Por FrozenQueen12

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Countries have gathered in America's capital, Washington D.C., for a world meeting where they are attempting... Mais

Another World Meeting
Up First!
Three Eccentric States of Germanic Genes
Political Babble
Ask any Question!
Rockabilly Blues
Buckeyes vs Wolverines
The Sunflower State and the Nascar Boys
The Return of the World Meeting Intruders
The Cowboy States
Say Aloha to the Aloha State
The Last Frontier (The State, Not the Nickname for Space)
Double Dakota
The American Cryptid Society starring WA and AR
The Great War of Midwestern States for County Fair Food Superiority
Magnolias and Sakuras

Four Southern Belles

8.7K 183 510
Por FrozenQueen12

The countries and two states made their way to the rather large dining hall with a circular mahogany table as the centerpiece with a lacy tablecloth and a vase of brightly colored roses for decoration. To the right was a white-painted door where the sounds of metal and glass clicked and against one another and the rusting of footsteps once in a while. Must be a cook or something. 

Along the walls were pictures from different time periods of whom they presumed to be the states. One photo was older and was decaying from the years but from what some of them could make out was America in a suit from the 1860s sitting in a chair with next to a young girl with long hair who looked maybe 2 or 3 at most who still held maturity in her eyes. Another looked to be a more recent photo with thirteen teenagers, including Delaware and Pennsylvania, posing outside the Statue of Liberty. Another was of America holding a smiling and small girl that seemed oddly familiar to England in his arms at what appeared to be a military base. Next to it featured another recent picture of America and Mexico behind three children, two young girls that looked and probably were the girls that invaded the World Meeting, and a tall teenaged boy. Beside it was one of-

"Out of the way!" a feminine voice cried, as the countries jumped out of the way as a blur of brown and yellow raced through them with metal glinting once in a while and then disappeared into the white door.

For a moment the countries stood there in shock, just staring at the door as if waiting for a bear to barrel in, with their mouths agape.

"Dudes, are you alright? You guys look like you're about to be barreled over by a bear," America asks.

This broke the states from their self-induced trance but only England was able to say, "Um...Who was that?" 

"I don't know. Could be Louisiana or Mary. Maybe Georgia," America shrugs. 

"You know it could've probably been Louisana. She usually wears that yellow dress when cooking so she doesn't, 'ruin her beautiful gown' or something," Delaware commented.

"I suppose," America agreed with his son. "Louisiana does get a lot from her French heritage."

"Wait, French heritage?" France asked, not particularly having paid attention to the conversation between America, his son, and the other countries. All he was thinking was how horrifying American meals must be after seeing America's 'diet' and the fact he was raising children after being raised on England's 'food' as it likes to call. France could practically shudder at the thoughts of America eating that greasy, fatty slop from his country. Terrifying. What was his point? Oh, oui. The French Heritage. Well, maybe their cooking won't be so bad as long as America hasn't ruined their French blood. 

Wait, did America say Louisiana? He doesn't remember seeing any small children there when he visited it. Then again he rarely visited Louisiana. For one, he was constantly battling over the land with England and Spain due to its strategic position, two the humidity would ruin his clothing and there was the problem of those swamps where alligators and mosquitoes were rampant. Frankly, he was rather glad to be rid of it for a nice sum. 

Now that he did know there was a personification of Louisiana, that former testament made him feel somewhat...guilty. A new emotion clearly but a very real one. Did Louisiana and the other territories he had sold to America hate him like England was hated? No, that can't be. He helped America gain his independence and he was France, the country of elegance and amazement, unlike Rosbif. No, they couldn't hate him.

"France, dude, did you die or something?" he heard and looked up to see America staring at him along with the two states.

"Oh, non. So some of your states have my marvelous genes?" France asked, brushing his hair into England's face who then proceeded to try and vomit. Unsuccessfully luckily.

"Well, yeah. Louisiana Purchase you know," America confirmed. "We got some really good cooks during that time."

"That's not all you got," Delaware said with a rather cheeky smile.

"What do you mean Mr. Delaware?" Ukraine asked.

Delaware chuckled a bit before looking over and said, "Well, there's a reason we started getting a whole bunch of states during that period."

"Del..." America and Pennsylvania said at the same time. 

"It's true. You did become very horny during that period," Delaware said, looking over at his father who was blushing bright red.

