Mind Games (Princeton love st...

By TeAmoPrince

446K 5.5K 1.3K

He's the player of the school , he's known for hitting and quitting , every girl wants him and doesn't care i... More

New School , New Mission
Let The Games Begin
One On One with Jessie
Party Time
Beach Fun
Body To Body
Mixed Emotions
Like A Virgin Again
Heart Break
Game Over
Sequel :D

"like" at first sight

23.2K 375 41
By TeAmoPrince

like I said last time this one will be about Jessie and roc aka "Trey" (which in my opinion fits him way better than his real name tbh) 

yeah so..enjoy :)


Jessie's POV

"I'M OUT , MA" I shouted to my mom as I pulled out my skateboard from the closet and left my house .adjusting my beanie over my head , I made my way to the skate park around the corner .  I feel such at peace and rest when I just let the wheels of my skateboard run away freely along the smooth ramps , unlike most girls , this was my happy place , this is what I enjoyed doing the most . not going to no malls or shopping . ew. 

I sighed looking up at the sky , the sun was just minutes away from setting making the sky turn a faded light orange color . riding my skateboard , I got lost in my thoughts as my mind started wandering . damn him for letting me change like that . yes him , Trey . I hate to admit but I never got over him . yes I got used to him ignoring me and not knowing that I exist , but my feelings are still there . I always try to hide these feelings and not show to anyone that I care , and I'm doing a pretty good job at it if you ask me , but deep down inside I care with everything in me and it kills me ! 

it kills me because I've never felt this way about someone ever before . I had crushes here and there and I thought Trey was just another "crush" , but no it wasn't at all , I never seem to forget about him and no matter how attractive other guys are I can never think about them the same way I do about him . it's crazy and it's bothering me because this is a new feeling for me . I'm always used to being stubborn and nothing can come in my way , but the effect he has on me changes all that . I hated how I was vulnerable when it came to him , and it's even worse that he has no idea what he's doing to me . 

drowned deep in my thoughts , I hadn't realized where the wheels are taking me and caught myself just in time to swerve the person who I was about to bump into . due to my skateboard skills I managed to stay still , yet the other person stumbled and fell lazily . I rolled my eyes as I went to check on them " yo , you ok man ?" I asked , he seemed to be a boy but he wore a hat and a hoodie over it so I couldn't see his face . his body features seemed familiar though . he was looking down at his jay's then slowly got up to dust himself off . that's when my eyes widened and I took a step back . yes it was Trey if you haven't already guessed . he stared at my shocked face for a while and for a moment I thought he doesn't even know who I am , so I started to back away ready to run away.

"Jessie..?" he asked unsure squinting his eyes . my face lit up , we haven't talked to each other in about 2 years . and now he's right in front of me , looking in my eyes , actually talking to me in his deep voice . this was a lot to handle . "hey.." I managed to say quietly . he smiled and waved "hey..I didn't know you...skated" he said looking back and forth between me and my skateboard . of course , how would you know if you don't seem to notice me at all..I thought in my head . I laughed nervously "it's pretty much all I do" I said shrugging . he nodded his head grinning a little "that's dope..I like your style by the way" he added scanning my totally chill simple outfit consisting of ripped jeans , DC shoes , 'Take Care' hoodie , nerd glasses and a black beanie . I frowned and laughed a little . tf did he like about that ? it's so not girly.."errm thanks ? I guess.." I said knitting my eyebrows . he chuckled a little then cleared his throat  "so umm...you seem pretty good at it , got some tricks up your sleeve ?" he asked . I smirked "you have no idea!" I said proudly . "mind teaching me ?" he asked winking . I smiled looking away as if I'm thinking about it "hmmm maybe.." I looked back at him and chuckled "sure , let's skate some" . reunited....and it sure as hell feels so damn good .


