District Seven - Reaping

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District seven is quiet today. The loud shouting usually heard is replaced by hushed tones and quiet preparation. No one really likes it, and many would prefer is the reaping was treated like a normal day, but they don't. It's not supposed to be happy; it never has and it never will be, no matter how hard the Capitol tries to get them to celebrate.

The district ambles along, slowly making their way to the square. Some of the younger kids delay, climbing trees and chatting with friends, to get the reaping to leave their minds, at least for a little while. Parents hurry them along, but still they go as slow as possible.

The older kids of reaping age, around fifteen and up, are there early so they can get it over with. The sole of the younger kids is a thirteen year old in his pen. He mutters to himself, glaring at his friends when they finally arrive.

The escort stomps onto stage, leaving a trail of silver glitter in her wake. She shakes her head angrily, causing more of the glitter to fall. One girl makes a loud comment that she looks like something from outer space, and the escort glares. Unable to find the origin of the comment, she simply growls a "shut up" into the microphone.

She can't believe it. She was on the fast-track. She was headed to two -two, for crying out loud- but no, they gave her seven. Seven. In what universe is seven anywhere close to two? She mutters to herself as the mayor finishes his speech, taking the microphone rather violently.

A few people think to themselves that last years escort was preferable. As absent minded as she was, she at least didn't hate them.

Spotting the red light on the camera, Kaylyn stomps over to the boy's bowl, yelling over her shoulder. "We're starting the reaping, and we're starting it with the boys!" She grabs a slip from the middle of the pile, and spits out the name with venom upon her arrival at the microphone. "Tinder Loch."

After a moment of nothing, Kaylyn gets frustrated. "Tinder! Say something!"

A boy slips out of the seventeens pen, looking panicked. He steps onto the stage and looks down at his shoes, feeling the eyes of the entire district on him. The whole of Panem. He feels sick, and wishes to escort would just get on with the reaping.

No such luck. She calls for volunteers, then practically shoves the microphone at Tinder. He looks up, regretting it instantly.

"Tinder, say something!" Kaylyn insists, and Tinder wonders whether she's doing it on purpose. He thinks he may throw up at any second now, and shakes his head at her.

Kaylyn grits her teeth. Nothing to work with, nothing. She kicks the podium on her way back from the girl's bowl, then yelps in pain. Marble. Dammit, that hurt.

"Willow Barc!"

This time, the girl comes out of the seventeens pen without hesitation. She would have probably stayed in her pen for a minute, teach the escort a thing or two, but poor Tinder looks like he's ready to bolt. She recognizes him from school, though they've never met before. She didn't even know his name until a few minutes ago.

Willow takes her place onstage with determination, pushing the microphone away. Kaylyn makes a face at her, and she stares coolly back. Sometimes the boldest form of stating opinions is silence, and Willow's silence speaks volumes.

Tinder's, however, is simply trying not to vomit. He shakes Willow's hand quickly when he's asked too, then bolts off the stage into the Justice Building. Willow follows him, still silent.

Kaylyn yells at one of the women onstage to come and be an escort, and the woman gets up, saying her name into the microphone as she passes. There's no need though - the whole district knows Chloe Ice, her games were the most recent. She follows the tributes into the Justice Building, already contemplating what can help these kids. At the very least, she can already tell Tinder won't be able to use her tactic.

Kaylyn scowls, the last one to go into the Justice Building. Willow might have a bit of spirit - not that it's easy to tell when she doesn't say anything - but Tinder... She has her work cut out for her.

She had better get bumped up next year.

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