"DELAWARE!" America accusingly cried as France's 'honhon' could be heard reverberating in the background. 

"Why would you put the image in my mind?" Pennsylvania said at the exact same time, covering his embarrassed face into the palms of his hands.

Delaware just rolled his eyes at his family members before defended himself by saying, "It's the truth."

"Doesn't mean you have to tell people," America cried once more as the three Americans began to delve into a battle about America's sexual appetite and whether it should be mentioned to others. 

The countries (excluding Italy and France) were just...standing there. Looking at each other praying something, anything would end this because well this is weird. Very weird.

"What in God's good name is going out here?" came a heavy Southern accent, feminine voice to save the countries from the awkwardness that is learning more than they what they ever needed to know about America and his state-making. They all turned around to the angel that saved them to find a pretty 18-year-old looking girl who stood a bit taller than the two other states at 5'6 with lightly tanned skin, bright sky blue eyes that resembled America's, light blonde hair that was done into an updo, and she had rather 'large tracts of land'. Don't let America know. He probably already knows. The air did just become far more deadly and that's not just because Russia and Sweden are in the same room. Heck, even Germany was feeling this. Anyway, on her body, she wore a long teal blue dress that covered her body just until above her ankles with puffy and long sleeves that ended in white cuffs with a white apron around her hips. 

Instant France flirtation activated. Rest in Peace, France. Rest in Peace.

"Je suis désolé, Mademoiselle," France said, elegantly while grabbing her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it.

The state laughed a sweet laugh until a loud gasp came from her lips and France felt something cold at the back of his head. France glances over to see America with most terrifying expression written on his face pointing a gun at the back of his head. "What did I tell you?" America asked in a slow, angry tone. Needless to say, this caused France to jump twenty feet in the air and land in the female state's arms as the other nations took a couple of states back and Italy and Romano ducking behind Germany. 

"Dad! We can't have another restraining order!" Pennsylvania cried as he tried to grab the shotgun from their father.

"Daddy, please," the female state said as she put scared nation down who ducked behind her. "You know if you keep doing this, I'm going to die a virgin right?"

"Then my plan's working, Peaches," America said with a huge grin. Was this guy bipolar or something?

The state he called 'Peaches' sighed before rolling her eyes. "Daddy, I'm not child, I can protect myself. Besides, you know how good I am with a pistol."

"Well,...I don't want you to be taken advantage of by pedophiles!" America cried.

Uncomfortable silence initiated. 

This lasted for a while with the nations looking between the annoyed state and overprotective country. Italy was the first to speak up. "Er...Well, ciao pretty bell-" The cocking of a gun could be heard in the background. "What's your name?"

She smiled once again and said, "Hi there. I'm the State of Georgia or Georgia May Jones."

"Wait your human name is your state name, Georgia-chan?" Japan asks.

"Daddy's not exactly creative."


Georgia simply chuckled, "Daddy told us y'all were coming so if you'd like to wait a few more moments, I'll be out with some sweet tea."

"Wait, tea? An American makes tea?" England said from the background. Sure, he remembers trying to teach America how to be a proper gentleman by showing him tea time. Didn't work, especially now that he drinks that overrated dirt. Yuck. But maybe he did learn something? Hopefully.

Georgia turns towards England, her welcoming smile still on her face but her eyebrows were positioned rather angrily and one of her eyes twitched which made the British nation gulp. "Yes, lim- sir. Some do." Georgia then turned away and was about to say something when the clattering of pans could be heard from the background along with some very unladylike insults. Georgia looks over in horror before crying, "NOT AGAIN!" and rushing in followed by America.

"Did Ginny come home early?" Pennsylvania asked nonchalantly to the surprise of those attending.

"Couldn't be," Delaware answers. "We haven't heard anyone being slapped yet." The two look over at those attending who had their mouths wide open before trying to rush the kitchen door. 

"What's their problem?" Pennsylvania says looking over at his brother who just shrugs. 

Once the nations rushed into the kitchen they saw two girls being held back by America and Georgia continuing to fling insults at the other. In America's arms, was the girl in the yellow dress that had earlier zoomed by them but now they got a much better look at her. She looked to be around 17 and was about 5'6 like Georgia with hair like storm-clouds that was tied up in a matching wrap, her skin resembled dark chocolate, and her eyes were golden brown. Strangely, she held some resemblance to Spain and France in the shape of her face and nose respectively. Was this girl Louisiana?

