Fire Emblem: Children of Light

By D_Whimsi

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Twenty years after Mortabe's defeat at the hands of Arturo, the continent of Sanasa has lived in peaceful spl... More

Prologue: Girl from the Ocean
Chapter 2: The Quiet Knight
Chapter 3: A Dark Encounter
Chapter 4: Song, Sadness, and Impetus
Chapter 5: Beginning of a Journey
Chapter 6: Dying Fire
Chapter 7: Attack at Rexeus
Chapter 8: The Child of Light
Chapter 9: Aftermath
Chapter 10: A Talk
Chapter 11: The Return
Chapter 12: The Sage's Story
Chapter 13: A God's Message
Chapter 14: Blizzard
Chapter 15: Arcelia
Chapter 16: An Old Relative
Chapter 17: At the Top of the Tower
Chapter 18: Angelica
Chapter 19: Fire Swallowing Light
Epilogue: End of an Era

Chapter 1: Guests from the North

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By D_Whimsi

  "Brother, wake up already! Father is expecting us!" A young woman--around seventeen years old--stood outside her brother's chamber, pounding loudly on his door. She had long, flowing jet black hair that nearly reached the floor. Her ears came off to a sharp point and her golden eyes glimmered in the morning sun. She wore a loose shirt and pants but no shoes. It was Callista.
  "Ngh... Five more minutes Sister..." Aurelio grumbles from inside the room, rolling over in his bed and pulling the blankets over his head.
  "Now!" Callista's shouts were stern and authoritative, strong enough to break even the most stubborn of wills. "You know Father hates to be kept waiting!"
  "Very well..." Aurelio reluctantly crawls out of bed and gets dressed. He sighs and opens the door, looking at his sister with a sleepy glare. "What's the big deal anyway? It's Sunday, I'd like to sleep in early..."
  "I dunno, all Momma told me was that we have important company. C'mon, they're down in the main room."

  Aurelio and Callista head towards the steps leading towards the main meeting room of the castle. Aurelio walks down normally, Callista hops up and slides down the banister with a chuckle. Aurelio shakes his head.

  "Why can't you be normal for once?" Aurelio says. "Stairs are meant to be walked on."
  "Loosen up Aurelio!" Callista smiles. "You used to be so fun! What happened to the old you? You're all serious and brood-y now."
  Aurelio scoffs. "I don't brood..."

  The two enter the meeting room and stand beside Arturo and Adalia, who were both dressed in their royal attire.

  "You two couldn't have dressed a bit nicer?" Adalia sighs. "We have guests after all..."
  "My royal outfit needs refitting." Callista says. "Can I get a new one? Preferably one without shoes?"
  "Someone wouldn't give me the time to change into mine." Aurelio grumbles.
  "Maybe if you didn't sleep so much!" Callista retorts.
  "Alright, that's enough you two." Adalia says, effectively quieting the siblings. "Listen to what our guests have to say."

  Three women stood before Arturo and Adalia. One had long brown hair and was dressed in light, jet black armor that was accented with blue plating. Another one of the women was dressed in similar armor, albeit hers was much more heavy, almost like Rochelle's armor. The heavily armored woman looked no older than Aurelio or Callista. She had short white hair and seemed incredibly shy, awkwardly trying her best to hide herself behind the other two. The last woman was dressed in a long, flowing cowl and had a suspicious air to her. She had very short red hair and a smirk on her face. The long haired woman steps forward and gets down on one knee, bowing before Arturo and Adalia.

