A Wolf and A Lion || Jaime La...

By burningballoon

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When the King commands Aurelia Stark and Jaime Lannister to wed, Aurelia reluctantly becomes Lady Lannister o... More

Chapter 1 . Aurelia Stark
Chapter 2 - Direwolves, white walkers, and what not
Chapter 3 - A simple conversation
Chapter 4 - The King's Arrival
Chapter 5 - A possible betrothal
Chapter 6 - First Encounter
Chapter 7 - The Feast
Chapter 8 - A Bastard and an Imp
Chapter 9 - One Step to Forever
Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective
Chapter 11 - Two Choices
Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn
Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments
Chapter 14 - An Encounter with the Prince
Chapter 15 - A small present
Chapter 16 - A White Summer Wedding
Chapter 17 - Tragedy
Chapter 18 - A quiet morning
Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes
Chapter 20 - Kingsroad
Chapter 21 - Nymeria
Chapter 22 - Kings Landing
Chapter 23 - Breakfast for two
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure
Chapter 26 - Morning after
Chapter 27 - Meeting with a Stag
Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves
Chapter 29 - An unlikely conversation
Chapter 30 - The Hand's Tournament
Chapter 31 - Confronting a Lion
Chapter 32 - Flowers vs. Mountains
Chapter 33 - A piece of threat
Chapter 34 - One Lion and a pack of Wolves
Chapter 35 . Everything Has Changed
Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister
Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker
Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing
Chapter 39 . War and Prison
Chapter 40 . Battle of the Whispering Wood
Chapter 42 . Growing Pains
Chapter 43 . Eddard Stark
Chapter 44 . King in the North
Chapter 45 . Between Worlds

Chapter 41 . A captured Lion

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By burningballoon

     "We should go, my Lady." Ser Rodrik advised Lady Catelyn Stark who sat astride her own horse beside the knight.

     They were waiting in the Woodlands for the return of Robb's army - if he was returning. There had been no word on which army triumphed at the battle the people were starting to name 'The Battle of the Whispering Wood'. It had been difficult for Catelyn to let Robb go knowing that he may not return.

     "No." Catelyn opposed Ser Rodrik. Her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of her son.

     A moment later, a couple of men on horseback broke through a line of trees as they came into Catelyn's view. Robb rode in first with his men following behind, and Aurelia not far from his side. She was told by Robb that their mother had joined them a few days prior after her visit in the Eyrie, and Aurelia held onto the fact that she will be seeing her mother again. Living apart from her had been dreadful, especially the first few months. Aurelia depended on her mother's comfort, feeling that everything would be alright if she stayed with her. With the news of Ned's imprisonment, she needed her mother now more than ever.

     Catelyn let out a sigh of relief with tears beginning to stain her eyes upon seeing her son's return. Then her eyes casted down to the female figure riding beside him. Catelyn was astounded as she saw her eldest daughter who was only an arm's reach away. She was adamant with the Northern Lords that fighting off the Lannister army must not be the only priority; saving Aurelia from the hands of the Kingslayer should be included as one. Catelyn feared the worst when she heard that Aurelia was with Jaime Lannister wherever he went. In Catelyn's eyes, she was his prisoner and Jaime had no intention of letting her go.

     As soon as Aurelia saw her mother, she dug her heels against the horse's side, and the horse galloped faster towards the end of a short hill where Catelyn awaited. She dismounted her horse, and ran to where her Aurelia was. The two immediately embraced as soon as they were only inches apart. Catelyn held her close within her arms, as if she was afraid that someone would take Aurelia away from her again.

     "Oh, my sweet child." Catelyn whispered to her softly as the tears fell down her cheeks. The mother and daughter pulled away from their embrace, as Catelyn looked on at her. Aurelia still appeared the same, but Catelyn could sense that there was something different about her.

     Aurelia was about to speak when Jaime was dumped to the ground in front of the two who teared away their eye contact to see a beaten knight standing on his knees. Jaime's hands were bound together with a rope, but he did not struggle to straighten his back. Throughout their entire journey from the battle to where they were now, Jaime had been silent. Aurelia had not spoken to him nor even went to him. She would glance from time to time, and Jaime could feel it.

     "By the time they knew what was happening, it already happened." Robb informed the battle to his mother and Rodrik, as he walked to Aurelia's side.