The girl on the right in Georgia's arms looked to be a year older with slightly tanned skin with light brown locks that were tied in braided pigtails and her eyes were the color of the Atlantic Ocean. She was wearing a cream-colored button-up, a brown skirt that resembles the shade of peanuts, black tights, and matching loafer heels. She was also wearing an apron with a giant blue crab pictured on it. Next to the two girls was a howling beagle that just added to the chaos that was erupting in the kitchen.

"Ok! What is going on here!?" America cried as he tried to tighten his grip. 

"She's a tyrant!" the brunette shouted.

"She can't stop putting Old Bay on everything!" 

"Old Bay is good and you know it!" 

"No, I don't because every time I try to eat, I wanna throw it up!" the girl in America's arms. "Can't expect much from someone with English genes."

"HEY!" Georgia and the girl in her arms shouted.

"Have you seen the trash Virginia makes?" she questions.

America rolls his eyes when Georgia finally let's go of the brunette and looks at the two. In an even but scolding tone, "Come on girls, we have guests, and I'm sure they don't wanna hear ya bickerin'."

The two finally look up and see the group and a very offended Brit who was staring wide-eyed at the two. They blushed a deep red and once America knew that they won't attack each other, he let her go. They then proceeded to brush themselves off and the brunette silencing the beagle. 

"Sorry, sir and ma'ams. We didn't know you would be here," the girl in the brown skirt said. 

"Oh, it's alright dear. I'm Belgium and you are?"

The girl smiled and said, "Maryland. Or just Mary if you'd prefer." And loud yap suddenly sounded from the ground and Maryland smiled and picked up the dog. "And this little howler is my dog, Crabcake."

"And I'm-" 

"You guys have been ignoring me for the past ten minutes!" a loud voice resounded through the room that shook the nations that caused some to jump and others to cry. We are looking at Romano. 

However, the states and America weren't surprised. They saw the girl with the grayish hair walk over to a strange horn-like object on the wall above the counter where half cut potatoes and tomatoes were lying and began to speak into it. 

"Sorry, Ginny," she said with an overly sweet tone.

"How many times will I have to tell you not to call me that!?" said the voice unseen voice who also appeared to have a Southern accent and yet it was a bit different than the three other girls.

"I don't know," she continued. "You yell it at me so much that I kind of lost track." A loud groan was then heard over the speaker. "No what do you need?"

"What I need is someone to help me with these groceries," the voice answered.

"Sure, Ginny."

"Don't call me that!"

She just rolled her eyes before walking over to America. "Daddy, do ya think ya cou-"

"Say no more," America answered before looking the three states dead in the eye. "Behave. And that goes for you too, Delaware and Pennsylvania."

"We weren't eavesdropping," Delaware's voice resounded from the other side.

"Yes we were," Pennsylvania's voice said.

"Shut up, Penn," Delaware continued.

Georgia, however, looked very offended. "I'm always good, Daddy."

America gave a skeptical look before saying, "The Civil War." Georgia then shuts up while Maryland gives a smart alec smile. "By the way, got your gun?" Georgia nods before pulling up her skirt to reveal a revolver tucked into a silk ribbon around her leg just above the knee. "That's my girl," America says and ruffles her hair a bit as she drops the fabric, concealing the weapon once again. He then turns to the countries and says in a threatening tone, "I'm always watching, got it."

Then America left and his two oldest boys entered the room. 

"So what was I saying. Oh right, I'm-" she stops again when she notices what she was wearing. "Excuse me for a minute," she says and most assumed she was going to be leaving to change but instead she just stood there, fiddling around with her skirt muttering about "Now where did I put it".  Some of the nations were questioning her sanity when she snapped her fingers. Using those fingers, she grabbed the air and something began to appear. It seemed wooden and oddly-made with bones of some sort being the topper and was nearly the same height as her. However, that wasn't the strange part. 

The strange part was that she summoned it from thin air. Some of the countries weren't that shocked, namely, Finland because he's been around Norway and his trolls, England because he can do magic as well, Russia (or at least he didn't appear to be shocked), Lithuania surprisingly, Romano, and surprisingly Ukraine. That or she's just been desensitized. Who knows. Others were freaking out either outwardly or inwardly, such as Japan for the former and Italy for the latter.

