Olympus Has Fallen:Blood Of T...

By AntonRiz

128 12 11

Never again was Matt going to agree when his parents said he should move. It was like they thought fighting M... More

Authors note


31 3 0
By AntonRiz

  This Pete guy was starting bug Matt. He should have left Matt alone when Matt gave him his lunch money. Pete also should have left Matt alone when he promised to do Pete's homework for the term. And he should have definitely left Matt alone when Matt paid Pete one hundred dollars to leave him alone, but here he was face to face with the bully.

  His parents just had to move to not a new house, not a new city, not a new state, no they just had to move to a country when he was getting used to his old school, now he goes to some Three Cubs Middle School in Canada

  Now this bully guy was going to pummel him to the ground. It didn't help that a large crowd surrounded them and Pete's huge goons stood behind him.

  "Let's get one thing straight Evans I run this school. So give me another hundred bucks or your life here  will be miserable." Pete grumbled.

  "Okay." Matt answered

  "That's okay sir to you." Pete said like a general.

  "Pete do you really think pummeling another student makes you smarter or more attractive." shouted a girl from the back

  "Oh, Niomi my love, it does not but its fun." Pete replied like he made a good point.

  The Niomi girl revealed herself. She had very long black hair, Matt couldn't say it was straight but also couldn't say it was curly. The girl wore a leather jacket and black legging. On her hair were cat ears. Matt could describe her in one word beautiful

  "Niomi how I love you." Pete had a daze look on his face.

  "Yeah, Matteo is it, I need to talk to you." Niomi said pointing at Matt.

  "Oooooooooooooooooooo." The crowd chorused

  Niomi led Matt to a janitors closet. At the door Matt said "Do we have to go in there I can the muck from here."

  "Of course  we do now go in there before I give you a concussion."

  As they stepped in side Matt's brown hair started to tingle. Niomi put her fingers over her nose.

  "No time for this. I wanted to tell you that... Man I'm short."
That wasn't true Matt was just tall for a twelve year old.

  "Now seriously what do you have to talk to me about." Matt was getting frustrated.

  "I wanted to tell you that.." Niomi stopped. She bowed her head and lifted it again. Her eyes were glowing light blue.

  "Break their cage and release the spirits no physical force you can only out wit it. Save Olympus from great tragedy or else man kind will forever mourn." Niomi came out of the trace."Why are you looking at me weird."

  " I wanted to tell you..."

  A guys voice came from out side a companied by screams of terror. "Were all going to die."


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