     Jaime took in deep breathes as she straightened himself up. He scanned the people surrounding him, and a sly grin grew appeared on his face upon seeing Catelyn standing right across from him.

     "Lady Stark." Jaime greeted whilst giving her a nod, "I'd offered you my sword, but I seem to have lost it." He said, not following along with how tense the situation was.

     "It's not your sword I want." Catelyn told him sternly, "Give me my daughter's back. Give me my husband." She told him,

     "I've lost them too, I'm afraid. All but my dear little wife over here." He replied with a smirk, as he set his sights on Aurelia who stood stoically. She did not even bother to speak a word in return, but rather looked at him intently.

     "Kill him, Robb. Send his head to his father." Theon suggested loudly, "He cut down 10 of our men. You saw him."

     Robb heard what Theon said, but it was Aurelia who listened. She watched him kill men who swore loyalty to House Stark; her house. All this time they were both trying to persuade one another to help each other; despite knowing full well that if they did it would mean betraying their own house. Their love and loyalty to their families were fiercer than they ever perceived, and that can either be their downfall or their strength. Jaime had the abilities to do anything he please and to kill anyone standing in his family way to ensure their victory. Aurelia cannot stand by a man like him, and she made a promise to herself that she will not fall in love with him.

     Upon hearing this, Jaime's face turned to look upon the Wolf boy while Robb's gaze turned from Theon then to the one, they call Kingslayer.

     "He's more use to us alive then dead." Robb announced, and Jaime would have let out a huge sigh of relief if it were not for the company surrounding him.

     "Robb is right. If we kill him, my father and sisters are as good as dead." Aurelia finally spoke up, agreeing with her brother's decision.

     "You know you can say that you care for me." Jaime teased her, and Aurelia had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes. This was the exact façade he would put up in front of people he did not trust, or just someone he despises. Jaime had done the same thing to Aurelia when they had first met. Aurelia did not reply him, and all she wanted was to wipe that smirk off his face.

     "Take him away and put him in irons." Catelyn ordered, and Lord Umber and Theon grabbed Jaime by the back of his arms for him to stand.

     "We could end this war right now boy, save thousands of lives." Jaime offered Robb, while Lord Umber was still pointing the tip of his sword at Jaime's neck, though the knight did not seem fazed by it. "You fight for the Starks; I fight for the Lannisters. Swords or lances, teeth's and nails; choose your weapons and let's end this here and now."

     Aurelia looked between her husband and her twin. Jaime was not joking when he offered, but the knight was playing with the Stark boy. Being one of the best swordsmen in Westeros that has ever lived, Jaime would evidently win. Robb was no stranger to fighting with swords; having trained with it ever since he could hold one. However, his skills were no match to Jaime. But what bothered Aurelia the most was the image of Robb and Jaime fighting one another; an image she never though would arise; the same as when Jaime fought her father, Ned Stark. It would be a fight till the death, and Aurelia will surely never forgive Jaime for killing her twin.

     "If we do it your way, Kingslayer. You'll win." Robb pointed out the outcome that Jaime wanted to happen. "We're not doing it your way." He stated, which impressed Jaime for a second.

     "Come on, pretty man. Say goodbye to your wife. I doubt she'll be visiting you at all." Lord Umber told the golden knight, whose eyes lingered on Aurelia far longer than she wanted. Aurelia tried her best to not look at Jaime because she cannot bear it. The more she wanted him to show his true side, the more he showed the opposite. Only when he was out of sight did the Northern men begin to cheer out of victory.

     "I sent two thousand men to their graves today." Robb spoke with a prevalent guilt rising in his voice. One of the main reasons as to why the Northern army was capable of defeating the Lannister's quite easily, was because Robb fooled the great Tywin Lannister. Robb fooled the Lannister scouts into reporting that 20,000 men were headed for Tywin's army. Therefore, Jaime was given a smaller army with Tywin holding up a larger host. In actual truth, Robb sent 2,000 men to fight Tywin's army and the remaining 18,000 fought Jaime's. The Lannisters were easily outnumbered, providing a significant advantage for the Northerners. However, that did not come without a cost.

     "The bards will sing songs of their sacrifice." Theon told him, walking up to stand across Robb.

     "Aye, but the dead won't hear them." Robb clarified, turning his gaze to his mother and twin. Catelyn and Aurelia shared a look of sympathy for Robb, understanding how difficult it was for him to send his own men to their deaths.

