Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 19: Hollandaze

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By Wingerz17

Song for the chapter is Hallucinogenic's by Matt Maeson


Keane's POV

To catch you up on the past few days.

Everyone is good.

Everyone is so good.

Whatever Angelo said to Arlo worked.

We had a heart to heart.

And the future looked bright.

It was the night before Noah headed of to the Netherlands for a few days. He was a tad excited to say the least,

"I AM GOING TO HOLLAND TOMORROW" he shouted, jumping on the sofas. "AHHHHHH" he screamed.

"You won't be going anywhere if you fall and crack your head open so get down," Angelo said, he pouted,

"Fineeeee" he sat down and crossed his arms, he then began to play the drums on the arm of the sofa.

"I pray for those travelling with you," I said. He stuck his tongue out at me,

"They all know what I'm like,"

"I don't think they do," I retorted.

"What times the flight tomorrow?" Tayte asked,

"'s a 6am flight, we fly to JFK where we change and go overnight to Amsterdam,"

"What time are you meeting?"

"Early, maybe I should think of going to bed,"

"I think that's a good idea," Arlo said,

"Yessss, but I'm not tired because I'm excited. OMG also have you seen Todrick Hall's new masterpiece Forbidden? If no we totally have to watch it and then I'll go to bed," Noah exclaimed,

  "And how long is this?" I asked,

"Ummm...let's just watch and see," he grinned getting YouTube up on the TV.

  "An hour and a half. Noah you do know it's 10pm right?" I then said,

"We're all ready for bed. It's all good. Watch," he pressed play. There was no arguing with that boy.


I have to admit though, it was well worth the watch. The whole message behind the production is incredible.

"Oh My God I just love it" he shrieked.

"Yes that was definitely worth watching," Tayte said,

  "I agree, I like the message behind it and the subliminal hidden messages too," Arlo said,

"How Nacirema is American backwards," Angelo said,

  "And they live on is Noyvart street which is Travyon backwards, the innocent black kid who was killed for no reason than being black," Arlo then said,

"It is a masterpiece," I concluded. 

  "And I'm all outta fucks, don't care. Middle fingers up in the air" Noah sung loudly, we heard footsteps.

"Noah, bed now or you won't be going to Amsterdam" Dad said,

  "You can't do that,"

"I am your father, I can. You have to meet at the airport in less than 4 hours,"


"Yes Oh and I am taking you if you've forgotten, because Angelo has work in the morning at 6, Arlo is helping Malena at Hotel Rouge at 8am and Keane and Tayte are working at Corrigan's all day,"

  "You know what's happening with our lives more than us," I said and Dad smiled.

"I've been informed,"

We all soon headed to bed after that. Talina was still over at Mums. So we wouldn't disturb her with Noah being noisy and still singing songs from Forbidden,

"I got 99 problems but I'll take one more, I love shopping at the asshole store and if you wanna break my heart tonight, take my number cus your just my type," He sung.

"Night Noah, you can come and wake us up before you leave okay," I said and he beamed at us.

"Oh I will, I won't wake you up though," he said running and jumping on Arlo's back, wrapping his arms around his neck and nuzzling in, "Because I'm kind like that," Tayte and I laughed,

"I don't mind if you wake me up Bud, I mean if your waking up Keane and Tayte you'll probably wake me too," Noah grinned,

"Maybe," he whispered into Arlo's neck.


Noah's POV

I'd barely slept.

I was too excited.

I think I had about 2 hours.

I mean I can sleep on the plane, I'll be fine.

It was 2.30am and I'd said my goodbyes to my handsome boyfriend and gorgeous older brothers. I was sat in the car with Dad on the way to the airport, when I got a message from Arii:


I chuckled, and replied:


  "Where are you moving to in Dubai?" I asked, "Near Harvey and Donna?"