The girl didn't really react to the freaked out nations but instead made a circle around herself using her staff that caused hundreds of golden sparkles to appear. Only for a moment though and when they finally disappeared, there she stood in a long high-low style, purple dress with a halter style top with an intricate green and gold sash tied into a bow at the back and black boots on her feet. Her grayish-black hair now fell into loose curls to her waist. "Bonjour. Hola. Je m'appelle, Louisana or Juliana Evangeline Jones."

"H-how did you do that?" France asks. "And can you teach me?"

"Sorry, unless, you know Voodoo, I couldn't," Louisiana answers. 

The nations looked over at her siblings with Georgia having gone back to finishing up the sweet tea for them, Maryland trying to sneak Old Bay on one of the finished meals, and the two oldest just looking disinterested.

"Is nobody going to react to that?!" Spain cried still trying to wrap his head around what just happened.

"You mean her magic tricks," Delaware asks. "Louisiana always had a flair for the dramatic. She might've even upstaged SoCal once or twice."

Some nations took his word for it since that was the easiest to believe others were hanging their mouths at how he was able to deny something like that? And what of the other states? Well, I guess they are America's children. Still though.

"They are not magic tricks! They are spells. I am not Nevada and his phony 'magic'," Louisiana cried at her older brothers.

Delaware just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, the same spells David Copperfield performs."

Louisiana looks likes she's about to throttle her brothers when Georgia jumps in front with the sweet tea ready to go. "Thirsty anyone?" The nations, very awkward after what they witnessed or just trying to wrap their minds around it. 

As the countries began to drink, they heard Louisiana speaking. At first, they thought that she might be speaking to them, then maybe the other states, but no...she was talking to air. Okay, what are these kids being fed?

"I've never seen you around...Flying mint bunny?... Well, nice to meet you little one. I'm Louisiana," she said to the air. 

They looked over at Delaware and Pennsylvania who looked just as confused. Pennsylvania noticing they were being looked at turned to Lithuania, "We don't know either. She also talks to a 'ghost' at Christmas."

"I heard that," Louisiana says turning to the assortment of countries and her brothers. "First, rude. Second, what ghost?"

"We don't know. You just talk to yourself," Pennsylvania replies.

"Frankly, we think you've been developing schizophrenia we were just all too polite to mention anything," Delaware bluntly continues.

"Well, I haven't and you guys are jerks and the 'ghost' is our oncle, Canada." Blank stares all around. "You know Canada? The country directly north of us? Daddy's twin brother? Quiet guy, pretty polite? Snowy place." Crickets. 

The states just looked at her like she was crazy. "I thought Canada was like Narnia or something," Pennsylvania finally says. 

Cue Louisiana facepalming before muttering about why she bothers and stupid English genes.

Speaking of stupid English, England was still in shock. Flying Mint Bunny was noticed by someone other than him? And one of America's states to boot? It was strange, to say the least. So long he had never known anyone else to be able to see his magical friends and him being accused of being crazy by most countries. That and the fact she could perform magic. It was almost too good to be true. It seemed as if he found a kindred spirit. Besides, he was a gentleman and it was only polite to introduce himself to a lady.

He made his way to the front of the group and stuck out his hand to the state. However, instead of her taking it, but upon hearing his greeting with his accident she gave him indignant sneer on her face. "Get. Out. Of. My. Kitchen," she said with a wicked tone her eyes narrowing at the Brit. It also scared the Brit too. "We already had Ginny ruin breakfast this morning."

"Well excuse me," that same voice from the horn said, they whipped around to see a female England. It honestly sort of disturbed them how much she looked like the nation. Okay, she did not look exactly like England because firstly she looked about 18 and had her father's nose instead of England's and her hair and skin color resembled America's more. However, her hair was far messier than most of the states and was done up into a small bun, her eyes were a bright field green which was framed by a pair of glasses, and she even had England's bushy eyebrows. On her body, she wore a pink blazer with a yellow undershirt and a bright tie. Around her waist, she wore a respectable looking black skirt with matching black boots. 

As they gawked at the Americanized, female England, they failed to notice America standing with bags that towered over his head until Delaware noticed. "Geez, Ginny-"

"Don't call me that!" 