     The young Wolf walked a couple of steps forwards, overlooking the group of Northern soldiers who survived the battle.

     "One victory does not make us conquerors." Robb addressed to the entire crowd who were all surrounding the hills by the edge of the woods. "Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sisters from the Queen? Did we free the North from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over." Robb's speech gained the attention of all his men, and left them all in silence.

     Aurelia watched in awe upon her brother's actions. What had happened to the boy she grew up with? The boy who taught their little brothers how to properly shoot an arrow. The boy who always lingered on optimism. Robb may appear the same as he did a year ago, but a leader within him was growing; he was a boy no longer.

    She was led to Robb's tent in order for her to rest as the soldiers were setting up hers. It was a definite change in scenery as Aurelia felt more in place with men loyal to her house, and especially now that she was reunited with the very two people she least expected to see. Although it was only her mother and brother, it was better than having none of her family members by her side. Instantly, Aurelia felt secure under the protection of her own house.

     Robb's camp was not a foreign sight, having spent a couple of weeks journeying from one camp to another before Jaime laid siege to Riverrun. Aurelia took in her surrounding while perching herself on the edge of the bed situated at the end of Robb's tent. She wondered how they all ended up in this place. Half of her family were hostages and a prisoner in the Capital, and now here she is with Robb and their mother who was preparing the Northern army to free them.

     Aurelia had put her weapons aside as Robb unclasped the heavy armor he was wearing. He proceeded to sit beside her as she tried to process everything that was going on.

     "How are you?" Robb asked his twin, and Aurelia wished she had a clear and concise answer for him. How should she feel knowing that her husband attacked her father because her mother captured Tyrion Lannister, and now Ned Stark is held in the prison cells under the Red Keep! Aurelia wanted to despise Jaime but after hearing his side of the story, she felt pity for him. Now their houses are at war with one another, and although she chose her family over Jaime; how long would it be until she loses him completely as well?

     "I've had better days." Aurelia replied with a small smile. At this time, that answer would suffice. She was in no desire to speak the troubles inside her heart; especially since she thought that her own dilemmas were the least of their problems. "I should be asking you that question. You are the one leading a host of Northern men. Who would have thought that you would be a battle commander?"

     "I fear it would become more difficult as the days come by." Robb expressed somberly, and Aurelia wished she could take the burden away from him. In the eighteen years of their life, there was never a time where she saw her brother afraid. "I know we are at war, but...I am glad you're here. I don't think I can survive any of this alone." He told her,

     "You are not alone, and you will never be." Aurelia assured him, as she took his hand with hers. "We're going to free father, and then we're going to save Sansa and Arya."

     "That will be a difficult road, Aurel. We won this battle – yes, but what of the rest? I want to be certain that I can bring my men home with me. I want to save father and our sisters...but, I'm afraid." Robb said, "What can I do against Tywin Lannister who has won every war he's fought on?" He asked of her,

     "Lead." Aurelia replied him, "Lead with both your heart, your head, and as you are. That's what father taught us did he not?"

     Before Robb could open his mouth, the entrance to the tent opened and in walked Catelyn and the sight in front of her made the tears trickle down from the corner of her eyes. For the longest time, there was a sense of joy rising up inside Catelyn upon being reunited with one of her daughters. All this time she thought she had lost all three of them, but here Aurelia sits across from her and for a moment, Catelyn had feared that it was all a dream. But the Gods were good to her today, bringing Aurelia back to her.

     Catelyn knelt down in front of them, taking their hands to join it with hers. The three Starks smiled at one another, and this was what Aurelia needed the most. The hole inside her was slowly beginning to become whole once more now that she is with her loved ones.

     "My son and my daughter." Catelyn said before giving a kiss on the knuckles of each of their hands. "Remember, we need to be strong. We need to protect one another. This is dangerous land we are stepping on, and as much as I do not want to admit it, we are at war; and it will never be over until we have your sisters and your father return with us. Only then can we be together again." She continued with such emotion in her voice. Both of the eldest Stark children understood what she meant, and they wanted nothing more than that. All they want is for this to be over.

     "I'll leave you to change and rest. Afterwards, we can talk." Robb told Aurelia before walking out of the tent, leaving the mother and daughter together.