"Yes, I've found a nice 3 bedroom apartment. Enough room for you all to come and stay with me,"

  "So this is really happening," I said sadly,

"Noah, don't let this change your mood. This was inevitable. But as I said, this won't change anything. I will still be there for you all whenever you need me,"

  "But you're still going to be an airplane journey away,"

"Let me worry about that Noah okay. You focus right now on the fact your going to the Netherlands and are going to have such a great experience,"

I'd said goodbye to Dad and joined my classmates who weren't as hyper and awake as me. There were 3 professors and an assistant coming with us. I was trying not to be too hyper. Though it wasn't working.

"Noah...Noah come here please,"

"Sorry. I'm sorry. I'll be good. I'm just excited," Brody, the assistant who often helped in our class and who loved me a lot. Put his hands of my shoulders,

"Look at me Noah. Focus on me," I looked into his eyes, "take a breath and calm down for me okay," I took some deep breaths,

"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," I said,

"Nothing is wrong with Noah. Don't think that" he squeezed my shoulder, "You are special,"

Keane's POV

"You awake baby?" I said softly,

"Mmmm" he answered, "Are you okay?" He rolled over to face me,

"You're so cute, I'm okay. Just wanted to know if you were awake," I opened my eyes and he was looking at me,

"You sure?" He asked kissing my nose.

"Haven't really slept since Noah left" I answered and I heard Arlo go for a run at 5am."

"What's the time now?" Tayte said yawning,

"6am. I'm going to have shower and get up," I sat up.

"You sure your okay?" He asked,

"Yes, just bored of lying awake and we have to be up soon anyway," he sat up too, "that doesn't mean you have to get up as well,"

"You can't shower alone," he said with a smile.

Angelo had already left, he'd stuck a note on the fridge saying see you later and have a good day. Arlo joined us after he showered. It was 6.45am and we were sat drinking coffee and nibbling on some toast.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I asked.

"No. Thought a run would do me good."

"What time are you meeting Malena?" Tayte asked,

"She's coming here to pick me up at 7.15pm,"

"How long you working?"

"Until 2, then I'll drop in on you two to see if you need help. Mali and I were meant to be going for a late lunch, but her parents are back from holiday early so she's picking them up from the airport,"

"Does this mean you'll be meeting the parents soon?" I teased,


7.15am soon came around and Arlo left us. We cleared up and finished off upstairs.

"Did your Dad come back?"

"Didn't hear him, he probably just stayed out to meet people or sort things out,"

We then hopped into the truck,

  "Soon you'll be back driving again,"

"Which is going to be really weird, but I look forward to complete freedom," I replied looking at my boot. We swung into the staff parking round the back and entered the diner at 7.45am. 

"Morning princes" Piper said coming over to kiss us both,

"Morning Nanna," we replied.

   "You're early boys," Rory said,

"Thank Noah for that, he and Dad left at 2ish for the airport,"

"Ah yes, he's going to Amsterdam," Rory said,

  "How wonderful, he's going to have a lovely time," Piper said and then, "have you two darlings had breakfast?"

"Yes. We're all good thanks Nanna,"

  "You best not be lying to me,"

"We've had coffee and toast,"

  "Oh that's nothing, come with me. We're not open yet and in sure there's not a queue of people waiting outside, your having a proper breakfast before you work,"

So we shared pancakes with bacon and syrup and another coffee. Before getting to work.

It was relatively busy on and off, lunch time even more so, we didn't even stop for a break. It was nearly 2pm and I'd just cleared away a table and was heading to the kitchen when a sharp pain shot through my body like a jolt of electricity. The plates crashed to the floor and I soon followed,



Arlo's POV

I was just about to come through the door of Corrigan's when I saw Keane go rigid before collapsing to the floor, it was as if he was falling in slow motion. I threw open the door,

"KEANE," I shouted dashing over,

"What was..." Tayte trailed off, "Baby," he gasped,

"What's happened?" Rory said,

"Keane, darling," Nanna said horrified,

"I just saw him go like rigid, as if he was in pain and then he just collapsed,"

