Writers Game: Whodunnit?

By InvisibleLights

8.7K 146 149

13 Guests arrive at Rue Manor to play a game of life or death. The twist is one of the guests is the killer t... More

Welcome to Rue Manor
The Rules
Alice Tridane
Marie Chambers
Lillain Jones
Cyril Marinescu [DEAD]
Charlotte Jones
Nathanial Tybalt [DEAD]
Osias Whitley [DEAD]
Sabrina Laurence [DEAD]
Hagan Humpfrey [DEAD]
Alexander Monrine [DEAD]
Layla Simon [DEAD]
Matt Grey [DEAD]
Task One: Dying to Meet You
Task One Males
Task One Females
Task One Scores
The Specifics
Task Two: Sincerely Your Killer
Your Theory
Task Two Females
Task Two Scores
Task Three: What A Blast
Task Three Females
Task Three Males
Task Three Scores
Task Four: Hedges and Murder
Task Four Females
Task Four Males
Task Four Scores

Task Two Males

121 3 0
By InvisibleLights

Writer: @JustALittleInfinity

"What the hell was that?" Nathanial wondered. The French man, slowly rising from the floor, glared at him.

"I don't know," he responded. The two ladies had ducked under the table. The others creped out of their hiding spots. Nathanial ran over to the girl with blond hair and offered her his hand.

"You okay miss?" he asked. The girl didn't take his hand.

"I can get up myself," she said brushing off her skirt. "And, yes I am fine." Her tone caused something to tick in Nathaniel. The French man ran over towards them.

"I think itz better for uz to stay togezer," he said. Nathaniel narrowed his eyes at him.

"Speak English, buddy."

"Hey, don't be so rude!" said the blonde. Nathaniel glanced back at her , then refocused his eyes on the man. "He does have a point." Nathaniel rolled his eyes and turned towards the girl.

"Fine," he said in mock happiness. "Let's all be one big happy family." The blond crossed her arms. "But le'me set something straight. If it comes down to the four of us," me motioned to the three in front of him. "I will do what ever it takes to get my arse out of this damn manor." He glared specifically at the French man.

"Okay. If we are going to be an alliance let me formally introduce myself," said the blonde. "My name is Alice."

"Cyril," the French man said.

"Marie," said the older one.

"I am the dashing handsome Nathaniel Tybalt," said Nathaniel. He ran his fingers through his hair. Alice scrunched her face like she ate something sour.

"Where are we going to go?" asked Marie. Nathaniel laughed.

"The crime scene of course."

"I think we should go to the morgue," pouted Alice.

"No we are going to the crime scene." Nathaniel tightened his jaw.

"I would like to go to his last known whereabouts. I think that is most logical."

"No, we are going to the crime scene. Nathaniel tightened his fists. Alice crossed her arms.

"I am going to the morgue and you can't stop me." She spun around and left the room.

"Fine. If you die don't blame it on me!" yelled Nathaniel.

"I'll already be dead!"

"Where the hell did Marie go?" Nathaniel looked at the shrunken circle.

"She left while you were yelling at Miss Alice," responded Cyril. Nathaniel scrunched his face.

"Come on, Frenchie. We're going to the crime scene." Cyril followed Nathaniel aimlessly.

When they got to the scene the first thing Nathaniel noticed was the chest. He immediately went over to it and opened it, discovering the gun.

"Ah, zat would be the perfect weapon," mused Cyril.

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain how he," he jerked his head towards the outline of the body, "got there. Look." They both looked up at the broken ledge.

"Why iz zere foam on ze floor?

"To silence his fall when the killer shot him." Nathaniel twirled the gun in his hands. Cyril stiffened a bit.

"Be careful wiz zat." He pointed to the gun.

"What are you afraid I'll do...this?" In a swift movement Nathaniel pulled the trigger aiming at Cyril. At the last minute he moved the gun and hit a vase. It shattered into pieces on the foam. The only sound was the breaking vase

"You could've killed me!"

"But I didn't. It's called trust Frenchie." Cyril wiped the sleeves of his jacket on his pants. Nathaniel took the silencer out of the gun.

"Watson, I think we found our first clue."

"My name iz Cyril." "Tricky tricky. What do you think happened?"

"The victim must have been brought up here and shot. The foam silenced his fall, but as he fell he must have hit the ledge. That's why it's broken."

"Wow. You're smart."

"I know." They walked out of the room. Nathaniel slipped the gun into his pocket.

"Aren't you going to put zat back?"

"You never know when you'll need a weapon." Cyril gulped. The two headed to the grand hall waiting for who will go next.

Writer: @YourAverageDemigod

Last Known Whereabouts: You walk into his room, it's clean, it's neat, nothing seems to be out of place. On his desk there is a piece of paper, a letter that is addressed to his friends, there is ink all over the table, white.

Oh no the person is dead!

Alexander came in the room, acting like he was in a movie. "Oh no!" he said dramatically, everybody starred at me. but the butler stood there like the dead man on the floor wasn't even there.

The butler cleared her throat and spoke in a loud voice. "Contestants, you have been chosen a game of life and death here in rue manor. To survive you must find out how the previous person died." Alexander looked around.

"Where are the cameras?" he looked around trying to find cameras, but there was none. What games does not have cameras? Alexander ignored his words though, and instead of crying out for cameras he said out loud. "I'll go look in his room." people starred at him in shock. Alexander laughed at the crowd and left the room going to his last where about.

Alexander was kind of scared walking down the hall by himself, he was afraid that the murder would pop out like a jack in the box and kill him. He now walked faster arriving to his room.

Alexander walked in the room, it's clean, it's neat, nothing seems to be out of place. On his desk there is a piece of paper, a letter that is addressed to his friends, there is ink all over the table, white.

White... White? It finally hit Alexander, Alexander left the room immediately going to give his theory.

"The murder is someone named white!" the butler raised an eyebrow like there was no man name white. "The man that died he died from drinking something like... poison and died."

"But who's the murder then?"

"The murder..." Alexander acted like a commercial hit them.


"The murder is the maid!"


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