Panthers in Hemlock Grove

By Taffy-Lover634

21.1K 606 94

(Hemlock Grove x Reader) In order to protect his younger sister, 26 year old, Dylan takes custody of Y/n, who... More

Chapter 1: I Guess I'm Attractive
Chapter 2: Calm Your Tits
Chapter 3: Attachments
Chapter 4: We Got Your Back
Chapter 6: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 7: People Are Crazy
Chapter 8: Friends
Chapter 9: Not Alone
Chapter 10: Bacon Grease
Chapter 11: White Psycho
Chapter 12: Birthday
Chapter 13: A Year
Chapter 14: Dreams
Chapter 15: Bye Lynda
Chapter 16: Hope
Chapter 17: We're Connected
Chapter 18: The Caul
Chapter 19: Drowning
Chapter 20: Intruders
Chapter 21: Falling
Chapter 22: Gold Star
Chapter 23: The Great Escape
Chapter 24: The Mistake
Chapter 25: Bye-Bye Boogeyman
Chapter 26: Fuck This Town

Chapter 5: Order of the Dragon

1.3K 32 8
By Taffy-Lover634


Dylan and Y/n were swimming in the pool playing around until Y/n heard her phone ding. She swam over, dried her hands on a nearby towel, and checked it.

Hey, we are going to the Willoughby's. We need you there in case we have to flash out or something. ~ Rich Bitch

Okay. When are you gonna pick me up? ~ Y/n

Hour, Hour and a half. I'll text you when we are on the way. ~ Rich Bitch

Okay. ~ Y/n

"Hey Dyl I gotta get out and get ready I'm going somewhere with some friends," She pulled herself out of the water, using the edge as leverage, and wrapped a towel around her.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, wait. To where and with who?" Dylan hopped out too and started following her. Y/n thought for a minute before deciding to tell him everything, she couldn't lie to him, especially after everything he's done for her. 

They'd spent only a month in Hemlock Grove and she's already involved herself in a very dangerous situation, with not a lot of good outcomes.

"Okay follow me I'll tell you," She nodded and motioned for him to follow her. He did and sat in her rolly chair at her desk. She walked into her closet and picked something out. She changed quickly in the closet then walked out and sat on her bed.

"Okay so-" She told him everything. From the weird dreams to, basically, graverobbing. She also told him how she was helping.

"No, absolutely not. I'm not letting you be a part of some detective dream team." He started to get all defensive.

"Dyl- look they are my friends and I feel like I somehow have to be involved, I mean the dreams are just shouting things at me," Y/n was trying to explain this pull she felt to what was happening, like she needed to be doing something about it.

"Y/n we just got you out of a-a hell house. I don't want you to risk your life to catch some Vargulf thing." Dylan started raising his voice a little.

"Dylan I have to help somehow, you wouldn't understand," She was starting to sound desperate.

"I said no." Dylan was being as stubborn as ever. So Y/n came up with a compromise.

"Look, you know you can't get me to back out of this so how about we come up with something to meet in the middle." This caught Dylan's attention because it was true, Y/n always found ways to get what she wanted.

Eventually they mutually agreed that Y/n could help out but she would have to check in every now and then. And if he thought it was too dangerous she would either have to stay home or let him tag along.

Some time later

They were eating a snack when Y/n got a text.

Hey, we're here. ~ Shaggy

Okay. I'm omw out. ~ Y/n

Dylan and Y/n exchanged goodbyes on the porch. He watched her get in the car and waved as she left.

"Well, your brother must certainly love us." Roman was referring to the stone cold face Dylan put on in front of them.

"He tends to do that when I'm around stupid looking boys." Y/n teased not looking up from her phone while smirking.

Willoughby's house

After about thirty minutes of Roman driving they arrived at the Willoughby's house. They just sat there in the parked car for a while waiting for the family to leave.

"What if Destiny was wrong? What if the invitation was in Willoughby's car? Or her purse?" Roman was getting impatient, it was obvious.

"What if the moon hits your eye?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"What if it was an evite?" Roman continued on ignoring Peter's remark.