"Keane, baby can you hear me?" Tayte said, Keane's eyes opened and he sat up quickly,

"Whoa, take it easy, take it easy babe," Tayte said,

"What happened?" He asked, "Shit, I'll clear that up," he said looking at the mess beside us,

  "Look at me," Tayte said, "hey, focus on me," his eyes darted around and found me,

"Arlo," I crouched down,

"I'm here," I took his face in my hands, "It's okay. I want you to tell me what you remember okay," he nodded, I moved my hand from his face and rested them on his shoulder,

"I...I just felt a pain and then it all went black," he said.

"I'll call for EMTs" Rory said,

" I'm okay," I squeezed his shoulder. We eventually let him get up,

"You go and sit down in the back. I'll clear this up, we're not busy right now," Piper said, Tayte clutched onto him and I stepped back, but Keane grabbed my hand. We sat him down on the sofas and Rory handed him a glass of water which he sipped slowly.

"Did you feel dizzy or light headed?" Rory asked,

"No, it was strange. I think my body just shut down in order to deal with the sudden pain. I promise you I feel fine, maybe just a little shaken," I sat on the edge of the sofa,

"Jesus Keane," Tayte whispered kissing him,

"I'm going to see is Nanna needs any help," I said.

"Arlo..." Keane began, but I still left.


Noah's POV

We'd just landed in JFK. Where we had a 3 hour layover before our connecting flight to Amsterdam. When we got off the plane, I felt a pit in my stomach.


We found an area to doss, people then went off to the toilets, or to get food. I pulled out my phone,

"Noah you coming exploring?" Harlun said,

"I'll be with you in a minute,"

  "You okay?" Zuri asked, I nodded,

"I'll find you," they both gave me a look and I managed a smile. Once they'd gone I called Keane. It just kept ringing, "come on Keane, pick up, pick up," I sighed and tried Tayte.

Keane's POV

"Where's your phone?" Tayte asked me,

"In my coat why?" He pulled his out, 2 missed calls from Noah, "Call him back, he'll be panicking I didn't answer,"


What's happened? Keane's okay isn't he? I got this weird feeling.

Keane is okay. I'll put him on okay

Okay, thank you. Thank you," as Tayte handed me the phone he mouthed, "Don't tell him,"

"Hey Bud, you good? You in JFK now?

I'm fine but are you okay. I had this strange feeling as I stepped off the plane,

Kiddo stop worrying. I'm fine, my phone is in my coat pocket which is hanging up. We're just having a late lunch break. So take a breath and go crazy because tomorrow you'll be in Amsterdam

Okay. Phew, you had me worried there. Yes we're in JFK we have 3 hours to kill before our flight. I'm super excited. Sorry about the worried call.

No apologies needed. Have a safe flight, ring us when you get to the hotel okay, or Skype

I'll Skype you. Love to everyone and I love you so much

Love you to bud



I took a breath,

"It was better lying to him. He'd just be worrying the whole time otherwise, you know what he's like," Tayte said,

  "I know,"

"Are you okay?" Rory asked,

  "Yes, sorry to give everyone a scare. We'll come back out in a few,"

"No, you can go home boys, you've done enough,"

Arlo's POV

"I'll get that Nanna" I said taking the dust pan and brush from her.

"Thank you, I'm just going to serve this couple, is Keane okay?"

"He seems fine," I answered. "I'm sure it was nothing," she smiled and squeezed my arm,

"I love you kid"

She walked off.

"What happened here?" It was Angelo. I stood up,

  "Keane collapsed,"


  "He's out back, I saw it all. He went rigid and fell to the floor. He said he felt a sharp pain. He says he's okay though,"

"How long was he out?"

