Salt: A Ninjago story

By Rom247

34.1K 819 312

What if Harumi did not die and was instead incarcerated for her crimes? In a cold cell at the city penitenti... More

1: Salt
2: Shadows
3: Cockroaches
4: Oh Ship!
5: Breakfast
6: Behind the Mask
7: Mind Games
8: Ghost in the Machine
9: Missing in Action
10: Hitchhiker
11: Awake
12: Crazy, Stupid Love
13: Midnight Run
14: What The Heart Wants
15: Give and Take
16: The Sum of Their Parts
17: Bread and Roses
18: Tea and Sympathy
19: Set Free
20: Ghost Story
21: Can of Worms
22: Have You Met My Sister?
23: Light and Dark
24: OTT
25: The Ghost and the Machine
26: Kailor?
27: Sanctuary
28: Push and Pull (Adult Content - Rewritten)
29: Push and Pull (part 2)
30: Home Truths
31: The Dark Heart
32: Who needs friends, when you have so many enemies?
33: Is this the wrong time to ask?
34: You're my density!
35: Pied Piper
36: The Dark Island
37: The Swarm
38: Tide and Time
39: Tide and Time (part 2)
40: In Time
41: Who-rumi?
Book 2: Forward
42: Change One Thing
43: The Quiet One
44: Pull Yourself Together
45: Allegiances
47: Catch Me Up - Edited
48: The Veins
49: Heart Attack
50: Dirt and Glory
51: On Ice
52: Children!
53: A Little Help Please
54: Computer Say's NO!
55: The Black Hole
56: The Thaw
57: Longwave
58: Friends
59: The Journey

46: Reunions

285 9 4
By Rom247

Lloyd followed the drone, its ominous silence only serving to enhance his feeling of dread. He kept his sight firmly locked on the device, its diaphanous wings buzzing furiously. Zane was never silent. He could carry on multiple tasks at any one time and the drone was yet another extension of his consciousness, a vehicle to see and communicate that had now been suddenly muted. Was Zane even in control of it, or was it now simply a guide?

The sun had peaked over the horizon casting long soft shadows. In the distance a sooty smudge wound its way through the golden light and he knew it would mark his destination. As he flew out of the long night, he hoped that this new dawn would find his teammates unharmed.

Zane sensed Lloyds Dragon before he saw it and turned to view the great beast in the distance. He stopped momentarily to watch it move forwards as if in slow motion. In the hazy atmosphere of morning light it was an unreal sight, the great wings of the dragon beating gravity into submission. He regretted deeply abandoning his team but knew he had no choice. Something terrible had happened to Pixal and his existence, as he perceived it seemed to hang in the balance. He could feel it; not just an uncertain sense of fear but as a physical pain in the part of his soul he had once shared with her. He realised they were now bound by more than just compatibility, their lives were defined and sustained by each other and Pixal required power, power that was being drawn from him and he would willingly give her more, every last atom of his being if only he could reach her.

Time was crucial, if he exerted himself he may affect the power link to Pixal, but slowly making his way back on foot could be disastrous for her, he was her lifeline and she was hanging on by the thinnest of strands. Watching Lloyd approaching fast in the distance, he readied himself to call his own dragon. Zane's link to his dragon was strong, but it required concentration of a different kind; a kind that could not be explained or theorised and asked himself 'Could this limit what power is available for Pixal?' and found he did not know the answer. Something that very rarely happened and unable to process an answer, forced a decision instead. He would take the risk; he would fly and fly and fast. Zane pulled at the strings that bound him to his dragon and from the icy shards that grew outwards from his core, the great Ice Dragon shattered into existence beneath him. Zane reached an urgent hand to its sharp mane and the Dragon responded immediately, propelling itself skyward. The icy haze that billowed in its wake merged with the clouds above as he and the dragon made a hidden retreat from his approaching friend. Zane could feel the link to Pixal ebb but she was still there. He would monitor their link and as long as he could sense her, it would be all right. It had to be.

Lloyd noticed the flash of light, like a mirror in the distance and knew at once it was his silent friend. Sitting back he released his concern in a long sigh, yet felt the weight of the unknown still pressing on him. He knew little to nothing about what had happened to his friends and why Zane was now alone and going where exactly? He wanted to follow, but the Drone continued in the direction of the smoke and so he continued as Zane wished until the dragon reached the edge of the Northern Suburb and the sooty beacon.

Circling around the plume of smoke Lloyd looked in horror at the scorched wedge across the deserted square, a directional blast that would have wreaked immediate havoc and surveyed the extensive fire damage. Kai's flames had rolled across the now deserted square, consuming the plants and trees like hungry locusts and painted the buildings, rendering them black 'By the Masters', Kai! What in all the realms could have happened, that you should do this?'

Lloyd's dragon bucked, pulling out of the mesmerising spiral and jolted Lloyd out of his trance. He looked around to see what could have caused the reaction from his dragon and saw the scurry of hundreds of people, flooding around nearby buildings. What is this place? He asked himself as he scanned the suburb that spread before him. Apart from the concentrated flow of people there was nothing there, no cordons, no emergency vehicles, no other movement... at all! Is the whole district under siege?  He looked again and saw the roads, the alleyways, the Gates and linked buildings. The Settlement that he found was more than he could have imagined. The shadows had cast out across the whole area and where it ended, Lloyd could not tell. He pushed his dragon forward toward the stream of bodies and saw at its helm Nya, Jay and Cole who were jumping and waving to him. The dragon instinctively dived and dispersed, propelling Lloyd towards the arms of his friends. In a few fast paced steps he was amongst them and felt the warmth and relief in their embrace.

'Lloyd, are you all right?'

'Where have you been?'

'We've been worried for you!'

