The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Sl...

By StephaniexEdwards

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The second instalment of my Dark Lords Daughter series. When the chamber of Secrets is opened in Hogwarts Ann... More

The Dark Lords Daughter 2: Slytherins Heir
Diagon Alley
Train Tracks
Distant Memories
Livid Letters
Whispering Walls
Hallway encounters
Rough Bludger
Meet Myrtle
Family History
A Centaurs Promise
Nothing to Tell
Talk to Me
Favorite Colour
What isn't wrong?
Feeling Feline
Seasons Greeting
Good day
Thrown Books
Does Not!
His Name
Listen to Me
So Many Almosts
Dysfunctional family
Authors note


1.2K 60 25
By StephaniexEdwards

My slowly opened my weary eyes, the familiar bright lights of the infirmary comforted me. I sighed slumping back into the overly soft mattress. My shoulder ached slightly but was nothing compared to what it was. I closed my eyes and let out a long relaxing breath. We were safe, we were fine. From beside me a low chuckle sounded and I turned to see from whom it had come from. I smiled at the elderly man with a long, white beard, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes glinted with relief and regret.

"Professor?" I rasped, pulling myself into a sitting position. A small smile tugged at his lips and his reached forward to tuck away a stray curl from my face.

"You know, you remind me a lot of my sister." His voice was sad and empty, a he stared unseeingly into my icy eyes.

"She was very brave and kind., but she too had her demons. Just like you." I dropped my head, my demons were something I couldn't rid myself of, even if I tried.

"Ariana was a wonderful person right till the end." The headmaster turned away, but I could still see the single tear that ran down his wrinkled face.

"She meant a lot to you, Sir?" I asked, I had never seen a grown man cry, never seen the softer side of adults and now to see someone I held as such an untouchable, cry. It baffled me and at the same time reminded me that, even if we can do magic, even if we are powerful and secret to the Muggle world. We're still only human, not matter our abilities. Albus nodded, his watery smile causing my heart to clench.

"She was my most treasured friend and companion, I loved her dearly." He cleared his throat and quickly wiped away the stray tear.

"Now, what you have done in the Chamber of Secrets, Miss Riddle, was a huge test of your loyalty to this school and to your friends. A test which I am most happy to say you passed with flying colours." I smiled.

"You knew I would go down there, didn't you? You left the note." He nodded, his wrinkled old hand resting upon mine on the metal frame of the bed.

"Yes, I knew. I did not however know which side you would help." He paused shaking his head slightly. "You astound me everyday, Anna. The sacrifices you make for you friends and the secrets you hide must weigh heavily upon your young shoulders." I nodded, unable to find the words to admit it aloud.

"We'll done, you have done us all proud." He patted my fingers before turning to walk away.

"Professor?" I called after him and he halted in his tracks.

"There is something I must confess to. When we were down therein the chamber. Tom Riddle told Harry my real name." His eyes darkened and he returned to his previous seat, his robes brushing softly along the clean floor.

"What did you do, Anna?" I dropped my gaze ashamed to have disappointed him.

"I took away his memories, Harry's. I made him forget about me, about Eruanna Lurina. You must understand I had no other choice, he didn't see me as, me. He saw me as...a monster." I knew I was rambling and my voice was gradually turning to sobs. Yet the Headmaster simply sat and waited not saying a word. He sighed.

"It is very rare, Anna, to find a hero who has not done his fair share of offences. What you have done yes is wrong, but there are much worse things you could have done." He watched me carefully, I knew what he meant. That I could have turned against my friends. I could have help Voldemort, I could have kept the sword for myself, but I didn't.

"You should be proud of yourself Anna. I know I am." I smiled up at my grandfather figure, his warm smile and soft eyes welcoming against the conflict in my mind.

"Now, I do believe there is someone here who wishes to see you." He stood, pulling back the curtain surrounding my bed.

   Standing uncertainly at the entrance stood a very tired looking Oliver. I grinned a his eyes flickered over the many empty and occupied beds, until they locked with mine. They flooded with relief, hope My breath hitched as he began towards me our eyes never leaving each others.

"I'll leave you two alone." The elderly wizard chuckled and set towards the door. Oliver nodded respectively as they passed one another, but wasted no time on greetings.

   He rushed forwards and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me to his chest. Tears welled in my eyes as I held him tightly, I couldn't see his tears but I could feel his shoulders jerk in his silent sobs.

"I was so worried. I thought I'd lost you, with all the rumours of the girl taken and you weren't in the common room. I thought-"  

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry." I choked, trying desperately to hold back the flood of salty tears.

"I don't know what I would do with out you, Anna." I gasped quietly, I had never felt so needed, so wanted. Not knowing what else to do I pulled away from him, tears running freely. I place my hands on each cheek, wiping away the few stray tears with my thumbs.

