His Guiding Light Atemu X Re...

By ThatBookishWitch

12.2K 312 108

You Are A well known Egyptologist fresh out of collage and are now studying the Origin of the Millennium Item... More

The Mysterious Dream
Mysterious Dream cont.
Author's Note
The Mystery Necklace Part 1.
I'm Back !
The Necklace (Cont.)
The Mystery Necklace (cont. par.3)
Mystery Necklace (cont.)
The Mystery Necklace (part 5)
One Visit Means A Million Words Part 2
New Addons and Authors Note
A Night In My Story
Im back and ready to keep writing!!

One Visit Means A Million Words.part 1

546 22 5
By ThatBookishWitch

It was now seven-thirty in the morning ; the sun finally finished rising upon the horizon and the desert was suddenly more beautiful and bright , so full of life like it often was. Sunlight really did a number for the desert.

Last nights' adventure was still pounding in my head , I was still worried, the last image that crossed my mind before I passed out , the last image that crossed my mind before I passed out was the priest slipping something into my pharaoh's drink for all I knew it could be poison, poison that can make the pharaoh sick or even worse bring death to him , as destiny stated I was to protect my pharaoh not only as his wife but his protector.

After hours of deep thought I attempted to get it out of my head but no matter what , It was nearly impossible.

(Long awaited Plot twist Moment coming lol)

~Atemu POV~

The day felt long , as days often did in the deserts of Egypt but I felt strange today ; I know I felt someone in my grand foyer earlier and again in the thrown room I shouted at Mana over preparations and thought I heard a voice from the door, but not a soul was at the entry, It was a sweet gentle voice almost like my beloved Arrina, but she wasn't even in the palace yet in fact it was hours before she shows up. Hearing the voice put me in a daze , If there was really was someone why could I not see her I glanced at my dear friend Mana , but she seemed very concerned "Mana you believe me don't you " I knew she would tell me Im not crazy but I wanted to hear it . That voice was so clear ; I could almost picture her H/C so beautiful the skies would fall envious at her serene beauty . Those piercing E/C that could beguile any man that gazed into them It felt like destiny and fate were telling me something I just knew it.

~Your POV~

My Mind was still lost in the pharaoh's palace, his features engraved in my head ,but I had no time to ponder or dwell on it , I had to get ready I was meeting BF/N down by the lobby for breakfast ,than off to the museum . The desert breeze felt refreshing coming in from our balcony, It was soothing I hopped out of the shower moments later wearing my F/O It was odd when I left my room usually the halls would be crowded and loud but this morning it felt earie. Although I was afraid I Paid no mind to it and continued towards the lobby hoping everything was normal and my floor not as spooky . I didn't want to ponder on it if I did I would probably wreck my brains on it ; I was meeting B/N down by the lobby for breakfast , than off to the museum.

The desert breeze felt refreshing coming in from our balcony , it was soothing as it was meant to be ; I hopped out of the shower wearing my F/O. The atmosphere felt different and not in a good way usually when I would leave my room the halls were often crowded to a point where u can barely walk it was also loud . Everything felt earie and although I was afraid I did not let it faze me so I continued towards the lobby hoping behind those big doors I would see the hotel's inhabitants running amuck preparing for tours and what not; I guess u can say I hoped that everything would be normal and less frightening.

Time passed and by the time I reached the bottom of the stairs to the lobby I began feeling dizzy and fatigued I had not even made it out the doors yet and I already knew that my expectations and hopes that it would all be normal were you can say "far fetched". Disregarding what I was feeling I placed my hand on the cold steel doors and pushed forward with all my might; once I reached the other side I looked around a sense of anxiety and fear building up glancing round I could see no sign of BF/N anywhere I walked a slight bit forward and still no sign of life, fear growing intensely perhaps even more earie than earlier. Suddenly all the lights left on shut off as if it already didn't look like an abandoned hospital with only few hall lights on if I didn't know I was in a hotel well I would have thought some ghostly folks were roaming the halls waiting for the chance to spook mortals.

All I could see at the end of the hall was darkness it wasn't until I squinted really hard that I was able to spot a tall slender silhouette wearing what seemed like a coat just looking back at me in silence , knowing not what was ahead waiting for me I called out " hey I'm just trying to find the exit I think I may have gone the wrong way can you please help me ?" still the figure stood in silence glancing at me so to avoid asking again I thanked what seemed like a person and started on my way; suddenly as I began to move a dark almost musky fog crowded the surrounding area around me frightened I called out " this isn't funny" still no sound it was so silent you can hear a pin drop in this horrible darkness.

Not long after I saw it or rather more--him , My thoughts were correct it was a familiar figure he was none other than that freaky priest I encountered a few days ago in my dreams and when I first arrived , I didn't know why he was here again and this time clearly at my eye level, I was able to make out all his features. His eyes menacing his smirk frightening and his voice .... well his voice was rough and loud. We locked eyes for what seemed like ages not a word was spoken between us he instead pulled out what looked like a modern duel disc ..something I've only seen a few times not once had I used one , I was to anxious to move or speak I felt pearlized as if his glance pierced right through me and into my soul my heart was beating rapidly out of fear I felt I would pass out soon.

