigan's at 1pm"

"He's a stubborn ass, we'll all be the judged of whether or not he works," Tayte said as they headed downstairs.

    "He's just fallen asleep, he told me to tell you Tayte that he's fine and when he wakes up, he's showering with you and then eating lunch cooked by you Arlo and then going to work," Angelo said, Tayte and Arlo smiled.

"That boy"

Tayte's POV

Arlo and Tayte headed into the kitchen and I went into the sitting room to find my baby sleeping peacefully on the sofa covered in a blanket. I chuckled at his face and kissed his forehead. It was then I realised how early it was. 7.30am. Keane wouldn't wake for a while and I needed coffee to keep myself awake, so I kissed him again and went into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" Angelo asked,

    "Oh yes please. I didn't realise the time, no wonder Keane went back to sleep, why are you both up?"

"I was meant to be on lates, but I'm doing a favour for a colleague so will be starting my shift at 8.30am and finishing around 3pm," Angelo answered handing me a mug.

    "Thank you," I held the hot mug in my hand, "Arlo?"

"I went for a 6am run because I couldn't sleep,"

    "Your so hardcore, anything planned for today?" I asked

"Meeting my Dad for lunch and babysitting Mal's niece and nephew with her later on in the evening"

    "Cutie," I smiled. We all went our separate ways. Keane was still asleep where I left him, so I settled myself beside him, sticking the television on low, I ran my fingers through his hair softly. Angelo had been in and spoke before leaving for work, he said to call if we needed him. Joey had been in and said he'd check in at midday as he had a few errands to run. Talina was in the kitchen cooking with Rhina who had come over and Arlo was chilling with us writing away. It had just gone 11am and Keane had begun to stir, he opened his eyes smiling at me.

"Morning," he yawned,

    "You're an idiot," I said, "But good morning" I kissed him, and he sat up,

"Arlo I'm sorry about earlier," he sat up too,

   "No apology needed, as long as you feel okay, that's all that matter to me and that's all that will ever matter to me,"

"I feel as good as knew. Noah was okay wasn't he, I think I remember Angelo saying that,"

    "Yes, Angelo sorted him out, and he's going to Skype later," Arlo answered,

"Did Angelo also relay you my message?"

   "About you showering with me and eating lunch cooked by Arlo?" I said with a smile, he grinned,


   "Auntie and Mum are in the kitchen cooking lunch," Arlo said,

"Great, do any of you want to go out for lunch?" Keane asked,

    "Sorry bud, I'm going to lunch with my Dad,"

"Can I come?"

    "Shush you," I said, he groaned again.

"Do I hear my darling grumbling in there?" Talina called,

   "NO" I shouted back. Talina and Rhina appeared a few minutes later, Keane shut his eyes,

"I know you're not asleep, open your damn eyes and say hello to your mother,"

   "Hi mother," Keane said,

"I've got to go, Dad will be waiting," Arlo said closing his book,

    "Bitch" Keane called him,

"Jerk," He replied kissing his forehead, "I'll see you later,"

   "Send my love,"

"Oh I will. See you Auntie, Mum," and he left the room.

"Lunch?" Rhina asked,

   "Depends what it is," Keane pouted, I rolled my eyes,

"Behave," I told him getting up, he grinned,

   "Yes boss"

"It's fish pie," Rhina replied,

   "I'm not going to say no to that,"

"We'll eat it outside on the decking," I said,

   "We will?"

"We'll just go and have a shower and get dressed first,"

   "Take your time,"

"We can't take our time, we have work at 1pm," Keane said,

   "We may have work at 1pm,"

I pulled him out of the room,


    "Are you sure you didn't bang your head today? Your acting kind of strange and it's tripping me out," he laughed,

"Stop trying to make up an excuse to why we can't go to work. I am fine babe, I promise you, I'm putting it down to tiredness okay, my body needed more rest and now it's had it I feel totally fine," I looked at him, "Shower?" he grinned, "You, me?" I rolled my eyes, at least he was happy and smiling. That was definitely all that mattered to me, my baby, my boyfriend, my soul mate, happy.

Keane's POV

Tayte and I were sat out on the decking eating fish pie. I wasn't lying when I told Tayte I was fine. Okay maybe I was acting a tad crazy. I can't reign it in forever, Noah really did get his craziness from me.


Much Love Always :)

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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