Lies and Roses°nctxbpxrv

由 princehendery

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"You've been living a lie your whole life. Don't you want to avenge yourself from the people who kept you fro... 更多

Trailer + Posters of Main Casts


730 57 81
由 princehendery


(Remember this GIF and when that certain part comes, this is how it'll look like)


"Jiseul!" Yuna said in a silvery voice, approaching me with arms stretched wide. I put down the box and bags on the floor. I crouched down as Yuna's tiny body crashed onto mine. I engulfed her in a warm embrace, her head rested on the crook on my neck. I squeezed her tight which made her chuckle.

"How are you Yuna-ya?" I asked, cupping her pinky soft cheeks. Her hazel eyes shimmered when she flashed a tight smile. "I'm very okay! How about you?"

"I'm okay, too-"

"Yuna, Hi!" Jaehyun piped in from behind, bending down to Yuna who quickly slid to him. She sat on his lap and wrapped her little arms around his neck. She softly giggled and whispered to his ears. "I drew something for you, Jaehyun. It's our secret."

More children ran to our direction when they saw us standing in the front door of the lobby. Jaehyun and Taeyong arranged the boxes and bags on the counter as I welcomed the little rascals.

"Jiseul!" Kihyo waved his small hands at me with a wide smile, showing his incomplete front teeth. "Have you been brushing well?"

The little boy nodded while scratching his head.

"Jiseul will teach you again, okay?" His round face brightened and a hint of mischief leaked out of his thin lips.

"Jisuel, who is that person?" Nahye, the oldest of the orphans pointed to Taeyong who was busy unpacking across the room. "He's our new friend. His name is Taeyong. He's going to be part of our big family from now on."

"He looks like the cartoon character on the comic book I was reading!" one of the children announced, making everyone around him gasped in amazement. "Where? Show us!" One replied.

Jaehyun stepped in beside me and the orphans started cheering for him.

"Jaehyun! Jaehyun! Did you catch a bad guy today?" Kihyo queried, anticipation written all over his face. "Hmmm. I didn't." Jaehyun pouted in defeat.

"-But Taeyong did! He saved me a while ago from an evil person." I chimed in, emphasizing every word I muttered for dramatic effect. Taeyong's eyes widened when he heard his name.

"Oh, did he now?" Jaehyun mumbled under his breath, gritting his teeth behind.

"Y-yeah?" He looked at us with a puzzled face with his ink-black irises. "Come over here." Jaehyun gestured him to stand next to us. He scuffled towards us with a bashful face. He shyly waved at the kids in front of us whilst showing a lopsided grin.

"Hello everyone, I am Taeyong. You can call me yong." He timidly said as the kids leaned to him. "Jiseul said you saved her from a bad guy!" the little girl said in a high-pitched voice. Taeyong interlaced his fingers together and rested his hands on his stomach. "I-I did." He stuttered.

"Are you like Jaehyun?" Kihyo asked with his round eyes looking right at Taeyong in pure curiosity. He pursed his lips into a thin line and feigned a smile at the little boy. He seemed tensed. His body stiffened as a little girl tugged his shirt.

"Hey, yong." Jaehyun said with a modulated voice. "Calm down, okay? This isn't first day of school."

Taeyong silently nodded. He went back to organizing the books at the back, leaving Jaehyun and I entertaining the orphans.

"Hey, Jaehyun. Are you and Jiseul married?" Innocent little Cheonsa asked, fondling the tips of her fingers. Jaehyun and I burst in laughter. I pat Cheonsa's head and she looked up to me with her doe-eyes.

I giggled at her clueless face and said, "Jaehyunie and I are family. He's like my ugly little brother."

"And Jiseul is like my annoying older sister." Jaehyun interposed. I snorted at his remark.

"Children, play time." Mrs. Han stood behind the children. Her hands were placed on the sides of her hips. She radiantly smiled at us and raised her brows. All the children rejoiced when they saw her. They all sprinted to the play room as we trailed behind them.