  "2 minutes maybe, it wasn't long but he didn't know what happened and was shaken up. Please can you check him over"

"Of course,"

  "Also I think Tayte is pissed at me," Angelo smiled,

"Let me check Keane over and then I'll be out for coffee and a chat okay," I smiled,

"Just make sure my little brother is okay,"

Keane's POV

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Angelo walked in,

"I came to see how everyone was and grab a bite to eat. Think it was a good job I did. I hear you collapsed,"

"It's nothing," I said,

"It's definitely not nothing," Tayte said,

"I feel fine, it was nothing,"

"Collapsing means something happened Keane," Angelo said,

"Well you can't exactly check me over now can you. It's happened," Angelo ignored me and took my blood pressure, checked my pulse  and did a few weird tests. " So Doc, what's the prognosis?"

"Your an idiot that's what, high blood pressure and a tachycardic pulse. You're in more pain right now than what your letting on Keane. You collapsed because your body couldn't cope with the pain so it shut down,"

"Baby seriously, I'm not even angry right now. Just..." Tayte began,

"Don't even say disappointed babe," I interrupted. I noticed Angelo slip away, probably didn't want to be involved with our domestic.

Arlo's POV

"What's the verdict?" I asked as he came and sat down. I'd already got us to coffees,

"He's an idiot, which I told him. He is in much more pain today than he is letting on. His body shut down to cope with the pain which resulted in him collapsing. His blood pressure is high and his pulse is almost tachy,"

"I thought we had a break through. He can't hide his emotions if he's telling me to show mine," I said,

"He's probably pissed he's still in pain, Tayte didn't seem too happy,"

"He's so jealous of me at times and I don't understand why! My brother loves him to death,"

"You were able to calm him down weren't you," I nodded,

"Noah used to get pissed off at how close Tayte was to Keane and how he knew how to calm him down so well,"


"Oh yeah"

"What changed?"

"I don't know. Keane spoke with him and I guess Noah knows everyone's relationship with Keane is different. Even though Keane and Tayte never argue. I'm sure bubbling beneath the surface is a full blown fight,"

"Maybe I'll talk to him. Did Noah get to JFK okay?"

"Yes he rang me before I got here. He was just getting on the second flight and said he'd call me when they land,"

"Look at you two" Keane teased,

"We're not in the mood Keane," his face dropped,

"I am okay, I'm sorry about being so blazè about the collapse but I needed to brush it off otherwise I would have totally lost it,"

"Thanks for your honesty Kid, is it okay if we have a little chat later?" I asked,

"Of course. But seriously though thank you for calming me down,"

"No thanks needed. I'm just glad you respond to me,"

"Your my older brother, of course I am going to," I hadn't noticed Tayte has disappeared until reappeared with Rory,

"We're heading back home. Rory said its okay, they're not too busy and that you should go rest Keane,"

"Oh, you two coming back now?" Keane asked us,

"I'll be back later. I'll probably stay and help here since you two are going home," I replied, Angelo's phone then rang.

"Okay," Keane hugged me,

"Just take it easy okay. Ring me if you need me,"

"I have to go, someone has fallen down some stairs. I'll see you later," Angelo said,

"Catch you later," I told him, he smiled.

"I love how close you two are," Keane said.

"Me too," I answered.

Keane and Tayte soon left,

"You didn't have to stay darling," Piper said,

"Of course I did Nanna,"

Keane's POV

"You're quiet, you sure you're okay" Tayte asked as he pulled,

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied;

"You have a tone,"

"I have no tone, but I will if you continue," he didn't bite. When we pulled up into the drive, he cut the engine.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't apologise," I said climbing out.

"But your mad at me,"

"No, I'm not," I said kissing him. Talina was drinking a mug of coffee sat at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. I wrapped my arms her and kissed her cheek,

  "How are you darling?" She asked smiling.

"Been better," I asked sitting opposite next to her.

   "What's happened?" She asked,

"He collapsed," Tayte said,

  "Keane," she said horrified,

"It was nothing."

  "Really are you starting this again?" Tayte said,

"Okay, I felt an excruciating pain and my body shut down, but Angelo checked me over," I said,

  "Yes, and he said you had high blood pressure and an elevated heart rate,"

"And you haven't been to the hospital?"