"Then the 'Order of the Dragon' will have to find a new adventure," Y/n made finger quotes trying not to laugh at his face scrunched up.

"Shut the hell up! I never called us the Order of the Dragon." Roman started getting defensive.

"Sure," Y/n leaned back and continued observing her surroundings. It got quiet for a few seconds. They see an old guy walking down the sidewalk.

"What's with this guy?" Roman asked no one in particular.

"I don't know. He's just old." Peter said leaning his head back a little.

"Gross." Was all Roman said.

"How old's your mom anyway?" Peter asked, getting curious.

"Why don't you ask her that... What if they don't leave?" Roman turned his attention back to the house.

"What if we stop beginning sentences with those two words?" Peter was officially annoyed, Y/n as well. She was about to take out her earbuds and listen to music.

"Fuck Penrose," Roman got out the car and walked towards the house. Peter and Y/n look at each other before getting out and following their friend.

"Hey! We were gonna wait till they left!" Peter whispered as they followed him to the side door.

"Roman! You shit-stick. What the fuck." Y/n sees Roman knock on the door. 

Mr. Willoughby answers it.

"Can I help you?" The older man asked.

"Mr. Willoughby. We're here about Lisa." Roman acted nice.

"This isn't a good time." Mr. Willoughby sounded sad. Y/n felt bad, he lost a child, a daughter.

"Mr. Willoughby. You're exhausted. You should really take a nap." Roman looked him in the eyes and Mr. Willoughby passed out by the door. Roman set him down then walks in.

"In case you were wondering, cops call this shit breaking and entering," Peter was frustrated that Roman resorted to this.

"Was it ever gonna be anything else?" Y/n shrugged and walked in following Roman.

"I'm just saying that there's the right way and then there's the foolish way. Don't ever do it that way again." Peter says to Roman waking in too.

"You're a fucked way," Roman says to him.

"Yeah," Peter closes the door. Y/n sees Roman wiping the blood off his nose.

"Does that hurt?" Y/n was curious. If he was an experienced Upir he could have done that without breaking a sweat, did he not know what he was.

"Aww, worried about me," Roman said smiling and wiping his nose.

"And I take it back," Y/n rolled her eyes and pushed his hand up making the napkin go back in his nose.

"All right, let's just do this and get out of here," Peter walked upstairs with the other two following. Y/n followed Roman into a room, to her it was obviously Lisa's.

"In here," Roman called out to Peter, making him come into the room. They started searching for the invitation.

"Find anything?" Roman asked after a few moments of searching.

"Not yet. You?" Peter turned to him.

"Ohhh. Hippity-hop." Roman held up what he had found, lacy underwear with a bunny tail on it, for Peter to see.

"Nice," Peter said as Roman pockets them.

"Gross," Y/n rolled her eyes and went back to searching.

"Cool. Roman Godfrey in my house. Why?" They heard a small voice and turned around, it was Lisa's little sister.

"We think someone might have killed her," Roman got right to the point.

"Oh.. Someone like you." She started folding her arms.

"Touché," Roman said, defeated.

"Shut the fuck up-" Peter got cut off.

"Are you the ones that dug up my sister? I don't care. Like that's so much worse than what already happens to you when you die." She said walking over to the Roman dresser was searching, closing the open drawers.

"Mom's taking Gary to be put down." She started out of the blue.

"What?" Y/n gave her a confused look.

"Gary. Mom can't handle having a dog around. And Dad, he can't handle the thought of having the dog Lisa loved so much being with new owners. Seems like a bit much for a Boston Terrier, don't you think?" She pointed to a picture on the wall of a small dog. She seriously had an 'I don't care' attitude.

"It does," Roman agreed.

"You guys didn't look over here." She walked over to the computer desk and picked up the invitation.

"Is this what you're looking for? I found it in Lisa's sock drawer when I was looking for leggings. I thought it was an invitation to a rave, so I begged her to take me, but she wouldn't. So I looked at her, so fucking pretty, and I said that I hope she ends up in a dumpster." She explained, Y/n thought she needed therapy or something.

"Ok," Roman said, taking it.