  "King Arturo. Queen Adalia. It's truly an honor to be in your presence. Thank you for allowing this time-"
  "Please," Arturo chuckles. "Stand up. You don't have to be so formal."
  "Oh? Very well." The woman chuckles, a bit surprised. "My name is Maude. I'm a royal knight from the kingdom of Vibestia."
  "Vibestia? My, you three have travelled quite the distance." Adalia says. "You all must be exhausted. Aurelio, Callista, why don't you two make yourselves useful and get our guests some chairs."
  "Thank you, I appreciate the offer, but that won't be necessary." Maude says.
  "I dunno, I wouldn't mind a chair." The red haired woman says. "And a drink if you all have any. I've heard that this kingdom makes excellent wine."
  "You'll be fine Alda." Maude sighs. "Anyways, as much as I hate to be the bearer of this, we've come here to Arqferi seeking your help and solace."
  "Of course, we're all friends here. How can we be of service Maude?" Arturo asks.
  "I'm afraid it's Vibestia." Maude says. "It's-"
  "It's gone to shit." Alda sighs. "The whole kingdom's a mess."
  "Alda! Please show more respect! We're in the presence of royalty!" Maude upbraids.
  "No, it's fine," Arturo says. "But is it true? Is Vibestia truly in danger?"
  "I'm afraid so," Maude sighs. "Our kingdom has been dealing with a bit of a civil strife for a while now. Many have been angry over the appointment of our new queen. They started out with simple protests, but after the crowds were riled up by the sudden appearance of a barbarous warmonger by the name of Sieghild. We don't know where she came from or if she has any ulterior motives, but by her hand, Vibestia has exploded with civil war. I'm just distraught that I can't do more for my kingdom..."
  "That's terrible," Arturo says with a sigh. "The Vibestians are our allies, but, I'm not sure if we can help. Can't you and the rest of the army fight back?"
  "No, I'm afraid us three are the only ones who are still loyal to our queen. The rest have succumbed to Sieghild's violent ways..." Maude sighs. "That's why we fled here, to Arqferi. We were hoping, that well, if it isn't too much to ask of me, that perhaps you could lend us some of your soldiers, so that we may lead a counter-revolution against the revolters..."
  "And I hate to say this, but who knows where else Sieghild will go?" Alda says. "If we let her destroy our kingdom, she'll head out and look for another one to destroy. What's stopping her from coming here, hm? If this goes unchecked, she could lay waste to all of Sanasa."
  "Believe me, that's the last thing I want to happen." Arturo sighs. "The last thing I want is a war, but-"
  "Forgive me for talking out of turn Father, but I say we help them." Aurelio says. "If what Alda says is true, then when need to strike now. If we can take out Sieghild while the problems in Vibestia are still fresh, we can help to restore their kingdom and stop a potential conquest."
  "I appreciate your concerns Aurelio, but how do you plan to stop this? You can hardly fight. From the sound of it, this Sieghild lady is a slaughterer. I'm not going to send my son into a war we have no affiliation with." Arturo says.
  "But we are affiliated. You said so yourself that Arqferi and Vibestia have been allies for a while now. Are we going to allow our allies to rot? We have to stop this, lest this rot turns to more hatred and war comes here. We have to nip the bud while it's still festering."
  "Aurelio, no."
  "But Father-"
  "No. End of story-"
  "Arturo, this is definitely something we're going to have to talk about, but if Aurelio wants to help, then we should let him." Adalia interjects. "But for now, I imagine our guests have had a long day. Aurelio, be a dear and show them around the castle. Give them food and lodging. You too Callista, make haste."
  "Very well," Aurelio nods. He gestures for Maude and her group to follow him. "Come along you three."

  Aurelio and Callista head back up the stairs and into the upper levels of the castle. Maude, Alda, and the girl in heavy armor follow suit.