   "No, because I am okay," Talina was giving me the look,

"Go and chill out the two of you. I'm cooking some dinner. Actually, maybe take a shower first,"

  "Are you mad?" I asked,

"More worried Keane," She said, "More worried"


Noah's POV

After I knew Keane was okay I ran and found Harlun and Zuri. We grabbed some food and headed back to base to chill before we all played the game heads up. The time seemed to fly by and before we knew it web were heading to board out second flight to AMSTERDAM! I gave Lolo a quick call and said I'd Skype when I got there tomorrow. I was in between Harlun and Zuri on the right side of the plane. Not long after take-off food was brought around,

"FOOD" I exclaimed,

"I am STARVING," Harlun sang,

   "You two are always hungry I swear," we just grinned at her.

So, the flight was 7 and a half hours give or take a few minutes. We'd land at 5.55am due to the time difference, which is I think 9 hours. Amsterdam is 9 hours ahead of Malibu.

  "We are going to have such a good time," I hollered, "Party in the Dam," they both laughed, and I got a weird look from this old lady I just grinned at her.

"Okay this food is good" Zuri laughed,

"Heyyyy, we don't have ours yet," Harlun and I giggled. This was going to be a fun flight.

Arlo's POV

I left Corrigan's at 6pm, Rory had offered a lift, but I insisted I was happy walking. I'd gone 5 minutes when my phone rang,

"You still at Corrigan's?"

It was Angelo,

"No, I'm walking home

Jesus. No, you are not, I'm done for the day, I'll swing by and get you. Don't move" I couldn't even reply because he'd hung up. My phone then rang as I was putting it in my pocket, I rolled my eyes,

"You coming home? Talina saved you some dinner. We ate early

I'm actually on my way

Your walking home from Corrigan's. No, not happening. I'm coming to get you.

You can't drive yet and don't worry. Angelo is coming to get me

Oh thank lord

What is it with you lot and me walking home from Corrigan's?

Ask Angelo. He'll tell you.

Why can't you?

Because..." He trailed off and I heard,

"Why are you standing up? Who you talking to?"

"I've been stood up for like 2 minutes. I'm fine and Arlo, he's on his way home,"

"Thought as much,"

"Sorry, I'll see you in a bit. Love you

I love you too," as soon as I got off the phone Angelo pulled up, I climbed in. "So, Keane freaked out when he thought I was walking home too and he told me to ask you,"

"Last year, when shit went down. Keane needed time to register what was going on and he ended up at Corrigan's. He was walking home when he got attacked and beaten by a group of thugs. I found him in a bad way on the side of the road,"

  "Shit. Wait, the guy who hit Keane, when he answered the door a few weeks back was one of them. I took care of him,"

"In the words of Noah. Are you a secret ninja?" I laughed,

  "No, but I'm trained in martial arts,"

"There's a lot about you we don't know isn't there. I mean I know you've told Keane and Tayte a bit but..." He trailed off.

  "I told them what I wanted to. I joined the army at 18, I told them I just travelled and worked. I soon worked my way up the ranks into the elites. The spooks. I was on a mission when Mum got in contact with me. I'd just been awarded the Victoria Cross,"

"You were awarded the Victoria Cross, bloody hell Arlo that's incredible,"

"My team was ambushed, bombs were going off all around us, gunfire from all angles. My men were being picked off. I sacrificed myself as a diversion to save them all. I took 3 bullets to the back and 2 to the lower abdomen, as I was setting fire to a gas canister in the back of a truck. I still managed to drive the trucks towards the main building the shots were coming from and jump out before it blew up."

"Jesus Arlo,"

"My scars remind me of it every day. But my team all survived, and I pulled through somehow. Now I realise it was for my siblings,"

"I think you should tell Keane this,"

"I can't."

"Why can't you?"

