Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

15.6K 248 15

My name is Charlotte May Jonas but everybody calls me Charlie. I'm Nick Jonas only little sister. I've been l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 17

339 5 1
By justsochelsea

Like I said don't judge my characters until you read the next couple of chapters, there's a reason why I let them forgive easily and it's because most of characters I write are stubborn as hell and don't like to show their emotions.

Chapter 17:
After I finish eating the yucky hospital food we waited out until my blood sugar was back to normal. Nick went to sign me out, while the boys and grandpa got out of the room while I changed.

I walk out of the bathroom with my bags and out of the hospital room and met up with the guys. We walk to Nick's car and said goodbye to Joe and Kevin as they left. Sam, Nick, Grandpa and I got into Nick's car and Nick drove off to grandpa house.

It took us forever to get their so I decide to listen to my ipod while playing a game on it.

When we finally arrive, grandpa told Sam and I to go downstairs in the basement and turn on the tv so he deal with Nick's punishment.

Nick's POV I was so nervous about this spanking, dad told me that grandpa was the worst at giving spanking than he was himself. I haven't received a spanking since I moved out of my parents place.

Grandpa lead me into his office, he told me to sit down in the chair in front of his desk, and I sat down in his chair.

Grandpa: now Nicholas, do you know why you're being punish?
Nick: yes sir, because I broke one of your rules
Grandpa: and what is that one rule you broke?
Nick: (sighs) don't use your anger while giving someone a spanking
Grandpa: exactly, you know better Nicholas, blood sugar or not it's against the rules. If you did that to one of your students you could have been fired or worst
Nick: I screwed up, I'm so sorry. I know it will take some time for you and Charlie to trust me again. I know she forgiven me but I know deep down in her heart she still fears me

He nodded in agreement he got up and walk over to the door and yelled out.

Grandpa: Charlotte, can you please come up for a second!

Grandpa yelled out loud enough for her to hear, but I was a bit confused to why he's calling her.

Soon enough, Charlie walked through the door and said.

Charlie: you need me grandpa
Grandpa: yes, I need you to do one favor for me

Charlie nods and Grandpa walk over to the closet and took out, the leather belt, paddle, strap and cord. He lay it on the table and Charlie eyes widen and said.

Charlie: grandpa, why do you have those out am I in trouble?
Grandpa: no you're not, but your brother is. Since he's the reason why you are here, you are gonna choose his punishment
Charlie: but I can't
Grandpa: Charlotte, you will do as you're told, or else I will spank you too

Grandpa threaten, he wasn't really going to do it he was only trying to get Charlie to make a choice. I saw Charlie gulp and slowly walked over to the table she look at it for a bit then turned to me, then grandpa.

Charlie: I can't do this
Grandpa: and why not?
Charlie: I don't want him to be angry with me

They both look at me and I said.

Nick: Charlie, it's okay. I'm not gonna be mad at whatever you pick. I deserve it for what I did to you and I want you to fully forgive me

Charlie: I do forgive you
Nick: no you don't. You maybe able to fool others but you're not able to fool me. I know you still fear me Charlie

Tears spills her eyes and she said.

Charlie: yeah sometimes I worry that you will lash out at me again, and hurt me

My poor baby.

Nick: I know honey and I'm so sorry, I know sorry isn't enough but I promise to make it up to it
Charlie: I think taking a punishment for me is good enough for me, it shows me you really care and do want my forgiveness
Nick: thank you baby girl

She nods and looks at the items on the table. She reach her arm out to grab it. I was a bit nervous when she picked up...

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