"I'm here, I not going anywhere. I'm here." His beautiful chocolate eyes looked up locking with mine and I felt another round of sobs rising in my chest. The hazel orbs held nothing but utterly devotion and love for me. Only for me.

"Anna, I love you so much. I always have." I sat paralysed in the overly soft mattress, simply staring at the image of perfection in front of me. Love was not something I was familiar with. I mean, what is the definition of love? How do you know when you truly feel it? Looking at Oliver, I couldn't help my heart from swelling to bursting point. I tried to imagine my life with out him, but I couldn't. I tried to imagine getting married and could think of no one else but him stood waiting at the alter. I could only imagine spending my life with him, growing old with him. Pledging my love you him.

"Anna, please say something?" I blinked, pulling myself from my thoughts. His eyes were pure panic and his hands had come up to rest on my lower arms. I couldn't help myself as my lips pulled up into a brilliant smile. My eyes sparkled as he watched me cautiously.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked quietly, beaming as his grinned at me.

"Of course I do. You meant the world to me, Anna." His voice held the truth of his words and I brought the back of my hand up to wipe my wet cheeks.

"No ones ever said anything like that to me, ever." I admitted, kneeling up on the mattress I pulled him to me. I hugged his waist as he wrapped his arms round my shoulders. I took a deep breath and felt myself being consumed by his scent. Pine needles, spring water and salt. Utterly Oliver.

"Then they don't know what they've been missing." I nuzzled further into his chest as he bent down and kissed my tangled hair. Pulling back from him, I stared up with reddened eyes. His gaze flickered between them and my split lips. He slowly began to move in, and I tilted my head to meet him. This is it. I'm home.

"Mr Wood." We halted, but didn't moved from our close proximity. Opening my half closed eyes, I giggled at the look of disappointment on his face and he let out a sigh.

"I do believe the feast has begun and your friends will be waiting for you." Looking round Oliver I smiled sheepishly at the strict faced nurse.

"I'm sure he was unaware of that Madam Pomfrey and he'll be on his way momentarily." I chuckled as my fellow Gryffindor groan quietly.

"Go on." I urged giving him a playful shove. He stood up straight and placed his hand either side of my face, he softly touched his lips to my forehead.

"I'll come back as soon as possible." I smiled at his whispered promise, before he turned and began to retreat to the door.

"Don't worry I'm sure ill be out soon." He turned and grinned his "Oliver" smile, causing me to giggle girlishly.

"I'll be looking for you then." He winked and slipped out of the door, nodding cheekily to the head of the Infirmary.

"Actually, Miss Lockheart there is a task you could help me with." I watched as Madam Pomfrey wandered over to her cupboard of wonders, she returned quickly with a large, steaming cauldron.

"This my dear is the Mandrake draught and it is currently at its full potential." She smiled at my wide eyes expression.

"Y-you mean everyone will be alright again?" I stuttered, looking over to the curtain covered bed at the end of the room. The nurse nodded.

"Would you like to help me?" I grinned flinging back to covers of the hospital bed, I jumped to my feet.

"Who's first?"

   After around twenty minutes, we had managed to administer the draught to all but one of the petrified. One-by-one they slowly began to regain their life, I sat with Colin as his fingers gradually thawed. His eyes flickered and he sat bolt upright with a gasp.

"W-where am I?" He spluttered, looking round at the high arched ceiling and stained glass window.

"Your in the infirmary Colin." He turned frightful and pale.

"Don't worry your safe." I smile kindly and he sighed slumping back into his pillows.

   I spoke quietly and calmly to each person a they woke and each had the same reaction. It was only when they were released I finally relaxed.

"Anna. There is one more." Turning I found Madam Pomfrey stood at the end of the room. My eyes immediately drawn to the final curtained bed. I walked slowly towards the elderly lady, my heart beating in my chest, with excitement. I stood silently and watched as the green liquid was poured into Hermione's parted lips. I held her cold hand as colour began to return to her cheeks. I gasped as her fingers twitched in my palm and her eyes fluttered open. He arms slowly lowered to her side and she turned. I locked eyes with her and couldn't stop the sob which bubbled up in my throat.

"Anna?" I flung myself at her wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Oh Hermione, I've missed you so much!" I cried, gripping her tighter to me. Her hands slowly came up and wrapped around me in response.

"Anna," she said sitting up quickly, I pulled away hearing the panic in her voice.

"What about the Basilisk?" She glanced at the school nurse, who in turn dropped her head and began to move away.

"It's over, Hermione. We did it." I smiled as she slumped back into her pillows.

"We're safe."

(AuthorsNote- Okay so maybe not the last chapter, I don't think I want to finish it so I'm dragging the ending out as much as possible. :) Well I hope you guys like it. Thank you x)

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