Demon's Romance (Violentine!d...

By lemonccakes

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Clementine sighs heavily "Almost home," she breathes. She pulls tightly on the sides of her leather jacket, b... More



269 20 9
By lemonccakes

The autumn breeze brushes against Violet's skin as she sits alone, sipping her lukewarm beverage. She had always liked this part of town it was always so peaceful. Violet was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she was living with some she barely knew. She remains still unsure of Clementine but something tells her that she can be trusted, like an unknown force. She takes another long sip, this cafe had always made the best coffee in her opinion.
"Vi!" A familiar cheerful voice calls out. Louis.

"Long time no see," The blonde swings her head around to face her friend. He looked the same as always, light brown skin, covered in freckles, and his dreadlocks that make him look a bit like Jaden Smith. His brown eyes light up and a wide smile spreads across his cheeks, revealing his pearly white teeth.

"Where have you been lately, I dropped by your place" he hesitates for a moment "but you weren't there," no one could pull off sad puppy eyes like Louis could. 

"I've uh...moved again" Violet responds, not giving much detail to her situation.

"Well it's still good to see you," he spreads his arms, awaiting a hug. Violet rolls her eyes and allows him to tightly wrap himself around her. Louis was a close friend of Violet's, best friends even. They knew each other since they were eight, Violet couldn't seem to get away from him but now she embraces his presence. Like Violet he is also a demon, so they have that in common. The cheerful boy invites himself to Violet's table, sitting across from her.

"Why'd you move, I thought you were fine in the old place? Hopefully not to get away from me," he chuckles. 

"C'mon that's practically impossible," Violet's smile slowly fades back into her neutral expression, she sighs and sinks into her chair "it's a long story."

"So where are you living now?" Louis asks.

"That apartment building on Moorland road," Violet had always passed those buildings when walking home, the building had looked nicer before but now...not so much. 

"Didn't know you had such good taste in housing," Louis jokes, a cheeky smirk tugging at his lips. Violet narrows her eyes "Shut up," she says jokingly, lightly punching his shoulder "it's different this time, not my...usual situation."

"Oh?" Louis raises a brow. 

"A girl..." Violet pauses "she took me in and patched up my wounds, said I could stay there until I heal." 

"Is she cute?" Louis perks up slightly. Violet rolls her eyes, it's not like she expected Louis to have any other type of response "Seriously Lou."

"Right, sorry," Louis rubs the back of his neck "How did you even get hurt in the first place?" 

"Delta," Violet answers. It was as simple as that, all demons knew of Delta and most of them knew they were bad news. 

"Shit, vi...I should of been there," Louis turns his gaze away from Violet, as if he were ashamed.

"Hey, don't worry about it okay?" the blonde places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"How's Marlon and the rest of the group?" She says quickly changing the subject. 

"Still pissed," Louis chuckles lightly "he gets pretty sensitive when he hasn't eaten." 

"He's not the only one..." Violet says, feeling her stomach practically grumble after saying so. She hadn't had any blood in days, she rarely consumes human blood and often resorts to an animal's. Even then she hasn't had any luck.

"I know, but we'll find something soon...I know we will," Louis smiles weakly. His phone soon goes off, after reading the notification he quickly sits up from his chair, "I've gotta go, I'll see you soon?" 

"Uh— yeah, cya" Violet waves.

"Clem, what did I say about texting during your shift?" Luke huffs.

Clementine jumps at little at the sound of her name, she slides her phone back into her pocket.

Luke sighs and saunters to Clementine's side "who are you talking to? Is it Javi's kid again?" 

"Gabe...I'm messaging Gabe," Clementine responds bashfully, purposely avoiding eye contact with the taller man. 

"Oh, he's the boyfriend right?" Luke says, tilting his head.                                                                       

"Yes, the.." she pauses "boyfriend." 

Suddenly the small bell hung above the entrance rings as a group steps into the diner. Luke perks up and dusts himself off "Welcome!"                                                                                                                Clementine instantly freezes up as she meets eyes with the blond haired demon. He glares intimidatingly back at her, but even Clementine knew that it would be a bad idea for him to do anything other than order. Luke nudges her "Go ahead and take their orders, i'll be in the back," he soon disappears through the kitchen doors. Clementine approaches their table, pen and paper in hand. The demon sat with three others, two boys and one girl. 

"Ready to order?" Clementine asks, trying to remain calm. 

"I'll have a root beer," he turns back to the rest of his friends. 

"Just a strawberry milkshake," A dark chocolate eyed boy speaks up, beaming. 

"Same as him," A brown haired boy adds. 
The rest of the group turns to the girl who was distracted by her phone. She jolts up as she notices everyone's eyes on her "oh, I'm not having anything." 
Clementine scribbles down the orders and slides the paper over the counter to Luke. She continues to take other customer's orders, but she still senses the demon's eyes on her, watching her every move. As uneasy as this made her feel she kept working. Soon the group's order had been complete, so she brings their tray over to the table. She places their drinks down, reading the order aloud as she does so. 

"That all?" she asks, not expecting a response. 

"Yep," The blond responds. Just as Clementine begins to walk back to collect the next order she felt a tight grasp on her forearm. She turns to face the demon, he narrows his eyes "Don't think you'll get away as easy this time." 
His grip was too powerful, she couldn't muster up the strength to pull away from him. Eventually he lets go and she jumps back abruptly, he then turns back to his group. Clementine quickly rushes back to the kitchen, bumping into Javi's tall figure. 
"You okay, Clem?" he asks, raising a brow. Luke soon joins the other man's side, just as curious as his boss. 

Clementine takes a deep breath "No, no, I'm fine." 
Javi and Luke look at each other then back at the shorter girl.

"If you say so," Javi says, still unsure if he believes her or not. 

"just stay safe okay?" Luke adds, flashing a reassuring smile. 

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