Powers ~ A Hunger Games Fanfi...

By UsernameNotFound

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The rebellion has failed. The districts are squashed under the boot of Capitol once again, the Hunger Games s... More

Powers ~ A Hunger Games Fanfiction
District One - Reaping
District Two - Reaping
District Three - Reaping
District Five - Reaping
District Six - Reaping
District Seven - Reaping
District Eight - Reaping
District Nine - Reaping
District Ten - Reaping
District Eleven - Reaping

District Four - Reaping

158 3 9
By UsernameNotFound

District four, like three, is bright and sunny, exactly like the mood of the district. There's no worry here-- what should they worry about? Life's a breeze!

The district, up since dawn, is talking, chattering, and generally having a great time before the reaping. No one here knows who's going up, they never bothered. Whoever volunteers, volunteers. They had never gotten into the contest for victors district one and two had. And why should they? The contest is mostly pointless, and it's not like you get bragging rights to someone who cares.

As they gather in square, the mayor doesn't even give an attempt to read the speech; she smiles and says, "Let's not and say we did." she clears her throat, and the more chattery teenagers stop and face the stage.

"Alright, mentor for this year: Reef Alktress!"

Reef steps forward to the cheering of the district, smiling at them all. Much like Annabelle, he isn't as much going to the Capitol to help the tributes; in fact, Annabelle herself is the reason he's going in the first place. He runs a hand through his blonde hair, and with a final wave, takes a seat next to the mayor's empty chair.

The mayor checks her watch. "Well, we've got a few more minutes before three is done, so just..." she waves her hand, as if to say, 'whatever' and sits down next to Reef.

The district immediately goes back to chatter, small talk, a few bets here and there. People lean over fences to talk to one another, and even chat with the peacekeepers. In a few minutes, the district has slipped into the pre-reaping mood.

Onstage, Horatio taps the mic, gaining the attention of the district. The escort smiles, and says, "Well, no sense wasting time, let's get this reaping started!" he heads to the girl's bowl, but before his hand touches a slip, someone calls out "I volunteer!"

A girl pushes her way up to the stage, threading through the crowd. Her brown hair is messily thrown into a ponytail; she would've done something better, perhaps a braid, but she was too caught up when a friend came over to talk to her, and had left in a rush, not wanting to be late. Her friends in the fifteen pens chatter amongst each other, one yelling, "Go get 'em, Brianna!"

Horatio offers her the mic as she comes onstage. "Brianna Leigh Delacore." she announces, "I'll be back." she smiles as Raisa gives her an over-enthusiastic wave. She waves back at her friend, nearly whacking Horatio in the face as she does so. She apologises (although the sincerity of it is questioned) and hands him back the mic, standing back.

For the second time, the escort has not even touched a slip before a voice yells out, "I volunteer!"

They almost miss him exiting, looking for someone older. He comes out of the fourteen pens, heading up to the stage with an air of determination. With an easy smile, he takes the mic from Horatio, saying, "Hello Panem. I'm Hunter White, and just might be your next victor." as the crowd whoops, he hands the mic back, standing next to Brianna.

As they shake hands, Horatio announces, "Brianna Leigh Delacore and Hunter White, your District Four tributes!"

The crowd cheers as the two of them head offstage, both with single-minded determination to stand on that stage a second time.

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