"Virginia, what did you get?" he asked rather annoyed. 

The girl, Virginia, (which caused England to start sweating) just rolled her eyes. "I don't have to tell. Free country remember?"

"I'm still your older brother and do you really want New York hounding you because you spent so much," Delaware continued. 

"Firstly, I'm actually older technically-"

"Should've been quicker signing the constitution which we go by and I'm just number one in everything," Delaware said with pride beaming off him. Now the countries could see the resemblance. 

"You know except land size," Virginia rebutted. 

"And being remembered," Pennsylvania added.

"And where it really counts," Georgia muttered.

"HEY!" Delaware shouts his cheeks a bright crimson. (Spain: Aw he also looks like a tomato.)

"Come on, guys. Don't be mean to your brother," America said as he started to dump the groceries onto Maryland and Georgia.

They just shrugged until Pennsylvania says, "Come on, Dad, it's not untrue. Besides if anyone's number one, it's me."

"Never said it wasn't," America replies.


America chuckles and then says, "But it's rude to say, kay."

Delaware throws his arms in the air and cries, "I'm out of here."

"Oh if you're going, do me a favor and take these," America says, and dumps the remaining items onto his son in a flash that nearly causes him to lose balance. 

Delaware regains balance and then stares at the things that were dumped onto him which included a weighted therapy blanket, a new pair of boots, a couple of books, and a new collection box. He looked up at Virginia with a questioning look.

"Hop to it, 'big brother'," Virginia says with a smile and Delaware rolls his eyes before leaving."

"I better go with him to make sure he doesn't have one of his temper tantrums," Pennsylvania adds before turning to the nations, specifically Prussia. "It was nice to see you again, General. I really hope we can catch up and lunch. And it was nice to meet you too Germany,"

Germany was about to say 'likewise' to be polite but Pennsylvania had already taken off. 

"I suppose, I should introduce myself," they heard and turned to the green-eyed state. "I am Virginia Jones-"

"Ginny!" Louisiana called as she had gone to help to unload the groceries.

Virginia visibly groaned. "As I said before I was so rudely interrupted by others, I am Virginia Jones, the State of Virginia." Well, that explains the resemblance. England remembers visiting Jamestown, Virginia several times while it was still his colony, however, he had never seen a mini version of himself running around though. She at least seemed somewhat respectable and not crazy. Must be his genes. "Also if you compare me to that illiterate hillbilly, I will punch you in the face." That must be America's genes. (Sure England. Sure.)

"You know that's not nice about Westie," Maryland says as she finishes cracking a couple of crab's and throwing their meat into a pot.

Virginia rolls her eyes at her neighbor and sister. "It's not my fault he can't even spell his own name. My God, he spelled it 'Weasst Verjenea'."

"Well, maybe if you didn't put him down all the time, maybe he'd make more of an effort," Maryland commented. "Also, at least Westie can cook."

"Hey! I was just adding a little magic to give the dish a little flavor," Virginia defended. 

Louisiana chuckles. "I didn't know to add a little flavor meant bringing it to life."

"We only just managed to catch it," Maryland added, pointing to a cage with a mass of something, breathing inside. Ew.

Virginia took a deep breath before turning to their guests. "Anyway, I should get back to helping them co-"

"NO!" all three cried before shoving Virginia out of the kitchen.

"Not nice girls," America tells them.

"Do you wanna eat?" Louisiana asks and America looks away. "Exactly." 

They soon went back to their stations when Belgium realized the brunette hadn't really been given the time to talk. "And what about you, dear?"

At first, she turned and was shocked before pointing to herself for clarity. When Belgium nods, Maryland blushes a bit before saying, "Well, um...I like crabs and fox hunting and riding by extension." She looked embarrassed before shrugging, "There's really not much to say."

"Moi Cherie! A pretty belle like yourself and there's not much to say. I for one, don't believe that," France says in his dramatics. Listen closely and the cocking of a shotgun can be heard.

"Well, I'm part-French and part-English, so I guess that's a thing," Maryland says before turning back to her work while giving pieces of meat to her dog. France and England look at each other then back at the girl. Did she just say she was half-French and half-English? How had she not tore herself apart?

