junebug {adopted by chris mot...

By salem-horror

26.6K 834 169

Maddie had been out on the streets for nearly a week when she was found by Chris. He had been taking out the... More

intro from the author
one • i'm not broken, so don't fix me
two • nicknames
three • mall day with kylie
four • androids are fucking dumb
five • best friends
six • band kid
seven • ricky's hugs
eight • the news
nine • you're not my parents
ten • sparky
a/n (please read)
eleven • birthday
twelve • gaia's day
thirteen • it's hard to love people
fourteen • tour
fifteen • ohio sucks
sixteen • voices and "i love you's"
seventeen • vip and ice cream
eighteen • welcome home!
nineteen • big kids
twenty • first kiss
twenty one • i miss her
twenty two • the visit
twenty three • back on tour
twenty four • figuring some things out
twenty five • palaye royale
twenty six • worry
twenty seven • UK
twenty eight • doctors aren't cool
twenty nine • what'd you do now?
thirty • stay inside
thirty two • we put the fun in funeral
thirty three • santa's pissed
thirty four • new year's day
thirty five • better
sequel • cry little sister
question forum
junebug • insider's look

thirty one • goodbye, UK

455 15 0
By salem-horror

Maddie's POV (three weeks later)

We were finally heading home. It was 3 a.m, and everyone was exhausted as we climbed onto a plane.

I sat next to Kylie, who was next to Devin. We had a long flight ahead of us, and Ghost was already passed out. Kylie and I giggled.

"Maybe we should be doing that, too," she suggested jokingly.

I yawned. "Yeah, probably."

Kylie kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, Junebug."

•     •     •     •     •

I woke up at about 8 o'clock. I flagged down the attendant lady and asked for waffles. She smiled and I payed for them.

I pulled out my phone to see lots of messages from my friends. I checked them all to pass the time.

Oliver: Hey babe, you're coming home today, right?

Julie: miss you

Jordan: can't wait to see you

Angelo: Hey hey hey
Angelo: what do you want for Xmas
Angelo: Maddie
Angelo: Lydia
Angelo: Cerulli
Angelo: i miss you
Angelo: i love you
Angelo: are you dead?

Kelly (Parente): Angelo is freaking out because you won't answer him

I answered everyone, starting with Ange. I told him I wanted another piercing, which he was happy to do.

I munched on my waffles, finishing them just as Devin awoke. He gasped. "You got waffles without me?!"

I giggled. "Sorry, Ghostie."

He looked away smugly. "I can't believe you."

This threw me into yet another fit of giggles. Ghost finally broke and started giggling too. This woke Kylie up.

She yawned. "What did you two do?"

"Maddie got waffles without me!" Ghost tattled.

Kylie gasped, just as Ghost had done. "How dare she?!"

I threw my head back and groaned. "You guys!"

They finally stopped and Kylie suggested watching a movie. We chose Corspe Bride, quickly getting sucked into the animation.

•     •     •     •     •

Home sweet home! I ran to the front door with Chris and Gaia. Dad unlocked it and I ran inside.

Sparky meowed at me and rubbed against my legs. I picked her up and she licked my cheek. I smiled.

I grabbed my suitcases and pulled them upstairs to my room. I needed to clean up.

Sparky laid on my bed as I put all my dirty clothes from my bags and the floor into my hamper. I put my shoes into my walk in closet, also hanging up the clothes I didn't wear. I put all my hygiene items into the bathroom.

Oliver texted me, asking me to meet him at Starbucks. I went downstairs to ask Chris.

"Sure," he agreed. "Call me if you need anything."

I grabbed my skateboard and began making my way to the coffee shop. I had a MIW skateboard. It had the Creatures album on the bottom of it.

I left my board outside behind a bush so no one could steal it. It was time to see Oliver.

These baby bunnies I found are really tiring. Also, this book is gonna come to an end soon because I'm running out of ideas and inspirations.
     - salem

Edited and revised
502 words

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