A Heart's Struggle

By SophiaStilinski

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"You know when your drowning you don't actually inhale right before you black out. It's like no matter how mu... More

chapter 1- "A new begining"
Chapter 3 "Our love Confrontation"
chapter 4-"Coming out"
Chapter 5-Meeting the parents
Chapter 6-"Grandma"
Chapter 7-"Christmas"
Chapter 8- "5 Months"
Chapter 9- "My Angels Gone Home"
Chapter 10- "Funeral"
Chapter 11-"Moms Way To Help Forget"
Chapter 12-"Suicide Mission"
Chapter 13- "Drowning"

chapter 2-"Her"

138 3 0
By SophiaStilinski

Authors P.O.V
2 months later

Its been 2 months into the school year and Crystal has broken into her new school,she has a morning routine now so she is up before Saul.


Crystal jumps up and presses snooze on her obnoxious alarm. Its 5:30 and the bus comes at 6:30 'I got an hour' Crystal thinks to herself. She quickly jumps up changing into a grey 'Obey' sweater with ripped jeans and red vans. Then she washes her hair leaving it in its natural curls.

Making her way into the kitchen she takes out some beacon and eggs to make a sand which. Saul slowly made his way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Dude you look like crap" Crystal told him

"I know, i was up all night doing homework" Saul responded. Glori (mom) following behind him.

"ooww what smells so good" Glori asked, looking over Crystal's shoulder.

"Want one" Crystal asked, pointing to her sand which.


"Actually we have to go" Saul says.


When Crystal got to school she did her usual. Keona, Kiara and her went into the bathroom to meet up with Sophie and KiKi so they all could check themselves in the mirrors.

Sophie is the most ratchet yet one of the most down to earth girls. But she is also one of the most honest girls, she keeps it real. She lives by the motto " be honest not kind'. She believes that if your too nice to people they will get cocky and too confident, which is true. Everyone knows Sophie, she is known as the 'go to' girl. If you need advice or help shes your girl.

The bell rings and everyone rushes out of the bathroom leaving Crystal behind. By the time she can even get into the main hallway someone pushes her into someone else, causing both of them to drop their things.

"Asshole" Crystal yells back not knowing exactly who shes talking to.

"Im so sorry" Crystal says, picking up the other girls things.

"Its fine" the girl replied.

As they stood up their eyes connected and there was an explainable spark they both felt.

*Beeep* the final morning bell rang.

"Crap" Crystal cursed under her breath.

"Anyways sorry again" Crystal said sincerely then turned on her heel and started walking to first period.

"Actually I'm new and i sort of need help if you don't mind" the girl said uneasy.

With that crystal stopped in her tracks and turned back around.

"I need to find this class" she explained, handing Crystal her schedule.

Crystal took the schedule reading it, along with her following classes.

"Well it looks like you have first period with me, along with both UA's and lunch" Crystal said, with a welcoming smile.

"Shall we go" Crystal said, leading the gorgeous brown eyed girl to English class.

"I'm Crystal by the way" Crystal said, holding her hand out realizing she hadn't introduced herself.

"I'm Erica" the girl replied, shaking Crystals hand.

"How about you sit with me at lunch and ill introduce you to my friends" Crystal said, more of a statement than a question.

"Sure I'd love to" Erica replied.

By the time the girls reached the class the teacher isn't there yet and the students are talking amongst themselves. Erica and Crystal sit down soon after Mr.Reinhardt, the English teacher comes in and starts blabbering on about one of his Wyoming stories. Crystal wasn't paying attention as usual, she was lost in space thinking about what that feeling she got earlier could of meant. But it felt more like a want .


Ericas P.O.V

When it was time for my lunch everyone rushed out of class, most going to lunch and others going to their next period. When i get to the cafeteria i see crystal sitting with some people. I nervously make my way over to her and say 'hi' shyly. When did i become so shy? She smiled up at me then stood up and introduced me to everyone.

Guys this is Erica, shes new so please don't scare her." Crystal said directing her gaze to the guys.

"These are the twins Kiara and Keona, their the ratchet ones" Crystal said pointing to two nappy headed black girls.

"This is Sophie the spaz that always has something rude to say. and shes actually Indian so don't let those curls fool you" She said pointing to another girl with beautiful curly hair like hers.

"This is the KiKi, "She said pointing to a girl in a KFC sweater. "Hide your food" she then whispered, causing me to giggle.

"And these are the two trouble makers Kevin and Kiaro" She said pointing to a Mexican with a nose like Pinocchio's and a tall mixed kid.

"We're not that bad" the mixed kid said.

I just smiled and said 'hi' to everyone. After getting my food i sat down next to Crystal.

"So tell us about yourself" Crystal says

"Well I'm 14, 100% Boricua , i just moved here from Maine and I love Romeo Santos, and yeah thats pretty much it" I say, with a huge smile.

"No boyfriend??" Kiaro asked, shocked and confused.

"Nope, I just recently broke up with my girlfriend though" I say making 'girlfriend' clear.

"Your lesbian?" Kiara asks,with a disgusted look. Rude much.

"Don't be rude!!" Crystal says, then slaps her.

"No Bisexual" I say, then kiara nudged Crystal.

Crystals P.O.V

"No Bisexual" Erica said, then Kiara nudged me.

"What??" I ask her.

"YAASS!!" she says, pointing to Erica. Then I finally understand.

"No, not even don't play" I say, back annoyed.

Kiara has always assumed that i was into girls and i always deny it, but now i don't know. There's this vibe i get from Erica that is more than a friend. I mean i have always had a small a attraction to girls but never in a way that makes me want to be with them. I honestly don't think it matters if someone dates a guy or girl. Love is Love.

"So what about you?" Erica asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Umm.. Now 15,Dominican and black, I have an older brother.."

"That is totally hot" Kiara cuts me off, that rat.

I glare at her then continue. "I have a minor obsession with anchors and so does Sophie.."

"You should come to the movies with us tonight!!" Sophie says, cutting me off and changing subjects.

"Sure, what movie?" Erica asks.

"The fault in our stars, at 6:00" Sophie replies.

"Yes, I've been dying to see that"


The movie is almost over, they are having Agustus' funeral and everyone is crying.

I look over to Erica and she is having a complete melt down so I go to her seat and squeeze in next to her. I hold her and we cry together for the rest of the movie.

After the movie is over i pull Sophie aside rather eagerly to talk. "Whats up?" She asks, eyes full of concern.

"I think i have a crush on Erica" I come straight out to her.

"But your not even bi or lesbian" she replies.

"I could be. I've always had a small attraction to girls. I know we just met today, but with Erica its different. Like love at first sight, it's like there's this amazing explainable feeling i get, that even her touch sends chills down my spine." I say

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