     "How are you, my child?" Catelyn asked her daughter, as she sat on the same spot on the bed where Robb vacated.

     "Robb asked me the same question." Aurelia remarked,

     "That is because we are worried about you." Catelyn explained, "Robb was just as determined to save you. As soon as we heard that Jaime Lannister's forces were closing in, we could not leave you there by yourself. I do have to ask, Aurel...did he – did he hurt you?" She asked about Jaime Lannisters actions towards her. With his reputation, Catelyn feared that Aurelia was paying the price the Lannisters saw her fit to pay because of Tyrion's capture.

     "No...he never did, mother. Not physically at least." Aurelia replied, "I know this may be hard to believe but he was good to me. We had our disagreements in the beginning but, he never treated me wrongly before." She expressed about Jaime to her mother for the first time. Aurelia had left Winterfell a married woman knowing nothing about it, and there was no one she could speak of it in the capital. Sansa and Arya were too young to understand such a thing, Ned was always busy with his duties and Aurelia did not wish to burden him more. Apart from her family, there was no one else in Kings Landing she trusted as much as them.

     "He is a man without honor. You must never forget that, especially now." Catelyn reminded Aurelia, and Aurelia could hear her father's voice through her. Ned had told her the same thing when he asked how Jaime had been treating her. The only difference was that she knew the true reason behind that title.

     "Only because he broke an oath does not make him a dishonorable man." Aurelia remarked, taking both her and Catelyn by surprise. Was she defending him now? Hearing his story had brought a new perspective for the she-wolf towards Jaime, but it also brought her more confusion. It did assure her that beneath all of that façade, there was a sincere rightness within him that Aurelia wished he would show more of.

     "How can you say that, Aurel? What has he told you?" Catelyn questioned out of disbelief,

     "Nothing." Aurelia replied, "It's only that...somehow despite our differences and the fact that he may be abrasive, I do believe that he can change to become the opposite of what people know him to be." She tried explaining to her mother, although Aurelia herself could not understand her own feelings towards Jaime.

     "Oh, Aurel...You always did want to see the good in people no matter what." Catelyn looked on at her daughter, having forgotten how innocent she could be. "Do you...do you love him?" She asked of Aurelia, as her heart stopped for a moment, feeling fearful as to what she would say. 

     "I...I do not know." Aurelia replied truthfully, "But what does that matter anyway? We are at war; we cannot be together."

     "No, but I do not think that that is what's holding you back." Catelyn pointed out, and Aurelia looked at her mother cautiously. There was no use hiding her own emotions from her mother; Catelyn always managed to find out. She always knew her children through and through, and understood what was at their best interest.

     "I'm not going to lie to you mother, and I cannot promise you that you would like what you are going to hear." Aurelia said, "Before Jaime attacked father, father was preparing to leave for Winterfell. He had just resigned as Hand of the King, and father wanted to bring me back home as well. I thought he would give me a choice because if he had...I would have said no."

     Catelyn tried to read the expression on Aurelia's face whilst trying to process what her daughter was trying to say to her.

     "And it was not because I didn't want to see you or Robb, or Bran and Rickon, but it was because I wanted to stay with Jaime. Somehow, I never felt afraid of him. Father warned me about the man he was – or is, but even then, I could not understand why."

     "He attacked your father in the streets of Kings Landing." Catelyn told her,

     "I remember, mother. I was there." Aurelia reminded her,

     "Then you would know what kind of man Jaime Lannister truly is." Catelyn said,

     "I was angry at him; furious even. Not too long ago I was ready to leave everyone behind for him, and now all I want to do is the opposite. I wanted him to feel exactly what he did to me, and so I avoided him. I would not speak to him, nor see him. Just hearing his voice made me more crossed than I already was. But even when he brought me from one camp to another, I made sure to stay close with him because despite all the outrage I feel towards him, he was the only person I felt safe with."

     "You care for him do you not?" Catelyn asked her, though she need no answer because she already knew, and Aurelia dreaded that question.

     "I don't want to be, mother. He killed Jory, and attacked father. Before this, he was ready to declare war on our House." Aurelia said, "He's willing to do anything to protect his family, even if it meant hurting me. Perhaps there is a part in me that cares for him, but I am not going to let it consume me. He's a complicated man, and that makes everything else complex as well. I don't want to care for anyone like him, but-"

     "But you do...Despite everything, you do." Catelyn said what was inside Aurelia's mind.