Seto POV~

I almost could not believe my eyes; it was really her this woman was Identical to Arrina the one I to fell for centuries ago, around this woman I felt loved and noticed but It still upset me that she chose him , the pharaoh I gave my life for; he who I devoted to since he was a child He had everything and I had nothing , all I wanted was her but I lost to Atemu and he took her for himself the only thing that gave me purpose and gave my life meaning .

Nonetheless just because this girl could be Aria as I used to call her she will not foil my plans to take over the world and claim my rightful place , I refuse to let her live knowing that she can stop me again. I placed my hand upon my deck which rested on my duel disk the room changed to a battle stadium of darkness " As I called my monster to the field I set my facedown card knowing it can destroy her immediately "I summon Twin-headed behemoth to the field!" ending my turn I awaited her move she didn't know how to duel so I felt enraged yet confident that I was capable of beating her pretty little head and winning once and for all hitting the pharaoh where it hurts.

~Your POV~

Unaware of what was going on , I can feel rage, annoyance  and wonder brewing within me all at once.  But yet my mind was in knots, so many thoughts of why everything was happening and how on earth the priest from centuries ago was here and not as a figment of my crazy mind.

I understood being able to see the pharaoh but Seto it was just very odd to me. Despite the fact that the crazy priest was in front of me, I did not allow fear to control me so I took a deep breath and put down a card ¨I summon toon mermaid to the field in defense mode "before I could draw another monster from my hand and end my turn , time seemed to have frozen and it was just me again ; before I knew it the world around me changed for what seemed like the hundredth time since I arrived . 

Sure enough a very familiar voice called out to me and my heart felt ready to jump out of my chest, as I heard the voice I slowly turned my head as the sands gave my hair the effect of  a shimmering   glow and my smile became bright , and there he was I saw those beautiful yet piercing  lavender eyes I love so much . 

Our eyes remained stuck on each other and he spoke his voice gliding in the wind ¨Arrina you must not keep fighting the priest Seto , If you keep fighting him you will end up in the ground dead! he is not a force to be reckoned with; he may be a priest but he is incredibly dangerous¨.

As I listened to his voice my heart fluttered even more knowing that the pharaoh my pharaoh cared so much for me . He sounded like my pharaoh , except this time he was really here in front of me and it was not a vision where he could not  hear me and I could not feel his touch. I was confused just as I had been only moments ago when I saw the greedy priest, I wanted to just run to him and feel his touch but my body could not move , part of me did not believe any of this and thought  that I was just imagining everything.

Soon enough my confusion caught up with me and so instead of running to my darling pharaoh all I could manage to do is speak , and when I did I shouted ¨How are you here Atem! this. This is impossible and why are you calling Arrina ! I am not that princess from that ridiculous  myth! and...¨ I shouted in rage and tears filled my eyes ¨and your not really here! YOU ARE NOT REAL!!!¨ felling the pain wail up within my chest my eyes became cloudy with tears and I can see my pharaoh's face he seemed hurt but I had to speak the truth. I knew this was impossible , to love a pharaoh who is not even truly alive.

Even though  he felt disappointed enough at my sudden outburst he disregarded it, pharaoh Atem not one to show much emotion.

Before I knew it his manly hands had grasped my small frail ones and we were on the run, dashing through an endless hall of corridors ,lost in a labyrinth frozen in time even though he was upset at what I said; he still did all he could to protect me .

I can see the exit coming up very quickly and the tears in my eyes seemed to begin forming again, even I knew he was not going to be here much longer, my pharaoh how I wish you were real ,those exact words lingered in the back of my mind as a mere thought.

He seemed to have sensed my sadness but yet he did not utter even a word  to me when we finally reached the end of the hall ,his eyes met mine and he spoke finally . ¨My dearest princess It may not seem real right now but in time our world will become clear ; your true purpose will surface.¨

¨But for now know that I will always be here not physically but in here ¨ he pointed to my chest where my heart is  and his lavender eyes pierced through me as he uttered his final words ¨let your pendent represent my heart , the heart that belongs to you and always has ¨

Before I knew it , in the blink of an eye my pharaoh was gone and the thought of him not being real resurfaced in me and my eyes fogged up with tears as I began to spiral into unconsciousness. The world around me returned to normal accept this time there was no priest in sight  and it was just me and the dark hallway.

I felt myself fading into darkness as I felt the unconsciousness take hold of me and embrace me in it dark tender embrace , before I knew it I was now a girl who fell unconscious and my body hit the floor . I laid there hoping someone would find me ...and someone did I only saw a silhouette of a tall man before I became lifeless for a time.

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