District Six - Reaping

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District six is always moving. Everyone has somewhere to be, something to do, someone to meet. They greet each other with friendly hello's, before continuing on their way. Even on the day of the reaping, they try to get a bit of work done before coming to the square.

"Two minutes, I gotta tighten this screw- yes, I know about the reaping. Do you want this train to fall apart? ...The correct answer is no."

"Have you seen my wrench? I lent it to Vivian yesterday... Damn it, reaping in an hour! Okay, this'll only take a few minutes..."

As a result, most of them rush to the square just on time, out of breath and still in work overalls, wondering why they didn't leave earlier. The population still moves around, although no one speaks. They scuff their feet, shift their weight, and generally atempts to distract themselves from the horrors of the reaping, and after that, the games.

Aeary doesn't like it. The constant movement makes him uncomfortable. Not that he hasn't been around movement, indeed, the Capitol is nearly always moving, but this sort of worried, distracted movement is contagious. He can't help but feel as though he has something to do as the mayor drones on about Panem and the rebellion.

As the cameraman gives him a thumbs up, Aeary stands, waiting for the last few seonds before the speech is finished, and taking the mic as the mayor gives it to him. "Hello District Six!" This is met with a few muttered "Hello"'s and more shuffling.

"Let's start the reap..." Aeary trails off, and just pulls a slip out of the girl's bowl. "Viola Delafunkel!"

There is a moment's pause, then a small girl makes her way from near the back. Aeary thinks he saw her come from within the thirteen-year-old pen, although she's small enough to pass as younger. Mounting the stage, she tucks a lock of red-orange hair behind her ear and re-pins it with her hair clip, shaking her head when the microphone is offered. She scans the boys crowd warily, as if trying to determine who will be standing up here with her.

Aeary, used to the tributes' silence, just grabs a slip from the boy's bowl. "Kalub Johnson!"

Upon first glance, the tribute who exits from the eighteen's pen could be Viola's brother. Upon closer inspection, however, Kalub's hair is a more firey orange, and Viola's eyes are just slightly a brighter shade of green. Nevertheless, Aeary can't help but comment on the similarites between the two.

"Oh, are you two related? Cousins, perhaps?"

Kalub glances at Viola, and she meets his gaze with a surprisingly determined stare. "No," he says, looking up at Aeary.

"We've never met," finishes Viola.

Aeary clears his throat. "Right, then, shake- oh, mentor!" He turns around, glancing at the almost non-existent victors. "Can you be the mentor?"

The woman looks up, not bothering to brush her hair out of her face. With a quick shrug, she goes back to looking at the ground.

The mayor sighs, trudging onto the stage and telling Aeary the name of the mentor.

Aeary nods. "This year's mentor will be Circe Landers!" Circe looks up, blinks twice, then resumes staring at the ground, well aware of the looks she's getting.

Aeary clears his throat, drawing attention away from Circe. "Alright then, shake hands tributes." as Viola and Kalub shake hands, meeting each others gaze evenly.

"Your district six tributes, Viola and Kalub!" the relief in Aeary's voice is evident. He rushes off the stage first, glad to be leaving.

Viola is off second, gears already turning in her brain. She would never have guessed this would happen, but now that she's in the games...

She's in them to win.


I really didn't want to use Circe, as she's my own tribute, but I could not find any other D6 victor. That being said, if you find one, PLEASE TELL ME! (I'm trying to keep the number of my own tributes in here to a minimum)

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