Can You Ever Love Me? A Niam...

By finishedwriterx

239K 7.2K 1.8K

Liam Payne has a secret. He is in love with his straight best friend Niall Horan. He wish he could be happy l... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty - Epilogue

Chapter Eleven

10K 368 143
By finishedwriterx


Liam's POV

When Niall came back he didn't come alone. As well as the boys arriving, Skye had too. Don't get me wrong she seems like a lovely person but she had the one thing I wanted. I knew I should be nice to her but it was hard. I had to make an effort though. If she made Niall happy, I guess that was all that mattered. If Niall was happy, I was happy, kind off. 

I watched them out of the corner of my eye from where I sat on my hospital bed. They were close to each other talking intently. I was to far away to hear what they were saying but it looked quite intense and Niall looked angry. It must be something pretty seroius to get Niall angry. He never gets angry. He is always so cheerful and happy.

They both kept glancing at me which made me think they were talking about me. Why would they be talking about me? I had done nothing wrong. Had I?

Maybe Skye had found out about my feelings towards Niall and that's what they were talking about now. No. That can't be it. Only Zayn knew about that and he wouldn't have told anyone. I looked towards Zayn but he was to busy talking to Louis and Harry. He wouldn't do that. I know he wouldn't.

The next thing I heard was the slamming of the hospital room door and I turned to see Niall standing alone. Why was Skye so annoyed?

"Is everything all right Ni?" I called out to him.

He rubbed his hands across his face and walked over to me. I looked at him closely, he suddenly looked very tired and I noticed the bags under his eyes. 

"Yeah everythings fine." He replied.

"Where did Skye go?" Zayn said from beside me. 

"She just had to go." Niall sighed. "Actually everythings not all right. We had a fight. About you Li." Niall continued in a quite voice. 

"What?" I said looking at Niall astonished. I was right? They had been fighting about me! What had I done wrong though? "Why me?" I replied.

"She got annoyed at me that I hadn't called her. I told her I forgot because of all the stuff happening with you Li. Then she said I cared more about you then I do her and she stormed out." Niall said. 

"Oh." was all I said.

"I don't mean to be blunt Ni, but she has to understand that Liam was in a fucking coma. How could you ring her." Zayn said looking annoyed. 

I gave Zayn a look and turned back to Niall who was staring at the floor. He must really like her I thought sadly. 

I lent over and grabbed his hand which made him jump slightly but he didn't pull away. My heart fluttered a bit at the contact but I kept my composure. 

"It's okay Ni. She just needs to calm down. I'm sure she will be back soon." I said looking into his eyes and giving him a small smile. 

He gave me a small smile back and squeezed my hand. 

Why couldn't he love me back?

He suddenly tore his eyes away from mine and looked at Zayn.

"Zayn, I-I need to talk to you." He said his voice shaking a bit. What was the matter? Why did he want to talk to Zayn? I tried to fight the feeling of jealousy bubbling up inside of me as he let go of my hand and got up from his chair.

I watched them go out and turned to Louis and Harry to keep my mind of whatever they were going to talk about. 

Niall's POV

I let out a shaky breath as I walked out the door and turned to face Zayn. I couldn't hold this in any more. I had to tell someone. If I wasn't ready to tell Liam, I had to tell someone else.

The fight with Skye had kind of done it for me. I was sick of lying to everyone. Sick of lying to myself. I wanted people to know who I really was. I didn't want to hide anymore. 

"What did you want to talk about?" the sound of Zayn's voice brought me out of my thoughts. 

How should I start? Should I tell him I love Liam first or what happened in my past? 

"I love Liam." I blurted out. 

Zayn just grinned at me.

"What are you grinning at?" I said pouting a bit. 

"I know you do you idiot!" he replied still grinning. 

"Wh-what? How?" I stuttered.

He chuckled at my expression before replying. 

"I have always known. I see the way you look at him Ni." Zayn said.

"Oh, oh right. Well now that I have told you that, th-theres something else I need to tell you. Something I have been hiding from all of you. Something that happened in my past, before I met you boys." I said quitely. 

Zayn looked at me, his smile fading when he saw my serious expression. 

I couldn't stop now. If I was going to say it, I had to say it now. 

"I've always been gay Zayn. It's not the first time I have loved a guy." I said staring at him.

"What?" Zayn said looking at me confused. "But all those girls you went out with?" 

"I used all of them. Don't get me wrong I never wanted to hurt any of them. It's just.." I stopped and made my way over to the seats lined up against the wall pulling Zayn with me. 

"When I was 15, I-I was raped Zayn. I was raped by these group of kids from school. You see, I was openly gay, and they hated me. Hated me for being gay. I was walking home from a friends house, it was dark and they grabbed me and took me to this park that was quite close to my house." My voice started breaking but I continued, fighting back the tears that I knew would fall. "I was so scared. I tried to fight them but they were too strong. I just let it happen. After they had d-done it, they left me lying there. I couldn't move. It was like everything inside me had been broken. The only thing going through my mind was, why me? Why did I deserve this? This is what I got for being gay. After that I didn't know what to do. I have come to terms with it now. It was a long time ago but sometimes it still haunts me. That is why I am so afraid of telling Liam that I love him. I havn't loved a guy since back then." I stopped my story to look over at Zayn to make sure he was following. 

Silent tears were falling down his cheeks, mimicking my own. 

"Oh Ni." was all he said as he pulled me in for a tight hug. It felt so good to get that off my chest. I felt so much lighter some how. 

"I'm sorry I lied to all of you." I said in to his shoulder. 

"Don't you dare so you're sorry. You have nothing to say sorry for." Zayn said pulling away and looking at me sternly. "I can't even begin to imagine what you have been through but let me tell you now, telling Liam you love him is going to make things so much better." he continued. 

"How do you know? How do you know my heart isn't going to be broken?" I said.

"I just know." he replied.

I looked at him curiously but didn't push it. Maybe I should just tell him. Maybe Zayn was suggesting that Liam might love him back. But that couldn't be possible could it? 

"Okay." I heard my self say. After telling Zayn my deepest secret maybe I was ready to tell Liam how I felt. I should just get it over and done with. "I'll tell him now."

Zayn looked at me surprised but then smiled. 

"If you're sure.." He said slowly. "I'll get the boys out and then you can go talk to him. And Ni, I'm so sorry about what happened in your past, but everything is going to be okay. I promise." he said before turning towards the door of Liam's room.

Zayn was right. I had a feeling things were going to be okay.

When I had finally composed myself and walked into the room after Zayn, they were already leaving.  I saw Liam on the bed give me a confused look, which made him look adorable. 

"Zayn said you wanted to talk to me?" He said as I walked to the side of the bed. 

"Ahh yeah." I replied nervously. How was I supposed to say this?

"Well?" he looked at me expectently. 

"Oh fuck it." I said launching myself forward and grabbing Liam's face in my hands forcing my lips on to his. I felt him tense and I nearly stopped but then I felt  his hands move to my waist pulling me close. I melted into the kiss, finally being able to enjoy the taste of Liam's pink lips. 

After what seemed like forever we both pulled away gasping for breath. 

"I love you Liam." I said staring into those beautiful brown eyes of his. 

There I had finally said it. 

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