"Because he worries about me enough. And I know he wanted to join the army and he'll be upset and angry and...I've never told anyone about this Angelo. I try to forget it happened. I should have died. I was sacrificing myself to save my team and die. But they saved me like I saved them,"

"I admire you so much Arlo. You are so brave. Thank you for sharing this with me. You know I love you brother," I smiled,

"I love you too, thanks for always listening,"

We got home around 6pm. Keane hugged me as soon as we got through the door.  

"I'm alive and I'm fine," I said. "How are you feeling?"

  "I'm okay, honest,"

"Darlings there's left over stew on the hob,"

"Thanks Auntie," Angelo and I hollered.

"I'll get yours ready too," I said to Angelo,

  "Thank you. I'll be 10 minutes," He replied walking off.

"You two really are close aren't you," Keane said for the second time in the day.

  "We are,"

"Come join us in the sitting room when you're done. Also, do you want to have that chat tonight?"

"That would be good," he smiled and sauntered off. I heated up the stew and pulled out my phone, I had a text from Mali:


I smiled and quickly replied:


I served up the stew as Angelo came down and cut some bread before we entered the sitting room. Talina was sat on one sofa with her legs sprawled out and Keane and Tayte were led on another. We took a pew on the third sofa.

  "Good day darlings? Despite Keane," Talina asked, Keane rolled his eyes.

"Busy but fine, what about you?" Angelo answered,

  "Very lazy," she answered, "And you Arlo,"

"Eventful," I answered. She smiled at me.

  "It's quiet without Noah," Keane said,

"Yes. I'm missing my little ball of fun; did you tell him what happened?" Angelo said,

  "He rang thinking something was wrong. I didn't tell him because I didn't want to spoil his trip. Sorry, I meant to say before," Keane replied,

"It's for the best, don't worry,"

We demolished the stew which was to die for. It was around 8pm after I'd showered and changed. I entered the sitting room,

"Can I speak with you now Keane?" I asked,

"Of course," he got up, Tayte did too,


"Babe chill. I'll be back in a bit, don't give me that look or Arlo. I am allowed to speak with someone without you being present," I hid a smile, and walked out as Keane followed. "Should I be worried?" I didn't reply, "Are you okay?" We entered my room and sat on my bed. "Kind of worried right now." I smiled.

"Don't be worried, I just...I spoke to Angelo about a few things today and he urged me to talk to you,"

"Good. You can talk to me about anything,"

"Even when it's to do with your boyfriend?"

"Is this about his jealousy?"

"Look I know Tayte cares about and loves me. But the way he looks at me sometimes when you want me and not him, or when I'm able to comfort you and not him is..."

"I know Arlo. I see it too and I tell myself he can suck it or grow up. I love him more than life, but I agree. He needs to understand there are other male figures in my life who I also love more than anything,"

  "There's over protective and there's Tayte," he laughed,

"I'll speak with him. Noah had the same problem with him. He just ignores Tayte now when he gets all stupid,"

  "The thing is Keane. I can't just ignore it, that's not who I am. That's no how I brought myself up," I saw him wince at that remark,

"Do you want to talk with him with me present?" He asked,

"I just want him to understand he's not the only one in your life,"

Shit that sounded so in secure.

"Arlo, no one will ever replace you. Never. You have changed my life and I promise you that no thing or no one will get between what we have," he hugged me.


"No apologises needed brother. I promise I'll talk to him. I mean...we'll probably have our first major argument but it's about time. We nearly had one in the car,"

"I don't want you to fight because of me," he laughed,

"Trust me. It won't be because of you," he answered, "What was the other thing you spoke to Angelo about?" I looked down at my hands, "Bro?" I stood up, "Arlo you..." I went to my bedside table an pulled open the draw, and pulled out a sock, slipping out a small gold case and handed it to him, "What is it?"

"Open it," I told him, walking over to the French doors that led to the balcony.

