The Opposite Of Attraction ✔️

By greyfarrell

1.8M 48.7K 33.6K

Is the phrase "Opposites attract" right? Maybe... But not for Sophia Mackenzie and Damon Blake. The phrase fo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chatper Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Thank You
Other Books And Where To Find Me

Chapter Thirty-Four

25K 685 484
By greyfarrell


"Hey Damon." I greeted as I took the seat beside him in our first period class.

"What do you want?" He sighed, obviously annoyed with my presence.

If only he knew how much it hurt me to know he hated me.

"I have some information I thought you might want to know." I whispered as the teacher started the lesson.

"Okay, what is it?"He asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone, but he was still annoyed.

"I've been told by multiple people that Sophia's cheating on you." I told him, forcing a sympathetic frown. There wasn't actual proof that she was cheating on him, but I was suspicious anyway. She spent way too much time with Garrett, they were obviously more than just friends. And since I cared about Damon so much, I felt like I had to tell him before their relationship got too serious and he ended up hurt. 

With the information I gave him, he'd surly break up with Sophia and then I'd finally have a chance with him. I'd be the one that saved him from an awful relationship and he'd take me out. on a date to thank me for warning him, and then he'd finally see how perfect we are for each other. 

That was all I'd ever dreamt of since the first day I saw him, all the way back in the fourth grade.  I was all alone at recess and I saw that Damon was alone too. He was just sitting by the swing set and staring at two other kids; Dylan and Sophia.

I started walking over to him but he stormed over to Dylan and said something to him, causing Sophia to stomp on his foot and run away with Dylan chasing after her. Damon looked so sad about the situation so I went over and introduced myself. 

"Hi, I'm Candice" I said shyly as I sat down beside him

He looked over at me and smiled, "I'm gonna call you Candy."

No one had ever given me a nickname before. 

We began chatting mindlessly and it wasn't long before he was explaining how Dylan was his best friend and Sophia was the girl he had a crush on, and Dylan was trying to take Sophia away from him. I knew Damon was jealous but he wouldn't admit it. Luckily for me a jealous Damon was a hateful Damon, so he started hating Sophia and blamed her for the tension between Dylan and him.

I became secret friends with Damon after that, and quickly formed a massive crush on him. But everything changed when Dylan left. Damon suddenly decided he didn't want to be friends with me anymore, and to this day I still don't know why. 

But maybe now things could go back to how they used to be. With Sophia out of the way, Damon and I could grow close again, and I could finally tell him how much I liked him.

"Sophia isn't cheating on me." He said confidently.

"She is Damon, I even saw it with my own eyes." I lied. I felt a slight tinge of guilt but I ignored it. I needed to do this.

"What did you see?" He demanded.

"I saw her kissing Garrett in a janitors closet. I was going in there with someone and found them in there." I told him, placing a sympathetic hand on his arm, which he immediately shrugged off. I paid no attention to the sting of rejection it gave me. 

"You're a filthy liar." He hissed, sending me a furious glare, but I knew I was getting to him and the anger wasn't fully directed at me.

I shook my head sadly, "I'm sorry Damon but I'm not lying."

And that's all it took for him to pull out his phone and text Sophia to meet him at lunch.

He was just too easy to manipulate at times, I almost felt bad about what I was doing, but this was for his own good. Sophia wasn't right for him. He needed me, even if he didn't know it yet.

- - -

When the bell for lunch rang I sprang into action. I needed to find Damon before Sophia did, and stay out of sight so I could witness the breakup. I wouldn't miss that for the world. 

Luckily he was in the first place I looked, leaning against the wall beside the entrance to the cafeteria, waiting for his soon to be ex girlfriend to show up. 

Five minutes of waiting past before I got bored. Maybe she wasn't going to show up? I decided to check up with my friends at our lunch table while I waited for the drama to happen, I didn't want to waste the whole time hiding in the hallway. If I kept a close eye on the door I'd notice when Sophia showed up.

"Hey guys." I greeted everyone when I made it to the table.

"Things are getting serious between Damon and Sophia." Alexis, the co-captain of the cheer squad told me when I sat down.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I said, plucking a cherry tomato off her tray.

"What do you mean? They're like, made for each other." She replied dramatically.

I just rolled my eyes and smirked, she had no idea what was about to happen.

The table of people quickly sucked me into the latest gossip and it wasn't until halfway through lunch that I remembered Damon and Sophia were supposed to be breaking up. I quickly made an excuse to ditch my friends and rushed out of the room.  

Once I was in the hallway I faintly heard raised voices and followed it until I saw Damon and Sophia.

I hid behind a vending machine while I watched and listened to their fight.

"Candy told me she saw you kissing him." Damon said smugly.

I smiled when I heard him say my name. 

"I don't like Garrett like that and he most certainly doesn't have any romantic interest in me, I can assure you of that." Sophia replied desperately.

I was surprised she hadn't gotten down on her knees to beg for his forgiveness.

"How do you know he's not interested in you? You're beautiful, smart, funny, kind. Everything a guy wants in a girl." Damon shot back, still very angry.

I could only see his back but it was tense, which was a good sign for me but not for Sophia.

"I'm going to tell you something, and you have to promise not to tell anyone." Sophia said quietly, almost too quiet for me to hear, and looked around to make sure no one was around, thankfully not seeing me.

Damon ripped his arm out of her grasp and took a step away from her, "Why should I listen to you? You're a lying cheate-"

"Garrett's gay." Sophia blurted rather loudly, interrupting Damon.

I had to cover my mouth to muffle my gasp of shock so I didn't blow my hiding place. 

"He's gay?" Damon asked in disbelief, standing there with a dazed look on his face.

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone that. It'll ruin his school life and he'll hate me forever." She told Damon, giving him a serious, and a little bit threatening, look.

"So you really didn't cheat on me." He whispered his shoulders dropping and his back relaxing in relief.

"I told you I didn't." She mumbled, and for the first time her face showed how hurt she was.

My plan failed, but I wasn't giving up just yet. I already had another plan that was even better than this one. 

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry. I promise that'll never happen again, and I won't tell anyone about Garrett." Damon apologized, and wrapped her in a comforting hug.

I wished nothing more than for that to be me instead of her, but if my new plan worked the way I wanted it to, my wish might just come true.

- - -

"Hey Alexis, I have something to tell you." I called when I walked into school the next day and saw her at her locker.

After Sophia's outing Garrett, I took the rest of the day and night to plan how I would ruin her  relationship with Damon for good.

"I hope it's something juicy because first period hasn't even started yet and I'm already in a bad mood." Alexis said, closing her locker so she could focus on what I was about to say.

"Oh it is. Yesterday I was talking with Damon and guess what he told me? Garrett, Sophia's best friend, is gay." I told her, a smug smile finding its way onto my face.

"No way! Are you sure he meant that Garrett?" She asked doubtfully.

I had forgotten until now that Alexis had a major crush on Garrett. I guess it was better to find out now than when she made a move on him and got rejected.  

"Sorry Lex but it's definitely that Garrett."  I told her, patting her back sympathetically.

"I better get to class." she mumbled, heading off without another word.

When she was out of view I let out a loud laugh and started for my first class. If I planned this right, by lunchtime most of the school would know Garrett's little secret.

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