I Am Lacerta - HP fanfic

By BooshBaby

146K 1.5K 1K


I Am Lacerta
I Am Lacerta Chapter 1
I Am Lacerta Chapter 2
I Am Lacerta Chapter 3
I Am Lacerta Chapter 4
I Am Lacerta Chapter 5
I Am Lacerta Chapter 6
I Am Lacerta Chapter 7
I Am Lacerta Chapter 9
I Am Lacerta Chapter 10
I Am Lacerta Chapter 11
I Am Lacerta Chapter 12
I Am Lacerta Chapter 13
I Am Lacerta Chapter 14
I Am Lacerta Chapter 15
I Am Lacerta Chapter 16
I Am Lacerta Chapter 17
I Am Lacerta Chapter 18
I Am Lacerta Chapter 19
I Am Lacerta Chapter 20
I Am Lacerta Chapter 21
I Am Lacerta Chapter 22
I Am Lacerta Chapter 23
I Am Lacerta Chapter 24
I Am Lacerta Chapter 25
I Am Lacerta Chapter 26
I Am Lacerta Chapter 27
I Am Lacerta Chapter 28
I Am Lacerta Chapter 29
I Am Lacerta Chapter 30
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 31
I Am Lacerta Chapter 32
I Am Lacerta Chapter 33
I Am Lacerta Chapter 34
I Am Lacerta Chapter 35
I Am Lacerta Chapter 36
I Am Lacerta Chapter 37
I Am Lacerta Chapter 38
I Am Lacerta Chapter 39
I Am Lacerta Chapter 40
I Am Lacerta Chapter 41
I Am Lacerta Chapter 42
I Am Lacerta Chapter 43
I Am Lacerta Chapter 44
I Am Lacerta Chapter 45
I Am Lacerta Chapter 46
I Am Lacerta Chapter 47
I Am Lacerta Chapter 48
I Am Lacerta Chapter 49
I Am Lacerta Chapter 50

I Am Lacerta Chapter 8

3.7K 37 14
By BooshBaby

Oh my GOD! thanx 2 every1 who voted and commented on the last chapters - i hav had 588 reads, 39 votes and 35 comments!! yay thanx 2 every1 who voted, commented, fanned and generally read I Am Lacerta xxxxx btw keep up commenting and voting - I Am Lacerta is #233 What's Hot list xxxxxxx yay  Shout out to all my amazing fans, ourstories InternetJunkie bannana9hpagentenock (always a challenge) Sheri_Dancez (i didn't forget xx) and of course the wonderful CoffeeBreakCalls (who im talking 2 now :P) ENJOY!!

I Am Lacerta Chapter 8

When I arrived at Hogwarts I enchanted all my possessions to fly to Malfoy Manor, with a note to my aunt explaining everything incase she got my luggage before an explanation. I really do love my aunt, but her son and husband are completely ridiculous. But if you have any sense of wanting-to-live-to-see-another-day, you would never ever insult Narcissa Malfoy's family infront of her. Lucius fears me like the devil, probably due to my mother, and Draco follows me around like a puppy. They stay well away from me at home and that's the way I like it.

I decided I would leave notes to Fred and Luna, explaining everything so they didn't get worried. So I swept away to the Ravenclaw Common Rooms. When I got there, I morphed my robes to match the robes of the other Ravenclaw students. I knocked on the door and the eagle knocker asked, "If a tree falls in a forest but no one's around to hear it, does it make a noise." I thought for a second before replying, "It depends on how big the tree is." The eagle didn't look very happy with my answer but had no choice but to let me in as I was kind of right. 

I stepped through the door, and reached a large statue. I passed it quickly and headed up a flight of stairs to where I assumed was the girls' dorms. As I entered one, I saw a room with a bed surrounded by copies of the Quibbler, and I knew that this could only be one person's bed. So I sat down on the end, got out a piece of parchment and a quill and began to write. 

Luna, I'm so sorry I have to do this, and leave you like this, but I have no choice at all in the matter. I must leave Hogwarts and never look back. You are the best friend any person could ask for, and I'm going to miss you like hell. I can't ever return to here after I leave today. You probably won't see me here ever again, but we will of course meet outside of school, and you'll make new friends. Promise me, next time you see me, you won't judge me though. Don't forget to write me aswell, your owl could find me anywhere. Love, Lacy. P.S. Don't let Ginny Weasley get you down.

I quickly left the note on her bed and took a copy of the Quibbler, for memories. I then set off quickly to the Gryfinndor Common Rooms with the remaining parchment. I changed my robes again when I was just around the corner, and just my luck, I heard two Gryfinndor girls going into the Common Room, and they said the password very loudly and clearly - they must have been first years. 

So when I got to the Fat Lady, I simply repeated the password, "Felix Felicis." and the portrait swung aside to let me passed. I stepped inside and walked immediately up to Fred's dorm. He had showed me where it was, incase I ever needed to find him, a couple of weeks ago. I walked in and sat on his bed, before starting to write his note:

Fred, What can I say that will make this easier to hear? I can't ever return to Hogwarts - don't ask why because I simply cannot tell you. Don't you worry though, naturally we will keep in touch. We can meet up all the time in the holidays, and I could always pop down to Hogsmeade for a trip every now and then. But I'm missing the point. I love you. I wish I could say it to you in person for the first time, but there isn't enough time. You're the best thing that ever happened to me Fred and I miss you already. Watch over Luna for me, she doesn't have very many friends to speak of apart from me, and I'm going to miss her like hell. Don't hate me for what I'm going to do, I can't help it - it's in my blood. Your owl will know where to find me where ever I go so write to me. Don't forget about me and don't you dare move on because this isn't over. I promise in return to never EVER forget you and there's no way I'd ever get over you. Until we meet again let my words live on, Lacerta Novenia Lestrange.

I turned to leave when the door was flung open by none other than George Weasley. He looked momentarily shocked to find me sitting on his brothers bed but his initial shock turned to worry when he saw the tears streaming down my face. "Lacerta, are you okay?" he asked worriedly. I shook my head before replying, "Not really, no. But that's life I guess." I smiled faintly at him and he reached to my cheek and brushed a tear away. "That's better. My brother didn't hurt you or anything did he-" "No, no, nothing like that. It's just goodbyes are always sad. Say goodbye to your brother for me. Oh, and give him this." I said, before hugging him. 

I hurried away, broom in hand back down the stairs to the Great Hall. As I passed students, they ignored me as usual. Well at least I won't be missed too badly, I thought sarcastically. As soon as I was out the Main Door, I mounted my broom and flew away, tears still streaming down my face, to find someone. Cissy could wait, this was important......

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