"Is this...Arlo is this...shit...we're you given the Victoria Cross? You were in the army you..." He got off of the bed and came over to me, "Talk to me Arlo, please,"

  "I lied to you and Tayte before. I joined the army at 18 years old. That's why I travelled. I soon worked my way up the ranks in quick time into the elites. The spooks. The best of the best. I was on a mission when Mum got in contact with me. I'd not long been awarded the Victoria Cross, after events that prior,"

"What happened?" He asked softly,

"My team was ambushed, bombs were going off all around us, gunfire from all angles by the enemy. My men were being picked off one by one. Something needed to be done or we were all going to die. I sacrificed myself as a diversion to save them all. I took 3 bullets to the back and 2 to the lower abdomen, as I was setting fire to a gas canister in the back of a truck. I still managed to drive the trucks towards the main building the shots were coming from and jump out before it blew up."

"Jesus Arlo, Shit..."

"My scars remind me of it every day. But my team all survived, and I pulled through somehow. Now I realise it was for you and Noah and Arii" I pulled off my t-shirt, he traced his fingers over the bullets hole scars,

"Why didn't you tell me you were a hero? That you went through all that,"

"I'm no hero,"

"Yes you are. You are my hero and you are a hero to a nation. Don't keep things like this from me okay. Never. I want to know it all, I promise to from now one. Always tell you how I'm feeling okay. I want you to promise me you'll tell me your story before the world gets to hear it," I smiled,

"I promise Keane. I promise," I pulled him in for a hug and kissed the top of his head, "I love you so much,"

"I love you more,"

It was 10pm when we headed downstairs. Tayte was led on the sofa flicking through channels, Talina was reading and Angelo was on his laptop.

"All okay?" Tayte asked. Keane nodded as I flopped on the sofa. He then joined me, resting his head against my shoulder, Tayte watched us,

"Is Noah still in the air?" Talina asked, noting the tension in the air.

"He should be. They are meant to be landing at 5.55am. The time difference is 9 hours," Angelo replied,

"We behind?" I asked,


"Shouldn't they have landed?"

"No, they haven't been flying long enough. I'm sure the time difference will sort itself out," Angelo responded. "He'll ring or Skype when he's there, so we'll know then,"

"Would any of you darlings like a drink?" Talina asked.

"Yes please Auntie," Keane said moving to get comfy on me, I looked at him with a smile, he grinned,

"No I'm good thanks. I'm going to head to bed soon," Angelo said,

"I'll have whatever Keane's having," Tayte answered.

  "And what is Keane having?" Talina asked,

"Surprise me," he grinned and she rolled her eyes.

  "And Arlo?"

"Can I have a chai latte please Auntie,"

  "Of course,"

"I'd like that too," Keane then said,

  "Such a child," I told him. Talina left the room.

"You mad at me?" Tayte asked,

  "Why would you say that? Because I'm not led with you, because I spoke to Arlo without you? Because I'm led on him,"

"Pretty much yeah, so are you?"

"No babe I'm not angry at you, so don't make me,"

"Could have fooled me," I sat up,

"Seriously, do you really want to go there,"

"Keane, not here," Arlo said,

"We can argue wherever the hell we want" Tayte snapped at me,

"Don't shout at him," Keane stood up, "If you want to argue. Lets argue,"

"Fine," he grabbed him by the hand and they both stormed out.

"This is my fault," I said,

"This was going to happen at something," Angelo responded. Talina appeared, she handed us both drinks,

"Don't think you'll be going up there quite yet," she said to Angelo.


Keane's POV

"Shit," Tayte said, "I don't want to do this. I don't want to fight with you. It's not what we do,"

"No, we suppress how we feel about each other. We push it down and further down until we can't take it anymore,"

"That's what you do. I always tell you how I feel, you're the one who tries to hide it,"

"I do it to protect everyone,"

"I don't bloody need protecting Keane. Jesus why can't you understand that. I love you. I love you more than anything in this world and you still don't trust me,"

"Don't bring up the trust word. I trust you more than anyone,"

"More than Arlo?"