The friends spoke in unison and Lloyd looked between their relieved faces but found he was drawn to the mysterious crowd of shadows that hovered behind; a wall of wide eyes stared back, viewing the friend's re-union and looking confused by the open show of emotion that was alien to them. Lloyd was taken aback as he caught their gaze 'uh... I, I'm fine. I'm ok.' He assured his team 'I've laid my ghosts to rest and I'm here for you' He looked towards Nya, her history with The Quiet One had caused her pain and this new twist of events could not have been easy for her and asked simply 'Nya. Are you OK?'

'Yes' she replied 'that bitch should never have escaped. Her life will not be worth living when I catch up with her... but I have to try and keep perspective. Before she appeared, Kai was gone and my past with her became insignificant'

'Kai!' Lloyd exclaimed, agitated.

'We found him and he's ok, but if I lost him I would die and The Quiet One cannot compete with that fear'

Lloyd nodded in understanding 'she's not worth it Nya, whatever happens, put all that behind you. But where's Kai now and what the hell happened, back there, in the square?'

Jay raised a quietening hand to Lloyd and slurred out a reply 'Ish fine, hesh fine, hesh wifanuv... uh... oww!' he said wincing at his broken jaw. Nya took over.

'The fire in the square was... well, he had a...' she searched for the right word '...shock!'

'That must have been some shock' Lloyd replied, still confused.

Cole came forward 'Lloyd, much has happened and there's no time to debrief' He began to move out and Jay and Nya followed 'we're right in the middle of it. The Quiet One and Hutchins are on the move and they mustn't escape'

Lloyd snapped his head around 'WHAT? Hutchins? But, he's dead and again... WHAT?'

The shadows were steadily moving through them to continue the chase, but Lloyd just stood still in confused silence. Nya turned back to him and shook her head 'No. He groomed her, handled her. He was; is her Master. He masterminded The Downfall, the resurrection, everything... through her'

Lloyd pushed forward with the bustling shadows to reach Nya '...and this place?'

'His 'House''

'Shit!' Lloyd grabbed Nya's arm as she was turning to leave 'Where's Zane?'

She looked slightly confused at his question and replied 'well... with Kai of course'

'No, no he's not. He sent me a drone and then went silent. I saw his dragon form on the horizon. Something must be wrong'

Nya was stern 'He would have left the mission only for the most extreme of reasons and if it was anything we could help with, he would have said. I'm sorry Lloyd but this is our mission. I mean to get the Quiet One and if I'm given the chance I will kill her. So you better come with me to make sure I don't' She turned and the shadows swept her away.

Zane's dragon flew within the cloud layer and he let it find its way on instinct. The white out focussed his thoughts and he sat quietly in a meditative state. How close they were to the Temple he could not be sure, all unnecessary sensors were purposefully off. Monitoring his link with Pixal took all his concentration and he was feeling more drained now. Even the dragon felt heavy under him; the threads that held them together had become fragile and feeling the shift in his dragons' flight he slowly opened his eyes. It ascended above the clouds, the Island appearing silhouetted against the morning sun.

The Temple came up fast. He began to function, reactivating one sensor at a time to scan the Temple and grounds; but in his haste to ascertain the situation, the imbalance in his power ruptured. The threads that held him with his otherworldly creature snapped, causing it to turn and spin in confusion as it flew between worlds. In its last moments of tangibility it bucked Zane from his neck to propel him the last yards to the Islands rim before its icy crystals disintegrated and it left this world.

Zane held himself still, a surge of power returned to him now the Dragon had released and he let it flood out to Pixal. Dust settled around him and he zoned back in to find her link. She was stronger, the power surge sustaining her. Staggering to his feet, he felt weaker still. In those impulsive seconds when he had activated his sensors, it had been enough to take his dragon down, but the release of his dragon had transferred enough power back to Pixal and enabled him to gain information. The sensors had placed Pixal in her lab, but there was nothing else. There were no life readings, which meant no Misako.

He moved to one knee and readied himself for what he might find. He walked to the temple and in through the doors, dizziness rushing his head as he climbed the few stairs. The entrance hall felt suddenly out of proportion, as if it were an excessive void he might get lost in and he moved forward straight through to the corridor and past the kitchen. The space was quiet and he felt the ghosts of happy times in his favourite room. His connection with Pixal drew him forward as if he were magnetised to her and he descended into the sub floors deep in the rock of the island. The unnatural light of the tunnels was bright, blinding to his eyes that dimmed and closed as he walked. 'What is happening?' he asked and staggered, falling against the wall to drag himself forward 'Pixal?' He touched the pad to enter the lab and saw his love on the cold floor, a crumpled heap having dropped where she stood.

Falling towards her, he placed his hand behind her neck and raised her head gently. His forefinger conected with the nape of her neck and a spark of life flickered through her skin, the violet circuits on her body glowed subtly and she opened her eyes 'Zane' she whispered 'its not enough' and Zane felt his power leach from him even more 'You can't... sustain us... both'

'I can, I must'

'You can't... and you won't' Pixal replied 'you came... I pulled you here... to say goodbye'

Zane grappled her too him. She was a part of him, he could not loose her, could not live without her. She made him human and he loved her. What would he be without her but a single entity, alone in a world of others? There would never be another, could never be another 'No...' he moaned 'it won't be this way, I refuse to allow it' Pixal smiled at him, a soft broken smile and closed her eyes. The violet lights on her skin flickered and dimmed as she drifted away 'NO!" Zane shouted, power returning to him, he forced it back and held her tight. Ice exploded from his hands 'There will be a way' he said as he let the ice envelop them. As he closed his eyes to sleep he released a final gasp as he saw on a monitor the still body of Misako on the infirmary room floor.

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