They hastily took off their shoes and left them outside the room. Their tiny footsteps made thudding sounds on the carpeted floor. They raced to their favorite spots.

Kihyo and two of the little boys swam in the mini ball pit. Yuna went to the drawers and took out her apron. She then proceeded to their pretend-kitchen. Cheonsa sat on the floor along with the younger ones. They were playing with their rag dolls. Nahye and So Yoon were in one corner of the room, reading magazines.

The place was hectic and noisy. The children were definitely savoring every moment. Their piercing laughter filled the room with genuine happiness and enjoyment. Mrs. Son stood in line with Jaehyun, Taeyong, and I near the door and folded her arms across her chest. She sighed, smiling in triumph.

"Taeyong-ssi, I'm so glad you came." She announced. "Yes. I am beyond grateful to be with these little angels. I am looking forward for my next visits." He replied with a steadier voice. "I believe you've introduced each other?" Mrs. Han added.

I nodded while Jaehyun remained quiet in his place. "We haven't." He finally said.

Mrs. Han escorted us back to the lobby, saying "Well anyway, I am so thankful for the books Jiseul and Jaehyun. The children will definitely love it."

We all sat on the couch placed in the middle of the room. Jaehyun took the seat next to me whilst Mrs. Han and Taeyong were on the opposite side. We all faced each other with contented faces. Then, there was a short pause.

"Taeyonge here," Mrs. Han broke the silence. "He gave the children tablets with educational applications installed. I gave them at least an hour for a day to use their gadgets. I mean, we all know they have to be exposed to the rawness of life, right?"

I was left in awe. I never thought he would've donated that much. I couldn't even afford a TV for myself as of now. Who would've known he was that filthy rich? Fifteen tablets? That's too costly for an average person such as myself.

"Are you, perhaps a chaebol?" Jaehyun asked out of the blue, alarming Taeyong. "N-no." He answered right away, his gaze meeting Jaehyun's.

"Is that so?"


Taeyong broke eye contact. He averted his eyes to the other side of the room, discomfort evident in his obscure body movements. Jaehyun smiled in triumph as he leaned against the back of the sofa.

"Should we go play with the children?" I suggested. Everyone immediately nodded. Taeyong walked ahead of us, skipping his way to the play room. Meanwhile, Jaehyun and I were behind of him and Mrs. Han.

I nudged Jaehyun shoulder and squint my eyes at him. "What's wrong with you?" I crooned, making sure it was inaudible for Taeyong.

Jaehyun lifted his shoulders and pouted his lips. "Nothing, I was just welcoming our new volunteer."

When we entered the room, we went separate ways. I squatted on the floor next to Cheonsa. Jaehyun as sitting beside the mini ball pit, watching over the little boys. Taeyong was with Yuna in the kitchen.

"Jiseul, do you like Jaehyun?" Cheonsa asked all of a sudden. It took me aback. I was flustered. My cheeks turned warm for a moment. "I-I do like, Jaehyun. But like I told you, he's my brother. I like him like how you love your friends here." I explained to the perplexed little girl on my right. She continued to quietly talk to her rag doll, completely ignoring me.

She wrinkled her nose and was puckering her plump lips.

"Wow, Taeyong! You're really a good cook!" Yuna yelled, her voice resonating inside the buzzing room. My attention was drawn to her thin voice. I turned around and saw Taeyong being strangled by Yuna's hug. He looked he was having a hard time but the smile on his face says otherwise. He seemed to be really fond with children. Looking at him made me realize he might make a good older brother or father.

Yuna poked Taeyong's cheeks and leaned to his ear, hiding her lips with her hand. I was constantly looking at them both. My eyes were basically glued on them and nowhere else.

Taeyong was laughing while Yuna was talking to his ear. Apparently, he finds it ticklish. Then, in a little while his eyes were moving. It was as if he was looking for something. He had his eyes fixated on me. He flashed a faint smile and snickered. For a short moment, our eyes locked. My stomach began to churn with butterflies. Yuna drew back and glanced at me, waving her hand.

