Crazy For You (Narry)

By ohcrapnarry

498K 15.8K 4.1K

One Direction; the most famous boyband in the world. As Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam take over the worl... More

Crazy For You (Narry)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Deleted/Future Scenes

Chapter Twenty-Eight

9.1K 371 86
By ohcrapnarry

I wake up a few hours later and I suddenly know what I'm going to do for Niall. I jump out of bed and quickly pull on some clothes. I quietly make my way towards the front of the bus because everyone is still sleeping. There, I make sure my hair and face look presentable and then I take out my phone. I open the Instagram app and start a video.

I only have 15 seconds so I need to be quick and say the things I want to say. I'm known for my slow talking habits so this can be a problem. I close the app and decide to think about what I want to say first.

Once I come up with a decent story, I open the app again and start the video after taking a deep breath. I clear my throat and start talking.

"Hi, guys," I grin. "I think you've all seen that picture of me kissing 'mystery girl'. Well, ironically, that isn't actually a girl. Uhm, it's a boy and his name is Niall and he is, uhm, like, my boyfriend. Right now he's not very happy with me because I was a coward and didn't dare to come out for him but here I am and I hope you all can accept the fact that I like kissing boys and one boy in particular." I finish with a slight blush on my face and then watch the video. I don't think about it anymore and just press 'post' and then it's done. I came out to the whole wide world.

Then, I open twitter and begin a tweet.

@Harry_Styles: I've got something to tell you...

After I'm done I sit back and watch as the notifications flow in. I don't look at them though, I'm not ready for that.

I suddenly feel very tired so I stroll back to my bunk and crawl under the covers. I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.


My growling stomach wakes me up the next morning. I again ignore my phone and shuffle to the kitchen. Niall isn't up yet but the rest of the boys are. Louis gets up first, hugs me, and tells me he's proud of me.

I smile at him and Zayn gets up too then, pats my shoulder and says I did the right thing.

"I can't wait for Niall's reaction," Liam exclaims. "He'll be so happy."

I hope Liam right and I hope Niall still wants me to be his boyfriend. Otherwise that video would have been quite pointless.

I sit down next to Louis and opposite of Liam and Zayn to eat some cereal. To be honest, I'm quite nervous for Niall's reaction. I mean, what if he says it's too late? What if he's going to hate me forever because I didn't do it earlier? Okay, maybe I'm overthinking this. Before I can think of more horrible scenarios, Niall comes bursting into the kitchen.

He doesn't even say anything but instantly walks over to me, plops down in my lap and hugs me so tight, the air is squeezed out of me for a second.

"I love you so much, I'm so proud of you," he praises, pressing himself impossibly closer.

I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close. My heart is basically beating out of my chest because Niall still loves me. I bury my face in his shoulder and curl into him. I missed him so much, I want to stay here forever.

Niall pulls away way too soon for my liking but I forgive him when he starts pressing kisses to my lips. I feel like I haven't kissed him in ages. I'm still holding on to him tightly as I kiss him, not caring about the boys literally one inch away from us.

After we've both calmed down a bit, Niall turns to the other boys, who were probably busy trying to ignore the lovefest going on next to them.

"Have you seen it?" he asks, meaning the video of me coming out.

"Of course we have," Louis nods and smiles.

"'S my baby," Niall cooes as he turns his attention back to me. I blush and hide my face in his shoulder.

''We can go on dates now, and- and I'll hold your hand!'' he gushes. I just smile a bit and tuck my face under his chin. Right now I just want to hide away with my boyfriend and Niall seems to know what I need so he climbs off of my lap and takes my hand. He guides me back towards his bunk and we crawl under the warm covers in only our boxers. 

''I'm sorry,'' I mutter after a while of us just laying there in silence. 

''What for, babe?'' Niall looks at me with a confused expression. 

''For being an idiot and messing up,'' I say sadly. ''I thought I lost you forever.'' 

''It's all good now, Haz,'' he smiles and holds me tightly against his chest. ''I'm not leaving you.'' 

I shuffle closer and press my lips to his. We haven't properly snogged in way too long and I'm craving for his kisses. He pushes me on my back without removing his mouth from mine and starts feeling me up. His hands slowly trail down my chest and I know where this is going and I am absolutely not going to stop him. 

Once his hands find my crotch I let out a breathy moan into Niall's mouth. He starts palming me through my boxers and before I know it, I'm fully hard. Niall swiftly tugs my boxers down my legs with a cheeky grin and his own underwear follows shortly after. 

I'm breathing hard at this point but Niall keeps kissing me and climbs on top of me. He takes both of our hard-ons in his hand and starts to thrust into his hand, dragging his member over mine. I bite my knuckles to prevent myself from making any sounds as my toes curl in absolute pleasure. 

He continues to do this until I can't possibly hold back any longer. 

''N-Niall, I'm close,'' I manage to get out. 

''No, no,'' he sends me a wicked grin and stops touching me all together. 

I gape at him as my hips thrust into the air, searching for any kind of friction to send me over the edge. I'm just about to do it myself when Niall grabs my hands and locks them above my head. 

''Niall,'' I whine and give him puppy dog eyes. 

He won't budge though and just shakes his head. He kisses me again then and teases me by ghosting a hand over my hard-on. 

''Niall, please,'' I say, my voice shaking with need. 

''What's the magic word?'' he grins smugly, raising his eyebrows. 

''I don't know,'' I practically sob. 

''Just try something, babe,'' he whispers in my ear. ''It might be the right answer.'' 

''I love you,'' I exclaim in a desperate attempt.

He doesn't say anything but just takes my leaking member and starts pumping. ''Come on, baby, come for me.'' 

He's barely done talking before I come hard all over my chest and stomach. My orgasm washes over me as I moan loudly, unable to keep quiet. I hear Niall come undone too but I can't open my eyes anymore. I'm still shaking when Niall cleans me off with a tissue and comes to lay next to me. I roll over on my side and hug his nakes torso. I can hear his quick heartbeat when I lay my ear against his chest.

''Are you okay?'' he asks as I'm still trembling a bit.

''Yeah, yeah,'' I breath out. ''That was really good.''

''Wanna sleep for a bit, hm?'' he says softly, pushing some curls out of my face.

I nod and yawn a bit. He sure knows how to tire me out. 

I lazily cuddle closer and tangle our legs together. 

''Sleep tight.'' I hear Niall whisper as he presses a kiss to my forehead right before I fall into a blissful sleep. 

A/N: yay for smut!

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