Unbeknownst to the states and countries, Kennedy had smelled food and was now wandering into the kitchen. This would spell doom as he noticed Crabcake about to happily chomp on some crab meat. Immediately, the big, white cat pounced on the meat and ate before the beagle. 

At first, Crabcake could only blink.  Where had his food gone? His mistress would never trick him like that. That would be very mean.

He looked up to see the big white cat that the humans called 'Kennedy' with some crab in his fur. That stupid cat. He always takes everyone's food, especially his. Not anymore! Baring his teeth, he growls and Kennedy proceeds to jump up and onto the counter. He won't get away like that though. Crabcake launches himself up and chases after the ragamuffin. It may or may not have caused a couple of bowls and pots to splatter around. But that's alright. His mistress will just clean it. There are far more important things like catching that crab-stealing cat. 

He snapped his muzzle at his tail trying to grab it in his jaw but the cat was just too quick. How? No one knows. Dodge, leap, repeat. Food and future food went flying. Hitting the walls. Hitting the floor as the two pets' paws hit the counter's smooth surface. 

Hands began trying to scoop up the pets to stop them but they were still to agile. Overall chaos over crab. A very good reason truly. Speaking of, he was just about to nab the thief when a pair of small hands grabbed him away from the counter and another pair, bigger this time grabbed the cat. 

((We apologize for interruption now back to your regularly scheduled states tale))

"Look at this mess," Georgia commented as they surveyed the damage, except Louisiana who was freaking out over her nice dress being covered in the gumbo she made for lunch.

"I'm sorry, guys," Maryland says as she tried to keep a hold of the growling beagle. 

Georgia turned but side, "It's fine doll. Just please take him out of here." 

Maryland nods and leaves with the beagle in tow who tried to snap at Kennedy as they pass by him in America's arm. 

"I'll take this guy out too," America says and follows his daughter.

Meanwhile, the two states remaining were just in shock. How will they ever finish lunch in time? They looked down in sadness. Even with the three of them working overtime (they were also not desperate enough to ask Virginia for help). There will just be no way.

Seeing the two broken-hearted states, France stepped up. "Do you need help?"

The two looked up and stared in confusion. "I suppose," Louisiana finally said. 

"If it's alright with dad," Georgia said quickly.

"What would be okay with me?" America says coming back in with Maryland who still looked bright red due to the fiasco. 

France turns to America and with a bit of a scared tone, "Oh to help the girls." 

America glares. "With what?"

France nearly surrenders under that glare but Louisiana runs in front. "With cooking again. We're going to need extra help."

"Oh okay then!" America says with 100 watt smile. It almost comforted France. Until he opened his eyes and they were revealed to be crazy. "Touch or flirt with my daughter, I broke your fingers."

France loudly gulped but nodded before going to help the states pick up the kitchen along with Maryland.

"I'll help too, Mr. America," Belgium said coming forward. "My waffles are world famous you know."

"I guess I'll help, hamburger bastard," Romano's voice came up from the crowd.

"Really, Romano you would do that?" Italy's voice pipes up.

"Sure anything to help a couple pretty bellas," Romano says with one of his rare smiles.

"Oh you're so sweet, Roma," Spain coos. 

America sighs. "You girls okay with this?" They nod. A few more hands can't be that bad. "Alright you have my blessing."

The nations then took their leave where they found Virginia sitting at the dinner table in the eleventh spot. "Hey, kiddo. Wanna help with the tour?"

"Well, I suppose since Georgia and Louisi-"

"You stupid hick!" 

"You obnoxious cow!" 

They countries looked around until they realized that the screaming was coming from upstairs. Was this common in this house?

They looked over at America whose face was one of horror before he rushed past the nations to the stairs and ducked around the corner before disappearing upstairs.

For a few minutes, the nations just stared. Was this what America had to deal with? 

"What was that about?" England finally asked.

"Well, limey, someone must've mentioned Donald Trump," Virginia nonchalantly said. ((Author's note: Don't worry this won't turn political. At most this will just be a one-off joke and a way to introduce the next three states))


Author's Note: Oh. My. God. How did this blow up so much? Well, I just want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my silly story and hope that you continue to read it in the future. And to all the wonderful people in the comments, it was wonderful being able to talk to you and get some feedback on my story. 

Though I do wonder who all those people in the pictures were.

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