  "You're Prince Aurelio, correct?" Maude asks. "Thank you, for what you said back there. I appreciate you standing up for our cause."
  "Well someone has to." Aurelio replies. "Not to sound derogatory, but after Father sealed away Mortabe, he's been... scared. He hasn't touched a weapon in nearly twenty years. He wants to keep the peace but... I hate to sound like a downer but those who strive for peace must prepare for war, that's just how it is. Something like this was bound to happen eventually..."
  "Indeed." Maude nods. "I just hate seeing my friends turn on each other like this. I wish I could do more..."
  "I'm going to help you, in some way or another I'm going help." Aurelio says. "So don't worry. Even if it's something as small as giving you a room or as big as taking down Sieghild myself."
  "You have my word too." Callista smiles. "Aurelio and I are practically joined at the hip. Wherever he goes, I'm gonna go, so just holler if you need a hand from me."
  "Thank you, again, thank you all very much." Maude smiles. "Even if it's only temporary, it's a pleasure to be in your company Prince and Princess."
  Aurelio chuckles. "Please, just call me Aurelio."
  "Aurelio, Callista, where have you been?" The group bumps into a tall man clad in heavy armor. Sheathed on his back was a long, slender lance; and his dark brown hair was as curly as a tumbleweed. It was Ian. "I've searched nearly half the castle for you two."
  "Aurelio, who is this?" Maude asks.
  "I am Ian, Lord Arturo and Lady Callista's liege." Ian replies with a small bow. "It's my job to make sure that these two stay safe. And who might you lovely ladies be? Guests of the castle?"
  "That's right." Maude smiles. "Aurelio and Callista are showing us around."
  "And hopefully he'll get us some drinks..." Alda says impatiently.
  "Well, I'm sure the castle chefs will be delighted to know that we're in such beautiful company." Ian chuckles softly. "I'll leave you all to it then. There are some matters down in the barracks that I need to attend to. Oh, and pardon me for stepping out of line, but please behave yourself Lady Callista. Our guests don't need to be bogged down by your mischievous shenanigans."
  "Me? Mischievous?" Callista laughs. "Very well, I'll try Ian. Good luck with whatever it is you're attending to."
  "And good luck to you Milady." Ian bows again and leaves, heading southward towards the barracks.
  "So that was your liege?" Maude asks. "He seems rather nice."
  "A bit flirty maybe..." Alda scoffs.
  "Flirty? No, that's just Ian's way of being nice." Aurelio chuckles. "He's very nice yes, though perhaps a bit clingy at times. Though, I suppose I should be glad he's not as bad as Mother..."
  "Yeah, you don't have to worry about Ian." Callista smiles. "He's actually really bad with women, so you're safe. Clams up something terrible. I'm really the only one he's comfortable around, but that's probably because we grew up together."
  "Is that right?" Maude chuckles. "I suppose we all get a bit nervous from time to time."
  Aurelio stops at the end of the hallway. He gestures to three doors, two on the left side of the hall and one on the right. "Here we are. We have three empty chambers readily available for you all. If they're not to your liking, let me know and I can get on it."
  "Thank you again Aurelio and Callista, you all are very kind." Maude smiles and opens the door to one of the left chambers.
  "It's no problem, I'm just doing what I can to be of service." Aurelio says.
  The girl in the heavy armor shuffles timidly over to the chamber on the right. She looks up at Aurelio, her icy blue eyes meeting his ebony ones. "T- T-Thank you..." She quickly steps into the room and shuts the door behind her.
  "Heh, don't mind Galatea." Alda chuckles. "She's incredibly shy and quiet as a mouse. I'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually though, she did with us."
  "Very well, I'll have to keep that in mind." Aurelio nods. "And if you all need anything, don't hesitate to come and find my sister or me. Our castle is your castle. Wander around, spend some time in your chambers or the courtyards, whatever it takes to make you feel at home."

  Aurelio nods and performs a small bow. Alda shuts the door to her chamber and Aurelio heads down the hallway back into his room. Callista follows after him, stepping inside and looking around.

  "Gods above Brother, you're room is a mess." She says with a chuckle, kicking aside piles of clothes and scattered papers.
  "Perhaps, but I do know where everything is, so please don't move anything." Aurelio replies as he thumbs through one of his bookshelves. "Hm... It's around her somewhere..."
  "What are you looking for?"
  "My tome."
  "What do you need your tome for?"
  "I'm going down to the barracks with Ian." Aurelio sighs. "I've got to learn to fight some how."
  "You're not letting what Father said get to you, are you Aurelio?" Callista asks. "You can fight. I've seen what you can do with a tome, and if you ask me, Father should be proud."
  "Thank you Sister, but up until now, I've only gone against training dummies." Aurelio finally finds his tome resting on the corner of the shelf. It was a dusty Elfire tome who's pages had begun to yellow with age. "I'll never know how good I am until I go against a real target..."
  "Mm..." Callista sighs. "You're real adamant about this, huh?"
  "You know, I've always been curious..."
  "About what?"
  "What made you decide to take up magic Aurelio?" Callista asks. "Just about everyone in Arqferi is trained to use either a sword or bow, possibly both. Momma uses an axe, and now she's trying to teach me how to use one too."
  "Well, I really don't know myself." Aurelio chuckles a bit. "It just came naturally to me I guess. I'm not really nimble enough to use a sword, I'm too light to carry around an axe, and lances and bows just feel funny to me. I seem to have a knack for it too, I suppose that helps."
  "Yeah, where do you think that came from? No one else in the family can-" Callista looks over and notices something that she had never noticed about her brother before. There was a star shaped mark on the back of his neck. A Regnum Stellis. Something about the mark felt oddly familiar to her, and yet she couldn't quite place her finger on it.
  "Is something the matter Sister?" Aurelio looks back, noticing her pause.
  "Hm? Oh! Oh no, it's nothing," Callista chuckles awkwardly. "I guess I trailed off for a little bit there. But whatever, let's get a move on before the barracks fill up. Knowing Ian, he's gonna be running the whole army through one of his training regimes."

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