Escape the Arena (100th Hunge...

By alexamalcom

413 26 21

Peeta Mellark didn't swallow the berries, so Katniss Everdeen died in the arena. 26 years has passed, and the... More

Chapter One: The Announcement
Chapter Two: The First Reaping's
Chapter Three: Capitol Quarter Quell Update
Chapter Four: Tribute Arrival & Parade
Chapter Five: Tribute Training
Chapter Six: The Private Sessions Part One
Chapter Seven: The Private Sessions Part Two
Chapter Eight: The Training Scores
Chapter Nine: The Interviews
Chapter Ten: Beginning of the First Games
Chapter Twelve: Day Two
Chapter Thirteen: Day Three
Chapter Fourteen: Capitol Quarter Quell Update
Chapter Fifteen: Day One
Chapter Sixteen: Day Two
Chapter Seventeen: Day Three

Chapter Eleven: Day One

7 1 0
By alexamalcom

(Ash Coralby (District Twelve)'s P.O.V)

I'm hunting already. For food and for Nick Aberth. I need to kill. If it's food, if it's Nick, I don't mind. Even thought my main weapon is my fists, I managed to pick up a pack and it had axes and a blowgun in it. Lucky me, I have something to hunt with, and possibly use from a long distance.

This forest is oddly humid, but the rest of the arena isn't that cold either. The ground is littered with old, brown leaves which crunch as soon as you step in them. Hence, I'm moving from tree to tree, as best as I can.

I'm as silent as a fox. I don't need the careers finding me this early on. Or at all. Suddenly, I hear the crunching of leaves in the distance. Someone's walking in my direction. After a few moments of intent listening while I conceal myself the best I can in the tree, I notice that it's the sound of one set of footprint, not multiple. It must be a solo tribute, or possibly some messed up version of a mutt.

Plugga Frey comes into view, confirming my suspicions that it was a solo tribute. He has a backpack on him, but his hands are empty. He isn't armed.

I wait for him to get as close as possible, and he ends up directly under the tree I'm in. Now's my chance, I leap off the branch and land right on top of Plugga. He yelps in fear.

In no time at all, I'm on top of Plugga, the blade of my axe lining against his throat, causing a very small amount of blood to come out. I need to be strategic about this.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" I growl at Plugga. Plugga stops frantically trying to fight me, and looks me directly in the eye."
"Why would I help you?" Plugga scowled.
"Are you thick?" I retort. "I can literally decapitate you any second right now"
Plugga looks panicked. "Um, I have water!" he pipes up. I shake my head. That's not good enough. I could just kill him and take the water off his dead body.
Plugga is silent, panicking, stressed, I don't care. I'm about to give up and decapitate him when the boy's eyes suddenly widen. "I can tell you where Nick is with Isaac"

I frown. "How do you know where they are?"
"I'm part of their alliance," Plugga explains. "I went out on the hunt for food."
I consider it. I'd rather have Nick on my kill list than Plugga. "Okay, tell me now and I may let you live."

Plugga lifts a finger, and points in the direction he came from. "Our camp is that way. When you get near a stream, we're near a rock behind it."
I grin and get off Plugga. I won't even need to take his water if they've located a stream. "Cheers," I smile at him. "Consider your life spared."

I hear Plugga breathe a sigh of relief as I run off in the direction of the camp.

(Plugga Frey (District Three)'s P.O.V)

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. How did I manage that? How did I end up alive still? I need to be more careful.

I watch Ash run off in pursuit of Nick, and then I turn and continue along the path I was going. I can't believe Ash believed me when I told him our camp was that way. Making up the stream and the rock did sorta solidify the lie, I guess. He'll be out of our hair for a while as he drives himself crazy looking for a non-existent stream.

I get back to the camp a few minutes later. Nick and Isaac smile at me. "Any food?" Nick asks.
"No," I respond. "But we need to get out of here now. I just ran into Ash and I'm lucky I'm still alive. He only spared me because I told him that Nick was in the other direction. But as soon as he discovers I lied, he'll be back as fast as he can be."

Nick looks terrified. I think he severely regrets not letting him into the alliance, especially since our strongest asset – Kye, is missing.