     "Does that make me a bad person? I'm betraying our own House by doing so, aren't I?"

     "No, that does not make you a bad person. You allowed yourself to open up yourself to him, and that is not a crime. But it will make things more difficult than it already is." Catelyn told her, "Do you know of his feelings for you?"

     "He told me he cares for me, and he was the first one to say it."

     "And do you believe him?"

     "Unfortunately, so. But, I'm still alive, am I not? Perhaps it was good that he cares for me enough to let me live." Aurelia replied,

     "There is a difference between allowing one's life to live and caring for another." Catelyn pointed out the discrepancy, "If he truly cares for you, he would not attack your father from the beginning. Do you know the real reason why we are here to begin with it? Facing a war against the Lannisters, and the crown?"

     "Because they imprisoned father. What else could there be?"

     "You don't know...Your father must have not been able to tell you the truth before you left."

     "What are you talking about?" Aurelia questioned her mother with confusion written all across her face as she tried to make sense of what Catelyn was speaking of.

     "Aurel...the Lannisters tried to assassinate Bran." Catelyn told her, and Aurelia could not process the words she was hearing.

     "What?" Aurelia expressed out of disbelief and the shock she was feeling was clear as day. She thought to herself how anyone would want to kill an eight-year-old boy who has done nothing wrong to anyone? She had been receiving tragic news about her family day by day, and each time it hurts no less than the one before.

     "I believe he was pushed from the tower he was climbing on; he did not fall like we thought he did." Catelyn explained,

     "And you think the Lannisters pushed him?"

     "Yes, and a lot more than that. When they heard that Bran had a chance of living, they sent a catspaw to finish the job. I fought him off, but in the end, it was that direwolf of his who killed the assassin before he could kill Bran. He was armed with a Valyrian steel knife owned by Tyrion Lannister. That's why I took him away. He had to answer for his crimes." Catelyn continued, but Aurelia still could register the shock.

     "Tyrion Lannister wants Bran dead? That makes no sense – what reason could there be?" Aurelia questioned,

     She only spoke to Tyrion twice – once during the feast in Winterfell, and the other before they parted ways. All those times, she did feel uncomfortable but never hostile. He was the first Lannister who treated her kindly, and there was no possible way that Tyrion could be capable of murder, especially an attempted murder at a child.

     "Bran must have saw or heard something that he should not, and all the evidence points to Tyrion Lannister." Catelyn replied,

     "But to have an eight-year-old killed? That's atrocious in every level." Aurelia exclaimed,

     "That is what the Lannisters are, and exactly why you cannot be with Jaime Lannister."

     "You think Jaime knows? That his brother was behind all of it?"

     "I assume so." Catelyn said, "I know this is a lot to take in..." She tried to calm Aurelia down as she was feeling heaps of emotions, and the simultaneous feeling of angry and being despondent.

     The Lannisters started this war when they tried to kill Bran Stark, and everything started becoming clear for Aurelia. All this time she could not understand why her mother capture Tyrion Lannister, which resulted in Jaime attacking Ned Stark and the Lannister army marching onto the Riverland's to wage war on them. But now she knows that her mother was only doing what any mother would do given the circumstances. Someone tried to kill her little brother, and that threat was real. The reason why they were all in this mess was of the Lannisters, and it was the Starks who are suffering the most. With Bran now unable to walk, and her father stuck inside a prison cell – it was all the doing of the Lannisters.

     "No, I perfectly understand." Aurelia told her mother, "We have to free father, and then we are going to make the Lannisters pay for what they've done."

     The fact that the Lannisters attempted to murder Bran changed everything for her, and if Jaime truly knew that someone wants her brother dead showed that he is still the man he was before and nothing in this world can change that. Her husband and his family had shown their true colors, and Aurelia is more than determined to show hers. She thought that this war was meaningless but after hearing about Ned Stark's capture and Bran's attempted assassination, there was no other way to resolve this. Jaime accused her family of starting the war, but the Starks were only trying to defend their own against the lions.

     Aurelia was not sure where this path would mean for her relationship with Jaime, but that did not matter the slightest for her. At that moment, Aurelia only wished for her family to be whole once more. That whoever was responsible for Bran's state be brought to justice, and that her father and her sisters would be freed, and they could all return to Winterfell.

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