"Trey you a trip" I said sucking my teeth and shoving his head to the side . after I taught him some tricks we decided to take a break , he was killing me with his lame jokes , but it was cute . 

he laughed "nahh you know I'm funny" he punched my arm jokingly . we were sitting on the top of a ramp , our feet dangling in the air . we talked and joked a lot , it felt really nice spending time with him . I felt like this is right , like this is how things are supposed to be . us being together enjoying each other's company and laughing and talking . it's like we're one of those tumblr couples , only we weren't a couple yet . we sat in silence as he stared me down deeply . his eyes were planted on mine , staring at them intensely . I felt uneasy , I didn't know what was going on.. . to make it less awkward , I looked away and  reached up fixing my hair as I noticed the sky slowly turning dark . "it's getting late" "go on a date with me...." we both said at the same time . "what ? say that again.." I asked quickly , it wasn't out of surprise...I really didn't hear him , I heard the word "date" but I know damn well he can't be asking me out so I figured I'm just hearing things . I must've misheard him .

"I said...go on a date with me" he repeated slowly biting his lips . my mouth opened in shock and closed right back . I furrowed my eyebrows and everytime I tried to speak I would close my mouth again , nothing would come out . I let out a chuckle in disbelief "I...ah..um I..what ? are you sure ?" I asked laughing again . I don't know why I was acting like this , maybe I was so surprised at his sudden offer . I mean give me a break the boy who I've always dreamt about finally talked to me after 2 years and we haven't been speaking for a couple of hours and he wants to take me out ? one , correct me if I'm wrong but isn't he moving WAY too fast . two , I know I like him but dang how is he so sure that I have feelings for him ? I never told anyone . three , this whole thing was crazy , I'm definitely not a date type of girl..dates sounded so lame and unnecessary to me , now I'm supposed to go on one ? oh for God's sake :/ 

he laughed "yes I'm sure Jessie , I know we've only been talking for like..what 2 hours ? to be honest since the moment I saw you at the skate park skating your heart away I couldn't help but admire you , I like a girl that's different and has swag like you..and the last couple of hours you made me laugh and feel incredibly amazing . I really enjoyed your presence , you made me happy...this is crazy but hey fuck it , I know you're the type of girl who doesn't need an explanation or a reason for how you act and don't even think about lying because I'll be damned if you said you didn't have a good time with me the last couple of hours so listen to your heart on this one please.." he said sternly . I found myself smiling after he finished . he was absolutely right , and I'm a blunt girl . I don't play no games , ain't nobody got time for that . I wasn't gonna deny anything he said cause I know damn well it's true , so I did listen to my heart . I won't lie and I won't hide anything from him . I crossed my arms and pursed my lips to the side "I'm impressed" I chuckled "of course I'd love to go on a date with you , and yeah I admit I did have fun..and you're right , so what if we're moving too fast...fuck what people say or think , this is MY life and I'll do whatever the hell I please" I said proudly . he smiled and put his arm around my shoulder "see , that's why I liked you in a matter of minutes , you're so true to yourself you don't bullshit or play games..you're just..real!" he exclaimed . my heart jumped...he feels the same ^_^ I mentally hit the dougie . I shrugged "that's who I am" he smiled "and you're the best ! but hey...you better go home and change quick cause.." he stopped and checked his watch "I'm taking you out in an hour" he said hopping off and pulling me with him . I shook my head "NOW ?! boy you crazy" I laughed . he shrugged "well I don't wanna end the night here , I wanna spend more time with you so our date will be today that's final ! now go get ready" he said walking me out the park . we said our goodbyes and I skated my way back to my house cheesing . what did just happen....?!


Arianna's POV 

I lay on my bed indian style with Jacob's head in my lap . I constantly ran my hand through his curls as he stayed on his phone texting whoever . suddenly he stopped and a confused look spread on his face . he looked back from his phone to me "have you talked to Jessie lately ?" he asked . I honestly haven't . we were on spring break so I haven't really contacted anyone from school , I'm mainly spending time with Jacob everyday , I haven't even told her we're dating now . I shook my head "not really , why ?" I asked curiously . "Trey just texted me being all happy talking about he's finally taking her out" he said re-reading the text . my eyes widened "WHAT ! no way..." I reached out grabbing my phone to text Jessie . how dare she not tell me anything about this ? I was about to text her when I saw that she has already texted me "Ari I need you...wardrobe malfunction...HELP!!" I laughed slightly and got up . "where you going ?" Jacob pouted . adorable :3 . I kissed him softly "I'll be back later , gotta go to Jessie's real quick" I said making my way out . 