We get to walking, and soon we actually do come across a stream, which I find ironic. We decide to cross the stream and set up camp around five hundred metres away from it.
"Where do you guys reckon Kye is?" I ask.
"I hate to say it, but I think he's dead." Nick says solemnly. "He didn't meet us behind Isaac's pedestal like we planned, and there is a quarter of all tributes dead."
"I'm not a hundred percent sure he's dead though," Isaac muses. "He was one of the strongest out of the tributes. He scored a nine, remember?"
"Well," Nick declares. "We'll find out tonight"

(Clive Normandi (District Seven)'s P.O.V)

I'm scared. Not because I'm in the Hunger Games (well, I am, but that isn't the most pressing issue). This field looks very slightly similar to the field I had in my dream in the reaping. The dream in which I killed a boy from District Eleven as Slate was chasing after me, and then the trumpets blared. Am I psychic? Did I somehow manage to see my own future? Am I going to kill Shaw? Either way, if that is the case, staying with Shaw and then killing him will put me into the Final Games.

My arm is killing me. Before he met his end, the kid from District Six managed to shatter my left arm with his mace. It's been flopping uselessly at my side ever since, in constant pain.

We've finally reached the stone pillars that we spotted when the games started. We can't even see the Cornucopia from this far away, but this open field makes us easy to spot if any other tributes happened to also go this way.

Shaw is kicking dirt in front of me, clearly bored. But, I'm glad to be bored. It's better than dead. He kicks the dirt past the pillars, and there is a loud frying sound, and the dirt he kicked starts emitting smoke, clearly fried to no end.

"Shaw!" I warn the boy. "Don't go near the pillars. It's a forcefield!"
Shaw gasps, and turns around. We end up making camp outside the pillar, which is the most shelter we can get in this open field. We'll have to hope that none of the other tributes are near us, which I'm confident is true. I saw that all three careers survived the bloodbath, and they're likely to be at the Cornucopia still. The only other tributes I saw who didn't die all ran inside the forest, which is so far away from us now it isn't funny.

Shaw pulls a water bottle out from one of the bags I snagged from the Cornucopia. I managed to obtain quite the plethora at the start of the games. An axe, a sword, a machete, two full water bottles, a bag of peanuts, and a box of deli meats. We'll be okay for at least a few days if we ration. I just need something done about my arm as soon as possible.

(Jace Nicklace (District One)'s P.O.V)

We give up on the hunt. There've been no other deaths today, but we're all pretty knackered. We feast on some of our food in the Cornucopia, and determine that Finbar will take first watch, and we'll each keep watch for three hours during the night.

Suddenly, the Capitol Anthem plays, and we look to the sky to view the fallen. The first to appear is the small kid from District Six – the one who thought was good with a mace.
"Did we kill him?" Slate asks. Finbar shakes his head.
After the boy from District Six, it's Darning from District Eight. I smile as I remember how Slate murdered him so fashionably at the bloodbath. Finally, it's the spear boy from District Nine who Finbar killed with such ease.

No other kills for the night. We decide that we may as well start sleeping now so that we can be well rested for the morning. I can at least trust my alliance to not kill me in these games, as we can all win if we try hard enough.


08:01AM - Kye Lenz, District Six
08:02AM - William Kendendering, District Nine
08:04PM - Darning Elles, District Eight


A.N: Okay that's the end of Day One! I promise Day Two is going to be more exciting! We had three kills of the day, all in the bloodbath. I was mostly sad about Kye. He was cool. I regret not fleshing out William a little bit more, I didn't really get to explore his PTSD-related disorder properly. But, the nature of the games is that these kills can happen at any time, plus I chose to kill him off, so I guess that's that.

I have to say, I do enjoy the rest of these tributes. They're all super fun to write as. I wanna explore Slate more, and Shaw's relationship with Clive. Guess that'll be happening in the next few days.

Also, I've put all of my work into a Word document, and we're about to hit 25000 words. That's crazy, I'm terrified to see how big this will be by the end. 

Again, I want to encourage active readership as much as possible! Comment whenever you want! Even if it's constructive, I'd appreciate it! Pretend you are Capitol citizens watching the games! I'm not sure if it's working, but I've tried making likable characters so you can actually be scared when you think someone might die, like how Ash could've easily got rid of Plugga that one time.

I'm not really here for trying to get fame on Wattpad. I just want criticism of my writing techniques, plus I'm using this to get back into writing. But I won't lie, it's very encouraging when I get votes and comments.

Either way, you all can do whatever I want, I'm fine if for some reason you have a vendetta against it.

I'm going to stop talking about this, it's probably boring you. Plus, I need to plan out Day 2 and then get ready for Uni. ILY <3

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