"I already showed it to my parents. They just got pissed. They'd rather believe she was killed by an animal. It's easier, I guess." She looked at the invitation one last time.

"Fun, fun, fun. What the hell is castle Godfrey?" Peter read and looked up from the invitation.

"The mill. That's what people call the old steel mill." Roman said.

"All right, thanks. This is- this is really helpful. We should go." Y/n gave the girl a little smile which she returned. 

This is why I don't like kids. 

"Yeah, mm-hmm," Roman said looking up.

"Why do you care who did this? Why are you looking for him?" She was getting really curious.

"Cause when we find him, he's going to be joining Gary," Roman gave her a smile then walked out.

After a couple of seconds, Peter and Y/n followed him.

Some time later

After leaving the house they got food and are now sitting on the hood of Roman's car.

"I need to know if you're taking this as seriously as we are," Peter said to Roman.

"My name is on this. This thing put my name on this." Roman said holding up the invitation.

"Your family's name." Peter corrected.

"This matters to me as much as it matters to you. But if you end up in jail, you better reconsider that hair. I'm just saying." Roman said while laughing.

"I'll just point 'em towards your lips." Peter shot back.

"Ha," Roman said chuckling while making kissy noises.

"You two would definitely become someone else's bitches," Y/n laughing along before they fell into a comfortable silence.

"You believe everything happens for a reason?" Roman asks.

"Man, I try not to fuckin' think about it," Peter says then his phone rings and he looks at it.

"What's up?" Y/n glanced to the side catching a glimpse of the notification.

"Oh, Lynda. She needs some help back at home. Water heater or some shit. We'll reconvene? Go to the mill later." He said while Roman just stared at him. "What is that a problem?" Peter gave Roman a look. Y/n knew he was lying but she left it be.

"Man's gotta do..." Roman nodded him off and Peter left.

"Think he's telling the truth?" He asked looking at me.

"Don't know why he'd lie," Y/n looked back at him, technically she was covering for him.

"Do you think we are gonna be okay?" Y/n turned to stare straight ahead.

"Yea.. but if it comes down to it then you know we got your back. I mean can't have your brother putting a curse on us." Roman took another bit of his food.

"Hm," Y/n smiled knowing she could trust them, but then again they've only been friends for like a month.

"I'm serious, Y/n." Roman turned and looked at the witch again. They sat in silence for a few minutes until Y/n got a text.

"I'll uh, drive you home and get you later." He said.

"Yeah, sounds good, thanks," She agreed and they got off the hood of the car. The text was from Dylan. He was checking in so she answered back and explained that she was on the way home but would leave later.

Later at the Godfrey Mill

The trio is driving to the mill in Roman's car.

"How does it feel to have your name on everything?" Peter asked as the car slowed down.

"Like a fucking pimp," Roman was agitated. Then the car comes to a full stop at the front gate.

"Isn't there somewhere around back we can park this? You know..." Peter said looking around.

"Nobody gives a shit what happens out here," Roman said, getting out of the car.

"Except us, right," Y/n hopping out the backseat and followed along. Roman walks to the gate and unlocks it. They go through it and walk to the side door. Roman unlocks that as well and they all walk in.

"You ever seen this place when it was running?" Peter moved his light around as they walked around.

"My old man closed it before I was born. Lots of people died here, workers and shit." Roman paused then continued. "You know when you close your ears, sometimes the sound of your heart is like a little man walking through snow." Roman suddenly said, out of the blue.

"Yep. Hey, what was that, uh, big structure that was outside." Peter asked.

"It's a Bessemer converter. At one point, they made pig iron into money. Do we have any idea what we may be looking for?" Roman swung his light to the left.

"Uh... driver's license, social security card, dream journal..." Y/n started to list off person items, the last one being said with sarcasm.

"This is a joke. Left or right?" Roman said getting frustrated as they came to a split.

"I don't know. Let's split up. I'll go this way." Peter says heading left while Roman went right. Y/n followed Peter into what looked like an electrical room hallway thing. When they got to the end Roman jumped out and scared them.

Then they just walked out to the same place Peter suggested they split up.