"JESSAAAAAAAAAYYYY" I yelled as soon as she opened the door . I gave her a big hug , I haven't seen my best friend in about 2 weeks people . "you're such a bitch for not letting me know" I said laughing as we let go "shut up I don't know what to do it all happened so quickly" she said covering her face . I smiled "well I'm glad he finally noticed you , Jacob's been telling me how Trey really likes you" I said . she smirked "what -__-?!" I asked blankly . she cleared her throat "chick how you gon get mad at me for not telling you what happened with me and Trey 2 HOURS AGO ! when you didn't tell me you and Jacob been going out for 2 WEEKS! " she smirked again" I blushed "oh...about that..hmm...I love you Jess" I said winking . she shook her head "yeah yeah Trey told me about y'all...now HELPP MEEE wtf do people wear on dates ? I don't even have any dresses shit..." she panicked . I took a dive through her closet and found a cute black dress buried down under piles of clothes and held it up for her . before she could protest , I gave her a look that shut her up and she blew raspberries then snatched it going to the bathroom . after Jessie took a shower I did her hair and made her wear some accessories , she looked gorgeous , a new Jessie that people never saw before . I was positive Trey was going to love it . 

I turned her around to look at herself and she looked amazed "wow" she chuckled feeling her hair and examining herself . (picture of how Jessie looks on the side) she looked at me and smiled "I haven't looked like this for...I don't know how long" she said "thank you Ari" she said smiling again . I smiled back and gave her a hug . only I knew about how Jessie feels about Trey , only I know the reason why she stopped paying attention to herself , and now it was time to ignite the fire back . it's her chance "go get him girl" I said hugging her . "now excuse me , I have a man waiting for me " I said getting ready to leave "good luuuck" I sang as I left . 

Jessie's POV 

I took a deep breath as I opened the door for Trey . his face lit up and he smiled "you look amazing" he complimented me taking my hand . I smiled shrugging "thanks" the sweet feminine side of me was coming back . I haven't acted lady like in forever , it seemed like I missed being a girly girl . "shall we get going ?" he asked formally . "sure" I replied as we made our way to his car . 

Trey took me to dinner in some fancy restaurant . I didn't really enjoy it , I mean Mcdonald's would have been completely fine if you ask me but as long as Trey was with me I'm cool . "Trey.." I snapped him from his trance "huh?" he said coming back to earth . I giggled "stop staring at me" I continued laughing . I wasn't used to all this attention , so it was pretty funny to me . "I'm sorry you just look so beautiful" "thank you , you look great too" I flirted back . he reached his hands out on the table and held mine "Jessie you don't have to change for me , I told you I liked you because you're different" I nodded "I'm not changing Trey , I just needed to look decent for this date" I chuckled . 

"good , cause I'm honestly bored of seeing the same old type of girls everywhere"

"so you don't like it when girls are like...feminine ?"

"not really , don't get me wrong I know how to love and appreciate a woman but I just prefer girls with swag who know how to have fun and at the same time really confident and chill , and I found that in you"

"so that's why you never noticed me no matter how much I tried.." I mumbled softly . "what was that ?" he asked . I shook my head smiling "never mind , now tell me..you bumped into me on purpose earlier today didn't you?" I smirked . he rubbed the back of his neck "uhh...ok yes , I had to find a way to talk to you" he admitted putting his hands up . I laughed shaking my head . we spent an amazing night together , he constantly kept reminding me how he liked my strong personality and style and to never change . he was everything I was looking for , just as I always pictured him . we liked each other for the same reasons and I'm glad we finally got to express our feelings . it's a miracle how all of that happened in half a day , you'd think it's a fairy tale kind of thing but no...it was no fairy tale , we didn't need an explanation for how we felt or how things moved so quickly . so you can say it's like at first sight . 


there you go ! roc and jessie hooked up unbelievably quickly lol i was honestly rushing to get this chapter done cause I wanna write about Jacob and Arianna again so bad :p I'm so obsessed with writing about their relationship haha but anyway thank you for all the support <3 I appreciate it really , glad you guys like it . don't forget to comment and vote :)

Also I noticed some people are  bit confused at some certain parts , just wanna say if you have any questions please feel free to ask :) or you can always tweet me @FOURAz and talk to me about anything ! I'm so random :D 

hope you liked it :) tell me what you think ! 

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