What did you even say to him?

I quickly whipped back to Cheonsa and pretended to talk to her.

"Jiseul? What's wrong?"

"Nothing-" I jolted as I felt a light touch on my back out of nowhere. Chills were sent all over my body. My sweat involuntarily pooling around my forehead.

"Yuna told me to sit next to you,"

I craned my neck at the person behind me and looked over Yuna who was excitedly leaping in her place. She shaped her two of her fingers into a heart and pointed at us.

"Just, give the kid what she wants." Taeyong quietly chukled as he sat down close to me. I swallowed hard, feeling his warm shoulder pressing against mine. His knee brushed gently against my leg as he comfortably positioned himself.

I once again glanced over Yuna to which I found who was not paying attention to the both of us anymore. She was holding a rubber spatula and was pretentiously sipping nothing. Her eyes twinkled as she stole a gander at us.

I sighed in disbelief and attended to the boy on my left, who was dumbfounded.

"What brings you here to the orphanage?" I asked him whilst twisting the rag doll's distraught yarn hair.

He cleared his throat and replied. "I-I. . . This is the only orphanage in Seoul I haven't volunteered in. I want to cross it out my checklist."

Amused, a slight gasp escaped my chapped lips. "Really? That's so cool of you." I answered, my eyes galloping at the thought. "Well, not really."

Cheonsa tugged my elbow. I attended to her and she said in a little voice. "Jiseul, I am thirsty. Can you get me water?"

"Of course, Cheonsa. Wait for a while, okay?" I quickly stood from where I sat and exited the room, leaving Taeyong behind me. I rushed to the cafeteria, which was just next to the playroom, and headed to the refilling area.

I grabbed a cup from the drawer and filled it with lukewarm water. When it was full, I carefully sauntered back to the room. Taking a step was an obstacle. Toys of different shapes and sizes were everywhere. I had to watch out for Lego pieces on the floor. I had to be keen with the children crossing and running. I was tiptoeing my way back to Cheonsa and Taeyong. I was stealthy. My focus was constantly shifting from the floor, to the front, and to the sides.

When I was only a step away, a child ran past my back. His shoulders propelled hard on my bottom which made me lose my balance. A little bit of water was dripping on the floor and on Taeyong and Cheonsa as I attempt to stand firm.

Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall.


I fell roughly onto something. I felt a hard jab on my ribs as I took the fall. I was on top of Taeyong. My petite body was laid in between his legs. It took me a while to realize how unfitting the position we were in.

So, I lifted my body, only to find his flabbergasted face. I have never seen his eyes this round. My chest started to tighten as my heart beat fast. I tried to use my arms as an aid to get up but my wrist was slightly twisted and my hand was quivering. I groaned in pain as I attempt to remove myself from the ground. I hissed as I felt my shirt getting wet and realized more was on Taeyong's clothes. The cup of water I was holding in my hand was now empty.

"Jiseul!" Jaehyun rushed to me and assisted me to get off Taeyong. He held me securely in my elbow and waist. Taeyong as well, tried to stand up. Jaehyun cupped the side of my face and examined me from my head, down to my toe.

"Are you hurt?" He worriedly said.

"N-no." I answered, rubbing the wet area of my blazer.

"How about you, Taeyong-ssi? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jaehyun shifted his eyes to the man standing behind me.

"I'm fine. I just need to change into something." He replied with a throaty voice.

"I-I'm sorry, Taeyong."

Taeyong merely nodded at me and walked away without a single word. I observe his movement. It was nonchalant. His posture suddenly changed. He looked tall and proud. His back alone screamed power and authority. The way he carries his feet up to the ground and steps it down was way much different from when he came in the orphanage. It was as if he was a different person now.


just a slightly fluffy chapter because in the next chapters, there'd be no room for fluffs xD I'm excited for y'all to read the next parts udbhskfsjsa


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