"This is why you're really mad aren't you. It's Arlo. I know how much you care about him and love him. But your jealous, you despise how close I am to him, how he's able to calm me down, how I sometimes want him over you. I can see it and so can he,"

  "That's what he spoke to you about. Me,"

"So you're not denying it,"

"There's nothing to deny. I'm not fucking jealous, sometimes I get pissed that you don't want me,"

"But I do want you. I've always wanted you. But you have to understand that you aren't the only one in my life,"

"I know that. Noah and Angelo and Arlo are my brothers too,"

"No, Noah and Angelo are, but you look at Arlo and are jealous. Just admit it,"

"Jesus that's not true,"

"So the evil looks and reactions are nothing are they,"

"Christ this is pathetic, we're pathetic, what are we doing?"

"I don't know. I don't like it...I just..."

"We need to get passed this,"

"What are we getting passed though? Why the fuck are we arguing over pathetic petty nonsense," I shouted.

"Because we don't fight. There is nothing I have to fight about with you,"

"So I'm the one starting the fights. Starting the anger?"

"I worry about you. You get mad at me for asking if you're okay, for asking if we're okay, I can see it in your eyes, your pain. But you won't let me in."

"How can you say that? I have let you've seen me at my worst. You've seen a side of me I didn't even realise exists and here you are stood in front of me. Telling me I won't let you in." I said, "Christ that hurts, that really hurts,"

"It hurts because it's real," he said,

"No it's not. What's real is your jealousy,"

  "Are we really going back to this. I. Am. Not. Jealous okay. I just get protective. Protective of you that maybe sometimes I may come across that way. But I'm not. Happy now,"

"No. No I'm not. I'm angry and mad and this feeling, inside of me right now. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing," he took a step towards me, "Don't, please don't,"


"Don't...I promise it's not you I just...I need to get out of here," I left the room,

  "Keane," he came after, I went downstairs, "Babe please,"

"Everything..." Arlo began, the look I have him made him trail off, I walked to the kitchen and tore out the door,

"Keane please wait," I was crying now, "Baby,"

He still followed.

He would follow me anywhere.

No matter what I said.

No matter what I did.

He was always going to be there.

He would never leave me.

He would never leave.

When I reached the beach, I sunk down in the sand. The air was cold, a slight chill hung in the air. Arms wrapped around me.

Tayte's arms.

The arms of my whole world.

Of my lifeline.

"I love you Keane. God, I love you so much and it's okay. We are okay. We will always be okay," I wrapped my arms around him,

"I'm sorry. Babe I love you so much. So much that my heart hurts. So much that I go crazy just thinking of being without you,"

"You never have to be sorry. I'm sorry. For coming across the way I did, for making you angry, for making you upset. All I want to do is make you happy,"

"You are the only thing I need. You are my happiness, you are my everything. We've come too far to let anything beat us. Ignore my moods, ignore me getting angry. I shouldn't take it out on you. I just struggle sometimes and I'm scared"

"You don't have to be scared. I'll always keep you safe and your right. You opened your heart and your mind to me and I honestly couldn't be prouder. Baby you are strong, you are much stronger than you realise, and your strength is what keeps this family afloat, your strength is what makes you so special,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too," our mouths collided, and we were breathing without air, because we were one another's oxygen.

We were one.

Arlo's POV

Angelo and I had got worried around 2 hours after they left the house. It has just turned midnight and we found then asleep on the beach, we smiled at each other,

"Looks like they made up" Angelo said,

"I'm so glad," I replied, "We can't leave them out here though. There's a chill in that wind,"

We woke them both up and managed to get them back into the house and into bed, they were both like zombies and probably didn't know what was going on.

"You on early's or lates tomorrow?" I asked Angelo before we parted ways,

  "Lates, so I'll see you in the morning brother,"

"Night Bro,"


Much Love Always


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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