Hoping Never Ends Well With Us

By _tweetster_

823 50 1

This book contains sexual, mental, and physical abuse. Some viewers might find this disturbing, viewer discre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

42 2 0
By _tweetster_

Daniel POV

The fight was short lived as I was forced off the boy. My blood was boiling and adrenaline rushing. I was pushed up against the cafeterias beige walls as I tried to free myself.

"Let me go!" I screamed as Rade and Chris held onto me as Tyler got up. He didn't rush my way. He didn't try to continue the fight. He didn't even look my way. Instead he just stood there watching as Cherry rushed over to him. His hands found themselves around her small frame and full hips. The anger that I felt bubbling up was so blinding and repulsive that I felt like I could black out at any moment now. I was snapped back into reality when I heard Chris yell at me.

"Dan snap the fuck out of it!" I glared at him as my nostrils flared.

"Let. Me. The. Fuck. Go." I spat calmly even though I was raging on the inside.

"You have no right to be fucking mad." He yelled at me. Shock rocked throughout my body making my blood turn icy cold as I took a step back. I gave him a hard look.

"Shut up." I said lowly as a warning. My eyes darted back over to see Cherry tending to the busted lower lip I gave Tyler. Our eyes met and gave me a evil smirk as he lowered his lips over Cherry's pink ones. I snatched my eyes away from the horrific sight. It was too much.

"She isn't committed to you. You guys said you were only friends with benefits. Plus you be running around here with these other females. She has the right to do the same because she is single." Rade explained and Chris agreed. Betrayal and loneliness flooded me. I couldn't even look at them anymore.

I made my way around them. They called out my name but it fell on death ears as I made my way around them and out the cafeteria. But before I left I made the mistake of taking one more glance back. Regret. She was wrapped in his arms as his fingers glided through her curly auburn locks.

I found myself heading to the boys bathroom. I stepped inside looking to see if anyone was inside. Once I was sure I was alone I turned around and locked the door behind me. I walked over to sink and splashed some water onto my face to cool down. I tried to breathe and I tried to calm down but the anger wasn't subsiding. I needed to punch something. Anything.

Images of Tyler and Cherry together kept flickering in my head causing my grip to tighten on the sink. I didn't want to think about what could have happen between those two. I was on the verge of spewing my guts on the floor just thinking of them.

What Chris and Rade said kept repeating in my head like a broken record. She deserves to be happy.

Why couldn't she be happy with me?

God I know that it's selfish to ask her to stay when I didn't feel the same for her.... in the beginning. In the beginning this wouldn't have bothered me. I had scoffed at the idea that I would fall in love with anyone anytime soon, especially with Cherry. But at this point, falling in love with her wasn't so impossible now.

I don't know if this is what people called love. I mean the sex is mind blowing, but it's not just that. I don't just lust her. I needed her attention. I needed her affection. I needed to feel her touch and hear her soft words. I needed to see her pale blue eyes staring back at me. They were like clear blue waters you could swim in. I needed to to able to trace those beautiful freckles that decorated her cheeks and nose that she was so insecure about. She has become a necessity that I can't live without. I couldn't fucking imagine losing her. The thought has never crossed my mind yet here I was being forced to accept that she was done with me.

It's crazy how this whole situation was tearing me apart. 

As soon as I started to catch feelings, she runs away to another guy. As soon as I thought that I could actually love her like she loved me. She leaves me. As soon as I thought to give it a chance, she gives up. She gave up on me.

I hate the pain that has me clenching onto my chest as I struggled to breathe and stay calm. I fucking hate the feeling of my heart shattering to pieces. I hate that she made me fall in love with her. She encouraged me to let my guard down. She forced me to adore her. She lured me into her trap. I love her. I fucking love her. And she couldn't have shown me a better reason why that was a mistake. Why loving anyone at all was a mistake.

I fucking hate Cherry Anderson.

Cherry POV

I was stunned to say at least. I didn't think he was going to react that way. I mean he didn't care for me in a romantic way. He made it very clear we were just fuck buddies. Yet from the very beginning I-I had invested my whole heart into him. I couldn't bring myself to say no to the arrangement even though I knew that I was going to get hurt. Having just a piece of him was enough for me.

So I thought.

But as time went on I wanted more. I wanted the shout to the whole world that he was mine and only mine. I wanted to show him off and drown him in the love and affection that I had to offer. I wanted to be strong for him when he is weak. I wanted to protect him when he is wounded. I wanted to be his other half. I wanted there to be an us.

Yet, there was always another girl. And my heart broke more and more as time went on. I only caught a few glimpses of the person I loved and he would always make sure to build that mask up quickly. People saw him as an idiot, a flirtatious whore who had anger problems. They saw what he allowed them to see and not what I have witnessed. Not what he tried so hard to hide from everyone else. Even his closest friends had no clue.

I shouldn't care how he is feeling right now. I shouldn't feel the urge to go after him, yet I couldn't deny myself the relief of knowing if he was ok. I couldn't hold off any longer and I took off after him. Suddenly someone caught my arm as I just was about to push open the dark green doors.

"You have to learn to stop chasing people who do you no good."

"Let me go. And don't ever kiss me again without my permission." I snapped wrenching my hand out of his iron grip.

"You were suppose to be mine now." He whispered sounding depleted as his green eyes lowered with guilt.

"I can't just stop loving someone at once. I don't think I could ever not love Dan. Things like that takes time. I need time." That was the last thing I said before I started making my way through the halls searching for Daniel. Suddenly I spotted him leaving the boys restroom. I could feel my throat swelling with nervousness.

"Aye." I called out to him as I began to make my way over. My courage to face him was now nonexistent. His body stiffen as my voice met his ears. His eyes were hard and exposed nothing. His jaw was set. He didn't move and his face was so stone cold, and distant that it had my words stuck in my throat. I've never seen him like this before but once.

"Are you alright?" I said as I reached out and suddenly he flinched back from my touch. Instantly a pain shot through my chest as I brought my hand back. He eyed me up and down with so much coldness in his eyes that I felt tears welling up in my very own eyes.

"Dan..." I whimpered pathetically as my voice broke on his name. Only he could do this to me. I was a cold hearted bitch that didn't take shit from nobody. I was happy with my "perfect" life. I was the pretty bitchy girl that got whatever she wanted. I do what I want when I want how I want with who I want.

That was the "me" everyone knew. But God, you let this boy break me down. I let him in only to crush me.

"Go back to your boyfriend. You don't have to worry about me anymore." he mumbled while making his way around me.

"Dan what's wron-" suddenly I was cut off by a sharp and broken voice that I never knew Dan could ever produce. He didn't even turn around as he spoke. He couldn't even look at me anymore.

"You're what's wrong with me. I allowed myself to catch feelings for someone who never really loved me." He walked off leaving me breathless. He loved me. He said he loved me. But he ... he is regretting it. He doesn't want to love me. That realization made my heart swell for one second, yet was shattered into a million pieces the next.

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