"Alright, I'm done. Let's get outta here." Y/n was getting tired and started to feel like she should've just stayed home and took a nap.

"We haven't found anything," Roman didn't want to leave empty handed.

"Yea I'm good with that," Peter agreed with Y/n on going ahead and leaving.

"Let's just keep looking- I hate rats." Roman saw a rat run in front of them. 

Apparently he had convinced the two to keep looking because they all continued on.

Then they heard a metal clanging sound.

"You hear that?" Roman asked, looking around.

"Yeah, do you smell that?" Y/n asked as Peter picked up a metal rod.

"Ugh!" Roman said covering his nose. They walked around more until the trio came across something. 

It was two half-eaten legs. Y/n saw them first and panicked.

"Oh shit!" They finally saw what Y/n was staring at.

"What the fuck is that?" Roman asked in disgust.

"It's... it's Lisa Willoughby." Peter said in shock.

"I'd like to go," Roman got what he needed. They turned to leave but Y/n just kept staring at it, briefly getting visions of what happened to her. She came expecting to party and instead died screaming.

"Hey, Y/n, come on," Peter softly pulled her away from the scene and continued walking.

"Who the fuck comes in here?" Peter asked Roman harshly as he watched Y/n sit on a piece of concrete, occasionally glancing back at the scene.

"I don't know," Roman ran his hand through his hair.

"It's your fucking mill," Peter disregarding what he said earlier about 'Godfrey' just being his family's name.

"Should we tell someone?" Roman looked at him, clearly not knowing what to do.

"Tell them what?" Peter asked sarcastically.

"I dunno," Roman ran his hand over his face. Police sirens sounded throughout the Mill, it was coming from outside.

"Shit," Peter panicked.

"I'll deal with it," Roman turned towards the noise, giving Peter and Y/n the impression that he would just command them to go away.

"Just do it, Ok? Don't fuck around." Peter said, grabbing his arm.

"You've made your point," Roman goes to walk out but turns back around.

"Where?" He asked looking at Peter.

"What are you talking about?" Peter sounded out of breath, he must really not like cops.

"You said you ran into Letha in town. Where?" Roman was giving Peter a hard stare. Y/n kept glancing back and forth between the two, not knowing what was going on or what they were talking about.

"Jesus Christ! Come on!" Peter started getting angry.

"Was she helping out with the water heater too?" Roman found out he lied.

"They're gonna find your car," Peter motioned towards the door, trying to get Roman to drop it and leave.

"You should've told me you were into the pregnant thing. I could've hooked you up." Roman was not giving up on the subject.

"Roman, she's your cousin!" Peter yelled.

"I don't like secrets," Roman told him.

"Hey, you might as well get your tight ass out here! 'Cause I'm gonna be really pissed if I have to go in there." We heard a police officer say. They'd found Roman's car and by the sound of it, they knew it was Roman's

"Just get rid of them. Please." Peter pleaded.

"If you fuckers keep arguing I'm gonna go out there and handle it myself," Y/n had had enough, the back and forth was annoying. She stared them down before turning to go head out.

"No, I'll handle it," Roman finally gave up and pulled her back. 

Then he walked out.

"Fuck," Peter said raking his hands through his hair. She and Peter go to a broken window and watch the interaction between Roman and the police. He doesn't do his weird Upir eye thing though.

After the cops take Roman, Peter and Y/n go out to his car to try and start it.

"No, no, no. Where are the keys?" Peter said before freaking out.

"Peter! Hey, it's okay, we'll be okay." Y/n gently patted him on the shoulder trying to calm him down. They look up and see that tonight was the full moon.

"Asshole," Peter mutters, still looking at the full moon. They give up on trying to start the car and go back to the mill. Both walk into some big room and see blood everywhere. 

Then Y/n sees Peter staring at the ceiling.

On the ceiling was what looked like just a bunch of blood, but Peter saw something else.

"Mil truj," Peter whispers as he kept staring up. Y/n doesn't know what it means but she most definitely doesn't like it. 

She exhales and calls Dylan, asking him to come pick them up.

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